Hey… I know it's been a while. Thought I wouldn't be back? Well, I'm back baby! There's been a lot that's happened: I started University, moved out of home, even got a girlfriend which I'd never expected; that's actually why I'm back awkwardly enough. I'd planned on finishing this story, I have basic plans for a sequel and a fermenting idea for a prequel but I never had any motivation to continue. I'd hit some serious writers block without really knowing. I gave up for a while and just never came back. But now that my girlfriend and I are almost upon 1 year, I'd decided to relive a moment of my life and reread it because why not. I'd never realized that by writing out small fantasies and things I'd wished for, attention and affection as any boy craves lmao, I'd perfectly foreshadowed my own relationship through this story. Almost every detail correlates to us through the separate characters as a whole. The smallest most inconsequential of details in the story reminds me of her and I actually cried at one of the chapters. Seeing as how it moved me and reminded me of how much I've earned recently, I can only imagine how everyone else feels to take part in the perspective of my story.

That's why I'm back.

I'm refusing to leave this story in the middle of a hurt/comfort mini-arch where the comfort hasn't fully set in yet. No matter how much time it takes or how abysmal my timing is or my lack of motivation, this story will come to a conclusion. There will be a climax. There will be a denouement and I'll be damned sure to work my best for it. Thank you, everyone, for the continued respect and support. I don't really know what else to say. Everyone goes through rough parts of life and some projects and habits need to be abandoned; but if you hope for the best and keep life in your goals and aspirations, you might just be surprised to find they'll come true.

Here's to our health and, more importantly, to our loved ones who care for us unconditionally and give us everything we've ever needed.

Everyone was back in the original clearing beside the road where the royal caravan had been originally apprehended. Sloshing through the bog was even more difficult with the weight of loss on everyone's shoulders. The mud had slightly hardened as the day grew further into the evening, sending cold winds winding through the trees. Their new prisoners, convicted of conspiring against the crown and treason among several other crimes, all had to endure one last trip through the swamp. They were more than willing to show the path through after the terror Gilan put them through during and after the battle. The prisoners walked in front to make sure they followed their own path properly. If they were to diverge, they could step into a deeper area with no hard ground underfoot, submerging fully downwards to their eventual drowning. No one wanted to imagine drowning in the thick mud, it'd be too much torture with the ensuing panic. Given that each prisoner was tied to the next in a linear line: if one were to fall in, they'd all eventually follow—only galvanizing them more to lead swiftly and correctly.

However, the trip was the most difficult for Gilan. He took up the rear of the group carrying a figure draped in white cloth. Her body was limp and heavy in his arms—heavier on his soul. He barely thought of the mud as he lifted the soulless body of his companion towards safety. Gilan refused to leave her behind, she had done the greatest deed a bodyguard could ever do; she gave her life for the safety of others. Zelda hung her head, glancing back to the emotionless Gilan as he gently strode. He looked so grim, she had no idea what was going through his head. Zelda felt guilty, pure and bridled as she looked to the woman who had been willing to die for her. She deserved better. I hope that wherever she is now, she's happy. Maybe she got to see how it all turned out and that her effort wasn't for nothing.

Shortly after the gruelling trudge, the prisoners collapsed onto the ground out of exhaustion. Many of them had lost their boots and their feet were soaked in mud. The two remaining guards tried in vain to wipe themselves off but stood by respectfully as they waited for Gilan. Zelda joined their sides, not knowing what to say as all eyes now laid on Gilan and the Hylia-sent guard.

Somehow, Gilan managed to look majestic even as his legs up to his just below his knees and the cusp of his boots were soaked in mud and guck. In fact, the boots dark colour hid the clay-like substance well as he stepped onto the harder ground. The rest of his clothes were wrinkled and his merchant façade lost some of its verisimilitude as a result. His hat was long lost to the spirits of the forest. The white pieces on his biceps were spattered with blood and several larger splotches could be seen on his chest. The stains had slightly dried by now, but Gilan's clothing was the least of his current worries.

Gilan fixated on the corpse, knowing she demanded his every respect in the afterlife. She would get transport back to Hyrule Castle where she would get the recognition she deserved. He wouldn't let her be buried on un-ceremonial and unhallowed grounds. He stopped in his tracks, unsure of what to do as he looked up to his grieving companions.

Whether it was guilt or grief that motivated her, Zelda spoke first, "We should honour her memory before we do anything. She deserves that in the least."

Gilan nodded his agreement wordlessly as he strode over to the cleanest space on the edge of the clearing. Gently and extremely carefully, he kneeled onto the ground. He had made sure to keep the white cloth that covered the body untouched by the mud and he kept his dirtied legs away from her. He slowly placed her on the ground, seeing her head turn to the side under the cloth. He let her legs fall flat onto the ground as she rested. Gilan stepped back with his companions and crossed his hands in front of him. He slowly furled his hands together, cupping one with the other. They all stood there motionlessly and they all took a moment to grieve even though none of them knew her in-depth, she was still a Hylian and deserved respect through the afterlife. The younger of the royal guards were on the verge of releasing a tear as tension grew. Gilan let out a deep sigh under his breath; he drew in a deeper one and began to speak.

"Here lies Ashley Amaranth; she fought bravely till the end and served the greater good up to her last breath," Gilan spoke as she stood straight-backed with his hands holding one another in front of him. His hung head was low as he looked at the rectangular mound of cloth in front of him.

Gilan had never attended a funeral before. He'd seen soldiers lose their lives but never had to give a speech for them. He'd never thought he'd have to and never realized how hard it was to keep his voice strong as he spoke.

"I may not know much about her, but I know she was a good person. Ashley was a mother, a wife with a husband and two children at home. She was braver than us all. I remember several times where she called me out, reprimanding my mistakes. There was one time when I'd been playing cards on the ramparts instead of keeping watch and it was her that caught me right before Link dragged me down the stairs." Gilan smiled at the soft memory, taking a moment to relive it.

Zelda subconsciously sidled closer to Gilan as she closed her eyes in prayer. She was so used to praying to attempt to awaken her powers and for her own gain—now she prayed for safe passage to the afterlife. She prayed to Hylia that Ashley makes it safely to her version of an afterlife with a clear conscious and lack of regret.

The trees whimpered as the air grew heavy around them. The greenery mourned alongside the royalty, apologizing for the tragedy committed within its trees. The sun warmed the shoulders of the grief-bearers and attempted to comfort them through this moment of reminiscence. All the critters slowed to a stop as the horses glanced over, feeling the emptiness in the air. Silence stood for all and faltered when Gilan recovered his voice.

"She fell today in service of the royal crown in the forest east of Hyrule Castle. May she find solace in the fact that she will be remembered and honoured among the family, a hero to all her life has affected. May justice face her kindly and her good karma reflect on her rewards wherever she may be now. May she rest peacefully and let her soul wander where it wants most. You're a symbol to the family and the epitome of a royal guard. May your valiance be recognized and your fame be great. Go free and go proudly, Ashley Amaranth."

Gilan let his head tilt down slightly again as he let his eyes close again. He felt his voice shake as his chest quivered. He mourned the loss of a friend and a great companion. Zelda mourned for the loss of a protector, praying that no one else should have to fall the way she did. The two present guards mourned the loss of a motherly figure who had taught them how to keep up with Link; they prayed she continue to guide them through their travels and grant them her wisdom.

Another minute of silence passed. Not even the bandits behind them spoke, obligating to give their captors a moment to grieve; they also stayed quiet lest they earn a punishment.

Zelda took in a breath, about to speak more on Ashley out of her gratitude, but froze when a sound fluttered into her ears. She opened her eyes and looked around to see Gilan looking to the location of the sound also, it wasn't just her.

Hooves? It's already evening, who would be out here?

Everyone moved as one towards the trail. Their own horses were tied to a nearby overturned log, but it wasn't their hooves being heard. The sound was repetitive and in sync, a fluid motion that only a horse in confident stride could make. The sound began to overlap itself as more sets of hoof beats became apparent. Gilan rested his hand on his sword as he squinted at the trail, waiting for whoever it was to show themselves. Gilan was ready to face more bandits if he needed to, he wasn't afraid. He still had a job to do and nothing could ever make him stop. He didn't even think as he pulled his sword out of its scabbard, hearing the familiar hiss of steel on leather. The blade hadn't fully dried, nor had he the chance to wipe it off yet. As he placed both hands on the hilt, blood-streaked slowly down the blade towards the handguard, dripping onto the ground before him. Zelda shuttered at the sight of the scarlet liquid, not wanting to remember who it had come from.

Gilan stood ready with his feet squared and his shoulders set as his fellow swordsman followed suit, drawing their swords and scanning their surroundings. He kept a loose grip on his sword and focused on the road. Gilan wasn't about to let their journey come to an end after what they'd all just endured. There was no way that Gilan was going to make any of his previous mistakes; the princess is never to leave his side once in the wilderness. He'd vowed to protect Zelda and he felt the power of that vow even more deeply after what Fitz had done. He'd keep her safety to his last fleeting breath and spark of his soul. It wasn't until he saw the first heads appear from the shadows that he let his hands fall to his sides as his sword tip rested just above the ground.

Everyone collectively let out a thankful sigh; the troop of horseman were Hylian guards. They weren't dressed as ceremonially as royal guards often were, but they had an important duty to keep the roads safe nonetheless. Thankfully they were late on their patrols. The soldiers looked at the rundown group and studied them for a moment. There were five horsemen travelling in an arrowhead formation as they scanned these new individuals for possible threats. They all kept trotting along until their eyes all collectively met on the fear-stricken, rope-bound individuals.

The lead horseman skid to a stop and flicked his head over towards Gilan, "What is the meaning of this?!"

Gilan sighed and rolled his eyes as he saw the guard's point of view. It was realistic for him to be seen as the criminal in this sense, he'd do the same thing in the captain's stead. He recognized the captain as Johan, a man he'd learnt beside and sparred with on several occasions. Johan rode towards him as he drew his sword, holding it defensively, "holster your weapon and explain yourself!"

Gilan slid his sword swiftly into the scabbard and was about to open his mouth, drawing in a breath to speak as a cry interrupted him.

"Please help us!" Rorsch's voice cried out, "These bandits have stolen everything we have! They've tortured us and maimed me!"

The four other horsemen became increasingly wary of their surroundings as they glanced around for any hidden foes. They all quickly dismounted their horses and kept their hands on their weapons, inching towards the prisoners. Johan kept his eyes planted on Gilan as he listened to the man, only glancing at him once. Gilan opened his mouth, tired of today's proceedings.

Rorsch grinned sheepishly as he took in another breath to shout as Gilan prepared to speak. However, when he saw the deep fury and pent-up frustration his eyes, Rorsch felt much safer in keeping his mouth closed. He sat down on his rump in penitence as Gilan turned fully to the captain.

"Johan, as your commanding officer, I am formally requesting you to transport this group of prisoners to Hyrule Castle." Johan's face visibly twitched as Gilan identified himself.

Johan acted quickly, realizing the situation has been completely reversed. He swiveled around in his saddle towards his men, "Halt! These prisoners are prisoners of the law, apprehended by Gilan in service of his majesty." The troop all stuttered in their steps as they stopped, not realizing at first who it was in the merchant clothing.

Johan turned to Gilan with a confused expression as he studied him up and down while still on his horse. "What in Hylia's name have you been up to? This is the last place I would have expected to find you."

Gilan glared at the man as he spoke, demanding more respect than he'd received. Normally when responding to a request the guard would ask for more details like the crime they committed and confirm or deny whether the company would be able to endure prisoners under their current circumstances. In this case, Gilan saw the guards were all well-rested without any wear nor tear and were heading towards Hyrule Castle-denoting their returning from patrolling or other trivial missions. However, Johan failed correspondence to the request and had instead just answered with another question. Gilan frowned deeper as he thought, I'll have to be as strict as Link if this is how it'll be.

He was about to speak to the soldier as Zelda strode up beside him. The two royal guards followed in step, not leaving the princess' side for even a moment. Zelda pushed back her hood and stood proudly and dignified beside Gilan. Her back was straight and chin high as she glared at the guard sitting above her. She held her hands in front of her as the waning sunlight caught her hair, brightening her aesthetic. Her matted and dirtied clothes felt negligible in her divinity as her power blossomed, giving her a golden aura. Here pupils sparked a divine gold as her hair glowed, although no one could tell if it was more because of the sunlight or her powers. The clearing was doused in a wave of warm light, brightening every corner and crevice. Gilan suddenly felt like a very small individual in comparison to her ability to compose herself. Silence swept through the company as they realized who was with Gilan-the princess herself.

Within seconds, the two royal guards dropped to a knee and put their heads down, kneeling to Zelda. Gilan was about to follow suit as Zelda placed a hand under his arm and looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. He could almost hear her say, "stay," to him as he stood beside her. He nodded silently, placing his sword into the dirt below them and holding the ball of his pommel with both hands and shoulders squared. The troop of guards in front of them suddenly got on a knee too as they saw Zelda, wanting to show as much respect as individually possible. However, Johan was on his horse.

In Hylian society, it was the utmost disrespect to stay seated in a higher position than the authority of the crown. Only second below that was disrespecting the chain of command, but all respect was constantly due for the crown. In this way, Hylian society is the opposite of the Zora. Within Hyrule castle, there are several political punishments for threatening the crown or even making mention of any form of threat held within the several agreed-upon laws created by committees and revised annually.

On the opposite, Zora's Domain has no repercussions for speaking ill of the crown of making minor threats-although large threats are dealt with as seen fit. However, if anyone were to speak against the royalty or insult the beloved Princess or Champion, that individual better hope no one had heard them as the Zora's would tear them apart upon hearing disrespect. In fact, most fights guards break up are from tourists commenting on the authorities; no tourist has ever won a fight against a Zora citizen.

Now as Johan sat upon his horse, dumbstruck at the sight of Zelda, the colour drained out of his face as she made eye contact. The man looked down and scrambled his right foot out of his stirrup and swung it around his horse. He dropped to the ground as fast as possible, practically throwing himself in front of Gilan and more importantly Zelda.

Johan put both his knees on the ground and kept his head pointed to the ground, accepting that he had made mistakes. He felt a flame on his cheeks as a chilling sensation ran through his body when Zelda spoke.

Her angelic voice echoed slightly as she used a mote of her power, "I am Princess Zelda, heir to the throne of Hyrule and daughter to King Rhoame as part of the Hylia bloodline. I am your superior and you will do well to remember that as well as respecting your officer in command by answering the requests you are given. You do not speak out of turn; it will do you well to remember that."

Gilan saw a couple of the guards turn their heads ever so slightly to each other as their captain was berated. He could almost hear them going ooooooooooh to one another. Gilan remained stone-faced as he looked down at Johan.

Zelda left a couple of seconds for the message to sink in and for a theatrical effect. She frowned when she realized how much her style of ruling would be similar to that of her father. Eventually, she spoke, "Johan, as your Princess, I am ordering you to transport this group of prisoners to Hyrule Castle." Johan felt his shame rise as she stressed his name, reinforcing the message.

"Of course my lady, f-for what crime?"

Zelda glared at the prisoners as she folded her hands behind her, "kidnapping a figure of royalty, assault, and attempted murder." She remembered the events of today and she wasn't sure what angered her more, the attempt of Gilan's life or the assault from Fitz, but it angered her to the core. "Add treason to the list."

Rorsche's eyes lifted up at the word treason; his jaw dropped as the realization of his fate set in-there was no escape and his life was forfeit.

"We will start preparing for transport immediately," Johan spoke quickly, wanting to retain as much honour as he could.

Gilan turned his head to Zelda and saw the white sheet of his deceased compatriot. He coughed noticeably into a fist. When Zelda glanced almost nonchalantly Gilan immediately felt a pang of guilt for having diverted her attention at all. He barely stopped himself from flinching as he directed his eyes behind her and jerked his head gently to the side, urging her silently to turn. Zelda caught on quick, turning to see Ashley still lying on the ground.

The golden hue in the air slowly died as the sun crested the treeline, dipping the clearing into darker lighting. Zelda's power dampened as she had already got her point across. Zelda felt a pang of guilt for having berated the guard before having helped her fallen guard. She deserved to be back at Hyrule Castle as soon as possible, not lying in the dirt. Gilan could tell Zelda was upset, he couldn't say it out loud how he knew, but he did. Zelda sighed quietly and turned back to Johan.

"You may stand, there is one more thing you must do."

Johan stood up slowly, not even brushing the dirt off his knees as he stood in front of Zelda. He was careful to not stand straight-backed in case of insulting the princess further by standing above her.

Upon seeing how crushed the soldier looked, Zelda immediately felt bad for reprimanding him but didn't say anything. It was a lesson he needed to learn and it would hopefully only be a one-time occasion. Zelda stepped forward, placing a warm hand on his shoulder saying, "look, Johan, I have had one of the worst days of my life and I really need you to work with me. I regret to inform you that we've had a death." She looked back at the white make-shift casket on the ground. Johan followed her gaze and didn't react; he was used to death.

"If I may, princess, who is it that has passed?"

Zelda paused, looking back to Gilan in case she messed up the angel's name.

"We lost Ashley today; she protected the princess to her last breath, " Gilan spoke with a monotone voice, not sure what expression to show.

Johan's shoulders slumped visibly, "Amaranth?"

Gilan nodded and Johan hung his head, closing his eyes. The troop of soldiers, similar to their captain, all closed their eyes and sent a prayer for her safe passage upon hearing the news. It wasn't every day that they lose someone as respected as that of Mrs. Amaranth. Eventually, the captain softly nodded his head stating, "we will bring her with us, she deserves hallowed ground."

Zelda looked over to the woman saying, "I will honour her myself at Hyrule Castle once I return, she's a hero."

"She was to us all and will always be a reminder of what to strive for. She will be dearly missed," Johan spoke softly, realizing now how much the caravan in front of him has been through. He wasn't surprised anymore as to why Gilan's ostentatious clothing was covered in blood.

"Thank you," Zelda spoke as she relinquished her power, stepping away from Johan. The captain nodded to her and Gilan as his troop began to rise and begin their duties. Before venturing towards his tasks, Johan whispered as respectfully as possible to the powerful figure in front of him, "we'll take it from here and… I'm sorry for your loss."

It took only fifteen minutes before the patrol was ready to head back towards Hyrule Castle. The prisoners were tied behind the last couple of horses, their hands and feet all bound to each other in a line. They had enough slack to walk, but they weren't able to get far from one another nor the patrol without bringing the rope taught and tripping themselves. In a separate group twenty paces ahead, the deceased guard was held between two of the horses at the front in a sling, with her own masterless horse following. The rest of the horses kept an arrowhead formation near the front to keep any travelers well away from the caravan. Anyone seeing the patrol would move aside immediately, not wanting to disrupt the passage of the dead lest they incur the fury of the gods.

Gilan still held the last image of Rorsch he'd ever see as his opponent glared back at him with helplessness in his eyes and a mountain of penitence that would only last as long as his imprisonment would; fortunately, imprisonment was not the road he would face upon arrival to the castle.

All that remained in the barren clearing was four horses as they stamped their feet, unaware of the events of the day, Gilan, Zelda, and the two remaining royal guards.

The sun had set by down, cresting the landscape and casting its orange glow across the dreary earth. The horizon was hidden from them, but the clouds overhead shone a deep orange with streaks of red quickly fading.

Everyone stood facing the way the caravan had left, their footprints the only entity that remained of their occurrence. No one was completely certain of what was next. Silence crept into the clearing as their horses lay down, preparing themselves for eventual sleep, accepting the encroaching darkness as the end of their work for tonight.

It was Zelda who shattered the silence and voiced everyone's thoughts, "So… what now?"

Gilan turned his head and was surprised to see her looking at him. Somehow he'd forgotten he had been the head of this expedition following the caravan plan, albeit having it fall apart along the way. With the show that Zelda had just given and the authority and respect she had demanded, Gilan felt very out of place-he didn't feel like he should be the one in charge.

As Gilan thought of this, he realized how defeated the princess looked. Her back arched and her feigned dignity fleeted as the cold claws of exhaustion clasped at her every feature. Gilan recognized the look on the royal guards too as they readjusted their footing sluggishly. He frowned as the light died more within the clearing-the sun was no longer with them.

After a shrug and a rubbing of his eyebrows, Gilan exasperatedly said, "well I say that we've all earned a night of rest. It's been a long day and we need some time to coalesce before getting back onto the road. We don't want to get to Zora's Domain in the middle of a crisis and be too worn out from sleep-deprivation to do anything." Gilan nodded and gestured to the two guards, "let's get a fire going and bedrolls laid out."

About half an hour later, everyone finally felt somewhat relaxed. It wasn't the best atmosphere considering the howling of the wind through the trees and omnipresent sense of lurking danger, but the company made do. A comfortably sized fire had several logs in the shape of a triangular pyramid sat in the center of a circle of large stones as to not let any other fires start; the last thing they needed to go through was waking up to the forest around them aflame. A small grate was held above the fire by thin metal spires with a pot sitting on top.

Luckily for the group, Gilan had become an excellent chef in the eyes of travellers; he always had water, spices, herbs, dried meats, even vegetables whilst having the knowledge on how to combine them. The royal guards were always so used to eating the dried jerky all on its own without any variety but now they were having a soup they'd expect from a high-end tavern instead of in the woods. The meat was tendered by the water, not tasting as dry as usual and the broth was heightened with every ingredient he added.

They ate happily and took seconds whenever possible, thanking Gilan incessantly whenever possible. Although this was no gourmet meal to Zelda, who has had much better from a proper kitchen, she too knew the struggle of eating and travelling and was very pleasantly surprised to have a delicious meal instead of bitterly tugging on a string of meat.

While the guards wolfed down as much soup as possible, exhausted from carrying their armour and weapons for so long, Zelda delicately held her bowl with her hands cupping both sides as she sipped the broth. The clearing felt much smaller due to the darkness, but at the same time much safer near the campfire.

Zelda felt much more homely and tried to let her shoulders relax. The soup warmed her soul, travelling throughout her body like a ripple through water as she observed the care Gilan put into nurturing the food. Oddly, it made her think of Gilan as a father caring for a child instead of a pot. She pushed the thought out of her head with a blush and a glance to Gilan, worrying if he somehow knew what she was thinking. Seeing he was distracted, she took a sip of the soup as she covered her blush.

Zelda took the bowl away from her lips and gingerly wiped her mouth with a sleeve rather unceremoniously and asked, "Where'd you learn to cook like this?"

The younger royal guard spoke first, who was in a rather chipper mood from the addition of sustenance, "Not from Link that's for sure!"

The other guard let out a bark of laughter, almost choking on a spoonful of meat as he leaned his head back. Gilan raised an eyebrow at them like a mother would at her mildly pestering children before speaking calmly to the princess, "it was my mother who taught me actually. She had always wanted me to have strong cooking skills for when she forgot how to cook, although it hasn't quite happened yet. I swear you'd give that woman a couple of oranges and she'd make the best lemonade you've ever had in your life."

Zelda nodded along to his story but frowned at the last part, piecing together how that would even work. Her thoughts drifted to the two guards speaking with each other as they laughed nearly uncontrollably: "-and, and then… then he looked so proud-" the younger guard broke into laughter again before he could finish the sentence.

The princess looked up to Gilan questioningly and he glanced at the guards. He simply smiled and rubbed his eyebrows, laughing to himself under his breath. Gilan spoke up as the guards looked to him in near-tears as he barely contained his laughter, "here, at least let me tell the story properly."

Gilan sat up as everyone inched closer, wanting to know every detail. "It was a half a year back when we were on a diplomatic mission to Rito Village. I think we were accompanying a couple of high-ranking personnel to make sure they didn't get robbed or attacked. The mission went quietly and had several nights where we had to sit and camp for the night just as we are now. The first night was very similar to this, we all had a campfire and I had cooked for everyone. Although my meat stew did not last nearly as long with Link coming along, that's why I had brought extra ingredients. We all know his eating habits are a little…" Gilan smiled and Zelda raised an eyebrow at him, "okay maybe a LOT unconventional. That man would eat the bark off a tree if he were to skip lunch."

Zelda covered her mouth and giggled at the thought of Link grabbing a tree with both hands and gnawing on the side. For some reason, seeing Zelda laugh at his story only engaged Gilan more, galvanizing him to continue.

"The second night went very very differently; Link wanted to cook. He didn't see how it was so hard, I mean," Gilan mimicked Link's actions in the story and he shrugged his own shoulders with his palms pointed to the sky, "it's just cooking. He'd actually said that to my face. I didn't say a word, I wanted to see him try. I know he could eat a mountain but trying to make even fried eggs was somehow a challenge for him. The plan for that night had been a poultry curry using Goron spice to give it some flavour. I did not help Link in the slightest as he grabbed the ingredients and went straight to work."

Gilan rubbed his eyebrows with a smile as he leaned forward in disbelief, "the first thing he did is that he knew he needed rice and I had given him a bag of rice. He takes the entire bag and dumps it into the empty pot. No water, just dry rice in a pot above the fire." Zelda smiled and leaned forward with both her hands cupping her mouth in amazement. "Everyone was staring at the mad lad as he placed the drumsticks onto the grate above the fire, not thinking that he should maybe lift it a little higher above the flames. As the drumsticks began sizzling, this man gets up and puts ANOTHER log in the fire that was already too high. Link, who was confident in his ability to bullshit his way through anything, sat back and crossed his arms with a smug grin as everyone else watched in amused horror; a few seconds later and WOOSH," Gilan waved his hands into the air with the onomatopoeia, " the drumsticks burst into flames."

The older of the guards couldn't hold his laughter and snorted as he began laughing uncontrollably. The younger guard beside him and decided to take a sip of soup as his companion cackled, the sudden stimuli made him choke on his soup as the howling spread. Zelda watched as the youngest guard pulled away his bowl and was struggling to swallow without laughing as he looked at his companion, tiny drops of liquid spilling out of the edges of his mouth. Eventually, it all spilled out onto the ground in front of him and he leaned back, joining his companion in their chortle. Zelda covered her mouth and laughed at both the story and the reaction to the guards. She knew that Link would absolutely do that and she wished she'd been able to see it herself. Gilan chuckled at his guards, knowing how much they enjoy storytelling and gossiping. He felt a warm pride take over his heart as Zelda laughed out loud. She looked happy and that just made Gilan feel happy to be there with her, serving her in every way he could.

Eventually, the guards managed to contain themselves without spilling their meals again. Zelda kept her smile under a hand as she turned back to Gilan. She was sitting criss-cross on the ground as she leaned forward, her eyes urging Gilan to go on.

Gilan smiled proudly as all attention diverted back to him-he'd always enjoyed telling stories. "The look on Link's face did not last long. His smile dropped like an anchor, as did his jaw. Luckily he wore leather gloves as he dove his hands directly onto the grate. Normally I'd slap someone's hands for not using tongs but that was the least of our worries. In fact, most of the bystanders were either laughing uncontrollably or paranoid with fear of how it could get worse. As Link battered at the chicken like a cat slapping at a toy, he managed to roll it off into the grass and away from the fire. Then as if he'd forgotten that we actually planned on eating tonight, he starts stomping on it!"

Zelda covered her entire face groaning, "what in Hylia's name was he thinking?"

The younger guard grinned saying, "we all collectively have zero clue."

Gilan grinned as he continued, "Good news is, he did put out the fire rather quickly. He turned around with a sigh and sat back down by the fire saying, I guess we're just having rice tonight. Link then picks up a wooden spoon and goes to stir the rice; the wooden spoon didn't budge. In fact, neither did the rice. Link, who already felt very frustrated, started scratching at the rice to stir it. It had started to budge but not enough for Link as he picked it up by the wooden handles," Gilan held up his hands as if carrying that same pot, "and flipped it upside down."

Gilan paused for effect as everyone leaned in closer. Zelda had a pleading look in her eyes, begging him to go on, "then nothing."

Zelda blurted out, "nothing!"

Gilan raised an eyebrow at her as she leaned back, blushing and covering her mouth at the outburst. She blushed harder when she realized how invested she suddenly felt in the story and the gentle look Gilan offered her. The light from the campfire flickered across his features as he was still posed as if holding an upside-down pot.

After a moment, Gilan continued, "then there was a gentle sliding sound. Link froze, feeling the rice finally come free. After a couple of agonizing seconds, a blob of what looked like a black cylinder slid out of the pot and thudded into the grass, hard as a rock."

Gilan leaned back, content with his story as Zelda looked at him in amazement. "There's no way he burnt it like that."

Gilan tilted his head with a nod saying, "oh yes he did and it is one of the best moments of my life."

Gilan frowned as neither of the guards had laughed as much as he thought they would. Of course, they'd laughed, but they looked at him expectantly. The older man waved in hand saying, "c'mon Gilan don't stop there."

Zelda flicked her head back between the men and Gilan in anticipation, "there's more?!"

Gilan shook his head saying, "nope, we all cleaned up and I made us an actual meal instead of the disaster Link created."

The younger guard waved his arms in the air saying, "no no no! You're missing the best part! I got this."

Gilan leaned forward, putting his head into his hands with a curious glance from Zelda. She leaned forward, needing to hear the ending to the story as if it were the last thing she'd do.

The guard spoke proudly, trying his hardest not to laugh before the punchline, "after that mound of burnt rice hit the ground, everything went dead silent. I was too scared to speak in case Link was to punish us, but not Gilan. This man," The guard motioned his hand at Gilan with a grin, "walks up to Link in complete and utter silence. He strides up confidently and-" the guard wheezed, on the verge of crying, "-and he picks up the bottle of Goron spice. He sprinkles just a dash onto the destroyed rice as Link glared at him. Gilan looks up at Link with the widest shit-eating grin I've ever seen and says, 'F plus, at best.'"

As the guard finished his story, both he and his companion roared into laughter together, practically falling backwards and rolling in the dirt. Zelda's jaw dropped as she looked to Gilan who was leaning forward with his head in his hands embarrassed. She leaned closer whispering, "you did not."

Gilan removed one hand to reveal an eye as he met her gaze. He let out a hint of a smile as he shrugged, "it may have slipped out."

With that, Zelda couldn't contain herself as the laughter from the guards spread to her. She held onto her sides with laughter, unable to stop nor even wanting to. Gilan chuckled to himself, recovering from his embarrassment as his companions all struggled to breathe. Gilan rubbed his eyebrows once more and peered at Zelda. Somehow, his heart was lifted ten times higher upon seeing her smile and hearing her laugh, she'd been so destroyed earlier and seeing her this happy just made him smile wider than ever before.

Gilan didn't want her laugh to ever stop and wished he had a thousand stories like the one he'd just told.

Through how their day had gone, Gilan was proud of the note they'd leave it on.

Even as they all went to their separate bedrolls and assigned watch duties for the night, the picture of Zelda smiling, blushing, and roaring with laughter filled his mind, soothing over any tribulations the day had previously cost them.