
Disclaimer: I do not own the Avengers and/or any character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I do not own the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series and/or characters.

Rated M for language, violence, and minor sexuality


Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York, May 10, 2012...

Nick Fury waited patiently on the porch of the Big House. He watched the kids mill about, business as usual. He was secretly impressed. The kids fought as fiercely as seasoned soldiers. He had never seen anything like it. "Apologies for keeping you waiting, Director."

Fury turned to face Chiron who rolled onto the porch. Following behind, a tall, incredibly beautiful young woman with luscious black hair and intense green eyes. She was definitely one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen which made him extremely distrustful and suspicious. She also seemed vaguely familiar. "Thank you for inviting me, Mr Brunner."

Chiron shook Fury's hand. "Please, call me Chiron. This is Helena. She's our...Ambassador, of sorts."

Fury was mildly surprised by her firm handshake. She smiled politely. "Thank you for asking nicely, Director Fury."

"Again, I'd like to thank you for aiding in the incident in New York," Fury said as he sat.

"It's always been our duty to defend the world," Helena informed. "Just never thought it would be against aliens."

"No one did." Fury narrowed his eye at Helena. "We've met before, haven't we?"

Helena smiled politely albeit knowingly. "Yes. Six years ago. Forgive me, I had to alter several memories in order to protect our secrets."

"I can respect that," he said with a shrug. "You made it extremely difficult to track down Percy Jackson, and turns out...he was here in New York all this time."

Chiron chuckled softly, then sighed. "A long time ago, our world and your world were one. Mortals accepted the gods and worshiped them openly. With the rise of technology and Western expansion, our worlds have been forced separate. It's not an easy change. To be honest, I don't know that it is a good idea to go public with our existence."

"The demigods here seek anonymity," Helena added. "And we're mostly children."

"I'm not asking y'all to go public," Fury assured them. "But in order to protect the world effectively, SHIELD needs to be aware of all potential threats."

"I assure you, Director. We are not a threat," Chiron said, leaning forward. "This camp was created as a safe haven for children of the Olympians. We teach demigods how to defend themselves."

"Defend themselves against what?"

"Monsters," Helena answered. "Unfortunately, not many demigods live past their twenties."

Fury processed their words. He studied them, analyzed their demeanor. "Perhaps we can come to an arrangement. Typically, SHIELD evaluates gifted individuals to determine their threat level. You say you train these kids to survive. SHIELD can continue that training."

Helena tilted her head. "Are you offering open enlistment into one of the most powerful government organizations?"

"Call it that, if you'd like." Fury pointed towards the bottom of the hill. "These kids could do some real good."

"Not all of the children wish to fight for the rest of their lives," Chiron argued. "Most simply want to lead normal lives. College, a steady job, a family..."

"But some do," Helena interjected. "I've heard of SHIELD's evaluation process, Director. The Index?"

"It's just a list of gifted individuals like I said-"

"Sounds more like a potential hit list."

Fury paused, assessing their concerned expressions. "Yes. The Index serves as a watch-list. If a gifted individual were to threaten peace, the evaluation of their abilities allows SHIELD to handle said threat."

"I don't know that we can provide that information," Chiron said. "Considering our campers are underage. I assume parental or guardian approval is required...? Anonymity is essential, and I don't like the idea of forcing these children to register simply because they are different."

Fury sat back in his chair. "I understand your reservations. To be honest, I don't think y'all are a threat. Like I said, these kids could do so some real good. Use their gifts to help SHIELD protect the world."

Helena leaned forward on the table. "We already do."

Avengers Tower, New York City, New York, January 17, 2014...

Percy leaned on the guard rail. He enjoyed gazing out at the city skyline, but his thoughts were too muddled for him to properly appreciate it. Annabeth walked up beside him. "Hey," she said softly. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he said. "Actually, no. I'm not." He held up an envelope. "I've been officially summoned to appear before the committee."

Annabeth sighed, and leaned in close to him. She rubbed his back. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean, they haven't arrested Black Widow. Or...anybody, really."

Percy glanced down at the roads. The cars were the size of ants. "I've been invited to continue my career with SHIELD."

Annabeth frowned and dropped her hand. "What? But SHIELD-"

"There are parts of it left," he confessed. "Parts that want to rebuild...the right way."

Annabeth inhaled slowly as she gripped the guard rail. She never liked his decision to join SHIELD, but she supported him all the way. Percy noticed the fearful expression she was trying to hide. "I'm not going back. I'm done with SHIELD. From the very beginning, the enemy-HYDRA-was hiding within. Just like with L..." he sighed "...I'm tired of it, Annabeth. Tired of the lies and secrets. You were right. I never should of joined."

"Hey." She grabbed his arm, squeezing affectionately. "You joined SHIELD because you knew you could make a difference. Because you wanted to protect the world. You've always had this terrible habit of carrying it on your shoulders."

"I know," he agreed. He rubbed the back of his head and turned to meet her gaze. "Cap offered me a spot among the Avengers. I think...I think I'm going to accept."

Annabeth couldn't feel any anger rising. The way his sea-green eyes gleamed with hope-it nearly melted her heart. She understood his reasoning, his desire. She just was done with fighting. But she knew he never would be. "Okay."


She shrugged. "Percy, you're an adult. It's your decision. Frankly, I think the Avengers are more dangerous than SHIELD. More public, at the very least. Something none of us are used to."

"I should be, considering my history," Percy pointed out. "Aliens attack New York and suddenly everyone forgets about the twelve-year-old kid that got kidnapped."

Annabeth chuckled. She tucked a curl behind her ear. The wind was picking up. "Anybody else joining?"

"Not really," he said. "I mean, Leo and Will already work here. Nico and Calypso are unofficial members."


"Well, they only hang around because of their significant others. Anyway," he continued, "Piper's sticking with SHIELD for now. Travis, Chiara, and Chris, too."

"What about Monica?" she asked.

Percy shrugged. "She said she had to take care of something, so I think she's in the undecided bracket."

Annabeth made a face, but accepted his answer. She turned her gaze back to the sunset. " much has changed. Four years ago, I thought we had left all the craziness behind. Then Loki. And HYDRA. It''s insane."

Percy hummed in agreement. "Can't help but wonder what we'll be doing four years from now."

end of Prologue