Im back everyone! I come back as a United States Marine in the reserves. But enough of that.

A few things before we start, one is major and I mean major changes to the story. Last time I was gonna have Issei be Kurama's reincarnation... yeah fuck that. It'll be explained later but that, and his harem are scraped. So this will be a single pairing story. He will also not have any peerage as he will be in another one that will be announced at a later date.

Finally, tell me what your favorite part of this story is! Im really curious to know. Next story to be updated is Heavenly Storm where changes in that story will also take place. Now, enjoy the new chapter of Dragon's Wrath!

Summary: Issei Hyoudou, the Red Dragon Emperor, he has always been grateful and in debt for Rias Gremory saving his life and has done everything for her he could. However, how would his view change if he looked back on those events with Raynare and truly questioned what has happened? Would he forgive her or would she feel the wrath of a dragon?

Single pairing, AU, OOC, less perverted Issei, strong Issei, crossover abilities and people





{XXXXXX} scene skip

A Dragons Wrath chapter 6


Issei started to slowly open his eyes but quickly closed them when the light hit his eyes. "Fuck you mornings." Issei muttered quietly as he covered his eyes with his forearm. As he tried to sit up, he found he couldn't since he had additional weight on top of him. 'Wait a minute... no one would do this but Rias and last time I remembered... she didn't know where I lived and she knows not to come near me... so who the fuck is it?' Issei thought as he snapped his eyes open to see beautiful royal blue eyes staring back at him. The girl that possessed these eyes had a small smile on her face as she had her chin on Issei's bare chest.

"Good morning Issei." She said gaining a bigger smile as she slowly untangled herself from Issei who had a good show seeing that she wore only a bra and panties. As she stood up, he got to see her very toned body that would make any man, gay or not, want a piece of her and Issei was no different in this case.

Lucy could tell by the look in Issei's eyes that he is operating at barely any brain power since she might have overloaded his mind with a lot of dirty thoughts that made her blush just thinking about them. "Issei~ stop staring." Lucy said feeling self conscious as she tried to cover herself but Issei was quicker and pinned her to the mattress with his hands on her's gently but with a firm hold. She looked into Issei's lust filled eyes with equal lust but Issei smirked.

"Its a dangerous game to wear something like that next to me. Didn't you know I am a massive perv?" Issei questioned getting a snort from Lucy.

"If you were a big perv like you said, I wouldn't be wearing anything. You would have already taken my virginity at this point." Lucy says challengingly. Issei smiled as he lightly let go of her hands and stood back up.

"True but I respect woman. Besides, I toned down my perverted side in order to get girls to like me but... I can't let that happen." Issei said as he went to his drawer and took out a shirt for him to wear since today was the start of Summer. While the ORC and Student council stayed in the underworld to train, Issei stayed on the topside to do what he always wanted to do. Go to the beach and have fun with Matsuda and Motohama. The thought of his friends brought his mood down, for the last 2 months he ignored everyone including his best friends. This time however will be very different! He knew the perfect way to make it up to them.

Grabbing his cell phone, he ignored Lucy for a moment as he went to his skype app and called both of them at once. After a few rings, Matsuda answered the call first showing a very surprised look when he saw Issei. A few seconds later Motohama answered and showed the same face while Issei smiled guiltily.

"H-hey guys." Issei said quietly.

"Yo Issei! Why are you calling us?" Matsuda asked. While Motohama just nodded his head. They weren't mad at him surprisingly, they were very confused as to why they were called NOW of all times.

Issei sighed not knowing where to begin, "Listen... I am sorry that I was so distant for the last few months. The ORC and I just had some complications and I couldn't stay with them anymore since they destroyed me." Issei started. He watched as his two friends didn't say anything so he continued on. "My first response after what they did was to push everyone away except for my brother. But now that I am so much more better I was thinking. GET YOUR SHIT SO WE COULD GO TO THE BEACH!" Issei finished explaining and ended it with a shout as he raised his arm into the air while Matsuda and Motohama cheered as well.

"Its good to have you back Issei!" Motohama said as it was Matsuda's turn to nod his head. "Now lets go look at some pretty ladies!"

"About that... I was thinking something else." Issei said with a smirk. If he played this right, he would have them trapped and they would soon get ladies of their own.

"Go on..." Both of his friends said. Issei's smirk grew as he thought Jackpot. This was the time he will break his friends perversion and make them into gentlemen with strength like himself so the ladies could be all over them.

"Im going to make you both stop being perverts." He said making them both gasp. The mere gasp he heard sent him into a barrel of laughter as Lucy did the same since she was overhearing the conversation. Matsuda and Motohama instantly gasp again hearing the female laugh in the background. Lucy knew they heard her and she grew a large smirk as she knew how to tease Issei a lot more.

"Issei~! Come back to bed~. Im lonely and even more horny so come fuck me into coma~." Lucy said seductively and with a hint of a whiney tone. The reaction was amazing as she watched Issei turn bright red as well as hearing snarls from his friends.

"WHO IS THAT?" They shout in unison as Issei knew he was dead.

"Uhhh... Ill meet you at the bus stop in 10 minutes." Issei says hanging the call up and quickly turning to Lucy to see her laying down on her stomach propped onto her elbows with her right leg bending behind her as she had a large smile and was giggling, giving her a major boost to her beauty to Issei. 'Damn her! I barely know her and she's already about to give me a heart attack.' Issei thought as he sighed and looked at her. He had a small mental battle before smirking. "You know... Ill take you up on that challenge Lucy." Issei said as he found her blushing and

"Why are you here anyways?" Issei inquired. This question dropped her smile as she looked Issei straight into his eyes.

"Because I want to be. You protected me twice and one of those times killed you! I felt your heart beat stop!" Lucy responded almost breaking down in tears. Issei instantly picked up on the fact and sighed.

"Lucy... I am not going anywhere. I will be here to the end of time in order to protect everyone I care for." Issei said as he crossed the room and kneeled in front of her looking at her eyes. "That includes you as well. I refuse to let you have a horrible life and I also refuse to let you have friends who only use you. I will protect you from douchebag guys, and also people who want to put your life in danger." Issei told her making her eyes widen slightly. His response didn't stop the flood gates from opening, Lucy looked into Issei's eyes as she started to cry a little. Not from sadness but happiness, he was the first person to say this to her.

"B-but why would you go far for me? Im a war machine. Im suppose to only protect the person close to me, so why would you protect me?" Lucy asked as she looked away from Issei's gaze. Issei smiled softly as he wiped the tears away gently before resting his hand on her cheek. He gently lifted her head up so that she could face him.

"Because I don't see you as a war machine. I view you as Lucy, a beautiful woman that needs someone in her life to be there for her." Issei said as he stood up and walked over to his dresser before pulling out a bathing suit for himself and Lucy before tossing Lucy her's. She looked at the bikini and raised an eyebrow as she looked at Issei who simply raised his hand. "Before you ask, no. I don't have any idea how it got there. But considering half of the clothing in this dresser aren't mine. I figured Grayfia dropped it off so, get it on so we can go." Issei said with a smile as Lucy nodded her head and stood up. As she started to walk to the exit of the room, she turned back to Issei as he stripped out of his T-shirt revealing his incredibly muscular upper body and she felt herself starting to get wet at seeing his form. When Issei turned to her, she quickly turned and ran so he couldn't see her soaking wet panties as she ran to the bathroom before closing and locking the door behind her leaving a confused Issei.

"What was that about?" Issei asked out loud as Ddraig started to speak.

(I believe the term is... shyness.) Ddraig commented as Issei distinctively heard Elsha laughing in the background hysterically. However, this only confused Issei more before he simply shrugged it off and put on his swimming shorts and grabbed a towel wrapping it around his neck. Grabbing a backpack, Issei put a set of spare clothes for him and Lucy and grabbed his wallet so in case everyone wanted something to eat he could pay. But knowing his friends, he wouldn't live that long. (Are you sure it is wise to do this after what just recently transpired partner?) Ddraig questioned.

"Well, I see it as the perfect time to be doing this." Issei replied as he zipped the backpack up slinging it on.

(Partner, It was only yesterday that you had been slain in combat... you unlocked a new form from the sacred gear that was only touched one time and he was destroyed by an army.) Ddraig stated. He shook his head as he saw Lucy walk around the corner and blushed seeing what Issei was wearing and that was only his shorts.

'This is going to be a very hard day. I just met him and I don't want to scare him away by being intimate with him just yet.' Lucy thought as she approached him grabbing his hand. "Come on Issei! Lets get going so we can meet up with your friends." Lucy said with a smile as Issei simply nodded to her. Issei needed to have a very long talk with Ddraig tonight.


While Issei and Lucy walked towards the bus stop to meet Matsuda and Motohama, Issei was warning Lucy of what would more then likely transpire. "They will attack me when they see you. They are perverts and will get jealous of the beauty next to me so whatever happens, just stand back and let it happen." Issei said with a small smile. However what went unnoticed was Lucy's devilish smirk of what she was planning on doing to make it more funnier.

When they rounded the corner, Issei was met with two fists... one in each eye as Matsuda and Motohama punched him with all their might. Lucy's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped as Issei fell backwards in complete shock. Issei wasn't expecting them to hit him so earlier and not like that.

"YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY BEFORE US! WE WERE SUPPOSE TO LOSE THEM TOGETHER WITH THREE HOT BABES ON A RAINY DAY UNDER THE BOARDWALK AFTER SEEING THEIR CLOTHES WET!" Matsuda shouted incoherently to Issei while Motohama went on about the pros and cons with that plan again. Lucy however bent down and helped Issei to his feet. He wasnt hurt in the slightest but he was dazed from the unexpected assault.

"Thanks Lucy." Issei said with a smile, but it turned to confusion when Lucy quietly yelped and looked away when her cheeks went red. Issei sighed inwardly while everyone in the sacred gear chuckled at the display Lucy just showed. However, no matter how fast Issei was, he couldn't cover her mouth quick enough at what Lucy said.

"Oh Issei, was that your dream of taking my virginity? I thought the way we lost it was far better." Lucy said as she placed a hand on Issei's chest and leaned close to his face. The gasps the two heard went unnoticed as Lucy was fighting internally, she wanted to run and hide like a little shy school girl, but she stood her ground. She was going to win in this teasing battle.

Issei knew what her game was, he may not trust a girl like this but... something about her made him trust her. Like she was made strictly for him. But that didn't stop him from biting back and playing her game as he spoke, "Yeah but I think what we did was a lot better. Me taking you out to dinner then claiming you afterwards in a candle lit room was far better." Issei slowly but gently wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

What was interesting to Matsuda and Motohama was the look in their eyes. The look they saw was confusion, love, lust and a sense of a connection. But this didn't stop them from getting angry at how Issei claimed the beautiful maiden, yet they couldn't interrupt... it was starting to get good.

"Mmm, yes it was." Lucy agreed as she lightly ran her finger down his chest, the very one she slept on last night. Looking into his eyes, Lucy couldn't help herself but to lean up. His eyes were so mesmerizing to her, his lips inviting and when her lips touched his, her entire body lit up like fireworks.

Issei was shocked at first that Lucy started to kiss him but it took less time for him to wrap his arms fully around her waist and pulling her closer. Issei knew that this was her first kiss but it seemed like she was an expert, but now thanks to the smoking beauty in front of him, he needs to keep his raging hormones in check. The sparks going off in him wasn't helping either, her lips were so soft and tasted of strawberries and soooo addicting to him already. When they got home he would need to do a full out session to remind her who the dragon is.

The kiss was short lived but when they broke apart, they were both flushed in the cheeks and panting slightly. It may have been a simple kiss but if the two could describe it, it would be with a simple word. 'Breathtaking.' They never have felt anything like it before and they wanted more... they needed more but they were in public and they needed to calm their hormones before something happened.

Issei turned and saw Matsuda and Motohama staring at him blankly which both shocked Issei and also terrified him. They never had that look so he didn't know what it meant.

"Issei, go back home. Me and Matsuda will take your advice and will limit our perversion... for the ladies sake." Motohama said as he raised his fist into the air with a cheer along with Matsuda. Issei chuckled and smiled agreeing while Lucy just kept staring at Issei with wonder. If he had this kind of effect on her now, how would the future unfold for the pair?