Hello all! THANK YOU to everyone who favorited, followed, and reviewed! Holy balls.

Here's the second update, so sorry for the wait but I've been sitting on this one wondering if I should keep going or just post it how it is now... the latter won out so it's here but it's short.

We get a taste of what the plot is kind of going to look like, or at least some elements. They're far-fetched (of course) but I'm going to do my best to make it sound plausible - becasue why not? Eventually I'll be playing with Greek mythology too so if you have some ideas on what I might be doing, I'd love to hear! Or if you think this won't work lol I'll hear those too. All opinions welcome.

And I promise I'll get to you reviewers! You are everything, so thank you! I'm just a little slow. xx


Chaos and feathers erupted.

Shocked screams were drowned out by the furious eagle-screech.

The human that had once been Hermione Granger was gone. In her place stood something not unknown to the Wizarding world, but was certainly unexpected in this instance.

Sickeningly sharp talons glinted in the sunlight, reflecting tiny spots of light upon the grass and the stunned occupants of the Burrow. Blood flecked bronze feathers covered her arms, blending seamlessly into darker plumage as they moved toward her shoulders. Golden yellow eyes stood out amongst the small soft black feathers that covered her face, an obsidian beak curving dangerously where a nose and mouth once were. The young woman's chestnut curls floated and writhed about, weaving in the breeze like a halo of snakes.

A hiss cut through the tension as the newly transformed Veela crouched, massive midnight wings flaring behind her in a display of dominance.


"I see it." Fleur's rushed whisper was quiet and heavily accented but the awe with which it was said was easily recognized, as was the reverence that coated Blaise's reply.

Keeping their eyes on the Veela but refusing to meet her penetrating gaze, they both kneeled, ever so slowly sinking to the ground.

"What are you-"

"Quiet!" Ron's mouth snapped shut audibly at the French woman's terse order.

She knew if they weren't careful this could end up much bloodier with much heavier consequences than any of them were ready for.

"We will explain it the best we can at the moment but please, please, follow our direction with as little protest as possible." Her eyes never left their spot on Hermione's right shoulder but she took the continued silence as affirmation of her request. "Everyone must kneel. Slowly!" She urged before George went to flop indignitly onto the grass. A low growl rumbled somewhere behind her and her heartbeat increased as the shining yellow eyes of the creature narrowed onto her mate.

If it were any other circumstance, Fleur would have made her own defense against the threat to her husband but she couldn't, not now. The Veela inside her could not move against one so high. So the blonde woman tilted her head to the side, baring her neck in a greater show of submission and vulnerability to bring the attention back to her.

It worked, and as those unblinking eyes bored into hers, she pleaded to her partner. "Bill, breathe mon chéri. I am fine. I am in no danger at present but I will be if you do not kneel." She could almost taste the desperation on her tongue, breath caught, captured, as hope lay heavy in her chest for her mate to obey her instruction, even though she knew his wolfish instincts would be fighting his conscious thought.

A soft huff and the gentle scuff of a body landing on the grass had the air she held in expelling out into a grateful sigh. The rest of the Weasley's followed suit almost immediately.

Fleur chanced a small glance behind her to find the source of both the problem and the solution.

Harry Potter had apparated in with the hand of a strange woman wrapped around him for side-along. Normally this would not be an issue, but then again, no one could have predicted the day's events.

She noticed that they were both kneeling and were no longer touching. Something unclenched within her chest - the probability of someone becoming seriously injured had just lessened.

She wasn't sure if Harry knew he was the catalyst or not - she knew he wasn't as daft as people tended to believe and was far more observant than most.

"Will someone please explain why we're all on bended knee for Granger?" George's hushed voice asked. He had finally caught on that this was a bit more serious than he anticipated.

"Condensed version: Hermione is a descendant from an ancient Veela line long since believed to be extinct." Blaise's voice was just loud enough for everyone to hear but gentle enough to not upset the woman in front of them.

The resulting silence, however, was awkwardly loud, no one quite knowing how to deal with the unbelievable explanation.

Until finally - "what the bloody-"

"How do you know that?" Ron's poorly timed reaction was thankfully cut short by Ginny's less offensive interruption and the sharp smack of her palm over his mouth.

It was Fleur who answered. "Look on her forehead, just below her hairline. Do you see anything different?"

"The weird line of feathers?" Charlie's voice was rough and unsure in the quiet.

Both she and Blaise nodded. "This is just one characteristic of many, but yes. They are small now, she is young and new to her position. As she ages, they will grow in bright jewel tones and sit as a crown would on a human."

"What exactly does that mean?" Harry asked. This was the first time he'd spoken since he arrived and the reaction was instantaneous.

Hermione seemingly forgot about the gathering of so many people, and a bright, cheerful trilling burst out of her beak as she zeroed in on the raven haired man.

She stood from her crouched position, wings fluttering as they folded in behind her. She continued to make small chirping noises, dipping her head in Harry's direction, arms hanging limp at her sides, nails-turned-claws facing behind her, away from everyone.

"Harry," Fleur subtly turned to him but kept most of her body facing Hermione. "Go to her."

The young man started, green eyes wide but focused on the changed form of his best friend.

"Please, Harry. She won't hurt you but you are the only one that can possibly calm her enough to turn back." She shared a look with Blaise, who was slowly edging closer to Ginny as she and Lavender attempted, very discreetly, to calm a red faced Ron. "Once Hermione is back, we will explain everything. However, our priority right now is to keep her relaxed and make sure she feels safe."

He heard what she wasn't saying, if the quick sharp look in her direction was any indication.

"You think I'm her mate?" His tone was guarded but there was an edge to his stare now that belied his voice.

"Yes." Fleur and Blaise answered simultaneously, both clearly adamant.

He hesitated for only a moment before steadily getting to his feet and moving to the front of the group. The woman near him didn't try to stop him as he left; whether she knew what would happen or not, Fleur was thankful this mystery guest did not provoke Hermione further.

Surprisingly - or perhaps not when one really thought about it - there was no uncertainty in his steps, no wavering strides or halted movement as he made his way to the Veela.

They waited, all of them, with an unspoken warning not to interfere.

It was almost too much to look at Hermione as she stared at Harry coming closer and closer toward her.

Fleur understood; wholly and completely. She was probably the only one that truly grasped the emotion that was pouring through the younger woman. Even Blaise, with all his knowledge of his family's ancestry, had no true understanding because the Veela was not dominant in him.

Everyone else was most likely either uncomfortable or envious of the feelings they could see.

Like devotion. It was the way her shoulders crumpled, the slow melt of her body into his once he got close enough. And adoration. So blatant and open in her gold irises that they glowed with untamed contentment.

"Hey 'Mione," Harry said. His hand came up to thread through the wild curls under her ear, brushing against the incredibly soft feathers that covered her cheek. "Bet this wasn't part of any of your plans." He huffed out a laugh.

Hermione chirped once, a quick happy sound that dissolved into an almost-purr as she nuzzled her beak into the soft skin of his wrist, inhaling the smell of sun and sea and home.

Sharp inhales peppered the open air and the tension drained away as the creature smoothly blended back into the familiar classically pretty features of Hermione Granger; before she collapsed into the surprised arms of her best friend and newly discovered mate.