A/N Thanks for your reviews and support.
Flecher: thanks for your review, my friend. So glad you like it!
Lord-Chrono: that's what it says.
Oddballzebra: there's a back button for a reason. Bite me.
gindensmi: thanks for your review, my friend. Thank you so much!
.3: thanks for your review, my friend. With these two? We will just have to see now, won't we?
APridefulSin: thanks for your review, my friend. The sword removal was not just showing who he was representing. It was a sign of respect. When greeting another King without the intent to do battle one does not bring a weapon with them.
WhiteElfElder: thanks for your review, my friend. A funeral for a clansman no matter how small the clan is sacred. To interfere in one is forbidden in the clans' unwritten rules.
DarkRavie: thanks for your review, my friend.
mizzrazz72: thanks for your review, my friend. Potters are not the only family with a stubborn streak a mile long.
Harrison's POV
Salty tears mixed with rain as he stood by Jacob's graves. At his insistence the other's left. If SCEPTER4 decided to act now he didnt want them caught in the crossfire. Like most of them, he really did not have the will to fight right now.
Harrison was so tired of caring about someone only for them to die. Was he forever going to be an omen of death? If he was going to bring death wherever he went he should just become a recluse. It would save him the pain of caring and watching others die because of it.
He rubbed at his eyes trying to calm the tears. Being strong while his clan was watching was one thing. Now SCEPTER4 was watching and he could not afford to be seen as weak. Then why wouldn't the tears stop?
Soft footsteps behind him made the boy tense. Was there going to be a fight?
The footsteps paused for a moment before his father's voice called out, "I'm not here to fight you."
Harrison not turning away from the grave questioned, "Then why are you here?"
"I heard what happened. I'm sorry about the boy."
That actually sounded sincere. Did the man actually care about a bunch of teenagers? Probably not. He was probably here to bring Harrison in.
He scrubbed at his face before he turned to face his father. He started in surprise. A few feet away was his father in just his dress shirt and uniform pants. There wasnt a belted sword at the man's side and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. This was not a man who had come looking for a fight. It was a man who was looking for a chance. For the briefest of moments, Harrison wanted to deny the man the chance.
Instead, his shoulders slumped the fight leaving him. He was so tired. Tired of fighting and losing everything. Putting on a brave face was wearing him down. It was one thing to force it when he was at Hogwarts. Everyone expected him to be the perfect Gryffindor there. It was times like his Fourth year where he wondered if he wasnt better off dead.
There were times he had considered it. Dark thoughts clouded his brain from when he was little. Dursleys abuse amplified it. Hogwarts was able to shift some of the darker thoughts in the beginning. It didnt take long for the darkness to return in full force.
There were times he thought about using a cutting charm on his wrists. It wouldn't take much magic and would be quick. The problem was if someone found him. They would be able to heal the injuries much easier than in the muggle world. Other times he considered walking out into the forest hoping something would eat him.
Every time those thoughts came up and he considered doing something someone always stopped him. At first, it was Ron and Hermione. Last year though it was Moody's imposter. Barty Crouch Jr. was the first adult to show any kind of care about what might happen to him. For his trouble, he was kissed by Dementors.
Part of Harrison knew that the only reason he cared was because of the plan for Voldemort's resurrection. That reminded him of seeing an older version of Tom Riddle in Gringotts. It was only due to the goblins' neutrality that he wasn't killed by the older wizard. Right now a meeting with the Dark Lord to end his life seemed very appealing.
There was a shuffle of clothing that drew out of his dark thoughts. Reisi had moved closer to him just within arms distance now. It was surprising when his father made no move to touch him. Harrison wasnt able to read his expression as he stared at the ground. Though he could feel the elder's gaze boring into him.
Softly the man began, "I made a grave mistake when I first became King. Unlike you, I thought I was going to be better than my predecessor. That I was infallible. The man who killed the Jin Hibari you see refused to return to active duty. He lost his right arm in that fight. I needed someone with his previous drive and power to watch my back. There was a boy just barely out of high school. He wanted to make a difference in the world and SCEPTER4 needed more bodies."
Harrison glanced up at his father. Reisi had a glazed far off look about him. He was lost in a memory that was causing him pain.
Reisi continued, "He trained hard but had a fatal flaw in that he could not see through feints. While he did good work I could not in good conscience allow him to be on a deployment squadron. With some convincing Zengo agreed to take him on as a student. A fact both he and I would later regret. After two months of training with Zengo, I gave him an ultimatum. Land a hit on Lieutenant Awashima or be removed from SCEPTER4. In the end, he was able to do it with a wounded foot nonetheless. I assigned him to watch my back a sort of bodyguard if you will."
That sounded like Nero. Someone who would do anything to be acknowledged by a person they looked up to. Somehow he knew how this was going to end. And it wasnt happy.
"His first mission we went on a raid against a group of Strains who were causing trouble. One of them tried to take a shot at me and Kusuhara put himself between them and myself. He died instantly," finished Reisi.
Harrison, it seemed wasnt the only one who blamed himself for a death. His father was haunted by a boy he put on the front lines. Someone who was only a few years older than his own son.
Despite their differences he understood Reisi Munakata as a person a little more. They were both so different but at the same time so much alike. It brought only more confusion to his heart that he wasnt sure how to deal with.