"Yang, Duck!" Jaune shouted. She did so, and Jaune swung his sword in a large arc. Arthur dodged it with ease, Just as Jaune had predicted he would. Arthur quickly realized and turned around. The tubes with the needles on the end that were set to extract the powers from Ren and the three villagers were severed. The large machine made a whirring noise then an electrical crackle. After a pop and a bit of smoke, it turned off. Arthur closed his eyes and turned slowly back to Jaune.

"Boy.. I don't think you understand the ramifications of your actions... I was just going to kill you.. But now.. I'm going to make you SUFFER!" Arthur took a long step forward and raised his hands. He whipped his body into a crane-style fighting stance.

"Uh.. Yang.. I'm scared.." Jaune whispered.

Yang blinked. "At least you're not facing an ox.."

"The Ox has a name." The large man stated. "I'm Hazel Rainart. Pleased to kill you." He said as he smirked and raised his fists in a offensive position.

"We'll see.." Yang replied calmly, getting ready to fight.

The Hunters and villains stood in silence for a good minute. Neither side wanted to make the first move. Jaune noticed a slight movement. Arthurs eyes locked with Hazels, and Jaune saw it. Faster than the human mind could react, Arthur spun on his heel and smashed his other boot into Jaunes chest plate. If they weren't back to back, Jaune would've went flying. This also meant, however, that instead of taking the momentum of the hit, Jaune took the blunt of it. Even through his heavy armor, the attack knocked the wind out of him. Being a tactician, Jaune retook his stance and showed no sign of the pain inflicted.

Yang was tired of waiting. She rushed down Hazel and tried to take advantage of his size. She went to sweep his legs from under him, but he saw it coming. Hazel hopped back a foot, avoiding her, then immediately lurched forward and grabbed her by the neck. Hazel slammed his large fist into Yangs unguarded gut twice then threw her to the ground. Yang coughed and winced. Yang rolled out of the way just in time to dodge his massive heel crashing down where her head just was. Yang hopped to her feet and came towards him quickly Yang threw an uppercut but he deflected it with his left forearm and smashed his knee into her chest, throwing her onto the floor with a large thud.

At the same time, Jaune wasn't doing so well either, every swing he made with his sword was quick and precise, but Arthur was always three steps ahead. It was like he knew where Jaune would come from every time. Jaune ducked as Arthurs leg flew over, Arthur brought his heel down in an axe kick that struck the top of Jaunes head and his face smacked the ground hard. Jaune rolled back and got on one knee, bringing his shield up in front of him soon enough to block another ruthless kick from the tall man. The man slammed his heel into Jaunes shield over and over, Unleashing a flurry of kicks into Jaunes defenses that looked like something out of a fighting game. Each blow sent shock waves up Jaunes arm. The straps and his grip on his shield were starting to get weak.

Arthur hooked the front of his right shoe under Jaunes shield and Jaunes eyes widened. Arthur back-flipped and Jaunes shield came loose from his arm. The shield flew up, and Arthur spun and round house kicked the edge of the shield, Jaune dived out of the way. After a loud CRACK, He turned to see his shield driven deep into the wall behind them.

"No more cowering behind that heap of metal, BOY." Arthur exclaimed in a deep voice.

"Fuck." Jaune exclaimed. He stepped back, then moved forward quickly, thrusting his sword towards Arthurs gut. Arthur kicked the sword up, making a loud clang. There was metal in the tips of his shoes, Jaune realized. It seemed landing attacks on this guy was going to be nearly impossible. He had to come up with a plan, fast.

Yang, on the other side of the room, was still having trouble with Hazel as well. He overpowered and outmaneuvered her in every way. It was going to take a miracle to win this fight, for both of them.

Hazel swung at Yang but luckily she saw this one coming and ducked under it. She came up with a huge uppercut blow to Hazels jaw. Hazel staggered back a bit and Yang knew it was her turn. She knew she couldn't lose this momentum and had to take control of the situation. She launched herself forward and slammed her right fist straight into his gut with all her weight and pulled the trigger on her shot-gauntlets. An explosive shell went off into his mid section and blew him back against the wall with a loud 'THUD.' Hazel fell to one knee and a bit of blood dripped from his mouth. Where Yang had punched him, some of his black tee shirt was gone and he could see the tissue there was basically a large black bruise. He could tell she ruptured something.

Hazel looked up at Yang, fury in his eyes. "Big Mistake, little Girl..." He muttered. Hazel reached behind him and grabbed something from his back pockets. Yangs eyes widened. He held dust crystals of different colors, two in each hand.

"You don't have a weapon.." Yang stated.

Hazel smirked. "I AM the weapon!" He then stabbed both sets of crystals deep into his Forearms and screamed. A burst of energy released from him, knocking everyone in the room to the ground. He roared, and the power from the embedded dust began to flow through him immensely.

"You foolish brute. What did I tell you about using your blasphemous power around my equipment!?" Arthur yelled.

"Shut Up OLD MAN!" Hazel yelled back in return. His voice was deeper now, angrier, and even distorted in a way. "Take your job seriously or get out of my way!"

Arthur scoffed at this and stood. "Very well." Arthur pulled something from the pocket of his jacket. It was something small wrapped in a silk cloth. He unraveled it and revealed a small scalpel made entirely out of diamond. Jaune quickly got up and dodged an incoming scalpel swipe. Or, at least, he thought he did. Blood began to dribble from Jaunes cheek, and he noticed a tiny hairline slice an inch in length.

"So is that your plan, Doctor? You're gonna scratch me to death?.." Jaune said with a fake cockiness that was meant to hide how scared he was.

"A single prick from a rose is not but a scratch. Fall in a bushel of them and you're in trouble." Arthur responded. Jaune swallowed.

Yang charged the kneeling Hazel. His head snapped up. Yang stopped dead in her tracks after seeing his eyes glowing a brilliant bright yellow. His face twisted in anger. Hazel slammed his fist into the ground. A large rock ripped itself from the dirt beneath the floor in between Yang and Hazel. Hazel Punched the rock and it smashed into Yangs face, exploding into a million pieces. Yang staggered back, and Hazel pounced. He hit her with a huge left hook that spun her on her heel and threw her to the floor. Hazel jumped to her and grabbed her by the neck. Just like before, He slammed his huge fist into her gut, but this time he didn't stop. He hit her in the stomach over and over. Yang couldn't catch her breath. His grip tightened and he began constricting her air. She started kicking at him wildly. Her eyes were beginning to water, and she was starting to not be able to see straight. If he made his grip any tighter, he would break her neck, and she knew it was coming. Yang, as a last resort, pointed both her gauntlets at his face and pulled the triggers. They went off, both of them exploding point blank into his face. Hazel fell back, dropping Yang. Yang inhaled and finally filled her lungs, coughing as she could finally breathe again.

Jaune swung his blade overhead towards Arthur but it was stopped with a loud metallic sound. Jaunes eyes widened to see Arthur stopped the edge of Jaunes blade with the very tip of his scalpel. He pushed Jaunes sword back and swiped at his arms. Jaune winced as he saw blood drops and he jumped back. Two slashes on both of his under arms were bleeding. Arthur smiled as he slowly stepped forward riposting in a fencing stance. Jaune looked over at Yang. He needed her help. He couldn't do this by himself. This man outsmarted him and out damages him with ease. Hazel was blocking each of Yangs attacks, too. Jaune looked back up at Arthur. He was going to have to do something drastic. If only Yang wasn't there, he could use his secret move, the same technique he used earlier to get their weapons. He had to. It was the only way out of this situation. Jaune took a deep breath. He held his sword in front of him with both hands in a defensive position.

"Not giving up?... You know you can't win this fight. Neither of you can. You're out matched and out classed in EVERY WAY!" Arthur yelled angrily. "Well?" He continued. "What are you waiting for?.."

Arthur watched Jaunes eyes. Jaune was looking at Yang carefully, but Arthur couldn't understand why. Arthur shook his head and lunged at Jaune.

Jaunes eyes widened and he smirked. Finally, Yang had her back turned to where she couldn't see him. Even if it was only for a second, this was Jaunes chance.

Before Arthurs very eyes. Jaune vanished into thin air.

Yangs fist was caught by Hazel. She closed her eyes and flinched, expecting to take heavy punishment. But when she opened them, Hazel had stopped moving. Yang looked into his eyes and they were... shaking?.. He let go of her hand and his eyes lost their glow. Yang was going to say something, but was cut off when Hazels head fell right off his shoulders and tumbled to the floor, his severed body following soon after. Arthur looked on in horror. As Jaune was standing next to the corpse of Hazel, breathing heavily, his bloody Crocea Mors in hand.

"N-No.. How.. How did you..." Arthur began to stutter. "You were right here!" Arthur put his hands on his head and screamed. "This is BLASPHEMY! YOU CHEATED!"

"Jaune..." Yang looked down at the dead Hazel. She was glad he took the brute down. But, she was just as confused as the mad doctor. "How?.. What did you do?.."

Jaune grabbed his knees. He was still heaving. He put up his index finger, a universal signal meaning 'I need a minute.' Yang turned to Arthur and put up her fists. They nearly forgot about him and it wasn't smart to have their backs turned. Arthur looked down at the blonde girl in her offensive stance.

He cackled and shook his head. "It matters not.." He sighed. "I'll just kill you both myself."

Yang and Jaune were both tired as all hell. Jaune used up his last 'Trick'. They were out of options.

"Arthur. That's Enough!" A deep voice, buttery womans voice said from the other side of the room. Everyone turned to see a tall slender woman standing there. She had porcelain white skin, black eyes with crimson red pupils, and long snow white hair that was tied behind her head into a ponytail. Her presence was demonic. Like that of a walking talking human-Grimm hybrid. She struck fear into anyone around her.

"M-My liege..." Arthur replied, his voice trembling. "These kids-"

She raised her hand, cutting him off. "Yes, Yes.. These kids strolled in here, destroyed your big toy and defeated Tyrian and Hazel like it was nothing. I witnessed it all.."

"B-But my lady, they-"

"SILENCE, ARTHUR." She said in an authoritative tone. "We are leaving. You will, despite what my adviser suggest, get to live to fight another day. I have a bigger plan for you. One that acquires only Your brain and technical skills."

Arthur lowered his head and nodded.

The Woman slowly made her way over to Jaune. The way she moved was so soft and fluid, it was like she was floating.

"and you... I know all about your family history... and your little 'Gift.'" She put her hand up against Jaunes cheek. "I'll be needing it in the upcoming struggles." She then connected her and Jaunes lips, kissing him, for the longest minute of his life. Yang was infuriated, but even she knew not to test the waters right now. Whatever Jaune did earlier... he couldn't do again. They were no match for her. They could feel it.

"Who are you?.. " Jaune asked, quietly. The woman smiled, releasing Jaune and backing up, standing side by side with Tyrian.

"I'm Salem.. and I'll see you again real soon..." She flicked her hand, and a red portal opened behind the two they slid backwards into it and the portal closed behind them, fading from existence. Jaunes sword hit the floor and he fell to his knees. He closed his eyes. He had never wanted a break from being a hunter this bad in his whole life. Yang stood next to him.

"Spill the beans, Jaune." Yang said intently.

Jaune opened his eyes and met hers. "About what?.."

She crossed her arms. "Your power. Your gift. Whatever you want to call it. Everyone in the school and in the state was led to believe you dont have any powers." She sighed. "I'm not stupid, Jaune. You're hiding something... What did you do? To get our weapons, to KILL HAZEL."

Jaune lowered his head and sighed. "I.. can't tell you.." He murmured.

"Why? You don't trust me? After all we've been through..." Yang kneeled so she was face to face with Jaune.

"It's not that I don't trust you.. It's that I don't want you to get hurt if you find out."

"And what proof do you have I'll get hurt if you tell me?.." She rebutted. She wanted to know his secret, but then again she was also glad to hear he cared about her.

"I've ever only told my Mother, Father, and Sisters.." Jaune whispered. Yang scrunched her brow. "And they're all dead." He stated, solemnly.

"I'm.. sorry to hear that.." Yang replied softly. "But was it really because you told them?..." She put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm different, Jaune. I'll always protect you and I'll ALWAYS be by your side." She claimed.

Jaune scratched his head and popped his knuckles. "I.. know that.."

Yang pulled her face closer to his. "There's no one else around conscious enough to hear it. No one will know you told me. It's okay to rely on other people to bare your burdens sometimes..."

Jaune smirked and shook his head softly. "Okay... I'll tell you."

Thought you'd never hear from me again, huh? Well I'm back, baby! I know you are all pissed and upset with me and I have no excuse besides life. I lost a lot and I gained a lot and I grew up some and here I am. As always, let me know what you like what you didn't like what you would like to see and everything else in the comments below. Thanks for reading! *Dusts off old rusty mic just to drop it*