~ Part Seven ~

It had been four months since Ciara Duncan had come to stay at the New York Sanctum, and everything had changed. It hadn't been drastic or overnight, but after living a domestic life for the first time since her adolescent years, Ciara had never been happier.

After beginning her mystic training, and kissing Strange, Ciara had made up her mind to stay. Though she didn't need the lessons, it felt nice to belong to something. To hang up her nomad cloak and settle somewhere. Though she would have been lying if she had said the Mystic Master didn't play a major part of her decision. He'd already endeared himself as a friend and mentor, but that admiration and respect had slowly grown into something else entirely.

Strange was precious to her, and she knew his influence had played a huge part of her transformation into the calmer woman who she now saw in the mirror. The fiery red hair and sharp green eyes remained ever the same, but the emotion behind them was different. No more vendettas, no more wandering aimlessly looking for her past. Ciara knew who she was, and the rest was history.

In between learning the different spells and casting styles, Ciara spent all her time with the Mystic Master. They'd become nearly inseparable, save for when Wong dragged one of them away for something, or when they slept.

They'd never officially decided to date or label their relationship, but there was hardly a need. They were comfortable and happy taking it slow and naturally. . . though more than a few kisses had been shared, and more than a couple embraces had lasted far too long.

Overall life had been quiet, save for that particular day when Thor and Loki had dropped by the Sanctum in search of Odin. After pointing the God of Thunder in the right direction, everything had lulled again. The days were peaceful and Ciara and Stephen grew continuously closer.

"Ciara?" The woman in question glanced up from her current exercises. She'd been teleporting books across the room, back and forth, with the casting style Strange had taught her. It had taken many botched attempts, but she'd finally gotten the hang of it, and was now testing it in all sorts of ways.

"Aye, lovie?" She exhaled deeply as she closed both of her crackling, orange portals and gave the Mystic Master her full attention. "Did ya need somethin'?"

From his place in the library doorway, Stephen Strange smiled at her affectionately. "Just running out for some food. You want anything?"

"Depends on where yer goin'." Ciara stretched, returning his affectionate expression with a playful one of her own. "My tastebuds have become picky since I moved in with you Mystic lot. Ya've gotten me all fat an' spoiled."

Strange arched a brow pointedly. "Ciara, there's not an ounce of fat on you."

Ciara beamed at him. "Perhaps not… But I always feel like I've gained fifty pounds when you or Wong cook fer me."

"Then I better be careful," he joked. "Can't give you too much fast food or you'll never eat my … attempts again."

Ciara laughed as she approached him, noting the way his blue eyes followed her every move. It was really quite flattering to be observed in such a way, and Ciara cherished every second of attention.

"I could never grow tired of ya, Stephen. Yer cooking or anythin' else." She leaned up on tiptoe and gave him a sweet kiss. His hands snaked around her waist, as they pecked each others' lips and hugged, and she could feel his scarred hands softly caress the side of her Mystic robes. They'd become familiar and it was heavenly for both parties.

"Sure I can't convince you to come with me for a quick bite?" He breathed.

"And mess up yer brotherly time with Wong? I wouldn't get between you two fer the world!" Ciara giggled, while Strange rolled his eyes.

"You are a wicked woman, Captain Red."

"Aye, but ya love meh!" As she finished her sentence, Ciara's hand lifted to her mouth in surprise. She hadn't meant to say that! What on earth had possessed her to say that!?

The Mystic Master's expression changed, and Ciara thought she'd crossed a line, but the warmth returned to his face just before she could apologize.

"Love, huh?" He teased, ruffling her fiery hair.

"Aye… You aren't upset are ya? I didn't mean ta make ya uncomfortable…"

"You didn't," he assured her, snagging one more kiss before he pulled away. "We can talk more about it when I get back. If you aren't opposed?"

Ciara felt herself melting. In truth, she'd been wanting to say more about her feelings, and this would be the perfect opportunity. She nodded. "Aye, I'll look forward to that conversation, sweetie." Then she winked at him. "Now, go get yer grub before Wong comes ta drag ya away."

Strange chuckled but did as he was told, leaving the library with a easy farewell. "Hold the fort until we get back."

"Will do, Strange! Will do~!"

And with that he took his leave from the library. Though just before Ciara could go back to her training, she heard a loud crash resound through the Sanctum. She could feel the building shake with the impact, and immediately dashed to see what had happened.

Ciara used a portal to get to the main staircase, and she stopped cold. The middle of the stairs had been smashed beyond repair, and in the center of the rubble lay a man. Above him, Wong and Strange hovered battle ready.

The man who had crash landed into the Sanctum said three words that changed everything.

"Thanos is coming…."

After Bruce Banner had teleported into the Sanctum, they'd begun discussing battle plans. And with Strange's portals, they'd found Tony Stark.

In the New York Sanctum, they discussed the Infinity Stones and Thanos. Ciara remained quiet for most of the conversation, merely observing and trying to fathom how much shit they were in.

This Thanos had beaten the Hulk, taken Thor out of the game, and already had two of the stones. He sounded like a nightmare come true. . .

Bruce Banner was adamant about action, though Stark seemed hesitant and argued the point. Everyone was at each others' figurative throats, when the building began to shake and the sky began to grow darker.

"Is that you?" Stark asked Strange.

"No, not at this time."

When the thundering sounds and shaking grew more violent, they all went to see what the problem was.

As Strange, Wong, Banner, and Stark rushed out of the Sanctum to see the source of the commotion, Ciara moved to do the same…. But found her feet frozen to the floor. Shocked, she strained her muscles, but still remained stuck in place. Looking out the door, she could see people running and screaming, trying to get away from an unknown threat, but she could do nothing but watch.

With a cry of frustration, she reached out with her magic and tried to pry her feet from the floor, but she didn't move an inch.

So with desperation, Ciara Duncan watched helplessly as the first of Thanos's forces came to earth. . .

"...Wong, where is Strange?" As Wong entered the Sanctum some twenty minutes later, Ciara baraged him with questions, and her heart immediately sank at his expression.

"He was taken. . . Along with the Time Stone." Wong said darkly. "Stark went after him, and Banner said he was going to go find Vision and the Mind Stone. I would have joined, but I have to get back to Kamar-Taj. If we are going to war, the Mystics must be ready."

Ciara's heart went up into her throat. . . Stephen had been taken by Thanos's minions… And she hadn't been there to help him. At first cold panic flooded her senses, but she tried to remind herself that Strange was the Mystic Master. . . Surely he'd be okay. And if not, Stark would help bring him back…

"Did ya see where Stephen was taken?"

Wong stared at her for a moment. "He was taken into a spacecraft. You cannot follow him, Miss Duncan. We must pray that he and Stark are able to find each other and get back to Earth somehow."

As Wong left to rally the Mystics and protect the other Sanctums, Ciara's mind ran wild. All of the worst scenarios played behind her eyes until she grew restless, and unknowingly began to reach out with her magick.

For two days she was on pins and needles, waiting for any news… Until her magick finally connected with the signature power she'd been seeking.

It shone like a beacon in the darkness of the universe, pulsing a brilliant forever green. The time stone… and along with it Dr. Strange.

For several minutes, Ciara fought to clear her mind and reach out to him, but the distance made it hard to connect. Though after some struggle a familiar voice echoed throughout her mind.


"Stephen!" She nearly cried as she felt him stabilize the connection between their energies. He was clearly far, far away, but with the power of the stone he wielded, it was possible to maintain their conversation. "Are ya alright? I heard you were taken and Stark went after ya. Oh, but I've been worried sick!"

"I'm fine, Red. Stark and his spider side kick helped me."

"Really? … Ohh, good! It's nice to know yer still in one piece!" Ciara felt her anxiety begin to fade. "But why haven't ya come back to the Sanctum if you're safe? You seem so far away."

"That's because I am. . . Forces beyond my control compelled me to take another path. I couldn't return to the Sanctum yet." His words were heavy, and it made Ciara's guilt flare up. She hadn't been there for him when he needed help. She had failed him, and she owed him an apology.

"I'm so sorry about before, Stephen!" Ciara apologized sincerely. "When you were fighting in New York, I tried to help, but something had me frozen in place. I tried to overcome it, but I couldn't break free! It was old magic, and I was useless! And before I knew it, tha' ugly thing had taken ya up to its' ship and I could-nae follow! I was bloody worthless! Oh lovie, I'm so, so sorry!"

Stephen was quiet for a time before he his thoughts rang in her mind again. "You don't owe me any apologies, Ciara. . . I think that it was a good thing. That ancient power that kept you from helping me… I think it was your patron."

"Ma patron? …. Ya mean the Morrigan?"

"Yes. You are a Child of the Morrigan, Ciara. And the Morrigan's main focus is protecting the Earth. It most likely knew that you'd try to follow me into space if you could, so it trapped you in the Sanctum to keep you safe. . . It makes sense that it wouldn't want its champion to leave when things are getting serious."

"...But even if tha's true, it had no right! My place is with you!"

"Not this time, Red. . . You're exactly where you need to be."

The certainty and power behind his words, gave her pause. It was a lot to consider, that the Morrigan had stopped her from going into space with Strange. . . But what could she possibly need to do on the Earth? The thought was irksome, as she had no answer. But the irritation once more turned to relief knowing Strange was safe.

She was lost to her considerations until Strange spoke again. "Ciara? You still there?"

"I'm here, lovie."

"Good. I recently landed on a planet called Titan, and I'm preparing a surprise attack on Thanos. With the power of the time stone, I've seen what lies ahead and I need you…" He paused for a long breath before continuing, "...I need you to promise me something."

"Name it, Stephen. I'll do whatever I can, ya know that."

He was silent for a moment, and she could feel his emotions cloud her mind. He was apprehensive, alert… and scared. He'd never shown fear to her before, and it made her own heart rise in her throat.

"Once we assault Thanos, a series of events will be set into motion. Earth is going to be ground zero for all hell to break loose… I need you to protect the New York Sanctum ..." His voice broke. "I need you to become the Mystic Master in my place."

Ciara felt cold dread spiral down her spine. There would only be one reason for Strange to make such a request… "Stephen… I cannae do that. I'm not fit to stand in fer you."

"Ciara, there's no one else. I want- I need you to do this." Though his words were direct, it felt as if they held a double meaning. There was no one else, to stand in his place, and no one else he needed…

"Stephen," she cried, reaching out to him with everything she had. She could feel his normal warmth and strength, ebbing against her mind, trying to calm her. And it made her cry harder.

For several minutes she was lost to her tears and grief at the prospect of what he was inferring. Then, she took a deep breath and did her best to regain her composure. Strange had always been there when she needed him, it was only fair that she returned the favor. . . No matter how much it pained her, she wouldn't let him down.

"Will you do this for me?" He asked gently, and Ciara found herself smiling through the last hint of her tears.

"Aye, Stephen. I'll do it." She could hear him sigh in relief, before she felt a fluttering at her brow. Though it was invisible, she could feel the kiss to her forehead as if he were in the room with her, and her heart grew bittersweet. He was saying goodbye.

"Do you remember when we first met?"

"Aye. You were a sight to behold, with yer billowing cape and magic at the ready. And ya were willin' ta help me, even though we were strangers."

"You were unique, Ciara and so brutally honest," he reminisced. "I was intrigued from the moment you gate crashed the Sanctum asking for my help." As they voiced their memories, Strange seemed calmer than before. He was preparing himself for what lay ahead of him, by thinking of happier times.

"I'd never met anyone like you either, lovie. Even without knowing ya well I felt… safe." Ciara shook her head in wonder. "I changed fer the better while in yer company. I became the best version of myself, because of your friendship an' care . . . It has been my greatest honor and joy to stand beside ya, Stephen."

"The honor has been mine, Captain Red." The nickname came easily and was full of affection. "I couldn't have asked for a better partner, friend, ... or lover."

Ciara's eyes grew wide at his admission, and she could feel him slowly begin to slip away.

"Goodbye, Ciara."

"Goodbye, Stephen. . . I love you."

"I love you too."

Ciara held her breath as the connection vanished, and then she dropped to her knees and wept. For an unknown amount of time the red haired mage mourned for Strange, knowing he'd most likely never return to her. Then, after she had cried herself out, Ciara Duncan rose from the floor and closed off her emotions.

She had made Strange a promise to protect the Earth and Sanctum in his absence, and she intended to make him proud. From the sounds of it, Thanos's forces were likely to hit soon, and she needed to be ready.

Grabbing her cellphone out of her pocket, the woman dialed the second number on her list and held it up to her ear. When the other end came online she offered a simple greeting.

"Bruce Banner? Yes, we met before in New York. Dr Strange told me ta help ya in his absence. . . Aye. Where are ya?" She fell silent as Bruce replied, her eyes snapping a deep purple color as she squeezed her fist closed. "Wakanda? Protectin' an Infinity Stone? … Very well. Give me your location and I'll provide assistance."

As Bruce put her on speaker, Ciara listened to the Avengers that were assembled in Wakanda. They were trying to protect Vision long enough to remove his stone and would need as much interference and time as they could possibly get.

"I'm half way around the world, so I'm unable to be there in person," Ciara said after they'd explained. "But I can bottle neck the bastards in the cosmos, so ya only have ta fight a handful o' ships at a time."

"We can use all the help we can get," Steve Rogers said on the other line. "Thanks for giving us sky support."

"Leave it ta me." Then before she hung up she added, "Oh and sweeties? Be sure ta give 'em hell fer me."

As the call clicked off, Ciara squared her shoulders and got to work. There was only one way to bottleneck Thanos's ships before they all reached the atmosphere, and it would surely be the hardest piece of magic she'd ever worked. There was even a chance that the magical blowback would cripple or kill her. But the woman felt no fear, as she walked up to the roof of the Sanctum and sat cross-legged in the exact center.

She was the surrogate Mystic Master, Child of the Morrigan, and partner to Dr. Stephen Bloody Strange. And she'd be damned if she didn't fight to the end.

With all the power that flowed in her veins, Ciara began to craft a barrier that formed from purple and black mist. And as the barrier formed, she screamed into the sky and forced it to expand and fly out in all directions. She felt her magickal core crumple under the magnitude of what she was trying to accomplish, but pushed through. Her whole body shook with the effort, but she never waned.

And in the space of several minutes, the barrier had completed surrounded the Earth's atmosphere. Ciara breathed heavily and cried as the weight of the barrier fought to explode under the pressure. . . and just as it seemed she would collapse from the task, she felt something far more powerful take hold of her spell, boosting it a thousand times over.

"Child, you do well by me. So I will aid you."

Ciara laughed at the most welcomed voice that echoed all about her. It seemed the one who had created her, wanted her to succeed.

"Thank ya, Morrigan!" She cried in relief, as the barrier hardened. "Thank ya!"

It still took all of Ciara's concentration to keep the massive magick shield up, but she knew she could do it. With the Morrigan's power, she would hold the barrier until she physically collapsed. And due to the power surge, it seemed she'd be good for a while.

Now it was up to the Avengers on the ground and Strange up in the cosmos. . . The fate of the universe was at stake, and all would die lest they did their part.

"Please fight for all yer worth, Stephen," Ciara whispered hopefully, as she looked to the heavens. "Fight and come back ta me…"

A/N: So we're finally getting into the Infinity War/End Game plot. I plan to have this segment follow canon events as much as possible, but there will be a few plot changes due to Ciara's presence in the story. ^^ I hope you guys enjoyed the newest chapter!

Please drop me a review if you like the story! I always love hearing from you guys!

Until next chapter,
