Hey there! This is my first fanfic ever written and I just love spirited away so wanted to write about how I think it continues! Please be kind and constructive with your reviews! Will carry on if people like it!

Disclaimer – I don't own spirited away or the characters.

Chapter one.

It has been eight long years since Haku had last seen Chihiro and parted ways with only a promise to hold onto. He sighed as he stared wistfully out the window and at the bridge below his mind focused on the troublesome human that had now crashed into his life twice, impacting him greatly on both occasions. He couldn't help but wonder if she could remember him, how she looked now she was grown up and if she still cried as much as she did, his lip twitched slightly as he reminisced the memories of those few short days with her.

"Yo dragon boy. Everyone has been looking for you." A tall woman entered the room as she placed her hand on her hip and stared at him defiantly. Her eyes held a glint of mischief as her hair that hung down her back and tied at the end swayed to her movements. She stopped and took in the wistful look on Haku's face. "Ey you thinking about how much you miss your girlfriend." She gently teased him knowing it was Sen he missed, they all did.

"Leave off it Rin, we both know I don't have anyone." He sighed and shook the thoughts of the human away from his mind. He couldn't think about her anymore. His eyes clouded as he thought about the promise he was breaking to Chihiro. 'Who am I kidding, it's been eight years, she doesn't remember us the gate wipes the humans mind..' He chided himself convincingly. His heart broke as he pushed her to the back of his mind. After all, the spirit world was no place for a human.

'Chihiro, it's time to wake up.' Chihiro frowned at the voice that came out of the darkness, waving her arms around she tried to grasp whoever spoke as she was engulfed by a dark cold feeling.

"Don't leave please! I don't know where I am!" Her voice sounded desperate to her ears as she screamed aimlessly. Wracking her brains she tried to come up with an explanation of where she was but her mind drew a blank.

'I'm not going anywhere my dear, but you have to wake up.' The masculinise voice replied just before Chihiro felt a strange pressure on her temple forcing her eyes to open. She stared dazed by the bright light that warmed her, the soft grass she was laying in was soft and comfortable, more comfortable than any bed she had been in. Slowly and cautiously she sat up and took in her surroundings before noticing the handsome man before her. 'Welcome Chihiro.' He smiled a dazzling smile at her with perfect white teeth causing her pale face to flush.

"W..where am I? W..who are you?" She stuttered out finally as she continued to drink in the sight of him, he was very handsome to say in the least with his chiselled chin and toned body, his silver hair and his blue eyes that held so much mischief. But she couldn't help the sinking feeling of disappointment to the fact that it wasn't green eyes that met her.

"Forgive me, you must be very confused, my name is Akihito. As for where you are, well your in between the human world and the spirit world." He paused for a minute and saw confusion in her face. "Let me explain, you see you are dead to be blunt. Now normally dead humans go straight to the human afterworld but you have been touched by the spirit world and therefore the Gods have decided to give you a choice. You can go to the afterworld and live out the rest of your life. Or you can become a spirit." He sighed as he finished his explanation and watched the news sink in.

"I'm dead?" She whispered in disbelief as he nodded with a sympathetic smile. Her heart broke at the thought of never seeing her parents again, she had no friends who would miss her, but she couldn't be completely sad when she had been offered the chance to live in the same world as Rin and Haku and all her friends. "I would like to become a spirit." She smiles up at Akihito as he nodded.

"I'm glad you decided as such. I'll begin your transformation now Chihiro okay? You will become like me and I will look after you like my sister." He flashed a grin before turning serious as he began the process.