The first thing he ever knew was blank whiteness.

No one ever really had an answer for why it had started to happen, but it was always quick. One second they didn't exist, the next they did. Their first sight was usually the same: the blinding glow of a florescent light on the ceiling. His was no exception.

The first thing he realized he could move was his fingertips. He was suprised when he felt them twitch. It was startling. What startled him more...was that he was startled! He was feeling!

It was then that he had his first thought. He didn't know where it had come from, or who had told him so, but he knew it. Clear as a bell.

My name is Yakko Warner.

He blinked, feeling flat as he lay on the paper. He looked around and was suprised to see he wasn't alone. Two other kids were beside him. Both looked just like him. Species and white with a sweater and backwards baseball cap...the other small and cute in a pretty little dress and a flower on her head.

Yakko knew them as soon as they all looked at each other and smiled. While this was their first official meeting...Yakko. somehow, knew exactly who they were.

These are my sibs. Wakko and Dot.

He also felt something deep in his chest. Unwavering, unconditional love.

While all three of them had only just come into existence a few moments ago...Yakko knew that these two were everything to him, and they were never meant to be apart.

The sentiment seemed shared in the look his brother and sister gave him and to one another.

Suddenly, the three felt a tremor that seemed to come from inside each of them. The sudden desire to run as fast as their feet could carry them. The desire to just have fun. It felt natural. Like instinct. They felt energized. Carefree.

They felt...zany.

The three shared the same gigantic grins as Yakko winked at the younger two.

"Ready, sibs?"

He didn't need to introduce himself. They both knew who he was.


The three burst from the page and landed a big smooch on their creator As they went bouncing straight out the door, Yakko Warner knew that this was the beginning of a wonderful life.