A night ten(maybe less) years ago...

After graduation, the girls of class 3-E organised themselves a sleepover. It might be their last time together as they would be going their own ways for high school. So the girls all bundled up in their blankets, decided it would be fun to know each other's crushes.

As they sat forming a circle, Rio, as always, initiated, "Kayano, you go first!"

The green haired girl whined. "But you guys already knows!"

"True. But we would love to hear it from you," commented Megu, earning a highfive from the she-devil.

Shyly, Kayano told them "Nagisa."

"I cant hea..." Rio was cut off before she could finish.

"Ok moving on!"

Kayano gave Megu a grateful look, thanking her for stopping Rio before she could make fun of her.

When it was Okuda's turn, she had her head very low that the others could barely see her blushing face. "I...like...k..Karma," she stuttered, her voice more like a whisper. Questions were immediately fired towards the shy girl, which she answered, or try to anyway.

Rio stared at the purplette. She kind of saw it coming. After all, she had seen snippets of the other girl admiring the redhead. And she overheard Karma once said that he liked Okuda amongst the girls and it was good that they like each other, right?

Deciding it did her no good to dwell on the thought, Rio shifted the attention from Okuda by keeping the game going. She hoped no one noticed her silence for a while then. But unbeknownst to her, Rinka noticed. Nothing gets past the sniper girl.

Later that night, when the other girls were all asleep, Rio got up and went outside for some fresh air. Rinka, who was also awake, decided now was the time to approach the blonde.

"You didn't tell us who you like."

Rio let out a breath. She knew someone was still up. Just didn't expect it would be the sniper.

"You like him, don't you." It was more of a statement than a question.

Rio tried to deflect it, though she know it was not working. "I dont like anyone. Plus, who are you talking about?"

Rinka sat beside Rio on the garden swing. "You know exactly who."

It was no use trying to hide it from her, Rio thought. She sighed. "Even if i do, it won't change anything.

Okuda is a sweet girl every guy wanted while me, i'm the one they will only see as friends. No one sane would choose me over her. He was no different." She then added, softly, "And they like each other too."

Rinka smiled. "You know. I used to think like you. It was impossible that Chiba would see me as more than friends, and yet, look at us now. It was thanks to you too. You kept pushing us, claiming you saw a spark, even back before i was sure of my own feelings.

Try talk to him. You'll never know. Oh and if you need someone to talk to about it, i'm always present." She got up and went inside, leaving Rio with her thoughts.

Rio never did talk to Karma about it. She went abroad a few months later and she never really contacted him ever since. Nor did he her. After graduation, she got news that he got together with Okuda. She messaged the girl, personally and in group chats, sending her congratulations and good wishes, telling her she was happy for them. But what no one knew was, when she send the text, she was sitting in the tub, crying her heart out. She had lost her chance.

Then Rio got herself a new number and didn't even bother to let the others know, only some of the closer friends. She went completely out of touch with the others, save for occasional message to Kayano and Nagisa. And Rinka, too.


A night seven years after the sleepover...

Five years into Karmanami season, Rio heard the news that they broke up. It was later confirmed by Kayano who made it her personal mission to let Rio in on what their friends were up to.

Rinka texted soon after.

You have heard about them, have you

Her reply was simple.


Rinka: Between you and me, i actually saw it coming for a while

Rio was not surprised. Rinka was observant like that.

Rio: Oh

Rinka: Dont you want to know more?

Rio: Well duh. Blackmail material!

Rinka: Manami was working for a new project, Karma too busy with work. They just drifted apart.And we all know how he needed attention ;)

True. Karma wouldn't admit it, but he clearly LIVE for attention.

Rio: Yeah.. just hope they both find someone better for them

Rinka: Hey.. sorry for asking but... you still, yknow, like him?

Rio: Dont know. Dont really like to think about it.

Rinka: Its fine if you still do, you know. Anyway, need anything, just ask me. Ill do my best to help you. You helped me, now its my turn to return the favor.


Back to the present

One night a week before Rio went back to the US...

At his residence, Karma was planning his next move. He tried to show Rio that he liked her but so far, she hadnt given any sign that it was working. He kissed her several times, and each time he found himself wanting more. He wondered if she felt the same. He wished she did.

He caught her blushing on a few occasion when he was blatantly flirting with her but he couldnt really take it as 'the' sign because she blushed A LOT when she was with Takeru too.

Maybe he should try a more direct approach. Or should he straight up ask her? No, that would be a bad idea. What if she didn't like him? That would definitely cost their friendship.

Gosh, for a flirt who dated a lot of guys before, Rio sure could be dense. And for a guy who had more than enough experience in dating, he sure could be a nervous wreck when it comes to asking the girl he liked.

But whatever he decided to do, he knew he had to do it within the week, or he'll lose his chance with her, again...

ok this is short. sorry for not updating for a long time, tho. college happens.