A/N: Doing a writing dump before having to take it all down :) I think this fits here best, bit winding, but yep their lives were twined up. Starts immediately after Harry, Hermione and Ron twist off to go on the run in DH, direct pick up from A Drop in the Ocean.

Bill's insides were ice, his heart somewhere in his throat. He hoped they'd made it, he reassured himself he'd seen Hermione twist them away. There had been no time for goodbye, nothing other than to tell her to go and not come back. He had to do something, he couldn't just stand here and he'd already been banned from trying to help clean up after he just set the rest of the marquee on fire. He headed over to his father, stern faced and pale under the stress. He was with Robinson, as intense as Bill felt. "You're sure she's safe?"

Robinson nodded, giving Bill a glance and reading whatever was written on Bill's face. "Not her. Ginny. Bill, want to go with to fetch her back? She's got to be scared and confused. Two wands are better than one."

Bill felt another sharp sting, he hadn't even looked for her. Hadn't gone for the sister who was too young to use her wand, "Why hasn't she come back on her own?"

Robinson looked wretched as he loosened his grip on the wand in his hand, it was Ginny's. "She can't. We'll be right back, Mr. Weasley."

Bill nodded giving him a side look as they headed to where the wards were back up, reinforced and farther out. "Why do you have her wand?"

"Hagrid sat on mine and it broke. We would have had to forfeit the rest of our duels." It was a bit of a snap, a tense hand up and through his hair. He glanced back, making sure they were far enough away from any prying ears, voice dropping anyway. "Bill, is there a way to track a portkey? They won't have-"

"Only long haul. If it was a short jump, no. That how you got her out?" Bill asked.

Robinson nodded, "She should be at my grandparents, but Bill, I'd never done the spell. Your Mum will kill me."

'I'll kill you, Robinson." He glared at him for a moment, "Do at least three apparition stops, I"ll keep my wand out. They can try and follow us that way."

It took longer than Bill would have liked, into muggle London and Bill got a nostril full of acrid spells and saw a destroyed out shop, they twisted again and again. He wanted to twist back, what if it had been Hermione, Ron and Harry. Then it hit, even if it was them, there was nobody there. He swallowed, "Today is the worst."

Tried to convince himself, "London was probably the decoy for the Ministry. Muggle sport most likely."

He looked up at the little house and half expected Ginny to come running out, seeing an equally as anxious look on his face as they went up to the door. An old man's voice came through it, "You have to prove it's you."

"You lost me at the fair when I was seven. Ginny's got my watch on. You okay?"

The door unlocked and while Bill didn't think it was quite enough, it was more security than he was expecting. He certainly wasn't expecting an older muggle man to immediately raise a decorative sword again at the sight of Bill's face. He lifted his hands, showing his wand while Ginny shouted. "He's my brother. It's okay. Everyone okay? What happened? Harry?"

Ginny's face was swollen and he rushed over to her, getting barked at by the dog sitting with her. "Gone with the other two. Everyone is fine on our side. What happened here? You're hurt."

She reddened slightly, before glaring at the friend who'd sent her away as soon as Death Eaters swooped into the celebration and pointed at a very broken window. "The portkey didn't slow down to tell me when to let go, so I just slammed into that."

He grimaced, "First time making one. Sorry, sorry… Give me a mo' to fix it."

"I need to talk to you, Bill. Now. Right now." Ginny hissed it at him and she snatched another cookie off the little tray near her safety landing spot. "Sir? Can we use one of the bedrooms? Bill can fix the cuts on my face, but he's a nervous Healer if he has an audience."

Ginny was impatient and shoved his wand aside when he lifted it to begin healing her. She waved an old journal at him and yanked something out. She shoved it at him. "When? Why?"

He looked down at it and took a step back in shock. It was his face, his scarred face, crammed in between two matching ones. Two very dead uncles with eyes the same shade as Ginny's brown, another bit of a telling shade of red swishing in and out of the corner. His voice sounded high to his own hears. "I don't know, Gin. I haven't gone yet."

And who goes with me? It rattled around his head, but Ginny wasn't noticing that.

She looked back at the old journal, at her portkey and flipped to the front. "1978. Maybe Aunt Muriel wrote about it? Wouldn't Dad or Mum have said something to you?"

"Not if they didn't see me" He moved to take the journal from her and found her snatching it to her chest, clutching it.

"No. I'm reading it, it'll be weird if I suddenly don't have it with me. Everyone will notice." Bill shook his head impatiently at her excuse.

"Give it here, Gin. Nobody will notice if you don't have a book with you." Bill started and stopped as Ginny stepped back, face like thunder. It hit, he hadn't been in England for any of it, for Ginny's diary and the aftermath, but yes, the adult eyes still followed his sister and her possessions.

"I'd notice." Robinson had come in and was watching them, budging Bill aside to start healing. "And I'd apologize to her, Bill, before I return her wand."

"Sorry, Gin. I wasn't…bloody hell, I wasn't thinking. Crazy night." He floundered around the foot in his mouth, "Still reading them aloud to Aunt Muriel? Can I join you two?"

Ginny's glare lessened and she nodded, before earnestly making a request. "I know you can take it, but please don't. It might be the only way I can be of any help to Harry and the Order. Don't tell Mum either, she'll take it away and cry."

"I won't, but Gin, I've got to tell someone. Ask Remus perhaps, he was in the Order then." Bill conceded thinking as soon as he could slip her a sleeping draught he would and read it. He'd humor her after, it would keep her out of trouble.

"Fine, but you both have to vow not to take it away from me. Snape was around then too." Ginny demanded in return.

So Bill joined a book club where a teenage girl read to an old crotchety aunt ,whose memory was of no help, and a werewolf. His Mum was thrilled at the gallant attention being given to Muriel during the summer rains, "Bill, I know it's just to keep you from worrying about Ron, but Muriel is thrilled and just wishes Charlie could be there too."

Bill shared an exasperated look with Ginny as they headed out to bunker down with Aunt Muriel and her pups through the rest of the storm. Charlie was their Great Aunt's favorite by far and nobody, including Charlie, was quite sure what he'd done to earn the very spoiled status. Ginny glanced up at him, "I've been seeing it dreams a bit. The arithmancy is coming out so strange."

"You haven't even started N.E.W.T. Level classes, Gin." Bill soothed, "The arithmancy around time travel is a very specialized study in and of itself. We know the pages I need aren't visible just yet."

"We need. That's my hair in the corner, Bill." Ginny nodded glumly, the journal had been examined by Remus and Bill in great detail. Had been wand tapped with every possible word combination that they could think of to try and show what was hidden in the worn pages of the parchment journal. Bill suspected he or Remus had done the charm for whatever reason and it was coded to something said in the natural course of things, not to any repeated code.

Still Ginny was delighted as they hit Muriel's wards, running in sheer excitement and scooping up a ball of fur. "Crookshanks! Where have you been? Good boy coming back. Hermione told you to stay with me!"

Bill looked at the cat, at the weirdly aware familiar with a tail the same ginger red as Ginny's sun lightened hair flipping in and out of her mane. He froze for a moment, Crookshanks meeting his eyes and sudden understanding hit. He looked at him and went to tug him from Ginny's smothering, "Inside Ginny, no lingering."

She huffed and passed him over and Bill scratched under his neck, looking closely at the collar that had caught his eye. Murmuring to the smash faced ginger cat. "Yes, I see it. You and me then?"

Bill had no idea if Hermione's cat could time travel, but he suspected he was about to find out. Or he'd wind up more scarred fighting to get the time turner off his neck. Crookshanks briefly wound between Remus' legs and nuzzled Aunt Muriel's hand full of treats, before settling back on Bill's lap as scones were set and pleasantries exchanged. His brain whirred and buzzed, he didn't know much about Hermione's cat other than Ron's mutterings and that both Sirius and Remus were very fond of him. He tried to think, "Gin, where do you think he's been? I can't imagine he's been with her."

Ginny looked up from finding her spot in the book, "Hermione told him not to follow her anymore after Harry lost Hedwig. He's supposed to stay with me, but he must miss her and went looking. He's extremely clever."

"He might have seen her wanted poster. He's very intelligent from the moons I've spent with him." Remus offered, he glanced at Bill then away. "When I was a Professor, he was in league with Sirius, who was unaware of the invention of wolfsbane. He made sure I had a companion as best he could."

"I miss him." Ginny said it easily, before turning to Remus. "Aunt Muriel refused to let the Trauma Ward at St. Mungo's be named after his family. When the Board told her she had to, since they gave all the money for it, she dutifully named it after Sirius' Great Grandfather's animangus form."

"Ah yes, the infamous ding bat. I believe he was trying for a more noble species of the animal." Remus smiled and Bill did as well, fingering his wand, wishing he was wearing dueling boots.

Aunt Muriel gave a rheumatic smile. "Flying animals were in vogue then." Her eyes looked at Ginny, who had a scone half in and out of her mouth, held in her teeth, as she opened to their bookmark, she reached over and yanked it out. "Ginevra! Manners matter if you'd ever like to be married."

Those old eyes swung his way and Bill braced himself for the undeserved scold coming his way. "Your blood may be infected, but that's not an excuse for showcasing poor table manners to the younger ones. Charlie would never do such a thing."

Ginny jerked with a yelp, before abruptly throwing the journal across the room.

Bill went for the old diary immediately, "Warding it off. Ginny?"

She sounded shaken, "I'm alright. It, it burned me."

"When? How?" They were rapid fire questions as he passed his wand around it, over it, curse breaking and isolation spells that were so rote they were almost automatic now.

"Charlie's name." A pause as Bill squatted down, her tones aggravated. "I'm fine Aunt Muriel."

There was nothing about the old diary that was setting off alarms and Bill muttered it aloud. "Self centered prat. Of course."

He stood up, a glance showed him Ginny was fine. "Charlie would do such a thing, wouldn't he? Bet he tied it to his name being mentioned exactly like that."

He didn't relinquish it, but Remus had an excited look on his face and Bill wanted to lessen it. His own heart racing in prospect, he explained the reality. "Charlie is a Seer, the world's most unreliable one."

"William! Your brother is gifted, don't sully it." It was Aunt Muriel.

Bill didn't look away from Remus' expression closing off and felt he need to explain it. "I'm not insulting Charlie, Aunt Muriel. Remus, if you're unaware, my mother's side is descended from a wizard who got stuck out his own time. As a result, Charlie wound up a Channel, most of the prophecy he spews isn't relevant, just passing through."

"That's a really nice way of saying he shouts nonsense and mucks up apparition." Ginny offered up impatiently, "Can we read it now?"

"Let me take a look first, Gin. Charlie's wound up in some bad places by accident." Bill deferred, eyes scanning the two new visible pages.

He passed it over to Ginny, to let it sink in, to ruminate and try and understand why. Ginny read it aloud twice.

He understands now why we must keep the flat and not try to sell it to force the twins out to safety. Why the twins refuse to move. How else are the strays to find us when they stumble?

They brought distillation of mandrake and seeds, which we're desperately low on. Virgil is convinced he is a werewolf from the scars, but I don't think they can time travel due to the transformation occurring on a schedule. I've written John, perhaps he knows.

I suspect whatever drove them here has already occurred accidentally. There's not even been a rumor at the Ministry over a time meddling notice, no visitors to St. Mungo's with suspicious injuries. I'm meeting Molly tomorrow at Ollivander's to sort wands. I'm in need of a new one and Molly needs to rent one for the next few months. I suspect these babes needs alder wood. We'll see.

Bill looked at Aunt Muriel hopefully, but her eyes were fixed on Remus. "I am sorry about the scar on your back, you couldn't keep the blood replenishing droughts down and I had no choice."

He looked startled, then overcome. "You're the Healer that came?"

She nodded, "John had done most of the work already, but taking you to St. Mungo's would have made it known."

Bill rose to go to the kitchen, gesturing for Ginny to follow to give them a bit of privacy as Remus seemed very intent on continuing the conversation and Aunt Muriel clear enough to do so. Ginny gave a long look back before shutting the door. "It says they, you can't go without me, Bill."

He shook his head, "If you don't get on the Hogwarts Express in a few days there will be even more questions about Ron. Spattergoit won't hold up forever. I know you want to help, I do, but the best thing you can do right now is be as normal as possible."

At her frustrated expression, he pushed onwards. "Gin, let me do some more research now that we have a date. Whatever has to happen matters on that end, not this one, okay? Write me your first Hogsmeade weekend date and we'll do it carefully, not in a rush. The time turners at the Ministry got broken, so we'll need another way. A way that isn't Charlie, he's tracked so one will have to be smuggled."

Ginny, oblivious to the fact that portion was already taken care of, gave a miserable nod, but did not protest his plan. "I hate waiting, but we'll behave. Crookshanks, another train ride for us."

She snatched up the cat that had followed them in and despite Bill's best efforts over the next few days he wasn't able to get the creature alone and retrieve his suspected time turner. Ginny was bound and determined the cat she had been tasked with watching would not run off again. Every ounce of worry or heartache she carried was wound into smothering and spoiling Crookshanks.

He was frustrated, he researched and he had his wand ready as Ginny and Crookshanks got on the Hogwarts Express in a busy, dueling boot filled platform. The note by owl from Hogwarts came later, the handwriting of his former Head of House distinctive and bland in the letter clearly opened and read.

Mr. Weasley

Snitch Room

The Burrow

Mr. Weasley,

You are expected to return to school and go directly to the Headmaster's Office to explain your absence. If no reply is received in confirmation of your attendance, your illness will be verified by a visit to the home before the first of October.

His father looked at him in confusion after being shown it, "You're sure it's for you? Not Charlie? Not anyone else?"

Bill ran a hand through his hair, swallowing down the immediate reaction they all had when Percy was a possibility, but more than likely not a cover. The hope they all carried. "I'm the only one who has easy access to mail at the Burrow it would apply to. If she meant Ron it would have been the attic. If she meant the twins it would have been the Bludger room. Ginny is at school."

His Mum pulled it out of his hands and went into the kitchen, Bill watched her pour tea on it, see the ink dripping and toss it in the kitchen sink. His heart twisted, Hermione. Messages by parchment were treated with extreme care on both sides, due to her cleverness. There would be no attempt to banish or burn the opened letter, it would simply become a piece of parchment that fell into the sink.

His Mum turned to her calendar, "We'll find a way. Bill, write Charlie and ask, remind him he's got something on here for the 19th."

Bill got up and looked at Charlie's scrawl, it was illegible, but it was Ginny's Hogsmeade weekend. He couldn't wait and ignoring his Mum's protests he went. She screamed it after him, "It's no time for flying, Bill. The pitch is off limits!"

The pitch, what Aberforth's patch of rugged hillside for his goats was called in the Order. Bill went, carefully, Shell first, twisting and twisting until he was with several focused goats. They were trying in vain to get something up too far for them to jump in the tree from the magic holding them back, he felt around and yanked it down, the slippery cloak. He went through Hogsmeade invisible, pausing at Hagrid's booming laugh and snuck in, nudging him and Minerva, bending over to peer in the near empty tankard with dark green sludge at the bottom. "It's Bill."

There was an impatient mew from inside Hagrid's massive moleskin coat. Now. It was happening now and he had no idea what he was walking into. Filius squeaked, "Hagrid, take the last sip of potion. Our walk home is long."

Minerva stood, the other older man standing with her. "Thank you for opening up your potions cabinet Rosmerta, always were an excellent brewer. I don't have the healing touch, but I should be able to manage it from here until Poppy's back on her feet. Do let me have a look at that old bottle, hmm?"

Bill followed Minerva and Hagrid out, leaving the other two, hearing an impatient mew from inside the familiar moleskin coat. Charlie's West End muggle singing cursed blazer from Fred an George visible underneath. Hagrid started singing at the top of his lungs, Minerva leaning over as she made hushing noises. "I woke up and recalled it. October 8th, 1978 go to Fabian after."

"After what?" Bill asked as Crookshanks dug his claws into his arm as he was shoved under the invisibility cloak. Someone was yelling at Hagrid to shut it and Minerva gave a determined look as she kept marching Hagrid, but there was a scary lack of knowledge in her sharp green eyes. She didn't know why, just when.

Bill went back to the field, just far enough out of Hogsmeade to not set anything off, hung the cloak in its spot and tried to take off Crookshanks collar. It wouldn't budge, he turned the time turner anyway and went.

When Rose started courting Teddy, he dug through old paperwork from Ginny's courtship. It led to vault key for Bill's eldest child he and Rose went to see what was there. She was very excited, "Aunt Ginny owled me Great Aunt Muriel's old journals. Didn't she buy Mum's wedding dress? She knew I was on the way, right? Do you think she got me something?"

The vault contained three things, a pile of accrued gold, a letter and Howler in stasis with Bill's name on it. He gulped, "Run for it, Rosie."

She didn't. Gryffindor courage kept her by his side as he got belatedly berated for his actions during the Second War and how if he hadn't apologized to Ronald for taking the love of his life he should go do it. Which led his daughter's eyes being as contemplative as her waiting Aunt's were serene. "Don't take a mind to Aunt Muriel, Rose. In fact, Bill did apologize to Ron and never did apologize to me."


"See, he was supposed to rescuing me when he went back in time, but got too focused on your Gram, because he was madly in love with your Mum. From what I've seen it put us here, on the optimal timeline." She grinned and Bill felt like she'd punched him as she tucked her arm through Rose's. "Crookshanks took me first!"


She looked over her shoulder, years both gone and carried on her, darkness of times past and happy lightness of her life. "I made my second time turner last week, Bill and got your vault key."

"Second?" Rose asked and Bill followed behind them, hitting Ginny with a silencing charm until they were safely where no other ears could hear.

His heart was thumping, thundering anger brewing in him that had none of the innocent curiosity his daughter's voice held, only intensity. "Second?"

Ginny gave a long glance at Rose before looking out at the waves, voice quiet. "He was obsessed with time and the first one wasn't very good. Once I realized I was who opened the Chamber…well I asked him to help me make one to be able to hide during it." She flicked her hair back angrily, before softening at a glance at Rose, "I was bound, but that's not the same as being controlled like under the Imperious, Rose. Nobody died, I couldn't get it to work enough for more than that." An intense fierceness, "But I protected your Mum and everyone else."

"Oh, Ginny." It came from behind them and Hermione was standing there looking at her sister intently. "Is that why Bill wrote Hogwarts? Why your letter was too wet to read?"

Ginny nodded, giving him a miserable look,"I wrote it down there. Sorry you almost got killed in a tomb, Bill."

"Anytime, anytime, Gin." He tugged at Rose, heading them down the beach and leaving the two women who'd been there for each other through everything to it. To the hard moments that still happened all of these years later.

Rose was quiet, so he tried to lighten it, "Your Gram almost got hit by a bus in 1978 and was quite tossed up over Gramps. When you were little you broke the telly wand to watch a movie a movie about a man who goes back in time to save a woman's unborn baby, remember that?"

"No." It was said with chagrin, his Rose did indeed remember claiming accidental magic as she tried to hide or bash television remotes to get her way.

"Want to guess what I told her about my scars?" He let it go, voice forcefully cheerful.


"Guess! It's a good one." He nudged her shoulder, his children were old enough to be more embarrassed by his lies to muggles than amused. He was a Dad of teenagers, he was cringe worthy by default.

She sighed loudly and shook her head, throwing out his voice to sound across the cove. "Told her I got mauled by a werewolf."

Rose was grinning a bit and he grinned back, hearing a an attempt at a familiar huff, but a bit thick with emotion behind him and gave his wife an enthusiastic howl in response before calling back. "Figured it didn't violate the Statue of Secrecy, love."