Disclaimers: I do not own The Lord of the Rings. J.R.R. Tolkien does.
Here is another fanfic that spawned from my plot generator tales fanfic, Frodo Baggins, the Vampire, and Other Stories. This time, it's about that mysterious cursed teapot that turns people into something else. Enjoy! :)
Thanks goes to Adeleidhis for helping me plot this story out. It is much appreciated. :)
The Cursed Teapot
Frodo sat in Bag End's parlor, reading through his mail. It had been two weeks since his uncle, Bilbo Baggins, left the Shire for Rivendell. Already, the stinging feeling of loneliness creeped over him. Frodo wanted more than anything to travel with Bilbo to the elven realms. He wanted it more than anything, and yet, he was stuck.
Oh, woes him!
The front green door burst open, revealing Samwise Gamgee and his older sister May. With them was a pink teapot with pink flowers painted at the centermost part of the dish. How odd!
"Sam, May, what is that?" Frodo asked, concerned.
"Well, Sam thinks its brilliant!" May said, joining him at the table. "I think we should try it!"
Sam set the teapot down on the table. "It's a cursed teapot. It turns anyone into a rabbit until they figure out the counter-curse. Rumor has it the victim who touches the teapot will have twenty-eight days to live, but it isn't true!"
"It isn't?" Frodo asked. "I thought you didn't believe in ghost stories."
"Oh please!" May said in disbelief. "That twenty-eight days to live thing is a myth, but there have been a bunch of rabbits roaming around the Shire recently."
"And you want to become a rabbit?" Frodo asked, worried. "May, this is not the way to go!"
"Oh, let's try it!" May said, reaching for the teapot.
"It didn't work for me," Sam said, annoyed. "Maybe it'll work out for you two! It seems to choose its victims well."
"Sam, this is not like you! Nothing's going to happen—" Frodo turned his attention to the chair May was sitting on; only, May was no longer there. In her place was a brown rabbit, sniffing the teapot. "Oh no!" He cried, nervous.
"I can't believe that worked!" Sam said, impressed.
"Come on, Sam. Change her back!" Frodo said, annoyed.
"I can't! I don't have the counter-curse!" Sam perked up. "But I do know where I can find it!" He rushed to the front door in alarm. "Gaffer wrote the counter-curse and left it on the kitchen counter. I'm going home to look for it! I'll be right back!" He zoomed out of the door before Frodo could say another word.
Frodo's fingers itched in growing anticipation. He looked at the teapot in wonder. It turned May into a rabbit without any trouble. What could it do to him? He had an inkling why it didn't work out for Sam: he didn't believe in the curse.
Oh, what did it hurt?
"A teapot that turns oneself into a rabbit." Frodo looked at the teapot again. It was glowing bright gold. "Well, there's no shame in finding out. Is there?" Just as he heard Sam's voice, Frodo clasped his hand around the teapot, hoping against hope that this worked out.