The Creek

The peach watershed
Follows after me as I run
The sound still taunting

Beside its rocky shore.
I worked on hair brained schemes.
With both of my friends.

But I had to leave
All I have worked for in
rusting river spray

I miss family
The water washed their faces clean

I miss my friends
Their dreams were eaten by fish
Without even a fight

I'm a traveler
From a creek I remember
But no one else does

I want to go home
But every time I try
It just won't let me

I'm angry now not
because of what the river stole
but what it gives back


Stormchaser Day 1 Morning

The stillness of the bedroom was shattered by an alarm clock. After a few twists in his blanket a short kid with black hair and steel blue eyes silenced the little devil with a grunt. "Yay First day of work," He said with sarcasm coating his statement in a fine sludge. He sat up and surveyed his box metropolis that laid claim to his room. He felt like the sun was mocking him as he pulled an arm up over his eyes to shadow it.

"Good morning Eddy!" A man greeted as he entered the room scaring its inhabitant. His face beaming brighter than the reflective paint on his white jacket. He had about 4 inches on his nephew in height and shared a similar physique. An Endomorph body type with sloped shoulders. He also followed the McGee hair tradition, short black hair with 2 hair parts in the back making three strong cowlicks that dangled behind his neck.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" Eddy replied squirming out of the bed in a rush.

"If I knock, you'll jump out the window," the man teased waving his right index finger in a naughty-naughty sort of way.

"I only did that once, and I was 9," Eddy huffed as he grabbed his "work" clothes from a nearby box. A black T shirt, brown cargo shorts, and a white leather belt.

"You did it yesterday," Came the man's retort with a laugh. "Won't get far if you can't read the language."

"I can read, I just choose not too," Eddy pulled the belt through the loops of his pants. "You never said what we were doing Obe."

"Eager aren't we? The high school near us is having their annual festival tomorrow and we are in charge of ventilation maintenance and odd jobs. You know basic Auxiliary fare."

"Better than guard work," Eddy commented pulling his signature purple street shoes out from under the bed. "How much do I get paid for this?"

"You're not registered yet," Obe reassured his new ward. "Think of this as a break-in day. Once you start High School then we can talk pay stubs and benefits."

The rest of the time at home was uneventful. Eddy and Obe conversed about topics ranging from baseball, women, existential pseudoscience, and the proper way to skin something (even the speaker didn't know how that happened) over runny eggs and charcoal that used to be wheat toast. After breakfast they filed into Obe's truck and pulled out into the street.

"I'm just saying I would be a shoe-in for Count Chocohuk," Obe mused taking a sip of coffee from his thermos. "I even have the smile and everything."

"Yeah just what I need, my flesh and blood fighting little girls using white sauce," Eddy laughed.

"It's Parfait Suppression Foam and I will fight anyone who says otherwise," Obe steamed. The truck stopped at a sign halfway down the street. Eddy's eyes perked up when he saw two figures standing off to the side. At the distance they were from the truck Eddy couldn't make out any real unique characteristics from the guy in the street, but the girl had a strange hair color. A light orange pigment with a red bow adorned on the side.

"She looks like a sentient cinnamon bun," Obe replied softly to himself. "Nephew, when we head back remind me to pick up some on the way back will ya? "

"I think they arrest people for that," Eddy smirked.

"I think they arrest people for that," Obe mocked under his breath.

"I don't know why you're fighting Boss's offer to cook," Eddy poked with a smirk.

Obe furrowed his brows, "The last thing I want is a smug 14 year old handling the meals of a grown ass man who can do well by himself. It's bad enough she threatens to drop spoilers to the new series I picked up."

The truck slowly passed the couple. Eddy was interested in the bun girl for a reason he couldn't put his finger on. "You jealous?"

"What?" Eddy turned back to the driver.

"You jealous you don't have anyone yet?" Obe had a sly grin on his face as the houses gave way to traffic around them.

"Look I literally got here a week ago, there are more important things to worry about," Eddy crossed his arms. "Besides if I turn up my devilish good looks, I can get anyone I want."

"Your humility warms the gearshift of this fools heart,"

"And your sentimental stick gives me indigestion," Eddy pulled his arms back behind his head and sighed. The ride continued in silence.

The truck pulled into the garage across the street from the school. When asked about the name Eddy was met by "Moon Runes" so he didn't bother asking. The building was impressive though, a modern 4 level structure with a warm color aesthetic. At first glance Eddy would never have guessed it would imprison him for the rest of his school life.

"Beautiful isn't she? Nejima-san placed his heart and soul into it's construction. May he rest in peace," Eddy just rolled his eyes at Obe's sarcasm and jumped out of the truck. "We need to check in first, don't wander off too far," Obe reminded closing the trunk toolbox in hand. The school courtyard was in a flurry of activity as Eddy and Obe walked up. One of the workers, a tired-looking late twenties man with pulled back coral pink hair came up to them.

"Hey Kei-On!" Obe shouted his face in a toothy grin. "You look like shit!"

"Nice to see you too Obe. Y-you don't need to yell," The man murmured giving a wry expression. "Jailer ran us on double time yesterday. Who's this?"

"This is the new plus one I was talking about. Eddy, meet my best friend and mentor Keichi Onzai. He is the second in command for this whole sha-bang!" Obe praised as Eddy shook hands with the man. "So, what got in the Jailer's craw now?"

"Apparently according to Ino, He caught his daughter with Parfait Girls Volume 7. That guy needs to be arrested for real." Keichi answered tensely. The fact that the man's fists were clenched was not lost on the two.

"Ino-hene is just hot-tempered because of being the new blood again, if you get swayed by him the whole system would burn down," Obe placed a hand on the foreman's shoulder. "Just breathe alright. Remember your blood pressure."

"You two are checking the box in building 3, there has been problems with the generators short-circuiting and with the added strain the festival causes we don't need any new complaints," Keichi commanded. The man then slumped down. "And if you can check out the doors in the back that would really put my mind at ease. They have been getting stuck more."

Obe sighed, "Kei-On we've been over this, we need to keep personal and professional lives separate."

"I know! I try, but it's- hard you know?" Keichi shook his head. "The hallucinations are getting worse."

"I think you are getting too passionate about nothing my friend," Obe gave a warm smile. "Once we are done here she can rest at my house if she needs to. We pull Abe-san out of his shack we have a few drinks it'll be great!"

"She doesn't need rest Obe, She-" Keichi said rubbing sweat off the sides of his head with his palms. He sighed and his sky-blue eyes twitched. "Nevermind, forget it, don't worry about the doors. Just- take care of the box."

"We'll- talk about this later all right?" Obe asked a little wariness in his voice.

"Of course Olly," Keichi resolved throwing up his hands. "Kick the can down the street like everyone else does." With that the man left the two McGee's to their task. Once he made sure the man was out of earshot Eddy head steamed.

"What's with that guy?" Eddy asked a little pissed.

"I'm sorry Eddy, that was really uncalled for on his part," Obe looked at his nephew a little chaffed as well. "He's usually very bubbly. Must be sleep deprivation again."

"Who cares? That's not a reason to be an asshat," Eddy crossed his arms.

"Maybe if we finish our daily rounds he will turn around," Obe wondered aloud. "Let's get to fixing that box first alright?"

"Lead the way Mr. Fix-it," Eddy grumbled as he started to calm down. Obe took the initiative and started the two to building 3. Along the way the two heard a melody wafting in from one of the buildings. "A piano?"

"You hear it too eh?" Obe replied happily turning his head back. "That's from the recreation room, it's in building 2 if you want to look for it later."

"I don't play, why would I look for it?" Eddy asked.

"Expanding boundaries is good for you Eddy,"

"Now you sound like Double d," Eddy remarked. He couldn't help but feel a small sting enter his heart when he finished his quip. A few minutes later the two made it to Building 3. Obe noticed Eddy's silence and turned around in the entrance. Eddy had a downcast expression on his face.

"Everything's going to be alright Nephew," He spoke patting Eddy on the back. "We take care of our own here. Once you get acquainted with the right people, this town will almost feel like a second home for you."

"Again with the sentimental schtick," Eddy spoke with a small laugh a few moments later.

"I see a smile though," Obe replied softly rubbing the kid's head. "I'm wearing you down bubs."

The pair entered the building and was nearly stopped by a strong musty scent.

"Hey, what reeks?" Eddy yelled out covering his nose.

"The majesty of building 3," Came Obe's response as he rose his arms as if the scent was a presentation. "If something smells, it stinks up the whole place in only an hour. Takes 7 hours to get rid of it too. That's why they put such emphasis on the ventilation here."

"I'm a little concerned about how you would know that," Eddy joked as he followed his uncle as he turned right and started walking down a hallway to a white door at the end.

"Heheh~ If you've been around this school as often as I have, you have to know something about it," Obe smiled. A strange green glow flashed in his eyes. "I'm sure that by the end of what we're doing here you will be able to say the same."