A/N: Hi! I'm back with my cute slow burn teacher student AU! Plz enjoy before IW ruins us all

Natasha has been a straight A student since elementary school. Her classmates might call her a know-it-all or a kiss-up or teacher's pet, but she has never felt the need to apologize for working hard to get good grades. After all, if she wanted any chance at going to college, she knew she would need a scholarship, which meant she would need good grades. So she's a serious student. That doesn't mean she doesn't like to have fun - she's a senior in high school, of course she does. She's had a boyfriend and is aware of her body and can drink with the best of them. Still, she is careful about school.

All the teachers at her school know her, and know what to expect of her - only good things. So when she learns she will have a brand new teacher for AP Lit that year, she sets out on the first day to introduce herself, knowing the importance of a good first impression. She didn't have time before class, so after their first class, she goes to him to introduce herself and ask questions about the material from that day. Right off the bat, Steve knows she is going to be the kind of student he was - always asking questions, really trying to understand and absorb the information. So he sets up some office hours and tells her to stop by if she has more questions.

Later that day after the final bell rings and the first day of senior year is officially over, Natasha finds herself wandering almost mindlessly to Mr. Rogers' office. Her mind is already racing with how much she has to get done before the semester (and even the week) is over. When she finally arrives she sees the door is shut and knocks just to make sure he's in there.

"Come in! It's open," she hears her teacher call out.

She opens the door and as she walks in he lifts his head up from where he's writing notes in the margin of a worn-out book. "Ah, Ms. Romanoff, I should've known."

She's not quite in the right mindset for awkward joking right now, so she just lets out a hum accompanied by a tight smile. "Yeah, I don't know if you've heard from the other teachers, but I am a pretty - involved - student." He nods slightly, signaling for her to continue. "So I will probably be in here every day with questions or wanting feedback or help, just so you're prepared."

"Well thank you, I appreciate that," he responds sincerely. "Now what can I do for you today?"

"Okay so -" and with that she launches into multiple questions she already has about the first bit of reading assigned and he answers every one, trying to calm her down at the same time.

Once she is finally finished with her questions, he continues, "So Ms. Romanoff, tell me about yourself. I like to get to know my students, especially if they're going to be in here everyday," he finishes in a light teasing tone.

"Well, you already know I'm a senior… I'm of course dedicated to school but I also dance - ballet - and do Tae Kwon Do and MMA training."

Steve's eyebrows raised a bit at the last part. "Now that's not something you hear every day. Very cool, Ms. Romanoff. So, I'm sure you're going to get sick of hearing this, but what are you planning to do about college?"

"Well, my dream is to go to NYU. That way I can learn from some of the best and still continue with dance and be in the heart of everything. But that's the dream. Probably something more realistic is a state school, considering I'm going to pay for it myself."

"Ah. Is that why you're so focused on school? Are you hoping to get a scholarship?"

"Well, yes in a way. That would be ideal, and I'm trying for Valedictorian because I think that title will help a lot… but also I just really enjoy learning and I'm so lucky to even be able to get an education and I feel like…I'm not going to be able to be in school forever, so I should take advantage of my ability and privilege while I can, you know?"

As she says this, Steve is sure he's never met a 17 year old more mature and both self and socially aware than her. He nods, a bit lost in thought, before speaking. "I'm impressed. That's great that you understand the magnitude of receiving an education, and that you're paying for college all on your own… maybe we old folks have something to learn from the youth after all."

She smiles a little bit at that and he momentarily bursts with joy, so glad his lame joke could get her to smile and let go of some of that stress for a little bit.

She finds herself smiling and wanting to roll her eyes - but she doesn't because, come on, this guy is still new and she has an image to maintain. God does she want to, though. She thinks this is probably just the beginning. He clearly is the dad joke type… but honestly she's glad. He got her to smile, letting go and taking a breath of fresh air after being bogged down with school already today. And then she does something that surprises herself - she jokes back.

"Well, Mr. Rogers, if you need lessons or any extra help, I am the school's most sought after tutor. I'd be glad to put your name on the waitlist."

He laughed, actually laughed out loud - one single "Ha!" but still, a laugh - then shook his head lightly. "I have no doubt, Ms. Romanoff." He holds eye contact with her and lets the smallest of smiles grace his features. "No doubt."

That much confidence from someone she just met, especially her teacher, means a lot. So at his words, Natasha smiles more sincerely now and her eyes shine and his lips lift up too.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he finds he wants to make her do that again. She looks so happy and beautiful and relaxed and so not like the intensely focused, stressed student that entered his office only a short while ago.

"Okay, well. Looks like it's time for me to go. But like I said before, you can expect me probably every day."

"Sounds good. I will be prepared. See you in class tomorrow?" he asks as she stands.

She throws her backpack over her right shoulder and slides her arms through the straps on both sides, then flips her hair free as she says "yep, see you tomorrow. Thanks for the help!" Then she turns and hurries out the door.

A/N: okay so yes, this high school au + student/teacher au but I'm a sucker for them as this and its what i need right now. thanks for reading this far and plz let me know what you think! also, ha ha - I put this doc up on my account in the minute before i left to go see Infinity War and forgot to publish so now I'm back and can officially say I am NOT ruined like I thought I would be and weirdly almost already over it.. kinda no emotions just lots of confusion and annoyance lol.. that's all I'll say on that! If you've seen it and want to chat, you know where to find me!