Title: A Good Day to Die
Synopsis: Lucifer has saved Chloe, who will save him? What if Lucifer didn't return from his resurrection totally unscathed?
Disclaimer: Though I enjoying playing with the characters, I own none of the material. I am just playing with my borrowed toys and I promise to dust them off and return them when I'm done.
A/N: What if Lucifer didn't escape totally unscathed after the events of "A Good Day to Die"? This plot bunny has been trying to invade my dreams for WEEKS! I love Lucifer whump so enjoy! This picks up right after his heart starts beating again in the episode.
"The Devil is real. And he's not a little red man with horns and a tail.
He can be beautiful.
Because he's a fallen angel, and he used to be God's favorite."
After the fourth shock of the defibrillator Lucifer gasped and blinked as his heart started beating again. He quickly sat up and tore the leads off his chest as he ran for the door, knowing time was of the essence.
As he reached the doorway he faltered as his peripheral vision started to turn grey and his legs felt like jello.
Maze moved in to support him as Linda tried asking him questions, he shrugged them both off and ran for the stairwell. He stumbled several times as he ran down the stairs, clutching his chest in pain as his heart contracted painfully.
He found Dan talking to Ella and quickly gave her the antidote.
As Ella ran off to the lab to give them the recipe, Dan stopped Lucifer as he was turning to head into Chloe's room.
"Where the hell did you get this?" Dan questioned him.
"I went to Hell and back." Lucifer answered without missing a beat "And you're welcome."
Dan teared up as he grabbed Lucifer's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Thank you." He said earnestly "Trixie needs her mom."
"I thought you would have realized by now Espinoza, I would do anything for the detective." Lucifer replied simply.
Dan made a move to reply but they were alerted to the raucous occurring in Chloe's room as more security guards flew past them.
Lucifer was the first to enter the room behind them and he would've collapsed if it wasn't for Amenadiel's hand on his shoulder.
The doctors had gotten Chloe's seizure under the control and she was peacefully sleeping, blissfully unaware of the chaos occurring just a few feet away.
Dan flashed his badge and informed security that Amenadiel was acting in compliance to the department's orders by ensuring Chloe remain where she was.
Security slowly started to dissipate from the room and a few doctors remained near Chloe.
Amenadiel had been watching the scene with Dan and security unfold, ready to intervene if necessary when he felt his brothers return grip weaken on his arm.
That was when he realized that Lucifer had never stopped leaning on him for support.
As he turned to get a better look at Lucifer he realized how awful he looked.
His shirt was haphazardly pulled across his torso, his usually perfectly coiffed hair was in disarray, he was sweating profusely, gasping for air, and his free hand was clutched across his ribcage.
"Luci are you okay?" he asked him
Dan heard Amenadiel's question and turned toward the two just in time to see Lucifer's eyes roll back as he collapsed against his brother.
Amenadiel wasn't expecting the abrupt loss of consciousness and he struggled to maintain his grip, moving just quickly enough to prevent his brother's head from smacking off the ground.
One of the doctors in the room moved quickly to check on Lucifer, pulling out a penlight as she moved. She checked his pupillary responses and frowned before pulling her stethoscope out from around her neck to listen to his heart.
She quickly pulled his entire shirt open, fully exposing his chest as the few buttons that had been secured went flying.
Within seconds of moving her stethoscope around his chest she made a side note of the burns on his skin & swore as she turned to her colleague quickly. "Call a code blue now! He's in V-tach."
Moments later the room was again in chaos as orders were being shouted. The doctor was straddling Lucifer as she gave him chest compressions while one of the nurses was delivering manual respirations with the ambu-bag.
An orderly with a stretcher came into the room and Amenadiel assisted them in lifting his brother on to the stretcher as they rushed him from the room and into a resuscitation bay, the petite doctor was still straddling Lucifer on the stretcher to deliver the compressions.
Ella was running the antidote to the doctors at Chloe's bedside as Lucifer's stretcher was flown past her.
She paused momentarily before rushing into the room. After giving the doctor the antidote for Chloe she turned to the others in the room and asked "What the hell is going on here?"
Amenadiel had remained in the room, completely perplexed as to the cause of his brother's current condition.
Dan turned to the door as Maze, and Linda came in to see if Lucifer had gotten the antidote down in time.
"That's what I'd like to know." Maze said angrily as she stalked into the room and angrily pointed at Amenadiel. "You agreed with this you asshole." She swore as she poked him firmly in the chest.
"Agreed with what?" Dan asked, still completely lost "What the hell is going on and how did Lucifer get the antidote?"
Maze turned to him with fury in her eyes "The professor had a previously unknown associate that is as dangerous as they come. Lucifer of course went in alone and the guy caught him completely unaware. Apparently electro-shock torture is his brand of fun and before he offed himself he used Lucifer as his own personal shock therapy puppet. Lucifer recovered enough to search through his desk and found a piece of paper with the formula on it."
Maze was quite creative with her story and Linda found herself believing it with the authenticity in Maze's voice.
"And he risked everything to save her " Maze spit out as she jutted her chin towards the bed "So I sincerely hope it was worth it."
Maze fled the room after that to try and find Lucifer. She was sure he'd be fine once he was far enough away from Decker's room but she had to sell the lie she was telling.
She found Lucifer as quickly as she usually did, only she wasn't expecting the site that greeted her. The room he was currently in was at the complete opposite end of the hospital, in the cardiac intensive care unit. He should've been far enough away to have recovered by now. The events she saw unfolding told her very differently.
He was completely stripped of all clothes from the waist up. There were several staff members rushing around as they struggled to revive the wayward one. A nurse was delivering compressions and an endotracheal tube had been placed down his throat and was attached to an ambu-bag that was being rhythmically squeezed.
She watched in absolute horror as one of the doctors ordered everyone to "Clear!" and Lucifer's body again arched up off of the bed.
"No response." The doctor sighed "Come on start bagging him!" He turned to another person in the room "Push another amp of epi."
"He's back in V-tach." The doctor announced after several seconds went by "Clear!" the doctor ordered as he again shocked Lucifer's heart, hoping to restore a normal rhythm.
This time they were all rewarded when his heart picked up a normal sinus rhythm.
"Hold Compressions" the doctor ordered as he watched the heart rate begin to pick up.
He took his stethoscope and listened to the steady "Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub."
"Get him on the vent." He ordered "I want a CBC, blood gas, and urinalysis and I want it yesterday! I also need someone to find out what the hell happened to this man."
Maze stepped forward as the room began to clear while people went to do their assigned tasks.
"Who the hell are you?" the doctor asked as he eyeballed the petite leather-clad woman.
"He's with the LAPD." Maze said, ignoring the doctors question. "He was on a time sensitive assignment and the scumbag of the day thought it'd be a good idea to see how much voltage the human body can withstand."
The doctor nodded in understanding. "Thank you." He told her simply "We can move forward with the right treatment for him now."
Amenadiel came into the hallway behind Maze and watched as the nurses worked on cutting Lucifer's pants off and pulled a sheet back up over him to his waist.
It was unnerving to see his little brother hooked up to a ventilator as the machine breathed for him. There were several leads attached to his chest, he had an O2 monitor on his finger and several staff members were still working to secure a second IV.
Maze turned to him with tears in her eyes "What the hell is going on?
Reviews = LOVE! If you like it then please let me know! Second chapter will be out soon if I get interest.