Chapter 3: sisters necklace

Dear diary another day went by and I'm still no closer to figuring out why I ended up in a tv show. The guys are really nice but I think I might be getting a crush on raph well, for now, I got training so excuse me diary.

-In the lair-

Splinter walked into the living room, Marissa was watching an anime on tv while the others were playing some video games.

"Oh hey. Want some tea I made?" Marissa waved to Splinter. Who gave a look that was almost intrigued.

"No thank you my sons and you have training now." Splinter said Marissa caught the hint so she got up and walked over to Splinter.

"Oh. Training," said Donie.

Each got up to train. Marissa was smiling happily. "So what are we learning today."

"To not underestimate your enemy. That is why, Marissa, you will be the example for this." Splinter said in a simple tone once they were in the dojo. "My sons, today's lesson will be about underestimating your opponent. Raphael will spar with Marissa."

"I'm sorry but you want me to spar with Raph?" Marissa asked in both nervousness and shock. "So me getting beat up is the idea."

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on ya," said Raph.

She rolled her eyes. "I guess then we should begin again."

Splinter whispered in her ear and she laughed. The two got into the ring and Splinter said, "Hajime!"

Raph charged at Marissa and punched her. She blocked the blow but still flew backwards. She covered her eyes and started crying.

"Why did you do that?" she asked between sobs.

"Oh, man. I'm so sorry," Raph said as he went to help her.

Once he was close enough, Marissa smirked and punched Raph's jaw. And then she kicked him in the plastron and sent him flying into the tree. Raph was seeing stars.

"Yame!" Splinter said. He looked down at Raph as he recovered.

"You fake cried," Raph said to Marissa.

"Splinter asked me to help earlier. Come on, Raph did you really think I'd be so nervous. I am just as strong as you." She blew a kiss.

"You see what happens when you underestimate your opponent?" Splinter asked. "You assumed Marissa would be easier because of your brute strength. You forgot that she is just as strong, and arguably smarter."

Marissa put her hands behind her head. "Plus I was trained by my uncle before this. There's the whole "I know how to fight" thing." She walked over to the mat. "Now if it was Splinter I'd definitely lose."

"It wasn't exactly a fair fight," Leo mumbled to himself.

"I heard that," said Splinter, walking up to Leo. "What exactly do you mean by a fair fight?"

"You know. A fight where both sides have an equal chance of winning," said Leo.

"So a fair fight is a fight you could lose?" Splinter asked.

"Yes," said Leo, and then he realized what he said. "Uh, no. I mean-gah!"

Before he could continue, Splinter grabbed Leo and flipped him over his head to the floor. And then he held him down with his cane.

"Was that fair?" Splinter asked.

"No!" Leo said.

"Did I win?" Splinter asked.

"I see your point," Leo said. He was let up. splinter stroked his chin.

"Since you need a lesson in winning no matter what. I have a prize for a little lesson. Marissa here will guard a scroll you will pretend she stole it and if any of you can retrieve it from her you win but if you can't she wins." Splinter took out a piece of paper and handed her the scroll.

"So, we just have to steal a scroll from her?" Leo asked. And then he laughed. "I think we can handle that."

"Hum, we'll see." Splinter said Marissa looked at him.

"So I just have to make sure they don't get it right?" Marissa asked in a mischievous tone.

"Yes," Splinter said with a smile.

"Huddle up, guys," said Leo, pulling his brothers together. "Okay, we might be able to take her down by hitting her in all directions. Raph, take the front, Mikey, take the right, Donnie, take the left, and I'll come from behind."

Marissa was holding a candle in one of her hands while they talked. "Are you ready guys!"

"Ready!" The turtles said as they circled her. That was when Donnie noticed the candle.

"What's that for?" He asked.

She placed the paper over the candle fire. "It's for this." The paper engulfed in flames and she dropped it before letting it burn to ash and stomping it out.

The turtle's jaws dropped as they watched the scroll incinerate into ashes on the floor. The key to their victory, it was destroyed and its contents lost forever.

"Why would you do that?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. You didn't win either!" Mikey said.

"On the contrary, she was the victor today," said Splinter. "If this had been real, she would have had time to read the scroll herself and learn its secrets. However, you underestimated her. So, Marissa wins."

"Plus he didn't say I had to keep it. He just said I had to make sure you didn't get it. So I burned it." Marissa smirked.

"And so Marissa will not have to clean the lair top to bottom before going out." Splinter said with a smile.

"So….. Who will?" Raph asked, not liking where this was going.

"You four will," said Splinter.

The turtles groaned as Splinter walked away laughing.

-5 hours later-


Marissa waited up top by an alleyway for the boys. While waiting, she heard a noise and brandished her weapons. She crept over to check it out and moved a trash can. Her expression turned to surprise at what she found.

"We're here!" Mikey called as they arrived.

"What did we miss?" Raph asked. Marissa did not respond. "Marissa? You okay?"

Marissa turned around and revealed….. A little tuxedo style kitten in her arms. It meowed at the turtles.

"Awww!" Said Mikey. "It's a little kitty!"

"It's wearing a collar. It must be lost," said Donnie, noticing the tag.

"Mittens!" a man's voice called.

"That's her name," said Donnie, who was reading the tag. "That must be her owner."

"Marissa, think you can take the cat back?" Leo asked.

"No problem." She picked up the cat and went to bring the cat back.

"Mittens!" the owner called. Marissa pressed a button and his voice responded. "Hello?"

"Hi. I found your kitty," said Marissa.

"Really?" The owner said. "I'll be right down."

Marissa waited at the door for a moment; it seemed to take them a bit. The owner finally came out and had a smile on his face.

"There you are, Mittens," he said while taking his kitty. "Thank you so much for finding her. I should give you a reward."

She wasn't gonna deny a reward. "Do you have a few sodas? That's enough for me if you do."

"I have some cans of cola and orange in my place," he said.

"Cool my brothers love soda so I can take a few back with me."

"Sure thing, miss," said the man. He opened the door and allowed her to come up to get her soda.

The turtles watched the building for a bit until Marissa came back out with two boxes of soda. "Thanks. Have a nice day, sir."

"You too, miss," he said back. He even had his cat wave goodbye with her paw.

Once the door closed she went up to the roof.

"You got us soda?" Mikey excitedly asked.

She nodded opening the boxes and tossing each of them a soda. The turtles each opened a can and drank up.

"Man, that is good!" Raph said. "And I thought pizza was awesome!"

She smiled happily. She laid her head on Raph's shoulder.

"Thanks, Mari," said Mikey. As he started drinking, Mikey saw something and spit out his soda all over Donnie. "Dude!"

"Hey!" Donnie shouted angrily.

"Sorry," said Mikey, rubbing his neck. "Check out that billboard! It's my idol! He's in town!"

Marissa and the other three looked up and saw a billboard of a brunette man with a beard holding nunchucks. They all looked annoyed at him.

"Seriously?" Leo asked. "Chris Bradford, the martial arts superstar with a chain of dojos across the country. He's your idol?"

"We could totally be friends. We have much in common," said Mikey while imitating his pose.

Marissa gave a look that said there is nothing that you and that man have in common. "I had a dream about that guy. I don't like him."

"He's a phony," said Raph.

"He is not! He's awesome!" Mikey shouted. "And he's in town for a martial arts expo. Maybe I can meet him and he can show me his secret kata "the Death Dragon" and I can show him my secret kata "the Secret Kata."

Marissa held a deep breath. "I don't like him."

"Oh come on. You haven't seen what this guy can do!" Mikey argued. "I bet if we met, we could be best buddies."

Marissa gave him a 'doubt it' look. Honestly, she was sure he would do what he did in the show. She jumped down when she and her friends walked down the alleyway.

"Mikey, Chris Bradford is famous. There is no way he would wanna hang out with you," said Raph.

Leo had everyone stop. "We've got company." Marissa saw the Foot ninjas and a masked man that looked like from the show.

She and Raph kept their backs together only for the man to look at Marissa. "Marissa, that guy. We need to take him down."

"On it."

The two ninjas teamed up and charged at him. He was very fast and also strong, but Raph and Marissa held their own against him. Marissa came close to getting him until he knocked her back, causing her necklace to fall off.

What he didn't expect was Marissa to get up and slash his arm, in fact, she seemed incredibly fast for someone who was younger than him.

"You're good for a kid," said the man. "Kinda remind me of someone else."

She defended herself and she struck him another slice on the arm. He then grabbed Raph and used him as a turtle shield.

"Just keep going! I have a shell!" Raph shouted.

Marissa looked between the legs. "Sorry, Raph." She kicked between the legs. Both fell to the ground in pain. Marissa grabbed Raph and helped him up.

"Nice," he said, straining as he gave her a thumbs up.

Everyone suddenly heard police sirens and knew that it meant that the police were coming. So they all quickly fled the scene. The leader of the Foot ninja group found Marissa's necklace on the ground and picked it up before leaving.


Marissa grabbed an ice pack and gave it to Raph who was sitting on the couch. Raph accepted the ice pack and put it on his crotch.

"Thanks, Marissa," he said.

"Annnnn least I can do with me kicking you there." Marissa shrugged slightly before Splinter came in.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We got jumped by ninjas and Mari kicked Raph in the nuts," said Mikey.

"Excuse me?" Splinter asked in shock.

"Look, a guy was using Raph as a shield and it was either kick both of them in the balls or let him kill Raph." Marissa gestured to Raph.

"For the record, I did tell her to not worry about me," said Raph.

"I could have broken something so yes I do." Marissa puffed her cheeks.

"Yes. Well, it was fortunate that all that happened was Raphael getting injured…. Down there," said Splinter.

Marissa went to play with her locket only to notice it was gone and she began to freak out.

"Whoa, whoa. Mari, what's wrong?" Mikey asked while Marissa looked around, tossing stuff to look for something.

"My necklace is missing," Marissa said in a panic.

"Your necklace?" Donnie asked. "You mean the one you usually wear?"

"Yes!" She looked around.

"Calm down. I'm sure we'll find it-careful with that!" Donnie said, and then panicked when Marissa accidentally tossed his laptop aside and he dove to catch it. "I made this myself you know!"

"I'm sorry but it's the only thing I have of my real family. It has me and my real sister in it." Marissa took a seat and began to cry.

"Hey. It's okay. I get it," said Raph as he hugged her.

The girl took a breath. "I need to find it again."

"We will," said Raph as he led her to the couch. "Sit here. We'll look for you."

Marissa nodded as her friend went to look for it.

-With Bradford-

"I found this during the fight," he said, holding up Marissa's necklace.

Xever looked at it and said, "It's pretty but kinda clashes with your outfit."

Bradford glared at him. "It's not mine! The girl who was with the turtles was wearing it! And look at the picture inside! It looks like Karai!"

Then a voice appeared from behind. "What looks like me."

"The picture inside this locket," said Bradford. "It has two babies in it. They look like you. In fact, that girl with the turtles looked a little similar to you."

A teenage girl who looked similar to Marissa came out of the shadows. She took the locket and opened it. Inside was a picture of two babies. They both looked like her baby pictures. Could this be real? Her twin was alive.

"You're certain the girl who owns this resembles me?" Karai asked.

"Slightly at least you were fraternal twins right," Bradford asked in a calm tone.

"Yeah," said Karai. "I need to confirm this. Can you find her?"

The two of them looked at each other. "We can try."

Bradford heard an alert on his computer and checked his messages. "Oh. Another friend request. Better accept that."

"Must you say yes to all of those?" Xever asked in annoyance. "You have thousands of those already."

"What? I can't help it if fans find me irresistible," Bradford bragged. "Besides, my fame is a perfect way to recruit new ninjas."

"Too bad you still got hurt by a little girl." Xever teased pointing to the two marks on his arms.

Bradford glared at him. "She was fast. If you were there you'd understand."

"Also-" Karai began and then she kicked Xever into a wall and pinned him, holding a knife to his throat. "I'm a "little girl" as you say. And I'm better than you. That's why my father made me second in command. Compared to me, you're not much."

She released him as Bradford snickered. "I need to lock up at the dojo. I'll get ready to hunt down the girl afterwards."

Karai pulled the knife away before tossing it to the ground. "Hopefully you succeed."

-Next day in the streets-

Marissa worked hard and went to the streets to look for the necklace.

"Hi, Marissa," said April, who was walking by.

"Hi. I am looking for something." Marissa calmly said as she searched the area and held the soda she got yesterday but left by accident. "I gotta check the alleyway but no worries."

"I can help if you want," April offered. She caught a glimpse of her neck. "Didn't you have a necklace when we first met?"

"Yes….look I can find it myself. Go home. I'll be fine." Marissa ran off to look further.

"But-" she said, but Marissa ignored her. "I was going to see the turtles."

"They're still underground. Also, make sure Mikey's careful. That Bradford guy's gonna hurt him if he doesn't stay away from him."

"Oh, him," April said with a disapproving frown. "Mikey friended him online already. He almost went to meet him when Splinter stopped him."

"Good. Now we just gotta keep them apart." Marissa sighed. "Don't worry. You should get home. I'll be fine by myself."

"Okay," said April. And then she left her alone.

"You were wise to send your friend away," said a deep voice.

Her sudden shock went into a defensive position. She was ready for a fight. The man in red came out.

"I know someone who would love to see you," he said.

"Wait you have my necklace don't you." She coldly remarked, taking a wild guess.

"Maybe," said the man in a taunting manner. "I'll gladly return it to you if you want."

Marissa took a moment again.

"Don't listen to him!" Raph shouted as he and his brothers arrived. "He's trying to trick you!"

"Why are you guys out in the daytime!" Marissa shouted.

"We decided to come out and look for your necklace," said Leo.

"Down now I'll deal with you asshole later." She shoved Raph and the others away opening the nearest sewer.

"Marissa, you really can't blame us," said Donnie. While they ran.

"No, I'm happy you came to help but not during the day when someone other than him could have seen. Do you guys want to get dissected?" Marissa calmly freaked. " I have to get my necklace back and he obviously has it."

"Or whoever he's working for does," Leo guessed. "We heard him mention that he wanted you to meet someone. He must work for someone who's after you and using your necklace as bait."

"Listen closely to my lips. I'm going it's the day time so don't follow. " Marissa calmly before climbing back up.

Raph grabbed her arm and said, "It's too dangerous. You should wait till nightfall."

"And wait for them to set a trap? A better one then they have? No way. Look I'll be fine." She pulled her wrist and climbed the ladder.

Raph was about to follow, but Leo stopped him. "Let her go. If she doesn't come back, we'll track her down and save her."

-Bradford's dojo-

"The girl should be on her way any minute," said Bradford, smiling smugly.

Marissa hid behind the area. Yeah, she'd have to be careful.

"You're positive she'll come for it?" asked a teenage girl with dark hair.

"I'm already here. Give me my necklace back." She coldly said through the shadows.

"So you are," said the girl, smirking. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Karai. What's your name?"

"None of your business. Hand me my necklace." She coldly said.

"All in good time," said the black-haired girl, looking around. "I need to know if that's actually you in the picture inside."

"Of course it's Fucken me. It's my mother, father, and sister." She came down hard into the girl she knew was Karai and took her necklace. "Peace, princess."

"You're pretty good, little sister," said Karai, smirking.

Marissa ignored her before walking away. Karai stood up.

"Who said you were leaving?" She asked.

"Me." Marissa got into a fighting stance.

"Sorry to tell you, but you're coming with me," said Karai. The two fought striking at her keeping there fight. They ran at her trying to hold onto to her own will with each strike she held her breath keeping her arms at each end defending with the moon blades.

She ended backing up and running off into the sewer her arm was cut slightly. But she managed.

"Come out wherever you are," said Karai. There was no answer she figured she must have escaped. "I will find you eventually, sister."

-hours later underground-

The sewers were dark and as she ran she hoped she could find the turtles. And of course, they showed up.

"Ok so apparently I have a sister…" Marissa gestured to herself. "An alive sister."

"You're sister's alive?" Raph asked.

"Yes. But she's kinda psycho."

"Come on. I'm sure she's not that bad," said Mikey.

"She tried to kidnap me." Marissa crossed her arms.

Mikey blinked at that. "Say what?" Mikey asked.

"Kidnap me. There's a level of things I get killing Kraang and psychos. She's a psycho." Marissa made several gestures.

"How are you related to a psycho?" Raph asked.

"I don't know how I just am." Marissa casually said.

"Well, you have your necklace back. Let's go home," said Donnie.

Marissa nodded. They left the area afterwards.