Hey all, I use to write under the name HazeBaze89 but I have forgotten the password. For the last few nights I have been rewriting some of my stories.

This was originally meant to be a re-write of torn between two but as I was writing I hit a zone and it went a whole other way. We still have some aspects of torn between two but I hope you like the revamp the story has had.

I sadly don't own Gilmore girls

As I exhaled a heavy sigh, I looked around the room to see if I could spot anyone one I would know or someone of my own age group. I had been at the party for only 30 minutes but to me it feels like a life time cause every minute that passes would be them extra 60 seconds that would that one extra chance of me to bump in to her. The one that got away. The one that will always be my one and only true love. I call her Ace but to others she is known as Rory Gilmore. I don't know for sure if she is going to be here but there is a heavy chance as this here is the annual Gilmore Christmas party. The first one I have attended since that fateful day at her graduation where she turned me down.

I take another sip of the soda that is in front of me and take another look around the room when I finally spot someone that I know an old friend from back in my military school days. I only attended for six months but in those six months I made one very close friend. We have stayed in contact ever since so to see him here was a little bit of a shock as last time I spoke I mentioned this party. Ok so I didn't exactly tell him it was the Gilmore party. I spoke about having to attend a party where there was ever possibility that I would run in to my Ace. I just realised that I have not even mentioned my friends name. Tristan Dugrey. Talking of long lost loves, I wonder if he ever got his Mary. She was some girl that he fell for in high school. I remember well because I use to take the piss out of him for wanting to do so well so that he could go to Harvard and find her and proof to her that he had changed.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder as he is now facing away from me. He turns around and sees it me and smiles.

"Logan my man how you been?" He says pulling me in to a man hug. To say I am surprised is an understatement because the Tristan that I knew never use to be a hugger in fact he was very closed off to any kind of affection.

"I have been good my friend. I must admit I would have been better if I wasn't here, but the parents beckon and I must come a running. I swear they are only doing it to make me see that Ace has moved on, but I am lucky I haven't seen her yet so maybe she was to busy to come." I say rambling in the style that would make Rory proud if she could see.

"Wow did you even take a breath then? My Mary would be proud." He says grinning.

"No way man you got the girl? How long have you guys been together?" I say giving him a small friendly bump on the shoulder with my fist.

"We have been together for about three years now. It's going well, and I am hoping to ask her to marry me but it's very complicated as she has a 7-year-old girl. She had with her college sweetheart, but he doesn't know, and I also have a feeling that even though she loves me she will always truly belong to Mac." I listen as he talks but as soon as that last word is said I tune out. His Mary can't be my Ace, right? I mean it must be a fluke with the name and if it is her why didn't she tell me about our daughter why did she keep this from me. But I a getting ahead of myself as for all I know this could be a completely different person that he is talking about.

I then see him wave his hand in front of my face bringing me out of my daze.

"Sorry man was in a world of my own." I didn't want to mention the fluke because that is all it could simply be a fluke.

"That's ok, I was saying that Mary is here if you would like to meet her. I am sure she would love to meet the person that helped keep me sane in military school." I look at him for a while before I answer because I am unsure of how this could go. I mean I could meet her and she is someone I have no history with or I could meet her, and I could be staring in to the eyes of the women I love. I decided to take the chance because one way or another I need to know if this is the women I love and if this child is mine.

"Yeah, I would love to meet her, I mean it's not everyday that you get the chance to meet the women who tamed Tristan Dugrey" I say laughing while patting him on the back.

He tells me to follow him and we movie across the room occasionally getting stop by people that either knows one of us or knows us both. We reach the other side of the room and he tells me to stay put as he walks up to a woman sitting down. She had her back to me, so I couldn't see her face. I see him whisper something to her and see her nod. She says something to the group that she is with and they all nod to her. She stands up and turns around and that's when I see her. My Ace, her eyes as blue as ever and the smile that would melt a hundred men's hearts is she would allow it. I looked around to see if there was away for me to escape but I was stuck. My feet glued to the spot. They came closer to me, when finally, they where stood in front of me.

"Babe I would like you too meet my old friend from military school Logan Hunzburger, Logan I would like you to finally meet My girl Mary or known to others as Rory Gilmore." Tristan say introducing us. I was about to say something, but she beat me to it.

"Hello Logan, it's nice to finally meet you Tristan has had nothing but good things to say about you" She says as she holds her hand to shake mine. I stand there shocked. Is she really acting as if she doesn't know me? I don't know if I should be angry or upset.

"It's nice to meet you too!" I say as I could think of nothing.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter let me know what you think. Sooooo please review and I will update soon xx