Yu-Gi-Oh!: Realms of Myth

Chapter 3

**** the Police

Winda awoke to the sound of some sort of machine rumbling. Her vision was blurry, but she could tell that she was in motion. Was she inside some sort of vehicle?

She tried to move, but felt pressure on her wrists arms, and legs, realizing that she was bound. When her vision focused, she could see that she was indeed bound. She was forced on all fours in a position facing a wall. Her limbs were bound by some sort of energy cuffs.

She struggled in vain against the bonds for a time.

"Don't bother." She heard a voice, recognizing it as the well-dressed red Fiend.

Winda looked around, and could see that the others were bound in a similar manner. She couldn't see Wynn however.

"Where is my sister?" Winda asked. Her voice sounded strangely raspy, and sent her into a fit of coughing.

"I saw them load her into the other transport."

"The other what? Transport? Where are they taking us?"


"Romero..." The well dressed fiend spoke.


"I SWEAR TO CAIUS, SHUT THE FUCK UP ROMERO!" The well dressed fiend finally lost his temper. "It's your damned fault were in this mess! I could have talked our way out of this if you hadn't attacked!"

"I told you we shouldn't have brought Romero."

"Shut up, all of you!" The well-dressed Fiend sighed. "Let me think of a way out of this."

Winda however wasn't paying attention to the Fiend's argument. Instead, she concentrated. Electricity crackled down the length of her arms until it struck the energy cuffs, disrupting them. Now able to move her hands, she aimed a shock at the bonds on her legs, disrupting those as well.

Alarms went off, but she didn't care. She had to rescue Wynn from these kidnappers.

She stood up, taking stock of her situation. Her staff was missing, as well as her robe and her jewelry. Whatever, she'd worry about getting those back later. More concerning was the absence of Gulldo. She could sense that he was okay, though fairly far off and she couldn't get a good read on his location. At least he was out of harms way.

"What are you doing?" One of the fiends asked.

Winda ignored him. Her sister was in danger. She concentrated, and electricity began building within her, crackling all across her body, illuminating the entire compartment in flickering lights. She gave a cry and held out her hands towards the doors. A massive blast of lightning erupted from her hands, blasting headlong into the door with enough force to blast both of them off their hinges and send them flying. The Fiends screamed in terror. The lights in the compartment went out and the entire vehicle began swerving out of control.

Winda dashed forwards, and leaped out of the vehicle, using a burst of wind to vastly increase her jump height. What she saw outside made her gasp.

She was in a massive city, so big she couldn't see the edge of it. The buildings were so immensely tall and massive that she couldn't see the tops of them.

She couldn't marvel for long though. She was also so high up that she couldn't even see the ground. She quickly scanned the area, and managed to find a nearby platform. With a gesture, the winds gathered around her, allowing her to glide to the platform, though even then she only barely managed to grab on to the edge.

She pulled herself over the railing, and now that she was on solid ground she was free to gawk. The buildings were so tall that she couldn't even see the sky, leaving the area in perpetual shadow, lit only by streetlamps and glowing signs.

Winda leaned over the railing, staring in awe at vehicles flying through the skies with ease, most lacking any sort of wings. Everything was lit up in a multitude of colors and moving lights, each drawing Winda's attention from the last. It was actually overwhelming and slightly dizzying.

"Surrender!" She heard a mechanical sounding shout, jolting her out of her trance. The black armored figures were approaching her, flying through the air.

"Where is my sister!" She demanded, backing away from the railing, all the while.

"Get on the ground or we will shoot!" One of the kidnappers shouted.

Not wanting to give them the chance to do that, Winda held up her hands and shouted. "Windstorm of Etaqua!"

The spell released a massive whirlwind that tore through the area, sending the flying troopers careening through the air, to land with a series of violent crashes upon the ground.

They weren't down however, most quickly rising form the impact and opening fire. With a wind augmented leap, Winda jumped out of the way of the glowing projectiles, knowing how even one hit could potentially end the fight. Augmenting her speed, she dashed forwards, striking one of the kidnappers with a wind enhanced kick, sending them flying into a parked vehicle with enough force to dent it. Allowing the wind to affect her, she was also blasted back by the impact, crashing into another enemy and sending him to the ground. Keeping her momentum, she rolled as she cast a spell again. A violent burst of wind came crashing though the area, blasting more enemies off their feet.

Before they could rise again, Winda made a chopping gesture and shouted. "Majespecter Cyclone!"

Another whirlwind went surging forwards picking up the enemies and swirling them about, before forcefully launching them in various directions, where they lay still, moaning.

Now to find her sisters transport. Winda stepped away from them, heading back over to the railing, and scanned the skies, but could find nothing.

She looked down, and was perplexed when she saw vines covering the area. "What is-"

Winda only had a moment of warning, but it was enough to cartwheel out of the way as a series of vines suddenly extended towards her. She released a burst of wind, knocking them away, and dropping back into her fighting stance.

"So, I got a distress call, thinking it's merely some routine feral attack, when imagine my surprise, I find this!" She heard a female voice.

Winda looked up, to see a female monster descending from above, supported by some sort of giant flower petal. She had purple skin and wore an outfit made of leaves and flowers. She flicked her white hair as she stepped off of the plant.

"Who the hell are you?" Winda asked.

"What's more interesting is, who are you? Some minion of the Evil Heroes? Then again, you were brought in with the Fiend Sword Baron's men. So I doubt it. At least the Evil Heroes have class." The strange Plant woman threw back her head and gave a mocking laugh. "If your hanging around with those losers, then jeez, your really slumming it! What are you, their communal skank?"

Winda had no idea who these people she was referring to were, or what a 'skank' was, but could tell this woman was mocking her.

"Oh, did I strike a nerve?" She laughed again. "That's not all that's about to be struck. I am Elemental Hero Poison Rose. Surrender now, and I'll go easy on you."

The nerve of this kidnapper, calling herself a hero! Winda wasn't going to give her a chance to capture her. She'd beat the location of her sister out of her.

Without warning, Winda made a slicing motion, and a blade of rending air was shot forwards. Poison Rose dodged out of the way, rolling behind one of the parked vehicles.

It was then that Winda noticed the trees around the lot, only barely avoiding the counter attack as the branches grew with extreme speed, attempting to snare her.

As she landed, she unleashed a bolt of lightning at the vehicle. Poison Rose dashed away from it, a vine extending from her wrist to wrap around a light post and haul her up before the vehicle burst into flames.

From up there, she held out her hands. "Blossom Bombardment!"

A storm of red petals came crashing towards her. Not knowing what kind of magic it was, but figuring it wouldn't be good, Winda countered. "Cyclone!"

A whirlwind gathered up the petals and ejected them skywards, whereupon they exploded.

Winda then heard another shout. "Seeds of Deception!"

Poison Rose hurled several seeds across the area, landing in various cracks. Almost instantly, roots erupted outwards, grabbing Winda by the ankle and forcefully hurling her.

She was launched into the air, where she quickly righted herself, only to be grabbed again and swung violently about. She was smashed into the glass window of a vehicle hard enough to crack it.

Winda cried out in pain, but roots were relentless, tossing, striking, whipping her. She was smashed against the ground, more vehicles, walls, posts, and even other roots.

"Hah!" Poison rose sneered. "There's no escape from this. I'd just surrender if I were you!"

"Not a chance!" Taking advantage of a moment of clarity, Winda held out her hand. "Raimei!"

A bolt of lightning struck Poison Rose, and the Plant girl screamed in pain. The root holding on to Winda went slack, enough for her to get her bearings. She fired a bolt at the root, burning through it. She fell slightly, adjusting her fall to kick off the bulk of the root and go sailing towards the stunned Poison Rose.

She hit head on, tackling her off the pole she was balancing on. The two wrestled in the air briefly, before Winda released another gale. Poison Rose was blasted downwards to slam into the solid ground hard, while Winda spun off to the side, landing on her feet.

Poison Rose wasn't down however. She struggled back to her knees. "You'll pay for that!" She snarled.

She pointed at Winda, and the roots resumed their motion, dashing straight for Winda. She leaped out of the way, again rushing towards Poison Rose.

"Gusto Whirlwind!" She shouted.

Winda's speed increased, and she acrobatically flipped through the attacks Poison Rose directed at her, making her way through the barrage to strike her enemy in the face.

Poison Rose stumbled back and then attempted to strike back, only to receive a wind augmented punch straight to the gut. She doubled over in pain, which allowed Winda to flip backwards, catching her with a wind-enhanced flip kick to the chin.

Poison Rose was sent flying backwards, tumbling across the ground. Winda dashed forwards, only for a vine to get in the way, knocking her off course. She flipped, landing right again, and charging forwards at the recovered Poison Rose.

The two traded blows, striking and blocking, dodging and countering, until Poison Rose landed a kick to Winda's breasts. Despite her assumptions, her opponent was actually pretty skilled in melee combat.

She stumbled back, dazed in pain from the dirty blow, only to see a sharpened blade of wood emerge from her opponents wrist. Her fingers on her other hand sharpened into claws and she charged forwards, snarling.

Despite Winda's defensive efforts, her enemy landed several blows. A cut with the blade across her cheek, a slash with the claws on her calves, a cut with the blade on her shoulder, a swipe across her back with the claws.

Winda managed to disengage, flipping back and shooting lighting at the same time, only to be tripped by a root.

"Gotcha!" Poison Rose charged towards her, claws outstretched. She took several more cuts before managing to break away again, this time leaping over a vehicle.

Winda was growing frustrated. She wished Gulldo were here, then they could become Daigusto Gulldos and this fight would be over. But sadly, that wasn't in the cards.

Instead, she had to dodge a barrage of poison barbs from her enemy. However this did give her the opening she needed. Winda countered, exhaling a blast of wind to knock aside the barbs and sending Poison Rose flying back once again. She impacted hard against a vehicle, enough to dent it severely. She attempted to continue standing, only to be blasted by another bolt of lightning.

She slumped to the ground, dazed. The vines and roots in the area stopped moving.

Winda breathed heavily as she limped over to her fallen foe, only barely taking stock of her own injuries. She was bruised, bleeding from multiple cuts, had several irritating splinters, and now there was a persistent ringing in her ears.

Poison Rose groaned, and struggled to stand, but fell back to the ground. Winda stood over her, and formed electricity in her hands.

"Alright, where have you kidnappers taken my sister?!"

"Kidnappers? What the fuck? What the hell are you on, Trumpeter Mist?"

"Don't play dumb with me, kidnapper!" Her hand glowed brighter.

Suddenly, she heard a splashing noise and a shout from a male voice. "Fixed Stars Imprisoning Bubbles!"

A massive bubble of water formed around Winda, entrapping her.

"What the hell?!"

She noticed a newcomer appear. A man clad in blue armor and a white cape. He wore a helm with pointed ears reminiscent of a rabbits or a bats, but which left his lower face open.

"Let me out of here!" Winda demanded as she pounded against the bubble.

Bubbleman watched as the strange girl continued to strike at the bubble.

"Don't bother kid, you're not getting out of there."

The girl continued to strike at the bubble, heedless of his advice.

Ignoring her for the moment, her headed over to the fallen Poison Rose, and helped her up.

"Thanks." She said weakly.

Bubbleman surveyed the area. Scorch marks where lightning had struck, cracks in the ground from impacts or roots, injured Soartroopers, damaged vehicles.

"Quite the fight."

The girl continued to pound away at the bubble, still unable to escape.

"She seems to think were kidnappers."

"That's odd." Bubbleman observed.

"She's an idiot, probably on Trumpeter Mist. Was arrested in an abandoned mall with a group of the Fiend Sword Baron's gangers."

"I'll talk to her. See what I can learn."

"I'm telling you, she's crazy. You won't get anything coherent out of her."

"I'll be the judge of that." Bubbleman held up Poison Rose while she created a giant flower which she sat on, resting.

He then approached the girl, still attempting to break free of the bubble.

"So, kid, what's your name?"

"I'm not giving my name to kidnappers!"

"You seem to be mistaken, were not kidnappers."

"Then let me out of this thing!" The girl demanded, still pounding away it.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that right now."

"Fine, then I'll do it my self!" Electricity began crackling around the girl.

"Wait!" Bubbleman shouted, but it was too late. The girl unleashed the electricity, which immediately rebounded again and again, lighting up the sphere to a near blinding level. He could hear her screams within it.

When the sparks faded, the girl lay at the bottom of the bubble, unmoving.

Poison Rose burst into laughter, while Bubbleman sighed. That bubble was a variant of the spell Drowning Mirror Force. She had shocked herself into unconsciousness.

He sighed again as he activated his communicator. "This is Bubbleman. Requesting a transport back to headquarters."

Yes, I am aware that MST does not negate.
