Title: wire heartstrings

Series: Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Character/Pairing: Hansel & Gretel, Edward the Troll
Genre: Angst
Rating: R-13
Spoilers/Warnings: Character death
Wordcount: 325 (total)

It's fucking stupid how Hansel dies.

They'd set up razorwire across the stream nearest the witch's house, the forest too dense for a witch to fly through or for them to chase. It's not a tall spread, three feet instead of six, but it would be enough to split a witch in half or take off her head.

Hansel's usually smart enough to remember not to grab a witch's broom when they've done that and, on the occassions he isn't, he ends up in a tree before reaching the wire.

Hansel forgets. And there are no trees to catch him.