I love Star Wars. I love everything about Star Wars. I could tell you lines from every movie on the spot, what scene they are in, what the situation is, and why it's happening. I can tell you the Jedi and Sith backstory all the way to the rule of two. I could tell you the deep emotional aspect as to why Anakin turned to the dark side to when he was redeemed by his son. But, recently, what I love most of all is Kylo Ren and Rey. I wasn't sure of Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens because I thought of him as an angsty teenage boy who had nothing better to do than walk around and slay people. But, then… The Last Jedi came out and I was blown away by Adam's performance, not only his shirtless scene, hear me ladies? But, to the raw sexual aspect of Rey and Kylo's relationship. Over the past few days, I have been reading many Fanfic's regarding just that. I have laughed, cried, and felt emotionally drawn to almost every single one I have read. That's why I decided to write my own. (There will be a dictionary at the bottom of the chapter detailing certain words or phrases if you have questions about them) And as always, please feel free to comment, message me, and leave nice reviews.

This takes place after The Last Jedi. Preface: The last Kylo Ren saw of Rey was when she closed the doors to the Falcon and left him lonely and stricken again. Rey is headed back with the Resistance to rendezvous with their Supporters on Sullust, while Kylo is dead set on finding her, much to the dismay of General Hux.

Location: The Supremacy

Rey… Kylo sat in his meditation chambers atop a black cushioned seat, legs crossed, hands in his lap, his brown eyes closed tightly in concentration as he meditated. He reached out through the Force, leaving his room, the corridor outside, and eventually The Supremacy, until he was searching through open space. He began to search through the stars, pushing each aside as he whispered her name, knowing that his effort to find her was ruthless. Ruthless like he was. Like she was. Like their bond was. Was. That was such a grotesque statement to describe what they had.

They were unstoppable. They were to rule the galaxy together – to bring peace, prosperity, and freedom under their reign. He had foreseen it: Rey sitting next to him, her hair long and wavy, dressed in a beautiful black dress, with an orange glint in her eyes. They were destined to be together – both had seen this through their meditation. But, why did the Force rip her away from him so belligerently? The rawness of that pain shot through Kylo like lightning as he carefully looked from planet to planet. There were hundreds of planets to look through, but Kylo was determined to find her. And find her, he would.

Where are you? He prayed she would lower her defenses enough for him to prod through and find her. Her Force signature had all but disappeared. Kylo felt his heart squeeze in disappointment as he looked past another planet with nothing to give. His sadness had long ago turned to anger. With anger, he commanded The First Order. He had sent a battalion of troops to every known civilized planet in their sector looking for her. Hux had all but been amused, claiming they shouldn't waste valuable resources on finding the girl. Though, Kylo had insisted that it wasn't just to find Rey, but to find the Resistance as well. He hid his true intentions because he couldn't look weak in front of his command. He had just become Supreme Leader, and he would rule like his grandfather – mercilessly.

Brown eyes opened to see Vader's mask in front of him. The burnt relic he had recovered so many years ago on Endor stared back at him coolly. What would Vader have done? He knew the answer all too well – he would use his resources and search to the ends of the galaxy to snub out the Resistance and find the girl. The only difference was: Vader answered to the Emperor where as Kylo was the Emperor. He would use every possible solider available and search every planet, every moon, every system, every continent, every city, every village, every settlement… until he eventually found her. Call it an obsession. It certainly was one.

A knock came at his chamber door. Kylo looked up, annoyed, and opened the door with a flick of his black gloved finger. His fingers spread open and he grabbed onto the life force outside through the Force, wrapping his fingers tightly around their neck and pulling them into his room. He heard squirming and could see white armor clawing at their neck in a vague effort to breathe, but he kept his deep eyes focused on the mask in front of him.

"Speak." He commanded and dropped the Stormtrooper on the floor.

"General Hux needs you on the bridge, my lord," came the wheezy voice from the man on the ground below him.

"Inform General Hux that I will not be joining him on the bridge and not to disturb me."

"Lord, he was very insistent…"

Kylo clasped his fist together in a tight ball, lifting the Stormtrooper up into the air and throwing him out the door he drug him in from. He heard the metal armor collide with the wall outside, but closed the door with a flick of his finger and spun around to page the Bridge of the Supremacy through the monitor on the far wall. He stood, hands behind his back, waiting for Hux to answer his call. What was this about? He had given Hux strict orders not to interrupt him, which was basically giving him permission to lead The First Order. As much as Kylo hated to admit it, he did need Hux… he was a damn good General.

Hux's pale face appeared on the monitor and he dismissed Lieutenant Siders with orders to give a priority signal to The Absolution. His preppy lips pursed as he saw addressed Kylo, but there was a gleam in his blue eyes that Kylo hadn't seen since they were launching the attack on Crait.

"Supreme Leader, we have received a tip from one of our spies in the Malastare system that was confident he saw The Millennium Falcon."

"Perhaps a little overconfident," Kylo mused, although he felt his heart had jumped up to his stomach. "Malastare is a long way from Crait, Hux."

"The ship jumped into lightspeed, sir. They were damn close to half-way across the galaxy –"

"I know," Kylo raised a hand and Hux gulped, knowing what was going to happen next if he wasn't careful. Kylo had been looking in all the wrong places… he had checked systems close to Crait, but didn't bother to even look in the Outer Rim. "We should make haste to get there."

"I have sent Lieutenant Siders to send a priority signal to The Absolution. They are much closer than we are in the Bomis Korri system," Hux replied slowly, watching his leader intently.

"If it is The Millennium Falcon, then I have to be there to intercept," Kylo said through gritted teeth. He could feel anticipation gurgling in his stomach. "Alert The Absolution to prepare for our arrival."

Hux looked paler than usual. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

Kylo cut the transmission and began to pace with his hands behind his back. If this spy had truly found the Falcon, then he was one step closer into finding Rey. He stopped outside his the door to his meditation chamber and turned back to look at Vader's mask. What would he do when he found her? Hopefully he could talk her out of fighting, though it wasn't likely… He would not kill her. Not unless she tried to kill him first. Absentmindedly, he raised his gloved fingers to brush along the scar she left what seemed to be so long ago…

Rey, I am coming for you. I will find you. You can't hide from me.

He pushed his message through the Force towards her with all of his strength, now fueled by anticipation and anger, hoping that she would hear him. She needed to know that he was still on the prowl, even though he hadn't guessed for one second that she didn't know he was looking for her. She was out there, and he would find her. It would take an army to bring her down… a one man army named Kylo Ren.

Location: The Millennium Falcon

If there was one thing that Rey couldn't get over, is was that space was so cold. Even with the heating systems in The Falcon, she could not stay warm to save her life. Chewie had noticed her shivering many times, and had held her comfortingly to warm her. Rey came from Jakku, which was much like a desert in the middle of nowhere. It never rained, never snowed, and most definitely, was not cold. Her recent adventures had taken her to see things she never would have dreamed: water, lakes, ponds, streams, forests, life, and even death. It was a lot for her young mind to handle.

Although she wasn't naïve, she knew that her mind was fogged and she needed to clear it. Master Skywalker had told her many times that her mind was too busy, always focusing on where she would rather be and what she would rather be doing. She remembered he told her it reminded her of him when he was her age: always looking into the horizon. Luke was like her in so many ways… she looked at him like a father-figure, much like she looked at Han, before that creature struck them both down.

That creature behind the mask took nearly everything from her. He took Han, Luke, her compassion, and almost her very existence twice. What had she ever done to get herself stuck in this mess? Although, through everything that Kylo Ren had put her through, she couldn't bring herself to hate him. She knew that if she thought about it hard enough she would, and if she opened up her Force bond with him, he would reach out to her and make her feel sympathy towards him once more. She was content where she was, shutting him out, and not thinking about him or the situation at all.

Although, was she content? She felt him pushing at her mental barriers multiple times, but she had built a wall so heavy, so fortified, with disgust and anger that he was unable to break through. Luke always told her not to give into anger – but it was the only thing keeping Kylo out. Her thoughts somehow always focused back to him… The look of pure sadness in his eyes when she closed the door to The Falcon on him. Should she have waited? Should she have run to him, begged him to come with her again? Or should she have run to him and ended this mess once and for all?

Rey was conflicted, as she always was. She sat in her quarters in The Falcon, and tried to meditate. All she saw were clouds; grey stormy clouds. They encompassed her; they always did. Her mind had been blocked since she blocked out Kylo. She needed to trust in the Force, but there was no way she could even make contact with it until she took down her mental barriers. Was it worth it? Maybe if she just weakened them a bit, the storm in her head would clear… Her head hurt so badly, it was worth it to just give it a try…

So, she did. She eased up her barriers for just a moment and felt the storm drift off into nothingness, the grey clouds receding. A slight buzzing began to fill her ears, and she turned to see where it was coming from. She began to search for the sound of the buzzing, her eyes darting frantically all over her room until it became so unbearable, she felt like her head was about to explode.

Then it abruptly stopped. Along with her heart.

Sitting in a chair in front of her, was Kylo Ren. He was leaning his cheek on his first, his arm stretched on the arm of the chair, and his body in a slouched position. It seemed he did not notice her, and she was glad because her breath caught and she could not breathe. It appeared as though he was staring off insentiently at something else. It was a relief but not a good enough one. Why was he here? She had opened her mind for just a moment and a moment was all it took to connect them again. Why was the Force doing this? She sat in silent fear, unable to move, unable to think, just to watch and know that it was only a matter of time before he realized she was there.

She only moved a fraction of an inch, a blink, when his brown eyes finally turned to her and a blank expression fell across his handsome face.

Location: The Supremacy

Kylo didn't blink. If he did, she would be gone. She was right there, in front of him at the long table that he and the elder officers were ranting at, discussing battle plans and ways to destroy the Resistance once and for all. He hated these meetings, so he had taken to poking at her barrier bit by bit just for the fun of it, to distract him from military conversation. And it had worked! Somehow, he had finally broken through her barrier.

He sat up squarely, wanting to tell her to not go anywhere; he was going to leave and go to his quarters. She looked scared, intensely frightened. Without a second's hesitation, Kylo looked her dead in her eyes: brown on hazel and mustered up the relief he was feeling down in his abdomen to see her. He knew that she felt it was over her. She appeared to relax some, but still didn't take the look of disgust out of her eyes.

You finally decided to show yourself. Kylo said, his eyes softening.

Rey's lips turned upwards into a growl. Get out of my head, Ben.

Kylo's face turned hard, creases appearing around his eyes. How dare she call him Ben! Ben Solo was dead, long gone, after she had turned against him and left him, slammed the door of that damn piece of garbage ship in his face. He had disappeared with his father's dice, along with her. Now all that was left was the remnant of him named Kylo Ren, full of anger and retribution towards her. If he hadn't remembered that just now, he might have reached out his hand to touch her, no matter the consequence.

With a murderous grumble, Kylo raised himself from his chair and stormed out of the meeting, knowing thirty eyes were on him, confused. He knew she could still see him, so he let her. He sent her wave over wave of anger, fury, hatred, resentment, and his passion to make her suffer until he barged into his living quarters, closed the door with a flick of his fingers, and turned to face her.

"How dare you call me that, you scavenger scum!"He hoped that she would take the hint and back down her emotional assault, but little Rey did the exact opposite.

She stood up, fire in her fierce eyes, ready for the challenge. "No! I will not bow to you!"

Kylo sighed in frustration. "I don't want you to bow to me, Rey. I want you to join me."

In an unsure gesture, Kylo stretched his black gloved hand towards the girl, for a chance of offering her to join him and his regime once more. Or maybe it was to feel her warmth, her light, once more. Ever since she left, a part of him had been missing. He sincerely hoped she would take his hand so he could feel complete again.

Rey eyed Kylo's outstretched hand, her conflicted emotions turning into longing. She didn't want to feel alone any longer, and she knew that if she took that outstretched hand, she would no longer be abandoned. His offer was so tempting, just to ease her hurting head, her exhausting ritual of building up her barriers, and to feel loved by someone. Rey closed her eyes and replayed his words in her head "You're not alone." She felt her hand involuntarily raising, and her emotions falling to the pit of her stomach.

And then there was a loud banging on the door to her quarters. Kylo heard it and saw Rey's eyes snap open. They locked eyes for a moment before the image of her completely disappeared. Kylo felt anger rising in the pit of his stomach. She was gone… again. And she would likely put up her barriers against him once more, and he didn't know when he would see her again. He couldn't help it; his rage consumed him.

Kylo found the nearest wall and without thinking, smashed his hand against it. It hurt something fierce, but he thrived off of it. It only strengthened his resolve in finding her. As he breathed heavily, he reached out to her through their bond, but there all that came back was emptiness. Like his life, like his heart, like his soul. He was empty without her, and he would be until he found her.


The Supremacy – Kylo Ren's Flagship.

Endor – Small forested moon located in The Outer Rim. Location of The Battle of Endor where The Emperor and Darth Vader were finally defeated.

The Absolution – Resurgent class Star Destroyer. General Hux's father served aboard as Cardinal.

Malastare – Forest planet home to The Dugs, and contained fuel native to the planet that is toxic to Zillow Beasts.

Bomis Koori – Planet responsible for the largest production of battle droids during The Clone Wars.