I don't own DC or Naruto

New World old problems

The Amazonian Island


Naruto was at his office. Looking over medical reports of a patient with cancer. It was stage one and he had set up surgery for his patent. He was leaving for the day when, his communicator goes off. "Naruto here what's up."

"This is Batman, Naruto we have a criminal named Metallo taking on Superman and Supergirl," said the Dark knight. "Can you assist?"

"Understood," said Naruto. Naruto quickly transforms into the Heros Shinobi. He heads to the battle and sees a streets torn up.

Both Superman and Supergirl were down on the ground. He sees a green rock inside Metallo's chest. He appears in front of the attack in a wind body flicker. "I think that is enough fun for you," said Naruto.

"Who are you?" asked Metallo.

"You can call me Shinobi," said Naruto. "Shadows Clone jutsu."

Two clones of Naruto appears. "Heal them," ordered Naruto.

The clones grabs the heroes and takes them away. "Come back here," shouted Metallo.

Naruto appears in front f the cyborg and send his skidding back with a punch. "I am your opponent."

Reappearing Naruto destroys the Kryptonite in Metallo's chest shutting him down. Naruto casually walks away.


Naruto sees Superman and Supergirl fully healed. "Glad you ok," said Naruto.

"Thanks, what happened to Metallo?" asked Superman.

"I shut him down," said Naruto.

"So what are you going to do?" asked Superman.

"I am going to Africa to help the crisis over there," said Naruto.

"Alright," said Superman.


Naruto was at Metropolis airport. "Flight boarding to Air Africa," said the loud speaker.

Naruto boarded the plane and it took off. Looking on the screen that showed the route he saw that was over the pacific ocean. "Attention passengers. This Plane is now under the operation of the Red Claw Terrorist Organization. The plan takes a nose dive as the passengers start to panic.

"Grab a parachute," said Naruto as the people jumps out with their parachutes. "How did they sneak on board?"

The Naruto is the only one in the plan other then the pilots. He sees a bomb underneath a seat and it explodes.


On a island a blond haired female was riding a horse. Looking down she see a body with burned clothes and charred skin. "A man here?"

Naruto opens his eyes and sees the blond female. "Tenshi." He passes out.

"You highness, said another female. "Who is this?'

"Take him to our healers," said the blond. "Once he is healed we will ask him."


Naruto wakes up. "Where am I?"

"Good your up?" said a angelic voice. Looking around Naruto sees a red haired female.

"Can I ask your name Miss?" asked Naruto.

"Name hold too much power just to be given," said the female.

"Then I will earn it," said Naruto.

"Doubt a man will have that privilege," said the red haired. Naruto rose an eye brow to the comment. "The queen wants to ask you some questions. I recommend you answer."

The blond haired female walks in. "Your highness," said the red haired female.

Naruto gives a small bow. "You must be the queen I hear about," said Naruto.

"I will be asking the questions," said the blond. "Queen Hippolyta."

"I see," said Naruto. "Ask your questions.'

Name?" asked Hippolyta

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"How did you get on the island?" asked the Queen.

"Not by choice. The plan I was on was taken over. I had everyone jumps out while I stayed behind. I am surprised to be alive," said Naruto.

"Where are you from?" asked Hippolyta.

"The United States, I am a Doctor," said Naruto.

"Do you know of my daughter?" asked the queen.

Naruto thinks then realizes who she is talking about. "You must mean Diana."

"Where is she?" asked Hippolyta almost pleading.

"She is safe," said Naruto. "I fought beside her a while back. She is brave and strong woman. I am not surprised considering who raised her, your highness."

"That is all the question for now," said the queen. "For the safety of my island you will have to stay here permanently.'

"I cannot your highness," said Naruto. "I have patents I have to help."

"I cannot let you leave," said the queen. "You can wonder the island. But that is all."

"Fair enough," said Naruto. "Do you have any clothes. I can wear, I would rather not be naked."

"Danna, bring our guest some pants and a tunic," said Hippolyta.


Naruto was in the outskirts of the island. He was wearing traditional Greek white tunic He was escorted by Hippolyta "This will work," said Naruto he goes through hand seals. "Wood Style: Wood Building jutsu."

A cabin is set up. Hippolyta eyes widen. "What power," she whispers.

"Is this far enough from the main city?" asked Naruto.

"That is good. You can come to the town to shop and trade, but that is all," said Hippolyta.

"Alright," said Naruto.


Naruto was meditating. "A prisoner on an island of hostle female."

"You're lucky," said Kurama. "They normally kill any man who comes to the island."

"You might be right," said Naruto. "I will have to make the most of it."

Early the next day, Naruto grabs a kunai and and goes to hunt. He spots a bear and kills it. It did not see what hit it."

Killing a few more bears and catching fish. He collect the pelts from the bear and heads to the cabin. An Amazon warriors walks up to the cabin. "Why do we have to check up on this man?" asked one of them with disgust.

"I don't know. The queen ordered it," said the others one. Getting to the cabin, they see Naruto going through several katas.

He senses them. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes we are here to check up on you," said the least hostile amazon. "What were you doing?'

"Training," said Naruto.

"Pfft, yeah right," said the other one Amazon. "Bet I can take you."

"Arrogance has defeated many men and woman," said Naruto.

"Scared," taunted the Amazon.

"Not really," said Naruto. He motions the two to follow him. "Rules?"

"What are you talking about?" asked the Amazon.

"I am a man of honor," said Naruto. You list the rules of this spar, I will follow them."

"No kill shots," said the female. "First one to yield or get knocked out loses."

"Alright," replied Naruto. The two took their stances. The Amazonian warrior brandishing her sword. Naruto takes out his kunai.

The Amazon warrior charges Naruto forcing him to weave in and out of the attack. The sword slashes down but is blocked by the kunai. "What's wrong man," spat the Amazon. "Your holding back."

Naruto disappears causing her to stumble from the lose of the weapon lock. "All that talk," said Narut. The female warriors is sent back by a kick to her chest. "You underestimated you enemy. That will cost you the match."

Naruto appears next to her with a kunai to her throat. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"Yield," said Naruto. "The match is over. Learn from this fight and get stronger."


After the amazons left, Naruto sighed. "This is getting troubling.'

"She will comeback for a rematch," said Kurama.

"I know," said Naruto. "Hopefully, she learned her lesson."


At the palace, Hippolyta was byond furious. "You picked a fight!" she shouted. "Not only that, you lost."

The Amazon reported what happened. "I underestimated him. It won't happen again," said the female.

"It will not," said Hippolyta. "He is a guest and will not be harassed."

"He is man," said the warrior. "They can't be trusted."

"You were the one to instigate the spar," said Hippolyta. "I have a discussion with Hera."


"He is someone important to the Gods and Goddesses," said Hippolyta. "Artemisia."

"Yes yours highness," said brown haired female.

"Summon the man here," said Hippolyta.

"Yes your highness," said Artemisia.


Naruto was wondering around the woods. He hears fighting. He sees a brown haired Amazon fighting several tigers. He sees hergetting slashed by the claw. He jumps down and catches her and unleashes Saki on the animals causing them to flee. He takes the young warrior to his cabin.

Artemisia woke up and found herself on a bed wiyh a bandages on her leg. "Your up."

"Why did you rescue me?" asked Artemisia.

"You wanted to die?" asked Naruto. "Don't think you where suicidal."

""Was not expecting a man to rescue me, for nothing in return," said the amazon.

"I am different," said Naruto. "I take it this is not a social call?"

"Queen Hippolyta has summoned you to her palace," said the Amazon.

"Are you good to travel?" asked Naruto.

"I will be fine," said the Amazon.

"We leave when you're ready."


Naruto was chatting with the Amazon. "You seem less hostile then your sister," noted Naruto.

"I am more open-minded," said the Amazon. "Doesn't mean I trust you."

"Fair enough," said Naruto. The two get to the palace with the Amazons keeping their distance. Heading the throne room, Naruto sees the queen. "Your highness."

"Welcome," said Hippolyta. "I just heard from my Amazon that you sparred with her."

"I did," said Naruto. "Is that a problem."

"No, but I am now curious how strong you are," said the queen. "What skills do you have."

"I can not tell you all of my skills. But I have superhuman speed, strength, I can heal most injuires of myself and other and I use chakra for my long range attack."


"Spiritual and physical energy that is used to perform ninjutsu," said Naruto. "I can not tell you any more then that."

"Very well," said Hippolyta. "I will have someone escort you back."

"Thank you, your highness."


It has been several weeks since Naruto was held on the island. During that time. Some Amazons have warmed up to him while others still had an air of distrust. Naruto did not know he will have to fight again.



A/N: Taking a different route from my other stories. Anyway hope you all enjoy this.

I have three books out look for James Terzian on Amazon. It is The Lord of Shadows trilogy ebook is cheap 4.0 review average. On first book