"What did you do?!" Asmodeus screeched, turning on Castiel. "Where did she go?!"
Kylie was gone. She'd disappeared with a smile on her face, in a flash of golden light. Castiel wished he could've gone with her. He wished that he was there with her right now.
But as Castiel reached into his pocket, he felt the only piece of information he needed to know. She was alive. Wherever she was, she had made it safely. Wherever she was, it had to be better than here. Wherever she was, she was safe. That was enough.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" Asmodeus screamed. Castiel smiled at the Prince.
"I don't know." He answered honestly. He was still smiling. "I have absolutely no idea."
"What was she talking about, with the Rifts?!"
"I don't know." Castiel answered again. "I presume she meant what he said." Asmodeus looked at him, absolutely infuriated.
"KETCH!" He shouted. "YOUR WEAPON, MY BOY!" Ketch handed him the pistol after a moment, and Asmodeus levelled it at Castiel's head. "TELL ME, OR I'LL KILL YOU." His hand was steady. His voice was filled with fury. Castiel didn't care. Kylie was gone. Kylie was safe.
She was safe. That was all that mattered.
"I don't know." Castiel repeated. He was still smiling. "And I hope I never do. I hope she stays safe from you for the rest of her life." The middle sentence was a lie. Castiel wished he knew where she was more badly than Asmodeus did. But if Castiel knew, then one way or another Asmodeus would make him talk. So as long as Castiel didn't know, Asmodeus would never know.
That was enough for the angel.
"Sir," Ketch tried politely. "If I may interject, it may not be the wisest choice to shoot the angel at this moment."
"Give me one good reason why not to." Asmodeus challenged, cocking the pistol. Castiel could feel the angel-killing bullets within. If Asmodeus fired off a shot to Castiel's head, Cas would be dead. He was alright with that.
The Empty hadn't been that bad, after all.
"She loves him." Ketch said. "Like you thought before, he holds high value to the Winchesters. His value is increased exponentially to the girl. She will come back for him. It's just a matter of when." Castiel kept his expression neutral. Kylie couldn't come back. She had to stay away. She had to stay safe. "If you kill him, we lose our leverage." Asmodeus left his hand up for perhaps a moment longer before lowering the weapon. He swore bitterly.
"Put him and Lucifer both in new cells." Ketch ordered. "The ones we've been working on. If that bitch comes back, we'll have her."
Demons dragged Castiel away to a new cell. The wardings on it were impressive. The ones on the cell next to him were even better. The walls between him and the other were stone.
It was better that way, considering Lucifer was put next to him.
Castiel couldn't care less. Kylie was gone. Kylie was safe. That was all that mattered to him.
She was safe, for the time being.
She was alive.
Castiel just didn't know where in this world - or any others - she could be.