Chapter 8 - Wait

"This just in, a woman has committed suicide by jumping off the Peregrine bridge in Saber County earlier this morning. She is estimated to be in her 30s, our sources suspect this was the same woman who's child was kidnapped 5 ye—"

"Turn that off." A gruff voice snapped at me, "if I wanted a sob story I would look at you."

I quickly moved from my spot that was next to the couch to grab the remote from on top of the tv. I turned off the tv and turned to face him. Bloodshot eyes stared at me with malice and hatred .

"¿Que me miras? Where's my food, pendeja?" (S.1) He snapped again.

"Um, coming." I replied softly. He narrowed his eyes at me and watched me as I made my way to the kitchen which was right through the door behind the couch.

With shaky hands I got rice, chicken, and some salad onto a plate. I turned and placed five tortillas on a skillet on top of the stove putting the heat on high so they would heat up quickly.

"HURRY UP!" The man shouted making me flinch. I grabbed the tortillas and place them on the plate full of food and rushed back to the couch, placing the food in front of him on a coffee table. I went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge to retrieve a bottle of Corona. I yelped as a roach that was hiding under the bottle crawled on my hand. I dropped the bottle and scrambled back quickly. Tripping over my feet, I fell backwards on my back making me gasp for breath as the air left my lungs.

I sat up quickly while coughing, trying to get air back in my lungs, when suddenly something hit me on the side of my head. A silent gasp of pain escaped me as another blow hit my shoulder.

"Que haces acostada, perra?" (S.2) The gruff voice snapped above me. I looked up with tearful eyes as pain radiated from my shoulder and my head. I opened my mouth to answer him, I didn't want him to get angrier.

"I fell..." I replied meekly, trying to keep my voice steady enough so he wouldn't realize how terrified I was.

"Que? Speak up you little roach!" (S.3)

"I-I fell," I said a little more loudly.

"Aw you fell," he sneered at me, "your stupid is what you are! Pinche pendeja! (S.4) You're worthless! No wonder your mother gave up on you! Give me that bottle you worthless bug!"

Still on the floor, I quickly grabbed the bottle on the floor and handed it to him without looking up. He snatched it roughly making me flinch as he stomped away. Once I heard him sit on the couch, I took a deep breath as tears rolled down my face.

I stood up quickly and began working on the dishes that were in the sink. All of them cracked and worn. They looked disgusting. Once those were finished I grabbed a broom and began to sweep the grimy floor. No matter how much I cleaned it would never look good.

My tears had dried by the time I finished the kitchen. I looked over to the living room to see if he had fallen asleep. I watched him from behind a few moments in silence before the sound of snoring reached my ears.

Oh thank God.

As quietly as possible, I made my way toward the couch to retrieve the plate. Luckily for me he was a loud snorer. I stepped in time with the snoring to drown out the creaking of the floor. I grabbed the plate and retreated to the kitchen. Once it was clean and put away I went back to stand behind the couch and wait for him to wake up.

I looked around the living room, making sure everything was in place as to not entice his anger. I noticed the tv was turned back on and the news was running again. I began to focus on the current story it was showing.

"That's right Debby, this was the same woman who lost her child 5 years ago. The child was a 9 year old female who was walking home from school. She was snatched a block away from her house. One year ago, clothes and a backpack along with human hair was found on highway 65, six months later a two fingers were found in the same location. These new findings allowed the investigators to close the case and declare her dead. We believe that due to this she took her own life to be with her daughter. Back to you Debby."

"Take the new one." The man grumbled making me flinch. He coughed once and then rolled his head to the left and continued to snore. I couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about that was making him mumble. He doesn't mumble often. But I rather take sleep mumble than him being awake.

"-never let my child walk alone especially at that age. What was that mother thinking?! It's a terrible thing. Don't you think Rob?

It is terrible, Debby. To our viewers, if you want to know more about this tragedy stay tuned as FTC has a special documentary on that very case. Although viewer discretion is advised as there is some graphic content to follow. Right Deb!

Yes it is graphic indeed! Well that is all we have for you today folks! Thank you for watching, stay safe! Goodnight!"

The camera panned out as the show switched to commercials. I slowly sat on the floor next to the couch, in front of the kitchen floor. I didn't want to change the channel as he could wake up and get angry for touching without permission. My headache was slowly getting better with the quiet of the tv.

The next program started making me gasp out loud. A picture of a woman came on, she has dark raven hair and brown eyes. Freckles were splashed across her cheeks and nose. She had a mole right above her right eyebrow and a little scar on the tip of her nose.


It had been awhile since I thought of her, not since the first time I tried to get out. My chest began to hurt as I looked at the picture, I didn't listen to the program as various pictures of her and a little girl floated across the screen. I had been certain I had forgotten what she looked like. I didn't want to think about her. I had been told she gave up. That she was lazy like me and didn't feel like looking for me. I blinked as a single picture of the little girl came up. Long dark brown hair framed a small smiling face. The girl was missing a tooth as she smiled widely at the camera. She had the same brown eyes as the woman. Full of life and laughter.

"Turn off that sob story." The gruff voice said suddenly, "and sit next to me."

I began to tremble as I got up from my spot and approached the tv to turn it off. I turned around and began to approach the couch. I felt cold all over as I got closer. I didn't even reach the couch when his hand shot out and grabbed my hair. A cry escaped my mouth as he pulled my hair, my hand subconsciously grabbed at his hand wanting him to let go.

"Who gave you permission to watch tv? Hmmm and what were you watching?" He spoke slowly and quietly, shaking my head his hand making the pain increase.

"I wasn't wa—" I was cut off when pain exploded on my face. He had smacked me.

"Escúchame bien, you cannot leave. (S.5) You will never leave. Wanna know why? Cause you're worthless. You're mother, she didn't even bother to look for you. She abandoned you, she said she was too tired to continue on. Too lazy to pay the price. So she left you to me. You are never leaving." He let go of my hair making me fall for the floor in a heap. Tears fell as I tried to keep from sobbing in pain. "That show was just telling you how lazy and stupid she was. How she gave up because she was lazy just like you! She didn't even try. Stupid woman. Cause no one wants you! You are worthless! And you are never leaving!"

He grabbed my hair again making look into his bloodshot eyes. They were filled with such hatred and anger. It was inhuman the way he looked at me.

"Repeat what I just said, pendeja, repeat it!"

"I-I am not leaving" I replied meekly, tears rolling down my face.

"And don't forget it."

He left and walked into the hallway. I heard a door open and close, meaning I was to go to bed for the night. Humiliation and pain swirled inside me as I sat on the floor.

I hate this. I hate him. I hate you mom! Why? I never did anything! I just wanna go away from here! I waited for you mom! And now... you're gone.

I sat for a few minutes as I calmed myself before quickly picking myself up and making my way into the kitchen. I reached a door at the far end and opened it revealing stairs to the basement. Flicking on a switch, I continued to sniffle as I went into the cold basement. It was poorly lit, but my eyes quickly adjusted it.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I flicked the switch off. Blinking a few times to allow my eyes to adjust, I made my way to a pile of blankets on the other side of the basement. I quickly stripped and put on a ratty t shirt and shorts that served as my pajamas. I then pulled out the blankets that served as my bed and made my usual nest. My pillow was an old backpack filled with old towels. Everything down here smelled old and moldy. But it was my haven, he hardly ever came down here lest he was angry and I was getting punishment. Usually it's when I run away and he follows me down here.

The tears had stopped by the time I got comfortable on the floor of blankets. I laid down shivering as I wished for another body of heat. I opened the zipper to the backpack and pulled out a tiny stuffed mouse.

"Hey, Zero, hows it going?" I paused running finger along it's little button nose and stitched mouth, "I wish you were here, I am really cold right now. I miss you. Sometimes I wanna join you. I really do but I'm going to keep your promise. I'll join you when I'm free. I'll join you when I'm out and can make my own decisions." I hugged the mouse to my chest as I thought of a friend long gone.

The longing in my heart made my throat tighten as today's news came back to me. I tighten my hold on the mouse, my voice lowering to barely a whisper, "Can I tell you a secret? Will you keep it for me?" I stared at the little mouse. It's little plastic eyes stared back at me. "I saw my mom today," I sniffled and blinked back tears, "she's gone... if you see her, will you say hi?" Taking a deep breath, I hugged the mouse to my chest again and tried to bundle the blankets close to me. "Can I tell you another secret?" I whispered into the dark, "I know how to get out of here," I closed my eyes and brought my knees up to my chest as a pleasant warmth enveloped me, "I just have to wait for the right moment."


1. Literal: What are you looking at? In this context it's equivalent to the phrase: what are standing there for? Go get me food dumbass!

2. What are you doing laying down bitch?

3. What?

4. Fucking dumbass

5. Listen carefully,


Sorry... it's a short one I know, but I'm gonna put the next one up right afterwards as well so it's not too awkward. Well this is the next chapter, thank you for sticking with me for this long. This chapter was a difficult one to write for me. Hope it's decent enough to get your attention. Thank you to my people on , I greatly appreciate the reviews! I have acquired a laptop out of luck and I decided to put this up at least. SORRY again for long absence... Your reviews are read and extremely appreciated... they make me warm and fuzzzy inside! :)

I'm back! **not that anyone noticed** Well the last 3 months of 2018 punch me in the face. We had a fire in our house and we were literally homeless overnight. Living in a hotel with NOTHING... its not fun. For the sake of your family and yourself: have something for emergencies or a back up plan at least cause we were putting numbers together and well... the first month on its own was about 2k for us to eat, clothe ourselves and maintain our hygiene. Its not me. In the US its obligatory to have Homeowners Insurance if you have a mortgage cause of this reason. So to anyone that cares that is one of the reasons for absence.

Please review! Vote! Comment! Favorite! Tell me if I have grammar or spelling typos! Thank youuuu!