Queenie: Hello, everyone, how have you all been? Good? That's great! Well, here's my rewrite to May Lady Luck Shine Upon You. I believe I mentioned rewrites were coming, and after seeing the new Avengers movie, I just had to get back to writing about Kaira. I will say it was an amazing movie and worth watching, but no more. I don't wish to spoil it for anyone.

Now, there are going to be changes from the last one like I never realized how close the timeline was between Hulk, Iron Man 2, and Thor was, so I am going to have to pick which movie I wish for Kaira to be in since she can't go all three now. I am sort leaning more towards Hulk since Iron Man 2 has Natasha and Thor has Clint. They all three could be on separate missions then when they get together talk about how it went. Though Clint didn't play that major of a role in Thor. He was there very briefly while Natasha was a prominent character in Iron Man 2. So I might place her in Thor. I might put up a poll so you all can decide which one you wish for her to be in.

Also, new characters will be added who won't play the leading role in this story since it's Kaira's, but might play leading roles in other Marvel Movies that Kaira won't be a part of or will have a very little role in. Like the second and third Thor movies, which I plan to show more of my Norse demigod OC. Or the Spider-Man Homecoming movie that will display more of Galen Parker the son of Iris. I'll just write separate stories for them while giving you all a chance to know more about their characters. Like they're backgrounds and such.

Another thing is that this story is now called Royal Flush. It is also Kaira's new epithet. Lady Luck was just to generic for me. I feel like Royal Flush or rather Royal fits Kaira better than just Lady Luck. I hope you enjoy this rewrite, and while I won't be working on it and my others stories as much as I wish with work being as it is, I hope to really get back to writing once my vacation hits in June. Now shall we get started, my dears?

The Greek Myths...are they really myths? Or is there perhaps some truth behind them? Are the Greek Gods of Olympus real? If so, does that mean their legendary children the half-bloods are real as well? Well, I'm here to tell it's all true. The Gods of Olympus do exist. And the minor gods exist as well, and in my opinion, no one gives them enough thought.

Of course, I could be biased. I am the daughter of a minor goddess, after all. You're probably wondering who I am by now. Well, let me introduce myself. The name is Kaira Cortez. I am the daughter of Tyche the goddess of luck, chance, and fortune. And let me tell you, life seems pretty sweet with the power of luck on your side. At least that's how I used to see it. My perspective has changed a bit on that, but that's not what this story is about. Not really.

This story is about how I met the Star-Spangled Man with a Plan. The famous Captain America. Or just Steve to his friends. And friends we weren't in the beginning. No, the Captain and I didn't see very eye to eye after our first meeting. Curious? Well, before I can tell you the story of Steve and I, I'm going to have to take you a bit back. Back before I met Steve and was still just a little nobody from Queens. Running through the streets and doing things I really shouldn't have. Though I guess I didn't really do anything too bad until I got on the radar of a certain agency. And once I did this, well, life changed for me completely.


As Luke Castellan sat by himself near the archery range, he sharpened his sword while humming a slight tune. It was to a song his girlfriend—Corissa Stackhouse—seemed very fond of as of late, and he couldn't seem to get it out of his head either. Speaking of his girlfriend, he was waiting for her to end her training sessions with the younger campers, so the two could go off into town. It had taken him months to get permission from Chiron for a pass to go into the city. Nothing was going to spoil the day he had planned with Corissa. Especially since it could be one of the last dates they ever have.

"Hey, Luke!"

Luke looked up from his sword to see his younger brothers Travis and Conner Stoll heading towards him.

"Hey, boys." Luke greeted them in return as he placed his sword to his side. "Something I can help you with?"

The two exchanged a glance after stopping in front of him. Their silence bringing Luke's brows together in a slightly worried crease. He hoped they hadn't caused another mess for him to clean up. Though he enjoyed their pranks since he was quite mischievous himself, he didn't really have to time to clean up after them today.

"Well, it's...it's Kaira." Travis began.

At the sound of her name, Luke gave a groan. He could already guess what they were going to say.

"She left camp without permission again, didn't she?" Luke asked.

The two brothers nodded their heads in unison almost looking like twins mirroring each other as they did so.

"Left really early this morning." Conner said. "We thought she might be back by now, but..."

"No one has seen her." Travis explained. "Not even Twig. And Adrian's getting worried."

Luke pinched the bridge of his nose wondering why Kaira had to cause trouble today of all days.

"Great." Luke said. "Where'd she got this time?"

The Stolls paused once more as they exchanged another glance causing Luke's stomach to drop a bit. This couldn't be good.


"I am going to be pulling stable duty for life after all this." I said as I stood on the roof of some apartment buildings overlooking Manhattan.

Down below some men in black suits were swarming the alleyways looking for me and checking buildings. I snorted as I heard someone scream in Spanish about well-dressed thieves busting into her home. I then looked up as the helicopter that has been following me finally caught up.

"Well, looks like I didn't give him the slip after all." I said grinning with a chuckle leaving my lips. "He's getting better."

Through the window I saw the helicopter pilot seem to radio for backup, which sent the agents down below towards the fire escape to the building I was standing on. Well, it seems like my escape routes are just getting smaller and smaller. My chances of getting out of here are definitely slimming down. Just the thought had my grin going wider across my face.

Just as the first agent made it to the top of the building, I took off running. They shouted at me to come back and/or stop running, but as if I'd do that. If I ever got caught by these guys, I'd never hear the end of it. Besides, I wasn't about to let my perfect record of never being caught by these guys go to waste now. This was like a game, and I wasn't going to lose. I made it to the edge of the rooftop while jumping over without hesitation to the next one.

I landed in a roll without breaking a stride as I kept on running. I glanced behind me seeing the agents tailing me didn't seem too fond of giving chase since the probability of them making the jump the same as I did very low. I let out a laugh thinking this chase would be over sooner rather than later even if the helicopter was still keeping up with me. I was just about to jump to the next building, but I paused when the side of the helicopter opened up to reveal the familiar face of my pursuer. Agent Phil Coulson. Phil leaned partially out of the helicopter as he brought a megaphone to his mouth.

"Kaira Cortez, this is once again Agent Phil Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Linguistic Division." Phil said

The megaphone clearly carried his voice over the sound of the helicopter, and I chuckled wondering if Phil would ever get them to shorten that name.

"Please, stand down." Phil continued. "As I've said before, we only wish to speak with you, Ms. Cortez. Please, don't make us use force."

I snorted. Was he using that line again? It doesn't matter how many times he does give the order for his agents to move in, I always win. They were skilled...just not skilled enough to fight me and win. I mean, I do fight monsters daily and half-bloods with more battling power like those kids from the Ares Cabin.

I think Phil could see in my eyes that I wouldn't be choosing the peaceful route this time either as he let out a sigh. He dropped the megaphone to take a walkie talkie from one of the other men in the helicopter. I wasn't sure what he was saying into the walkie talkie, but since I was certain some kind of agent would be coming after me, I didn't plan to stick around.

With that thought, I took off running for the next rooftop. This one was taller than the other, so I knew I couldn't really make the jump to the roof directly. I'd have to use the fire escape on the side of the building to make it to the other side. Not a problem. I could do it with my eyes closed. Okay, maybe that was stretching things a bit. Point is, is that I won't be getting caught today. I jumped off the edge of the building ignoring Phil's call for me to stop before I hurt myself.

I reached out towards the fire escape while managing to snag one of the railings. As I came swinging back into the escape, I put my feet out to cushion the hit. I looked back as the helicopter flew overhead though knew it wouldn't be going far. I pulled myself over the railing with my feet hitting the metal. I could go up from here but going down seemed like the better option since I could hit the streets. Phil always calls off the chase once I get too close to civilians.

I could blend in with the crowd and be back at camp before dinner. But I haven't really finished my objective yet. I came to Manhattan for a reason today even if I did come without permission as always. Though I could still go down and join the crowd to get rid of them for at least a bit. I wasn't sure what to decide since I was having quite a bit of fun with Phil. He always made these little trips outside of camp fun though I have no idea how he so quickly finds me once I step out of Long Island.

Just as I was trying to decide what to do, a deciding choice came to me in the form of an arrow coming right at me. I jumped up to grab the grate above me to dodge the offending object that hit the wall behind me. I blinked wondering where that came from. Phil's never had an archer before. I didn't have much time to ponder this new player since more arrows came flying towards me. I had to end up going up to get away from the volley of arrows. Was there more than one?

I looked towards the angle they had to be coming from seeing no one, but something told me there was only one archer up there. Someone almost on the level of a child of Apollo if not the same level. Well, this was bad. If this person was as good as Corissa, I was doomed since I can't tell you how many times the leader of the Apollo Cabin tagged me with arrows when it was her turn to come for me.

Of course, not actual arrows. Just these special kinds that Beckendorf made that exploded at impact letting out a sleeping powder to knock me out if needed. Though considering one of those arrows just embedded itself into a brick wall I'd say they weren't the humane kind of arrows. Well, looks like I'm going up. I'm sure something unfriendly will await me at the top, but it wasn't as if the archer was giving me much choice.

"Up it is." I said when another arrow hit the wall by my head.

I started hurrying up the fire escape ready for what might be waiting at the top for me. I made it to the top while looking up in enough time to see a foot heading my way.

"Whoa!" I said while leaning backwards.

The foot went barely an inch over my nose, which had me mentally giving a sigh of relief. That would have hurt. Then without thinking I whirled my feet up using the side of the building as a balancer as I kicked my feet out to hit my attacker. It knocked them back a few feet, and once I was vertical on top of the building I saw the person who went for my face was a woman who seemed a few years older than me. Definitely still looking like a teenager.

"A face shot when we just met, Red." I said. "Doesn't seem like a good way to make friends."

The redheaded woman didn't reply in words, but in another kick towards the gut. This one managed to catch me, which knocked some air out of me. I didn't let it slow me down though as I grabbed her leg. I twisted around taking her leg with me to knock her off balance as I kicked out my own leg to aim for her head this time. She blocked me with her wrists to soften the impact. She then grabbed my ankle to spend us spinning in the air. We landed on the ground while rolling away from each other.

"You're good." I said appreciatively. "But you'll have to do better than that."

She silently narrowed her eyes at me, and I grinned seeing I slightly struck a nerve.

"This is going to be fun." I said.

We jumped back at each other while swamping blows. I would admit her close combat was scary good, but I wouldn't let it perturb me. I kicked out her knee to end her kneeling on the ground. I went to give her a knee to the face since I was always taught to never fight clean against an enemy. Survival was the most important thing, which means winning this fight was what mattered most.

However, before I could make contact with her face, another arrow came flying. I flipped backwards while landing in a crouch on the roof. I looked towards the archer while pouting. I almost forgot about him. Looks like I'm being double-teamed though. Not cool, but meh, I've had worse odds. And I always come up on top. I then looked up as the helicopter came back with the door still open, so Phil could lean out.

"Kaira, it's over." Phil said. "You can't win."

I chuckled because he still doesn't seem to realize things were far from over. Even with the odds in the other sides favor, I can always flip those odds on them. I haven't really used that kind of power yet around these guys, but I might have to this time to get away.

"Sorry, Phil, but with these odds how could I give up?" I asked under my breath.

The redhead seemed to hear me as her brows furrowed in confusion. I grinned at her while giving a wave.

"It's been fun, Red, but it's time for playtime to be over." I said. "Maybe we can pick this up again next time."

Before she could ask what, I meant, I raised my hand with gold light collecting around it. I snapped my fingers with the gold light pulsing out in a radius around me to the helicopter. The pulse wasn't anything real impressive, but it was obviously felt. The pulse came back in to cover me like a cocoon turning me a slight golden color.

"Now that's more like it." I said as the golden light seeped into my body.

What happened had Coulson shouting into his walkie talkie for the archer to take me down, which had a grin pulling across my face once more. I looked towards the arrow coming while not being too worried. Suddenly a hard wind on a windless day appeared knocking the arrow of course. It hit the helicopter back propeller sending the helicopter spiraling slightly. As it was hitting the top of the building, I used the distraction to run right past the redhead to jump to the next fire escape.

"No wait!" The redhead shouted.

She couldn't pursue me, however, since she had to get out of the way of the skidding helicopter. I didn't look back though knew no one was serious hurt. Maybe a bruise and a few scrapes, but besides that they were all fine. I could never really hurt a human. Not to the point of killing them or maiming them.

I jumped down into the alleyway before heading out into the crowd that was forming to watch what was going on. I walked through them calmly to get away as soon as possible. I needed to return home since I'm sure people have noticed my absence by now. I was walking past another alleyway when someone grabbed my arm to jerk me into the alleyway. I gasped while looking up to see Luke and Corissa. Oh great, they sent two head councilors after me, and they just witnessed what just happened. I'm doomed.

"Kaira," Corissa began sternly.

"Well, looks like even my luck can't get me out of this." I said looking to the side.

I then cried out when Luke put me in a headlock to roughly give my head a noogie.

"What were you thinking, kid?" He asked me.

"I'm sorry!" I whined. "Now let go! Please!"

Corissa sighed at both of us as she placed her hands on her hips. She definitely was not happy about any of this. Of course, I wasn't too happy at the moment either. But only because I got caught.

"Let's just go home." Corissa said as she turned around. "Chiron is waiting to give Kaira her punishment. And I'm sure it isn't going to be a light punishment considering he's still upset about Percy, Annabeth, and Grover taking off without permission."

I winced knowing this wasn't going to be fun in the slightest. Though I guessed there was no getting out of it.


"I can't believe a kid caused all that trouble." Clint said as he stood with Natasha in Fury's office.

He thought this was going to be a simple mission—especially when he heard that a kid was there target. Turned out he was very, very wrong.

"Believe it." Fury said from behind his desk. "Kaira Cortez has always been a special case. Different than anything we've ever dealt with."

Clint tilted his head curiously. A special case? And if Fury knows that, how long have they been after this girl?

"Sir, may I ask why our agency is interested in this girl?" Natasha asked.

She didn't want to sound too bold since she was still a bit knew around here. It hasn't been that long since Clint brought her in, and Fury decided to give her a chance.

"This girl has broken into probably every bank in the state of New York, and then some more across the U.S. But she always puts the money back," Phil, who was behind Fury's desk, said for Fury as he looked down at the picture of their target.

A young Hispanic girl, who looked to be in her mid-teens, was shown in the photo with rich black hair that fell past her shoulders in waves and dark brown eyes. She had a barely notable scar going down under her right eye, and it went down her cheek to her chin.

"She's robbed Casino's blind as well." Phil continued. "Never has been caught except on camera, and that's when she stops to pose."

"So, she steals money and puts it back. She's obviously a kleptomaniac." Clint said. "Why are we trying to take her out?"

Clint didn't like trying to hurt kids, which is why Natasha was standing with him now. He couldn't bring himself to hurt someone who had so much more to live.

"We're not trying to take her out, Agent Barton." Fury said as he leaned back in his seat. "And it wasn't the small things that caught my attention. It was the big things."

Clint's brows shot up. Big things? What else has this kid done? It had to be something if Fury was interested in her.

"Did you hear about the incident at the White House where someone had broken in—spent probably hours undetected inside—before waltzing out undetected?" Fury asked. "And it was after the fact this person was gone that anyone knew they were there."

While Natasha hadn't, Clint nodded his head. He heard it from some of their communication agents who keep up with stuff like that in case they need to be pulled in for backup.

"That person was this girl." Fury said as he tapped the picture in front of him.

Clint and Natasha were shocked to hear that most people wouldn't have even attempted it in the first place—let alone succeed.

"It was kept a secret from the public considering this was the second time someone succeeded in breaking into the White House and making it to the Oval Office." Fury said. "The first being a mutant who nearly killed out president. Kaira didn't seem to have the same goals. It all just seemed like fun for her. A test of her luck—a thrill. They wouldn't have even known she was there if she hadn't left a note."

Phil pulled out a bagged note from the box next to him to set it out on the desk. It was a simple sticky note. Nothing special, but it had what looked like Greek written across it.

'"Might want to bump up your security—K.C"' Natasha read aloud.

Of course, Natasha would be able to read it. Maybe Clint should try learning more languages. He knows a few, but not as much as Natasha.

"Then there was the issue in Los Angeles when a small earthquake had hit." Fury continued. "It was small but did cause damage. And at the scene of the earthquake…"

He trailed off while turning his computer screen around to show a video clip to the agents. They watched the feed, which wasn't the best quality. But they could see enough to see Kaira was trying to save from people in a car that was going down in a large crack that appeared in the ground. And the amazing thing was being that she was trying to give it all she had to pull the car out of danger. Clint watched in amazement as this scrawny teenage kid pulled the car away from the edge and to safety.

The video continued to show something had caught Kaira's attention off screen as if someone was shouting to her. She nodded her head then ran off in that direction as the earth around continued to shake. She scaled some rumble without a problem to join a figure—who couldn't be clearly seen—then jumped down behind the rubble with the figure to disappear. The video continued on for a few seconds before going black when the ground started shaking heavily again.

"So, what do you think she is?" Natasha asked. "A mutant?"

"No, not a mutant." Fury said. "I had an old friend of mine—Charles Xavier try to look into her. He has a way of finding mutants—and using his method he found that Kaira Cortez is not a mutant. Which means she's something else—and she has training of some sort. She has sent many of our agents back in less than perfect condition. And there appears to be more like her. I want to know who they are, what they're capable of, and if they'd like a job."

"How much information do we have on her?" Natasha asked. "Is there any info on how she might have received her training?"

"No." Phil said as he pulled out a file that had Kaira's name on it. "Kaira Cortez was born on April 1st in south Texas, but not in any known hospital. Her father took the hospital on April second to get her checked out by a doctor who then filled out her birth certificate. No mother is listed, and there's no sign of Kaira's mother ever being present in her life."

Clint frowned wondering what kind of mother wouldn't show up in their kid's life at least once.

"Kaira lived a relatively normal childhood until the death of her father when she was five." Phil continued. "Apparently he had tuberculosis. Kaira's grandparents were deemed by the state to be too old to care for her, and since her mother never came forth to claim her, Kaira was sent into the system and placed in foster care."

Clint's frown deepened. It sounds as if this kid has really had it rough, and all Clint's heard is up until she was five.

"After that she went from foster home to foster home." Phil said. "Apparently, none of her foster families wanted to keep her long. Many complaints about weird occurrences happening around Kaira that made them uneasy."

"Weird occurrences?" Clint asked. "Like what?"

"Like bad things would happen around Kaira." Phil said. "There was a house fire in her first home, and even though most of the family had been trapped inside…Kaira had been found outside the house without a single mark on her. There were many times where shady characters were reported to follow Kaira around, and every time they came to close to her something would happen. One man got ran over when following Kaira across the street, and the witnesses swear there hadn't been a vehicle seconds before. A tree limb fell onto another man as Kaira was walking through the park. Many things like this happened, but Kaira never got a scratch every time."

Natasha and Clint wondered how this girl could be so lucky through the years. However, Clint didn't understand why her foster families sent her away just because a few odd things happening. It didn't look as if the girl was any harm to them.

"And Kaira was a bit of a trouble child." Phil said. "She had been in and out of several schools, but by the time she was twelve it was unknown where Kaira was living. She hasn't had a home address since then, and ran from her latest foster family. She's now fourteen. She was MIA for a year before a man named Mr. Brunner enrolled her in a public middle school in Long Island when she was thirteen. However, he hasn't given an address in any of her paperwork, and the numbers he gave the school are apparently no longer in use since we tried them with no luck. And besides, attending schools and getting kicked out of schools, we don't have much of an idea of what she does in her personal life beside when she's out doing something for thrills."

This girl was getting more and more mysterious the more they learned about her.

"We should assume she lives somewhere in the area." Natasha said. "If she is going to schools in that area."

Clint nodded in agreement. Of course, even if Long Island wasn't that big…it still had a lot of ground to cover.

"We'll run into her again." Clint said. "I'm sure this all seems like a big game to her, and I plan to win."

He honestly wanted to bring this girl in…it sounded if she never had a stable family or parental figure to turn to. He guesses he just felt the need to pull this girl under his wing kind of like he had done with Natasha. He was sure Kaira would make him work for it though, but he'd win in the end.


I hummed to myself as I walked through camp Half Blood. After getting thoroughly scolded by Chiron, he let me go with a warning since he had other things to worry about-though Luke and Corissa weren't happy with the outcome. They totally wanted me to get it. Don't blame them since apparently, I ruined their plans to go on a date in town. I felt bad for it. I'd have to make it up to them somehow.

Though Chiron made sure I realized was in trouble with that warning. Apparently if I pulled another disappearance stunt again, I'd be assigned to stable duty for a year. Actually, I wouldn't mind too much. Yes, cleaning horse crap wasn't enjoyable, but I liked chilling with the horses and…Pegasuses? Pegasai? Pega-something. I'm not sure which.

"Hey, Kaira, you're back!

"I paused in my walk to turn my head to see the Stoll brothers heading my way. I grinned waving at the two of them. When they reached me, the three of us exchanged handshakes.

"So, have any fun while you were out?" Conner asked grinning.

"You could say that." I said shrugging. "Those Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Linguistic Division guys found me again and chased me through Manhattan as I was heading back to find Apollo's lyre."

"They really need to shorten their name." Travis said.

"Tell me about it." I said.

I then asked them what they had been up too while I was gone, and they explained they had pulled another huge prank on the Aphrodite cabin. It was like the golden apple incident all over again apparently, and only Kalista and Selena working together could calm their siblings down in the end. I laughed because that had been very humorous. As we were walking together, the conch shell sounded through the air, which brought them to a pause.

"Percy is back!" Someone shouted from near the hill. "Annabeth and Grover with him!"

As some campers hurried to see what was happening, Kaira stood still as she placed her hands in her pockets.

"Why do I feel as if fate has just taken a turn...in a bad direction?" She murmured.