Hello my readers, reason why I'm releasing this is because I wanted to see how well it would work since I've released a little story of Estarossa's past which it is a Nanatsu no Taizai x Black Clover sstir. I wanted to try one for Escanor but for My Hero Academia. I ask if anyone is willing to help me in story, writing style, and grammar I would greatly appreciate it and also give you credit.

Chapter 1

"Am I...really gonna die? Without, doing anything with my life?" Thought a weak and meek looking teen who was inside some shop with lots of blood leaking from his body due too his injures. All he could do was look up at the Destruction the villain was causing while his classmate was being taken, hostage.

"Why...was I even born?" As he thought that, he began thinking back to the start of the day, beginning at school.


"So, as third year students it's about time you start thinking seriously about your future's and what you want to do with your lives? I could pass out some career aptitude tests but..." As the teacher said that in front of his class, he raises a stack of papers with his left hand while showing a smile.

"Why bother? HA!" The man shouts as he tosses them all in the air while almost all his students celebrate while revealing their quirks.

"I know you all want to go to the Hero Training!" He said, much to the agreement of his student Dyer a few weren't celebrating which involved only three to be exact.

"Yes, yes, you got some very impressive Quirks, but no power usage allowed at school! Get a hold of yourselves!" He told his class who weren't really listening while two felt uncomfortable, one being a green haired student who was trying to ignore all this with a bothered expression while the other being a very meek and weak looking teen, having short-cut orange hair.

"Hey teach?" When they heard that, the celebrating finally dyed down as their attention was focused on one single blonde.

"Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers, I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up sidekicks to some busted D-Lister, ha!" He said with a smile, gaining an uproar from the class while the orange haired young man felt very nervous at the sudden turn of the class.

"You think your better then us Katsuki?!" One student demands get they gained a laugh from the student who wanted them all to fight him. As this was happening, the teacher was looking through his notepad.

"Ah, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into U.A. High?" The teacher said, shocking many which caused the green-haired student to cover his head while leaning forward at the talk about U.A. while the orange hair one glances at his classmate as well as best-friend with slight worry.

"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me." Katsuki said, silencing all of them from continuing their talk as he finally removes his feet off of his desk, only to stand on it in the end.

"I Aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in! I'll end up more popular the All Might himself! I'll be the richest hero of all time! People all across will know who I am and it all starts with U.A. High!" He declares with a large smile until they all heard the teacher speak which ends his little tirade.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya; didn't you want to go to U.A. too?" When that was said, everyone was looking at him until they burst out laughing as they found that hilarious.

"Izuku, you're kidding right?"

"Their's no way your getting in the Hero Course without a Quirk!"

When the second student who spoke through the laughter had said that, immediately Izuku stood up in defense as he spoke nervously.

"Well, actually they got rid of that rule! I could be the first one!" Izuku said yet almost immediately after he finished, an angered Katsuki slams his hand upon his desk to cause an explosion.

"SHUT IT!" He shouts, causing him to fall back on his butt and out of his chair while being met with Katsuki who found this as a joke.

"Listen up Deku! You're even worse then the rest of these damned rejects, worse then the Cowardly Lion over their! At least he knows he can't be a Hero unlike you! Your a Quirkless wannabe, do you actually think they would let someone like you in when they could have me?!" He demands while getting in front of the scared Izuku.

"Ah, no wait! You've got it all wrong, really! I'm not trying to compete against you, you've gotta believe me!" Izuku shouts whole backing up against the wall before looking down.

"It's just that, I wanted to be a Hero since I was little...I may not have a Quirk, but I can still try my hardest can I?" When he asked that, Katsuki looked even more angry.

"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best! You'd die in the exams!" Katsuki shouted at Izuku who looks down as he continued shouting at him.

"Defenseless Izuku, the schools already crappy, you really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard!" Hearing that, Izuku looks down more until he heard someone speak up.

"C-Come on, Katsuki! He's trying his best to be a He—" He stops cold when he met the glare of Katsuki which he had froze.

"What was that Escanor, are you saying I'm wrong?!" When he asked that, the glare he gave the orange haired student had chased him to turn away and sit quietly in his desk while hearing laughs and talks about how much a coward he was.

"Ha! Once a coward, always a coward! The only thing your good at is running away!" Katsuki said to Escanor who remained silent at hearing that.


"(Sign) Katsuki is very irritated today." Escanor said with a sigh as he stood next to Izuku who was in agreement as he was sad until he smiles again when he pulled out his phone to see the latest news.

"Yeah, but it's the end of the day so we can worry about that tomorrow. Did you see the news, it's about that fight I texted you about on my way to school?" Hearing that, Escanor was surprised but looks sad as he goes in his pocket and pulls out a cracked phone much to Izuku's surprise.

"I, can only answer calls right now until I get a new phone. You see I got into a little tro—" He stops right their at seeing someone approaching Izuku, causing him to blink in surprise just as his personal notebook was taken by none other then Katsuki who simply waved it at his classmate.

"I don't know what you think you're doing Deku, but we're not done!" As he said it, two of his friends walk up from behind him.

"Whatcha got, his diary?" One asked the leader who flips it over to see what was written on it.

[Hero Analysis the Future]

"Huh, don't tell me your taking notes on how to be a Hero?" He asked Izuku just before he and the other guy began speaking as they found this to be hilarious, unlike Escanor who found that to be hard work.

"Yeah, real funny guys! Just give it back!" Izuku asked his classmate who immediately consumes it with an explosion, leaving it nothing but a blazing piece of paper before he tosses it out of the window, horrifying Izuku and Escanor.

"Most first-rate Hero's show potential early on, people look at them and they just know their destined for greatness. When I'm the only student from this garbage Junior High to get into U.A., people will start talking about me like that, they'll realize I'm legit, the next big thing. That's not the ego talking, I just know that I'm good." After saying that, he places a smoking hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Here's a little word of advice, nerd. Don't even think of applying, or else." He warned Izuku just before he and his thugs start walking away.

"That's just sad, I thought you would at least have some fight in you?"

"Seems he's about at the Cowardly Lions level when it comes to having a backbone. But at least he now knows he can never be a hero, at least it's better finding out then later I guess." As he heard those things, Izuku began to grit his teeth in anger just as Katsuki stops at the door and turns to Izuku.

"You know, if you want to be a Hero that badly their actually might be another way. Just pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!" Hearing those words, Izuku finally spoke.

"Shut up!" When he suddenly said that, Katsuki and the other two were taken aback as he turns towards them in anger. Seeing this, Katsuki turns towards Izuku completely in anger at seeing his showing some backbone.


"Stupid Bakugo." Spoke an angered Izuku who was beaten up pretty bad, unable to walk he had Escanor help him stand as they were making their way towards a tunnel with his friend looking at him in surprise as this was the first time he's heard him say Katsuki's last name instead of his nickname. The gaze of the orange haired young man shifts down towards the burnt pieces of paper that were the last of his notebook.

"I'll be a Hero, and make my mom proud." When Escanor heard that, he just looks down sadly at knowing his mother is currently in the hospital for a serious illness she's been suffering for awhile. As they made their way inside the tunnel, they were stopped by hearing liquid moving around behind them and they turn to find a monster forming behind them, towering over the fearful two.

"A-A monster." Escanor said in complete fear while Izuku spoke with his thoughts.

"A villain?!" He said, not expecting a villain to appear before them all of a sudden.

"Ah, seems one of you is already beat up, better for less resistance in the end!" The villain said before he lunged at the scared teens, latching onto Izuku who was running away just like Escanor until the other stops and turns to see Izuku was struggling a lot as his eyes became tearful.

"IZUKU!" Escanor shouts, taking a single step forward before he was met with the glare of the villain which caused him to freeze all the while he his best-friend was struggling against the sludge villain with teary eyes that were pleading for help from Escanor who could only stand there in fear.

"What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do." Thought the fearful Escanor who fell on his ass as he couldn't do a single thing to save his friend, gaining a laugh from the villain.

"Hahahaha, aren't you such a coward! You can't do a single thing but watch as your friend struggles, pathetic!" He told the shaking teen who couldn't do anything but watch, unable to move a subject inch until a sound travels everywhere in the tunnel, breaking him out of his fear at seeing a manhole cover flying into the air, hitting the ceiling while gaining their attention to be met with the Number One Hero, All Might who just got out of the sewers.

"Have no fear, you're safe." He said, abusing a large smile on his face as he entered a stance.

"Now that I am here that is!" With that said, almost immediately the sludge monster sends a tendril at the greatest Hero who ducks the attack before he dashed right for the villain before stopping in front of him while he pulls his right arm back.

"TEXAS SMASH!" As he shouts the name, a single punch was all that was needed to send a powerful stream of air pressure at the villain who couldn't take it no matter how hard he tried before he exploded with Izuku flying back into Escanor who caught him as he passed out. Minutes went by until Izuku finally opened his eyes, being met with a worried Escanor and a smiling All Might who was patting him on the face repeatedly.

"Thought we lost you there." He said with a half wave, causing the young man to freeze in shock at All Might of all people facing him before him immediately crawls back as he shouts in shock.

"Well, it looks like you're moving around alright. Sorry about that back there, I didn't mean to get you two caught up in my Justicing. Usually I keep more attention to keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out this cities sewers system is pretty difficult to navigate! Ahahahah!" He laughed, causing Escanor to smile thankfully that he was there to help while Izuku stares at his number one idol.

"Anyway, you guys were a big help; thank you! I captured the Evildoer!" He said, revealing two plastic bottles filled with sludge. It took Izuku moments to realize he needed an autograph while he searches himself as he spoke.

"Holy crap, I gotta get an autograph, I've got a pen around here somewhere!" Izuku said, going through his bag until Escanor ran up to him, handing him a notebook that was on the page.

"I asked him if you could give you an autograph while you were passed out." His friend told Izuku who smiles with joy as he takes it and starts bowing repeatedly to All Might. Saying many things to the number one Hero in gratitude for his signature which all he does was give a thumbs up.

"Whelp, I got to get this guy to the police so they can take care of him. Stay out of trouble, see you around!" All Might said as he starts to crouch in order to take off but Izuku wasn't done yet.

"Wait, your leaving already?" Izuku asked the Hero who answers while he does a few stretches before takeoff.

"Pro Hero's are constantly fighting time as well as enemies." He told the ten just before telling him to get back before he takes off and not a moment later he does as he jumps incredibly high into the air.

"THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!" All Might shouts while he was high in the air but as he was, Escanor just stood there with his jaw dropped at seeing that his best-friend basically hitched a ride on All Might and is currently flying gliding through the sky. Watching this, Escanor just sighs as he starts walking knowing that his best-friend will be busy talking to the greatest Hero but his thoughts finally end after awhile he heard an explosion from a distance, shocking him which he immediately grabs his broken phone to take it out, knowing texting and other apps don't work except calling which he does that by calling Izuku. The moment the phone was answered he spoke.

"Izuku, are you alright?! Is All Might their—" Escanor was cut off by the suddenly depressed Izuku speaking to him.

[He...doesn't think I can be a Hero without a Quirk...]

The moment Escanor heard that it was as if his very being froze with his eyes widening all the way while his heart felt like it was being gripped tightly.

[Even All Might doesn't think someone without a Quirk can be a Hero...so theirs no point having a goal like mine anymore...]

Hearing that, Escanor had a look of disbelief on his face before he immediately spoke up in defense for his friend.

"I-Izuku, don't take his words seriously! I know for sure that you can be a Hero, you've worked harder then anyone in our school to become one, not even Bakugo shows as much commitment as you do!" The orange haired teen said, trying to help his friend and convince his friend that All Might was wrong.


Escanor heard no reply as he suddenly hangs up the phone which he just looks at it before turning towards the explosion.

"All Might has to be over there!" Escanor thought just before he broke off sprinting towards where he believed All Might is, needing to talk to him so he can plead for him to talk to Izuku again.


By the time he had arrived, he was greeted with a blazing sight of a destroyed shopping district where multiple Hero's were battling against the same sludge villain hat attacked him and Izuku, seeing that villain had caused Escanor's eyes to widen all the way in shock.

"Wait but...but didn't All Might?" Escanor said, trying to understand what was exactly happening right now.

"Why aren't the Hero's doing anything?"

"It looks like they've met their match, plus the villain captured a kid. Things aren't looking good for him."

When Escanor heard that second part, he immediately looks at the sludge villain more closely to see spiky blonde hair which his eyes further widen at seeing a few explosions from inside the villain.

"That's..." Escanor thought with his eyes widening all the way in realization at it being his classmate. Seeing him, he could only watch fearfully as all he could think was what he should do, what he could do to help his classmate despite how he's been treated as well as Izuku but the moment he saw that pleading look in Katsuki's eyes, he immediately thought about how he did nothing but watched as Izuku was attacked by a villain.

"I... DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE BEING A COWARD!" With that thought, something finally snapped which almost immediately Escanor charged full speed towards Katsuki, wanting to save his classmate despite how much mistreatment he's received from him for being Quirkless just like Izuku.

"NO YOU IDIOT, STOP YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Shouted one of the Pro Hero's who could not stop him due too how fast he ran past them towards Katsuki.

"What, a weak looking brat charging at me instead of a Hero, is this some kind of joke?" Questioned the Sludge villain who felt insulted as Escanor grabbed a nearby rock to use.

"YOUR TOAST KID!" The villain said as he sends him arm at the teen who immediately changed directions in an instant, dodging the attack whine creating an explosion much to the villains surprise before he repeatedly does it yet the results were the same as the fearful Escanor dodged every single time while he pleads to the villain.

"PLEASE, LET MY CLASSMATE GO! I BEG OF YOU!" He said, wanting to get him away from the villain while not knowing he's angering Katsuki, unlike the sludge villain who found this amusing.

"Ahahaha, you're able to dodge my attacks unlike these Pro Hero's. Your running legs are first rate at least, AHAHAHAH!" The sludge villain laughed as he continued trying to hit Escanor until his most recent attack that sent sludge at the teen was dodged but as it was, a single rock was thrown, hitting the villain directly in the eye which he gained a yell of pain as he leans back, giving Katsuki enough time to free his mouth so he could breath properly as Escanor immediately tries digging into the foe, trying to free him.

"What the hell, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Katsuki demanded of Escanor who was trying everything to get a grip on his classmate.

"I...I DON'T WANT TO KEEP BEING A COWARD!" Escanor shouts tearfully as he didn't want to stand back anymore, being completely useless to everyone around him. As he thought about all he's been through, he finally spoke what's in his heart.

"I...I DON'T WANT TO LIVE WITH THE REGRET OF NOT DOING ANYTHING ANYMORE!" As he shouts that, he reaches in far enough to grab Katsuki's wrist as he starts pulling with everything to get him out.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" Katsuki screams, not wanting any help from Escanor who didn't care.

"DUCK KID!" As Escanor heard that, he turns to be met a sludge arm that slams into him, sending him crashing fast through a shop window and through a table before he hits a wall hard before sliding down against it as blood started to leak from his body. When this was seen, everyone became horrified at this scene and hat included Katsuki who saw the entire thing happen before his eyes that were completely wide. Back inside the shop, a battered and broken Escanor lay in a small puddle of his own blood as well as feeling lots of internal bleeding.

"Am I...really gonna die?" He thought, thinking about what he's been through until now with being disowned by his family for being Quirkless to not being able to do a single thing for another person in his entire life. As he laid there, his vision starts to fade as he thought again.

"Why...was I even born?" As he asked himself that question, he received an unexpected response.

(You are weak...you are spineless...you are a coward...yet, when it comes down to it you displayed more courage then anyone else here. Being born weak, you still strive not only to change yourself but to saves others who have treated you unkindly without remorse. What...is your name?)

When he heard that, he weakly looks up to see someone of a shining light standing in front of him.

"Es...canor..." Hearing that, the figure of light simply touches his chin as if contemplating something in his head.

"Escanor? Hmmm, now that's a name I haven't heard of. Either way, I've decided that you are worthy of being my successor." As the glowing white being said it, within its right hand appeared a magnificent blazing orb of light.

"If you wish to live, then bearing this power will grant you just that and the power to protect." As he heard it, Escanor just stares at the orb before his right-hand starts to stretch out for it.

"It's...beautiful." When he heard that, a smile could be seen gracing the lips of the shining being.

"Indeed it is." As he said it, Escanor touched the orb and with it, a magnificent blinding light was made. It wasn't just seen by him but by everyone else who saw the light coming out from the wall where Escanor crashed in. The sludge villain just turns towards their in confusion to watch the light finally dim down after more than ten seconds.

"What, why was their—" He stopped the moment someone exited out of the window but not exactly the same person who went through it not even minutes ago. Among all those who saw this in shock, Katsuki was the most shocked at what he saw didn't make a single bit of sense yet knew exactly who that person was.

"The Sun...I never knew how beautiful it was until now." As the person said it, he was already being captured on video with their phones, what everyone was greeted too was a very muscular man in his late 20's standing tall and proud while wearing torn clothing.

"It can't be, you should have been dead! Is this your Quirk, you don't look like how you once were moments ago?" The Sludge monster asked the man who simply stares at it with nothing but pity.

"It seems that such a pitiful villain such as you lacks the intellect to understand the most common of things before him. Now I'll say this once to you, drop the kid and apologize to me for ever being born in my world." The prideful man told the shocked sludge villain all the while others couldn't believe he said such a thing. Even the Hero's could not believe he said such a thing, still thinking he's in danger. As all this was happening, watching the entire scene was a completely wide-eyed Izuku who couldn't believe he was seeing this.

xxxxxCHAPTER ENDxxxxx