Genre : Romance

Pairing : Sam/OC, Derek/Stiles, Caleb/Peter and more to come!

Summary : Sam had a lover once, a djinn. When he turned out to be pregnant Dean freaked out. Nine months later Stiles was born.

Disclaimer : Nothing belongs to me...

Author's note: Hello everyone sorry for the delay my internet was crashing… (because everyone is on their computer all day apparently…) I hope you are all well! Here is the next chapter I hope you will enjoy it! Thank you all for the likes and reviews!

The next day Stiles and the pack (Boyd, Erica, Isaac and Jackson) were walking down the school's corridor when new students arrived. Two twin boys and one girl smelling werewolf. They passed the pack and stopped.

"Well, well, well, isn't it the Hale pack?"

"Who are you people?" Boyd stood in front of the pack in a Derek-like way, Erika on one side and Isaac on the either, Stiles and Jackson behind them. The Hale pack was confused, they were all smelling alpha and the same pack.

The she-wolf cackled "Use your sense stupid beta, we are werewolves, all alpha. Ring any bells?"

Isaac growled back "A pack only have one alpha."

The strange wolves laughed. The Hale pack growled. Stiles looked around them and saw some students gathering around, he smelled troubles.

"Guys we're at school." Stiles were trying to calm things down. The girl turned to him.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? You smell like magic, but you're not a witch." She made a move towards Stiles and Erica snarled.

"Stand back bitch."

"Hold your puppies, magic-guy, and no-one declared war yet." And with these last words from one of the twins the alpha pack was gone.

"So that went well…" Stiles mumbled while Boyd was texting, probably Derek. "Now there are new wolves in Beacon Hills, as if we didn't have enough troubles…"

Isaac looked ahead and frowned "Well looks like more troubles are on their ways."

The pack turned to look the way he pointed and saw Scott, Allison and Lydia walking up towards the pack. Scott stood in front of the Hale pack with a menacing growl.

"You all should leave Derek before it is too late."

Jackson stepped in front of Scott "And join you McCall? Join the pack of liars and betrayers?"

Scott growled and Boyd pulled Jackson back stepping in front of the pack as Derek's second in command. "Derek is our alpha Scott. We are loyal to him, not to you. You are a failure as a wolf. As Derek said you should not come near us so get lost before Derek comes in and make you. Like he did last time."

Scott and Boyd were engaged in a staring contest while Stiles turned to Jackson mouthing "last time?". The beta whispered what happened in the human's ear and Stiles giggled. Scott frowned and let out a growl before leaving with Allison. Lydia stayed back looking straight at Jackson "I thought you would be smarter than that Jackson. I regret dating a failure like you. You better come back to your senses before it's too late."

And the banshee turned her heels, dress flapping behind her.

"She looks like Severus Snape." Said Stiles making everyone laugh and the tension dissipates.

Before the bell rang Boyd had received Derek's answer, he turned to the pack and told them to be at the pack house after class.


After class Derek was waiting in his Camaro at the entrance. He waited until his betas and Stiles regroup in front of him and said in a matter of fact way "Erica, Isaac in Stiles' jeep, Boyd and Jackson in the Porsche, Stiles shut up and get in."

And before Stiles could even utter anything in defiance, Erica stole his keys and ran with Isaac, Jackson and Boyd were already gone and Derek was waiting in the Camaro.

"Stupid werewolf powers..." He said as he got into the car.

"You forgot hearing."

"It's stupid too! Sometimes I would like to have a day without your betas asking about my emotions that they smelled on me. It's intimate and I'm a very shy person." Stiles continued to ramble about how unfair it was that they could tell what he felt while he could not.

Derek snorted and started the car while Stiles continued.

"I mean I would like to know things too! Many, many things! I have a lot of questions on your pack's feelings and I can't even ask them because they don't want to talk about it. I swear they look more and more like you with each passing day! I mean is it not unfair that they can smell what I think of someone while I am not even allowed to know if Boyd and Jackson have feelings for each other or not?"

Derek finally decided to stop him "How is that your problem?"

Stiles looked indignant "I want to know Derek! They are my friends! And my pack to apparently, I want them to be happy. I want Jackson to have someone who cares about him in his life and really love him. I want Boyd to have nice things too. I mean Erica and Isaac got each other, shouldn't the rest of you be allowed a mate?"

"You mean me too?"

Stiles turned to Derek. The alpha was pointedly not looking at him, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yes Derek, I want you to be happy."

"With anyone?"

He was still not looking at Stiles. The human looked down to his shoes, embarrassed. No he wanted Derek to be happy with him but how could he tell him that so he said "I want you to be happy with someone you love, not anyone." And that was true.

They were arriving at the pack house and as Derek stopped the car he put his hand on Stiles knee. The human was feeling his heart beat against his ribcage. Even through his jeans he felt the warmth of Derek's hand. The alpha was looking in his eyes as if waiting for something. Stiles wanted to ask questions, he had a million of them.

What do you think about me? Would it gross you out if I tell you I love you? Would you even consider me as a partner? If so, what if you find your mate after? How would I survive? Do you even enjoy being with me at all?

So many questions but no words would come out. Derek leaned towards Stiles and scented his neck. Stiles could feel the wolf's breath and the scratch of his beard on his skin making him shiver. Derek's hand was not moving. The wolf finally spoke "Thank you Stiles. It means a lot to me."

Derek rested his face on Stiles shoulder while the human regained his speech "You don't have to thank me. You deserve to be happy Derek. We all love you, the entire pack, we want you to be happy."

Derek suddenly kissed Stiles' cheek and before he got out of the Camaro he said "I am happy with what I have. My wolf is happy too. Why would I need someone else?"

I hope you all enjoyed it! Derek's and Stiles relationship is finally progressing! Next chapter we will see a bit more of Peter and the Alpha pack ! See you next Sunday (or Monday if my internet is still a diva)