The guest reviewer who mentioned my mistake regarding the disillusionment charms last chapter, thank you, I have now fixed that!

As promised, Chapter 3! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3: Consolidating the Castle

Even though the battle in the Slytherin common room had just ended, both the Slytherins and Dumbledore's Army were very tense. Even though the DA may've just fought on the same side of these Slytherins, many in the DA had a history of years of animosity towards the Slytherins, something equally true in vice-versa.

Harry, seeing these people fight against the last of the Slytherins who had tormented him, decided to break the ice. Turning to Daphne, who was still next to him from fighting Scalby and Montague, he extended a hand. "Daphne Greengrass right? I've seen you around, but I don't think we've ever spoken before."

Daphne shook Harry's hand with a small smile, "Yes, funny how that works isn't it Potter? We've had classes together for five years, yet have never spoken before."

Soon Hermione and Ron joined the conversation as Harry introduced the two of them. Most of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws went to greet their Slytherin friends as well. A few of the Gryffindors also sought out Slytherins they knew, but the majority of Gryffindors hung around themselves, not knowing what to do.

Eventually the Gryffindors got dragged into conversations by the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws about the two skirmishes they participated in. A few Gryffindors and Slytherins were having a very different conversation though.

Tracey Davis and Daphne's sister, Astoria, had joined the conversation between the elder Greengrass and the Gryffindors.

"Thanks for helping us win the battle, and I'm glad you beat Draco and his minions, but what are we going to do now? Where are we going to put the stunned students and officials? What do we do once we put them there?" Astoria asked.

The Gryffindor Trio stared at each other for a moment while Daphne got lost in her own musings.

"Right, why don't we deal with those we have stunned first? It's the most immediate thing we need to get done," Hermione reasoned.

"That sounds logical," Daphne acknowledged, "so where do we put them?" she asked, motioning towards the bodies with her wand.

"Why don't we put them in the room of requirement, mate?" Ron suggested to Harry.

"I was against the idea initially for all the Slytherins, but with those being the attackers and being stunned…I think it's a good idea," Harry concluded.

"How are we going to get them there though? I mean we could always Wingardium Leviosa them to the seventh floor, but that wouldn't really be practical," Hermione said.

"Could you please tell us poor Slytherins what you guys are talking about? What and where is the room of requirement?" Tracey asked.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, wondering whether to tell the Slytherins about the room. For a moment Harry thought about whether telling them was a good idea. They may've just fought Draco's supporters…by extent the Dark Lord's supporters, but they were still Slytherins weren't they?

"Oh honestly, Harry, stop being prejudiced just because of their house. They fought beside us for goodness sake. We can at least tell Daphne and a few people she knows we can trust, she was the one who started the fight against them after all," Hermione lectured in her classic tone.

Feeling slightly embarrassed on how well Hermione read him, Harry responded, "You're right Hermione. I don't want this be told to the whole of Slytherin though, we haven't even told most of our own house." He turned back to the Slytherins, "You three can know. The rest will probably feel better knowing that some in their house know their whereabouts. If there are a few others you think you need to tell, and I mean a few, you can. Deal?"

"Sure, Potter."

"Well it's a room on the seventh floor which can transform into anything that the user requires it to be at the time. So I can transform it into some sort of magic resisting prison where we can put those that we have stunned," Harry explained.

"Still, the question is how to get the stunned bodies to the seventh floor easiest," Hermione persisted.

"I can help with that," Daphne said, "We can use my family's house elf. I'm sure some of the richer pureblooded members of your DA can call theirs as well."

"That's a great idea! I'll call Dobby as well. First though, let's decide what we're going to do with everyone here. Shall we just tell them to go into the Great Hall where the other houses are?" Harry asked.

"I think that'll work," Daphne nodded.

Harry then called everyone's attention and asked some of the Slytherins to retrieve the younger years from their dorms. He stood in the middle of the common room with Ron and Hermione on his left side, and Daphne, Astoria, and Tracey on the other in a show of solidarity.

Once everyone was quiet and the younger kids had arrived, Harry gave a quick recap of the events of the day before announcing what will be done next. "We will move the stunned people into a room designed to be a prison, the location is uncertain for now. After that we will decide collectively what our next steps will be and how we are going to deal with having control over the school now. Currently, we want all of you to go to the Great Hall where you will join the other houses while some of us deal with the captured. Hermione, please lead them to the Great Hall and talk to the other three houses so they know what happened, they'll listen to you," he concluded.

Hermione gave him a quick nod before heading to the entrance of the common room.

"Slytherins go on to the Great Hall please, Astoria, Tracey, and I will help Potter and some others sort our stunned 'housemates,'" Daphne announced.

"Also, Susan and Neville, could you stay behind please?" Harry asked.

They nodded, joining the three Slytherins, Ron, Hermione, and him. "Daphne came up with the idea of moving the captured to the room of requirement with the help of house-elves. Susan, Neville, I know you're both pureblooded, do you have house-elves you could call to help us as well?" Harry queried.

"Sure, Harry, I'll call mine," Susan said, before calling out, "Mille!"

"I can too," Neville added, calling for his own elf.

At the same time, Harry called Dobby while Daphne called for her elf. Three of the elves were told to transporting the stunned Slytherins to the entrance of the entrance of the room, while Dobby used elf-magic to transport them to the same hallway. In less than 30 seconds, they were all in front of the entrance to the room of requirement.

Harry opened the room, and as he did a door popped up. When he opened the door, there was a small empty space directly after the door, which was in front of a caged area that had a visible purple ward around it. The DA members and their allied Slytherins then removed the wands of the stunned assailants before placing them in the cell. They then ordered the elves to bring those stunned in the Great Hall before repeating the process.

Soon enough, the group of seven students from three houses made their way down to the Great Hall to meet up with the rest of their fellow students.


Back in the Great Hall, some of the first years had been inconsolable after the battle. No matter how the prefects tried to comfort them, they were still very upset and scared. That was until some of the DA members remembered how good they had felt in the presence of Patroni in the Room of Requirement. Hannah and Lee cast their Patroni, and in almost no time the first years had calmed down.

Now though, there was silent anticipation as the members of the three houses awaited the arrival of the DA task force that went on their mission surrounding the Slytherins. None of the DA members present in the Great Hall had received calls for help through their Galleons, but the 30 minutes that the DA had decided on waiting in case there was an ambush had just gone past. Many were impatiently casting Tempus charms, worried about their housemates.

Then, voices began to be heard coming down the hall. Soon after, the DA filed in to the Great Hall, but they were not alone.

Many in the Great Hall pulled out their wands at the sight of the green robes of Slytherin house. Many of the students were ashamed they hadn't fought back like the DA, and didn't want to repeat their stupor in case a battle broke out.

But the students were lead by Hermione, while many of the other DA members were conversing amicably with some of the Slytherins. Worry turned into confusion as some students realized that a few of the DA, most notably Harry, were missing.

Hermione walked up to the stage where the teacher's table used to be and used the Sonorus spell to amplify her voice before making an announcement as the Slytherins proceeded to sit at their house table, on the other edge of where their housemates were stunned.

"Right, as you all know we went down to the Dungeons to keep Slytherin house contained. After Harry made his announcement as planned, we heard spell fire from within the common room." Murmurs started at the three house tables as they glanced over at the Slytherins warily. "Some of the DA knew what the politics in Slytherin house was, and in summary, half of them supported Umbridge, the other half didn't. The two sides ended up fighting each other, and we joined in to help those who didn't support Umbridge. Nobody got injured and we won. All the Slytherins you see here either fought with us, or were too young to fight."

Just as Hermione concluded her speech, there was a pop sound as one of the stunned Aurors disappeared. Another pop, and another Auror was gone. A couple students screamed while some of them unsheathed their wands and stood up, scanning the area for possible enemies.

"Everyone calm down! That's what Harry, a few of the other DA members and some Slytherins are doing right now. They're putting those who we stunned into a temporary prison," Hermione explained.

The explanation seemed to satisfy everyone, as the students calmed down before dissolving into excited chatter. It was into this scene that Harry and the others arrived into a few minutes later.

However, they didn't join the chatter. Harry knew their work was long from over. He quickly convened the DA at a corner of the Great Hall with Daphne, Astoria, and Tracey there as well to represent Slytherin.

"Okay, so now what. We need ideas. How are we going to deal with the mess we have on our hands now?" Harry asked.

"Isn't Susan's aunt in the DMLE, can't we ask her for help?" Ernie questioned, looking at Susan.

Susan let out a long sigh, "I don't think she could do much. Fudge has been restricting her and everyone else's powers drastically. He is practically a dictator now, and only listens to Lord Malfoy and Umbridge. We could ask for her advice, but the later the Ministry knows about this the better."

"Okay, other ideas? We'll leave it for now, and get back to that if we can't come up with something else," Harry concluded.

"Well….we are named Dumbledore's Army. Can't we contact him for help? I know he left Hogwarts but he is the most powerful wizard…and he is the Supreme Mugwump* of the International Confederation of Wizards. I doubt he'd leave his students alone in a time like this," Padma announced.

"That's not a bad start at all! I think Padma has the right idea, if we can't expect support from Britain and our Ministry, then we'll have to look elsewhere for help. I can send a message to Fleur and see what she can do to help, or at least if she has any advice for us," Harry added.

"I think that's the best way right now. What do you guys think, anything to add?" Hermione inquired.

"I think that's the best way to do it right now. Even if we were able to get help from within our Ministry, they'd be fighting an uphill battle. This way, if we get help from the ICW, the people we can get on our side in the Ministry, including my aunt, will have a side to fight with," Susan determined.

"Guys, that's all great, but how are we going to contact Dumbledore…" Daphne started, before answering her own question, "We could use house-elves again!"

"We could do that Daphne, but it might not work. Dumbledore is clever, and if let's say…he were to be in a place with a Fidelius charm, elves won't be able to find him," Harry replied.

"Harry, why don't you just use a Patronus to deliver the message like you taught us?" Ron asked.

"That will actually work, thanks Ron!" Harry said and quickly cast his Patronus.

"Prongs, please deliver the message I'm about to give you to Dumbledore. If Padfoot and Money are not there, make sure they hear it as well."

When the shimmering stag acknowledged his request with a deep bow, Harry continued.

"To Professor Dumbledore, the Marauders, and anyone else from the old crowd: we need your help. Umbridge attempted to dish out corporal punishment for a harmless prank done by NEWT students. Aurors were also present. In retaliation, we fought back and stunned the Aurors, Umbridge, and some Slytherins who chose to fight with them. We have them locked up in a warded location, but we have no idea what to do now. Right now, all the students are in the Great Hall. Padma suggested that you could take it to the ICW as the Supreme Mugwump, as the Ministry themselves have become a regime willing to torture students in their school. Where are the teachers anyway? The only staff member here was Filch. I will also be reaching out the Delacours for help. Please let us know as soon as you can," Harry ended the message as Prongs leaped through the wall of the Great Hall to deliver his call for help. He sent a similar message to Fleur right after and then joined the DA and the other three Slytherins on the Ravenclaw table as they waited for replies.

Not long after, a graceful unicorn strode into the Great Hall, and Harry realized this must be Fleur's Patronus.

"I am glad you stood up for your friends Harry. My dad is the Head of the Département des Affairs Étrangères de Magie, which is our equivalent to your Department of International Magical Cooperation. It is good that you are asking Dumbledore for help. As the Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, he is also our representative in the ICW. He will support any solution Dumbledore suggests that will be beneficial to you. He will also discuss intervention with the French Minister. We in France are sure that Voldemort is back…and we don't want him to get power again. Last time, we were sure that he would attack us once he consolidated his power in Britain. Our Ministry will probably like the idea of being preemptive this time, but we can't do that with your corrupt government. Maybe with the help of the ICW, it could be possible. I will keep in touch. Let us know if we can do anything more for you, we haven't forgotten what you did for my sister," came Fleur's reply.

"Wow, that went much better than I thought it would!" Harry exclaimed. He had no idea about Monsieur Delacour's position in the French Ministry, but it would undoubtedly be helpful. The DA didn't have much more chance to discuss this further though, as Dumbledore's Phoenix Patronus soared into the hall.

"Harry, my boy, I wish it hadn't come to this. I must admit, this was a development I had not foreseen. But alas, I had made some arrangements in the case it was necessary for someone other than me to protect the castle. Please, would you follow my Phoenix out of the Great Hall so that we can discuss these arrangements alone? You may, of course, bring your friends if you'd like," the Phoenix spoke before exiting the Great Hall.

He looked at the expectant faces of the DA and decided that they deserved to hear whatever it was Dumbledore was going to tell him. They had fought together with him through two battles with unwavering loyalty. He called for the DA to follow, and left the Great Hall with them in toe.

"You see Harry," the Patronus continued, "when I was cast out of Hogwarts, and dear Dolores made Headmistress, she gained access to the wards around the castle. These wards, Harry, are extremely powerful, powered by ancient magic and practically the strongest in Britain. Of course, Dolores used her control over the wards to not only ban me, but also allow access to not only all Ministry officers but also many Death Eaters she works with. There is a way you can gain control over the wards, go to my office and put on the Sorting hat and it will explain. It will also explain the functions of the wards so that you can modify the wards to best suite your protections, as well as allow me and the old crowd access to the castle. I will of course, in the mean time be setting up an ICW convention. Alas, Cornelius has gone too far this time, and we will likely finally be able to intervene in the British Ministry."

This Chapter was a slightly slower paced chapter, I hope you guys didn't mind too much, but I felt that Harry needed to get Hogwarts' internal affairs sorted before he can reach out for outside help. The next chapter will be up within the next week!

*I know that in cannon Dumbledore lost his position in the ICW after the Ministry's denial of Voldemort's return, but I don't think that would've happened. It doesn't make sense to me that the British Ministry would have a say on who the leader of the ICW is. If he was just a representative of the Ministry sure, but he was selected by the ICW to lead it, so why should the Ministry be able to change that?