A/N: Hello my darling readers! I am back with another chapter, and it is much much longer than the other chapters. It's full of fluffy goodness, and one of my favorite chapters for IGY! I hope you enjoy!

I don't own Boruto/Naruto.

"It doesn't work that way, you idiot!"

"Oh, come on, Sarada!" Boruto leaned back in his chair and huffed. "How can you be so sure?"

She lifted her textbook from the table and pointed at it. "It says so right here."

The blond rolled his eyes and continued to argue.

Mitsuki and Wasabi watched on. Mitsuki was happily sipping on his juice box, while Wasabi scribbled away on her notebook.

"Are they going to give it a rest?" She muttered.

He sipped some more, eyes shining. "I'll give it a few more minutes. This is so much fun."

She looked up from her notes and raised a brow. "You're enjoying all this sexual tension, aren't you?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Just like old times." And really, it was. The two were back to arguing at any opportunity they got, hanging out with everyone again, but there was also something… different. Inojin once commented over lunch that all the sexual tension coming from the two of them was enough to make him barf. To which, Boruto and Sarada hastily denied that there was any, of course.

Just like old times but… with sexual tension, apparently.

Mitsuki would have shrugged all of these off, as he felt like things have finally regressed to the mean, however, things have gotten awkward as Sarada would avoid Kagura like the plague, and Boruto would walk the other way if he saw the Senior anywhere close. Mitsuki thought it strange, as Kagura would greet him like he always did, and he would return the greeting. Neither Boruto nor Sarada wanted to speak up about their… peculiar behavior.

Other than that, everything was normal. That is until Boruto came to campus after one weekend wearing a new article of clothing.

"Dude!" Iwabe gaped. "Why are you in pink?" His face twisted.

Boruto only lifted a brow and placed the drink carrier on the table. "What are you talking about? I always wear pink." He pulled one cup out and placed it in front of Sarada, who took it, and said her thanks, but did not look up at him.

Inojin and Chocho walked over, both of them had a finger on their chin and inspected the long-sleeved sweater. The latter lightly stroked the fabric. "Not cashmere this time?"

Boruto shrugged. "Hima-chan got it for me. And I think the color and fit suits, don't you?"

The two agreed, and Shikadai complimented the color in his own dry way. "Makes you look like a Barbie doll."

"I like this hot pink color," Chocho snapped a shot of it on her phone.

Inojin snorted. "It's magenta, Chubbs. Get your color right."

The two began to argue and Iwabe muttered, "Isn't it just… pink?"

Finally, Sarada looked up, curious what all the fuss was about and her heart stopped. Boruto was holding on to his cup of coffee, taking occasional sips as he watched his friends argue about what color his sweater was. He wore a white collared shirt underneath and held his books in his other hand. Once his blue eyes met Sarada's, he placed the cup down and grinned. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she looked away, trying to hide the rosy blush on her cheeks.

Boruto toed around the still arguing artists and sat next to her. She immediately picked up her coffee and drank, avoiding eye contact yet again. But he sat so close… close enough for his arm to brush against hers and she felt the fabric of his sweater on her skin and she nearly spat her coffee out.

It was soft… and warm. And that smell… he was wearing cologne today.

"Not feeling cold yet, Sarada?" Boruto grinned. "Fall is really kicking in, don't ya think? I expected to see you in a turtleneck already."

She rolled her eyes and placed her cup down. "Very funny. I brought a jacket today."

Boruto peered at the red coat that hung at the back of her chair and blinked. She snuck a peek at him and that obscenely adorable sweater. Trust Himawari to choose the cutest ones she could find. The color went well with Boruto's slight tan, and Shikadai was right. Paired with his blue eyes and blond hair, it did make him look like a Barbie doll… in the best possible way. Because fuck he looked so attractive. Illegal. It has to be illegal to look this good.

Pink was always his color, and he carried it confidently.

Iwabe teased Boruto, pulling Sarada out of her daze and subtly wiping the drool off her lips. "Nice sweater, boo."

Boruto put his coffee down and grinned at Iwabe, who was wearing a colorful-bomber-jacket thing. "I like your outfit, too. Except when I dress up like a douchebag, I try not to make it look like I'm trying too hard."

Shikadai snickered, and Sarada chuckled.

Iwabe grunted and muttered unintelligible things about their blond friend. Boruto took a sip of his coffee. Sarada sneaked a look at him. He looked at her. She hastily looked away, and then pretended to be absorbed in her reading. Boruto grinned and rested his cheek on his hand as he watched her pretend to study. Heat rose to her cheeks.

"Having trouble with that, Sarada?" He asked cheekily.

"No," Sarada replied harshly.

He was unfazed. His grin only grew. "Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind explaining the chapter to me, right? Inheritance laws are always pretty tricky, ya know?"

She pursed her lips and looked at him, her eyes instantly drawn to the pink sweater, making her look at his neck and shoulders.

"Like my sweater?" Boruto teased.

"No." Wow, real harsh, Sarada.

"You sure?" He lifted his brow and sang out, "It's reallyyyy comfyyyy."

Keep it together. She had to keep it together. Sarada ground her teeth and seethed, "Go away, Boruto."

He placed a hand on his heart, pretending to be struck by an arrow. "You're killing me here!" He sighed dramatically before bursting out into laughter.

Sarada grumbled and packed her things, making a hasty escape from the table. Boruto tried calling out for her, but the bell rang and it was time for class. Saying that she sped walked is an understatement. As soon as she reached her classroom, she placed her belongings down on the desk and sat down, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

That sweater… did look comfy. It also made Boruto look… attractive.

The last thought made her jump. It's not that it was surprising. She always found him attractive in his own idiotic yet charming way. That smile and his golden hair and those blue, blue eyes.

Students starting filling in the seats and she wiped the corner of her lip. No drool. Good job. Shouldn't be wiping for drool in the first place but why did he have to look so good? In pink, no less. Ever since they patched things up, things went back to normal for them but there really was something different between the two. The smallest of things could send her heart racing. Like whenever he would get her coffee, or whenever their fingers would brush.

There was no more denying it. Since she became aware of her feelings for him, things were a little brighter, flowers smelled better, even fall felt a little fresher. Heat rose to her face.


Her blush deepened.

"Sarada, hey!" Boruto stopped at her desk and took a big gulp of air. Did he run all the way here? "I'm—I'm sorry!" He gasped between words, still catching his breath. "You stormed off, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just playing around, ya know?"

Her lips parted. "Boruto…"

"Mr. Uzumaki," the professor chided him. "Sit down. You're sticking out like a sore thumb!"

Boruto looked around, the entire class was already seated. The only vacant one left was the one in front of Sarada. "Oh, shit," he muttered. "Sorry, sir." He took the empty seat and opened up his notebook.

Sarada released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. The professor started droning on about labor laws and Sarada opened her notebook to begin taking notes. A folded piece of paper landed on the open page and she looked ahead. Boruto was looking at her but hastily faced forward as soon as their eyes met. She pouted and opened the note.

I'm sorry if I upset you :(

Dinner later so I can grovel more?

She snickered, making him slightly turn around to peek at her. Her eyes softened and nodded. A bright grin spread across his face and he gave her a thumbs-up before facing forward again. Once again, she could only see pink.




Dinner with Boruto was always a lively affair. To her surprise, they were far away from Thunder Burger. He kept chatting during the drive about how good the fusion sushi rolls were in this chic little restaurant, pumping her up for the truffle steak that they offered, as well.

He was still wearing the pink sweater, but he had changed the shirt he wore under it. The sun was starting to set by the time they got to the restaurant and Sarada opted to leave her coat in the car.

"You sure about that?" Boruto eyed the red frock that she tossed in his backseat. "Heard it was going to get cold later."

She shrugged a shoulder up. "We'll be indoors, it's fine." Sure she would. The fact that she knew Boruto would offer his sweater to her if she got cold has absolutely nothing to do with it. Sarada eyed him, and her gaze drifted all over his sweater, hugging his well-toned body. She took a deep breath and bit her lip. Why did he have to look so attractive in pink?

The two of them walked into the restaurant side by side, Boruto exchanged a few words with the lady upfront to confirm his reservation before she ushered them to their seats. Trust Boruto to always choose a booth table. The whole place could probably only accommodate up to fifteen tables. It was small, but it did have character. There were fishnets hanging on the ceiling, and fake salmon and tuna on crates around the walls, along with graffiti prices for the daily catch. Sarada's eyes looked around, appreciating the decor.

Boruto rested his elbows on the table and leaned into one of his hands. "Like the place?" A small smile on his face.

She grinned. "Yeah, it's cute. I haven't even heard about this place."

His smile widened. "I hope you like the food as much as the ambiance."

A server came by and handed each of them a menu, recommending their best sellers, as well as the newly added dishes. Boruto already had a few rolls and others to order, all of which sounded good to her. She ordered an iced tea, and so did Boruto. It was the first to arrive, and she drank nearly half without even thinking about it, as she was too absorbed with looking at Boruto as he told her about his family's upcoming Christmas plans.

"Christmas?" She straightened up, and a cold shiver ran down her spine. Whoops. Maybe she shouldn't have drunk something cold on an empty stomach. "It isn't even Halloween yet!"

Boruto snickered. "Yeah but come on, it's Christmas!" His blue eyes glittered and Sarada couldn't help but grin. It was Boruto's favorite time of the year, afterall. "But yeah, Halloween is coming up. The weather is really starting to change and it's been getting a lot cooler lately."

Another shiver down her spine, this time, Boruto noticed. "You cold?"

"No, I'm fine." She bit her tongue. It was just the iced tea. With the food coming, she'll warm up in no time.

He raised a brow and pulled on his sweater. "Wanna borrow my sweater?"

Yes! "No."

Before he could retort, the food was placed before them. Her eyes widened at the selection. There were rolls with various toppings, tuna and salmon sashimi, and the familiar smell of… "Is this truffle?" She pointed at the steak.

A smug smile painted itself on his lips. "You bet."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. She loved truffle anything, and anyone who has spent enough time eating with her would know. She took a pair of chopsticks and held it up, looking for her first morsel to taste.

There was a click of a camera and she looked up. Boruto took a photo of her, a wide grin on his face and showed her the photo. It was a boomerang of her moving her chopsticks around as she looked at the food before her. She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Really? What is it with everyone taking photos of me?"

Boruto grinned. "Can't blame us for wanting to have a photo of the prettiest girl on earth."

Suddenly, it wasn't so cold anymore and her tummy did a backflip. She was sure that wasn't a telltale sign of hunger but rather… something else. Gosh, everything Boruto did just made her fall for him even more.

"I mean, right after Auntie Sakura, that is."

Nevermind. She took it back. She pointed her chopsticks at him. "You don't stand a chance with my mama! Get over it!" She puffed her cheeks, picked up a tuna roll and opened her mouth.

He laughed and held on to his own chopsticks, and picked up a salmon roll. "Yeah, I know. But I sure hope I do with you."

She dropped her roll. "What?"

Boruto placed the roll in his mouth and shrugged a shoulder up, pretending he didn't say a thing, leaving her to gape like a fish until he swallowed his roll and wiped his mouth. "You should really start eating, Sarada."

Well played.

Everything was delicious. The sashimi was fresh, the rolls were unique, and that steak was to die for. However, she still couldn't stop looking at Boruto and that obscenely pink and comfortable looking sweater. The meal warmed her up, but she still wanted to try it on. Once all the food was gone, she went back to sipping on her iced tea. Freshly refilled, and this time, had more ice. She shivered.

"I swear, Sarada," Boruto placed his chopsticks down and removed his sweater.

Her eyes widened as the white shirt underneath rode up, exposing part of his stomach. She quickly recovered once his face was in full view again, making it look like she was totally not staring at his abs. Absolutely not!

He handed her the pink sweater over the table. "Just put it on already. I don't like seeing you be cold."


She pursed her lips. "I said I'm fine!"

Oh for fuck's sake.

Boruto rolled his eyes and shoved it closer to her. "Come on, it's clean, I swear. I just wore it yesterday and today."

That means it'll smell like you, and I want that scent on me. But no, Sarada didn't take it. Boruto stopped insisting when his phone started ringing. He pulled his phone out to check and stood up. "Oh, shit. It's mom. Hold on for a bit, will ya?" Boruto placed the sweater on the side of the table and stood up to go someplace quiet.

Hence, a staring contest with the sweater ensued.

Pros and cons, Sarada. Think of the pros and cons. Pros are, it looked comfortable, it would smell like Boruto, and that color would make her look even cuter. Cons? Nothing. Absolutely nothing except maybe swallowing her pride that she did like the sweater and did want to try it on, but she would ultimately be admitting that she liked Boruto because it was his and she wanted it.

She chewed on her lower lip and looked around. She found Boruto near the washroom, still in the call. Her eyes drifted back to the sweater.

Don't. Have some self respe—too late. Sarada was already holding on to the sweater, feeling it in her hands. The material was so soft, and there was a light fuzzy texture to it, too. It was still warm… Pulling it closer to her face, she took a quick breath in and found herself smiling. It was clean, it smelled of fabric softener, his cologne, and that smell that was so unmistakably Boruto.

She pulled it over her head and slipped it on. The fabric was soft, and caressed her skin. It had only been on for a few seconds but she already felt so much warmer. The collar wasn't close to her nose, yet she could still smell him. Oh my god. Why didn't she do this sooner?

"Hey, I'm back, sorry about that," Boruto slipped into his side of the booth and blinked. She was wearing his sweater, and she had the biggest smile on her face. He smirked. "Happy you like my sweater." His blue eyes roamed around her figure, a smile on his face. "You look even cuter in it. I'd say pink is your color."

She was too happy to say anything. She felt so warm and comfortable, and now he was saying she looked cute. This sweater already felt like cloud 9 but now that he was back, she felt even better.

Boruto snapped another photo of her, and posted it with a caption, "She wears it better." despite her hands being hidden under the sleeves. The color made her cheeks look rosier, and that smile she wore… she looked so happy. Boruto's eyes softened.

Finally. He was seeing her be happy with him.




Boruto drove slowly on the way back to their dorms. He enjoyed her company, and wanted it to last a little longer. The radio played soft music, and she was chattier than usual, too. Whenever he wasn't looking at the road, he was looking at her.

"Boruto, eyes on the road!" She admonished, but she was still smiling, a giggle escaping her lips. She was still wearing his sweater and he made a mental note to thank his little sister. It looked good on Sarada. The sleeves were too long and loose on her shoulders, reiterating to him how small and lithe she is. They had both grown a great deal, and he was finally taller than her.

He grinned. "Scared we'll crash?"

Her eyes widened. "Don't you dare!"

Boruto smirked. "I won't crash the car and make us fall into a ditch, don't worry. But I would gladly fall for you."

She rolled her eyes. "You've been hitting on me all night."

"Is it working?" He asked, cheekily.

Sarada bit her lip and looked at the road ahead. "Maybe a bit."

He picked up her hand and held it to his chest. "Good. I've been rehearsing my lines for years." His eyes were on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other gave her hand a squeeze. It felt nice to be able to talk to her like this again, but this time, be able to fully mean it. He hadn't confessed yet, but it was only about time.

Even if he was sincere, she didn't seem to think so. Sarada snickered, but didn't pull her hand away. "Sure, Boruto. The very same lines you use on every other girl isn't going to work on me." Even if her voice was light, she looked away, hiding the pink that rose to her cheeks.

"If I up my game," he grinned, "do you think I'd stand a chance?"

"Hn. Maybe." Yes.

The rest of the ride was full of laughs, spontaneous singing and comfortable silences. The kind that made Boruto wish it would stretch on a little longer. As he parked his car, Sarada removed his sweater and shrugged on her coat. He was a little disappointed that she did, but he was looking forward to having it back. The walk to her dorm, and then to his, was quite a distance and judging from the temperature displayed on his dashboard, he would need it.

As they reached her door, she fumbled for her keys, thanking him for dinner and how he really didn't need to foot the bill.

"You kidding? Mom would kill me if she found out I didn't pay for it."

She rolled her eyes and held on to her keys. Sarada looked at him and smiled. "Thank you for dinner. I really had fun. It's nice to get to catch up with you again."

Boruto flushed. "I had fun too. Thank you for coming with me."


He shifted his weight on the balls of his feet and stuffed his hands in his pockets. It was cold, and the distance between them felt a lot closer but also farther at the same time. Boruto looked at her, noticing her gaze was averted from his. Maybe he should—

"Well," She gave him a tight smile. "I won't hold you further."

Oh no, please do.

"Yeah!" Boruto scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I got a test to review for."

"Oh right. Yeah, I gotta review, too." She stuck the key into the doorknob but suddenly gave him a hug. "Good luck. Text me if you have a question or something."

Can I stay and study with you? I want to be with you longer.

He pulled on a grin and hugged her back but released her when she pulled away, instantly missing her warmth. "Thanks."

Sarada grinned at him and unlocked her door, opening it by a crack. "Good luck to us!"

I really wish it were us.

He waved and she locked the door behind her, leaving him out in the hallway.

Boruto arrived in his dorm. He took a deep breath and sighed. He was glad to be back but really wished Sarada had stayed with him a little longer. He removed his sweater, put it to his face and inhaled. It smelled like her, and it made him smile.

"Had fun on your date?"

He jumped. Mitsuki was inches away from him. "Dude!" He held on to his heart, fearing it would jump out of his chest. "Don't scare me like that!"

Mitsuki only gave him his signature smile. "Well?"

Boruto gave him the stink eye. "It wasn't a date. I didn't ask for it to be one, so it wasn't."

Mitsuki kept smiling. "Really? So you need to make it clear it is a date before it is one?"

"Yes!" Boruto sat on his bed, placing his sweater on his pillow.

"Then why didn't you clarify it?"

He went silent. Why didn't he? He knew he wanted to go out with her, and it's not like he didn't pay the bill when they ate out often. His mom always told him it was fine to treat friends, but he fought her for the bill and insisted because… he wanted it to be one. "I don't know," he muttered.

"Then clarify next time," Mitsuki stood from the bed and went to his own. "Ask her out for lunch."

"We have a test at three."

"Then even better. You two can study. But tell her it's a date."

"A study date?" Boruto looked at Mitsuki.

"A real date," Mitsuki deadpanned.

Boruto's eyes widened. "But—what if she—"

"She isn't busy, or will reject you." Mitsuki smiled. "I'm sure she would want the company."

Boruto pursed his lips. "Yeah but I got gym in the morning and I don't want to—"

"Then bring spare clothes and take a shower. It isn't so hard, Boruto."

Touché. Since when did Mitsuki become so… practical?

Boruto changed out of his clothes and pulled out his notebook. "Yeah, okay fine." He took out his phone and saw a text from Sarada.

"Thank you again for dinner. Don't sleep too late."

He smiled and texted back, "you're welcome. I won't. I'll just skim my notes. It's not like I need to study so hard to ace it, ya know?"

She replied almost instantly, "I wouldn't be so sure. I'm going to study again before the test. I'm getting sleepy."

His eyes widened. This was it. An opening! "Wanna grab lunch and then study together?" He hit send and mentally punched himself. Idiot! Make it a date! Three dots appeared and he panicked. "Like a date!" Once he hit send and the three dots instantly disappeared, he screamed into his pillow. Boruto peeked at his screen and saw the three dots go on for fucking ever.

And finally, she responded. "Alright. It's a date :)"

Mitsuki jumped when Boruto suddenly yelled in victory. She said yes. Sarada said yes to go out on a date with him.




Sarada fidgeted as she stared at the clock that hung above the blackboard. She was nervous all morning. And now, in five agonizing minutes, she would be meeting with Boruto. Most likely, she would find him outside. Waiting. She drummed her fingers on the desk. Tapped her pen on her notebook. Chewed on her lower lip. She shook her head and tried to focus on the lecture, but to no avail.

He asked her out on a date. A date.

During her morning break with the boys, she told them about it due to their incessant questioning on why she was restless.

"Boruto asked me out on a date," she spoke quickly and clarified. "I mean, like, we're getting lunch and then studying together for a test…"

Iwabe, Metal, and Denki looked at each other and then back at her.

Denki spoke and scratched the back of his neck. "Really? It sounds like what you two normally do."

Sarada's has slackened. "I mean, he said it was… a date."

Iwabe nodded and sipped on his soda. "Yeah, like a… lunch date?"

"Or a study date!" Metal added, nervously.

She blinked. Why were they… watering this down? She pulled out her phone and showed them his text. Their eyes widened and they gasped.

"It's true!" Denki screeched.

Iwabe lifted his hands to the sky. "He finally did it!"

Metal has tears running down his eyes. "The bravery of youth!"

Sarada sweatdropped, picked up her belongings, and hurried to class, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

This was a date. He said it was a date. Chocho was screaming when she read the text and shook her violently, telling her this was it! All the stupid decisions, cowardice, and sexual tension was going to be worth it!

The bell rang and she zoned back into reality, packing her belongings.

Sexual tension.

This wasn't the first time she heard someone mention there was a lot of this between them. Or have any at all, to begin with. She swallowed. It's not that she's never thought about it, or considered it, but Sarada always pushed it back and shrugged it off. Sexual tension… her thoughts drifted to how good he looked in that pink sweater last night, and his abs that showed when he pulled it off. Her trail of thought then moved lower to the waistband of his pants and then to his—


She blinked and heat rose to her cheeks. Boruto was waving at her from the other side of the hall, his phone in his hand. He was not wearing that pink sweater anymore, but he was looking fresh in a white sweater, and dark jeans. Her heart sank… no pink anywhere. But she smiled nonetheless, Boruto looked like… he was glowing.

"Hello," she smiled. "You're looking… good."

Boruto grinned. "Thanks, worked out this morning." He took her bag from her but struggled a bit as his other hand was holding on to his phone.

"Here, let me hold that for you." She took his phone and saw the screen, he was in the middle of texting Mitsuki.

Left my sweater in the lib where we sat can u g hjhsjd

She frowned. "Why do you keep leaving your things?" She pointed at him. "I told you to always look back before you leave a table." As she rolled her eyes, she corrected the text, removing the keyboard smash that happened when he took her bag.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry. I was in a rush. I had to go to the gym, and make sure I took a shower before I meet up with you, ya know? This is our first date, after all."

Her heart skipped a beat. Date. It really was a date. This was huge, right? Even if they've known each other for years, taking a step like this was… monumental. Well, for Sarada, at least. But was it the same for Boruto? She walked next to him and looked a little more than she normally would. Other than that after-work-out-glow, and smelling even better than his regular cologne, his clothes were pressed, a nice change from the straight-out-of-the-wash look he usually had when laundry day had just finished.

Her lips curled up as she peeked at his face. This rosy glow on his cheeks looked adorable, and he had been smiling a lot more lately, his aura was significantly lighter, too. In turn, it made her smile more, and her heart felt lighter. But the guilt and shame still lingered and resurfaced every once in a while. She spent a good ten minutes the previous night whining to her best friend if it was too soon to date, to which her best friend assured her it wasn't. She and Kagura were still friends… or so they said.

"Hey," Boruto waved his hand in front of her face. "You okay? Is something on my face?"

Sarada shook her head and laughed nervously. "No, you look great."

Boruto smirked. "Keep telling me I look great and I might just think you're in love with me."

She snickered. "You wish!"

"Oh, I definitely do." He winked at her. "Every night, to all the gods in the skies!" He threw his hands up for dramatic flare, which made her laugh, forgetting all her troubling thoughts.

This was starting to look like a good first date.




The next morning was a nightmare. Chocho decided not to come home to the dorm "just in case" and when she found out nothing happened, she was furious. Screaming all over the place that when she received a text that Boruto asked her immediately for another date after the exam, Chocho packed an overnight bag and camped out on Namida's couch.

"I set everything up for you!" She cried as she munched on a bag of chips. "Why couldn't you?" Her mouth was full, but she didn't care.

Sarada put her belongings down on the table and gave Wasabi and Namida an apologetic smile. The two didn't seem to mind, but there was also a certain tension between the two. She looked around and found that there were two seats empty, but one of them had a certain pink sweater draped on it. Her eyes widened. Was that… Boruto's sweater?

Shit. This was her chance. She could casually, innocently, take it, tell him she found it and kept it for him but in truth, she would never give it back. That sweater was far too comfortable to return. She made a move to take it, but before her hand could grab on to the soft, fuzzy fabric, it was snatched right away.

"Here it is!" Mitsuki smiled. Sarada had half a mind to hit him, but when he noticed she was reaching for it, he was surprised. "Oh, Sarada… did Boruto ask you to get his sweater? I received the text and he asked if I could go back for it…"

"What?" Sarada panicked. "No, of course not. I wasn't trying to take it or anything!"

He blinked. "You were reaching for it, were you not?"

"Ridiculous!" She sat back down on her chair and crossed her arms. "I was… trying to get a better look. I thought, Inojin was there and I was going to wave." What the hell, think of a better excuse next time. Idiot.

Mitsuki raised both his eyebrows and a smug smile came to his face. "Okay, then. So you won't mind I take the sweater?"

"Of course not," Sarada stuck her nose up in the air and adjusted her glasses. "Tell Boruto to be more responsible and pick up his things himself!" She sniffed.

Mitsuki nodded slowly and that signature smile of his was back on his face. "Surely."

"The hell was that?" Wasabi muttered.

Namida only shrugged. Chocho was still busy whining and eating her chips.

Sarada slumped down on the chair. She had to get that sweater. It was a mighty need that needed to be fulfilled.




It's foolproof. Boruto had class, and so did Mitsuki. She felt the keys in her pockets and sneaked her way up to their dorm. Easy. No one will even know she went in. All those times Boruto had lost his keys were finally reaping their benefits. Boruto gave her the spare key to their dorm, and in turn, she handed him a key to hers. For safety and emergency reasons, of course.

Making sure no one saw her, Sarada hurried down the hall and stuck the key inside the doorknob, trying not to make a sound. Once the lock opened, she twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. A sly smile crept up her face. See? Easy.

She didn't look around, as she only had one item she went here for and she found it right away, on his bed. She chuckled and held on to the sweater. Holding it to her face and rubbing the soft fabric on her face. It smelled like him, too. What a bonus. Sarada removed her glasses and slipped on the sweater over her head. Before her face was through, someone called out to her and she froze.

"Sarada? What are you doing?"

Shit! Shit shit shit!

She pulled the sweater down and patted it on her body with one hand as the other groped around for her glasses. "M-Mitsuki? Don't you have class?" It was blurry, but it looked like there was someone else in the room. She couldn't quite tell who.

Mitsuki stood up and approached her, her view going HD again once she placed her glasses on. Sarada felt all the blood fall to her feet. Sumire was there, too. Sitting at the table, having lunch with Mitsuki.

Oh my god. Never mind breaking and entering, and stealing, but she was intruding on a date!

"Oh my god. I am so so sorry!" Her face was red and she wanted to disappear. This was a bad idea. A very, very bad idea. "I'll just—"

"Hey, the door is open!" Boruto entered, a scowl on his face. "What the hell is—"

He stopped mid-step and blinked, blue eyes then slowly taking in the whole scene but ultimately landed on Sarada. If she wanted to disappear before, she just wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole already.

No one dared to talk, except for Mitsuki who slowly smiled his signature smile and placed a hand on Sarada's shoulder, relief washing over her. Yes! Mitsuki, you are such a good friend. Please cover it up!

"She just came by to steal your sweater," Mitsuki explained.

Perhaps death would be kinder than Mitsuki. Scratch that, it totally would be. Why did she even think he would help her?

"My sweater?" Boruto walked over to her, and Sarada started sputtering for an excuse. He only laughed and gave her a shy smile. "If you wanted to borrow it, you just had to say so, ya know?"

Her eyes widened, and the prettiest shade of pink dusted her cheeks. "R-really?"

"Yeah, I'd do anything for you…" Boruto looked at the ground, trying to hide the flush on his own cheeks.

Mitsuki smiled at them and looked at Sumire, "See? They make a good couple."

Sumire giggled. "They do."

Boruto jumped and started stammering when he noticed Sumire in their dorm, his eyes also noticing the food laid out on the table. "Shit! Sorry! We're bothering, and I—I didn't see… Shit, yeah. We'll go." He held on to Sarada's hand and pulled her out of the dorm, leaving Mitsuki and Sumire inside, laughing their heads off.

A/N: hehehe. See? Nothing but pure fluffy goodness! I think I wrote this chapter within the span of like, 2 weeks. It's probably the longest chapter I've ever written. I have the rest of the chapters outlined, they just need to be written out well. Any guesses how this story will end? :)

Cheers and have a good weekend, love!