What if you have no options left? My dear friend Jean foresaw the end of the world and after knowing who we're up against I'd better protect my relatives. Apocalypse, he calls himself. The proof evil Gods existed too, this was one beyond our mutant powers. With what than other Gods would you fight a God? I was standing across them, a strong man with long blonde hair and a pale one with long black hair. Thor, the God of Thunder and Loki the kind of God I'd normally would not have trusted. I'm wondering from what future year I got them from. I'm guessing somewhere between 2013 and 2016, after they were done battling themselves, at least that I may hope. I truly hoped they were strong enough to face the enemy. Eventually, Apocalypse would find them because I'm asking them to protect the one he's after.

'You want us to protect a girl?', Loki asked, like he had better things to do.

I thought it was for the best to not tell them everything. They didn't needed to know that they were going to protect the most powerful one of us all. She was able to receive every power she desired, to protect her we isolated her and switched off her powers a long time ago. Now Apocalypse is after her to give them back, kill her and become the owner of her powers himself. If that happens, I think we all are screwed.

'Not just any other girl. She's my twin sister! Please don't ask any more questions, the time will make them clear.' I needed to retain myself. I don't like the talks of this Loki. In my eyes all he represented was egoism and chaos. There was a reason why he was known as the God of Mischief and Lies. But Jean said he shall be the most important one, and I know if there is someone I can trust, it's her. 'There is someone who will join you, his name is Logan.' I made room, in order to let him entrance.

Terrific, another beast! At least this one isn't green, but the hair! Hair everywhere! - Thoughts coming from Loki's mind, or at least everything I was able to catch. His mind was a chaos and so was Thor's, I assumed it must be a Gods thing.

'Oh please, if I wanted a pet I would have gotten one at the local pet store!', Loki said while giving Logan a false look.

I guessed these two weren't going to be the best friends. Logan always had a short temper, within seconds he pointed his iron claws at the better knowing God. I realized Thor had a handful in keeping these two out of each other's hairs, quickly he stood between the two of them.

'Come on Loki, do me a favor and act nicely for this once!', he said.

Loki sighed. 'Then he should wear a t-shirt!', he answered.

'What, you're afraid of getting all hot on me? Don't worry I have plenty of t-shirts..', Logan responded. Luckily I discovered some humor in his voice.