The Governor, also known as Philip Blake by those of his community, personally offered to take Jolene and Clementine on the grand tour that was Woodbury. It was big, compared to where they were from. An actual active city that somehow continued after the world ended. Jolene was enamored and Clementine was both impressed and intimidated. Big places drew unwanted attention. She feared walkers or bad people might attack this place. It seemed too perfect to be real, and despite her youth, this place made the child feel uneasy. She stuff close to Jolene as she looked around nervously. She wished Negan was here. Wished she could run back home. She tried to think what Negan would do if he were here... but she was unable to imagine. Too young, too nieve, too innocent. Philip led the girls to the stadium and informed them they had arrived just in time for the fights. As the lights shone down into the stadium, it's quickly revealed that it is not empty.

"Are those... walkers?" Clementine squeaks, squeezing Jolene's hand.

"Walkers?" Philip's dark gaze falls upon the child with curiosity. A dark smile crosses his attractive features as his long black hair drapes over his shoulder. "You mean the biters? Of course. They're there to provide the entertainment."

"You make walkers fight each other?" Jolene questioned, clearly confused.

To this, Philip laughed. Deeply. Huskily. He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to a seat, where he sat with Clementine nestled between them. He gestured to the area as two humans entered the ring and began to fight each other. Philip explained that the walkers were only there to add extra suspense as the combatants fought to the death. Clementine whimpered, covering her eyes and trembling as Jolene looked on in shock.

"This... this is..."


"Cl-Clementine... she's too young... this is..."

"Scaring her? Oh. I had no ill intent." Philip's smile never left his lips. His tone was so calm and sincere, yet there was some malice underlying it. His expression was almost sadistic. He stood up, helping the girls to their feet. "Come. Let's go someplace more quiet to talk, shall we?"

Clementine desperately tugged on Jolene, who reassured the child she was safe and everything was okay. They followed Philip to his apartment and into his home. He locked the door behind them, inviting them to sit so they could talk. Jolene took a seat in his chair, as Clementine stood there holding her arm awkwardly and trembling ever so slightly. Something about his place and this man scared her. She just couldn't put her finger on it. At first, things seemed innocent enough. Basic questions to ensure she wasn't bitten or a threat. But then, it started to feel more like an interrogation as Philip's tone changed and darkness entered his eyes that made the man almost appear possessed.

"Where is your group?"

"We're by ourselves. It's just us. "

"Don't lie."

"I'm not..."

Philip shot across the room, roughly pinning Jolene to the chair and causing Clementine to squeal from his sudden change in mood. "Don't fuck with me, girl. Now... we can do this the hard way or the easy way. And I, personally, enjoy the hard way..." He smirked darkly. "Are you with the group I brought in moments ago?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Jolene persisted, freaking out now. "We left our group. We're on our own. WE swear!"

"I'm going to question your daughter here after I'm done with you. And your stories best line up... or you're both dead."

Philip threw Jolene to the floor and climbed on top of her. Clementine begged for him to leave her alone, but he ignored the child. She cried again and again for him to let her go, tears streaming down her face as she watched Philip remove the screaming woman's clothes. Jolene struggled frantically, but Philip easily overpowered her as he unbuckled his pants and pushed his manhood into her and began to grind his hips. Clementine watched in horror as the sadistic stranger they had met in their time of need brutally raped her caretaker in front of her. Jolene and Clementine both cried as Philip's moans filled the air.

"Ahhh yea. Mmmmm..." He filled her up and tossed her aside as he crossed the room and grabbed his knife. Clementine backed into a door sobbing as she watched Philip approach the broken woman. He proceeded to decapitate her and kick her body across the room afterward. Clementine screamed in terror. Philip took Jolene's head and tossed it in his aquarium with his collection. As he flipped the lights on, Clem screamed at the sight and tried to run. Philip, unfortunately, was faster and grabbed the girl's hair pulling her toward him.

"Did you think I forgot about you?" He whispered into her ear huskily. Her heart was pounding. He pulled her into his lap and smirked. "I'm not done with you yet..."

"P-please don't hurt me." Clementine begged.

"I won't. If you tell me the truth."

"Everything Jolene said was true! We left our group! Bad stuff happened! We were at a motel really far away from here!"

"Do you know Rick?"

"No! No, I swear! I don't know anyone by that name!" Clementine was crying now. Philip softened, reminded of his daughter Penny.

"It's okay, sweetie. I believe you." Philip's tone softened, but it did nothing to ease Clem's fear and distress. "Just relax, okay?"

"But... you... you killed her... I... I..."

"I had to, sweetie. You're too young to understand. But you will." Philip gently kissed Clem's neck, sending a chill of disgust down her spine. She felt vomit in her throat, but she forced it down. She needed to get out of here. Away from this place. But how? She was so little. She couldn't fight. All she could do was close her eyes and cry as this monster held her in his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair and smiled. She was so adorable. His eyes trailed along her tiny frame. So young, so innocent. He licked his lips as very perverse thoughts entered his mind.

'Not her. She's too young.'

'Quiet, Brian. I'm in charge, not you. You're dead.'

'She's only a little girl.'

'I'm not going to do anything, you pussy. So calm down.'

As he internally argued with himself, Clementine tried to slip out of his lap, but he held her tighter. She whimpered in pain, begging him to let go. e stared at his aquarium of walker's heads while forcing her to stay where she was. The more she resisted, the tighter his grip. Tears of pain and fear ran down her face. It was late. She was tired, scared, and hungry. But she was too sick to her stomach to eat or sleep. After a couple of hours, Philip looked down at the child.

"Time for bed. Come. You're sleeping in my bed." He carried her to a mattress in the corner, where she kicked and cried begging to be let go. "Settle down, girl. You have a choice. My bed... or the closet. You won't like the closet."

Moans came from the closet. Did he have a walker living in there? Panic set in harder and Clem struggled and cried until she wore her tiny body out. Philip placed her exhausted body on the mattress and climbed into bed behind her wrapping his arm around her waist. She trembled as his strong arms embraced her helpless form. She wanted Negan to be there so badly. To rescue her and take her away, as he did before.

Finally, The Governor and Clem both fell asleep.

Several hours later...

Clementine woke up and turned slowly to see Philip still sleeping. She slowly slipped away from him and crept across the room toward the door. With any luck, she could escape and find help before he wakes up. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth, and dragged her back into the room mere moments away from freedom.

"You little bitch. I tried being nice. Showing mercy. But you still don't fucking get it. But you will." Philip growled as he carried her to the closet and threw her inside. She landed inches away from his walker-daughter Penny, who had no teeth! She screamed and tried to run, but Philip locked the door trapping her. She pounded begging him to let her out, but he responded by walking away and leaving her with the Penny-thing. Clem screamed and cried pounding her small fists on the door as the Penny-thing snarled behind her, tiny arms grabbing for the older child that was now trapped in here with it. Clem turned her back toward the door to face the child walker.

"You... you're so small..." Clem whispered, sliding down to sit on the floor and stare at the monster. "Did he... do this to you...?"

She couldn't help but wonder, was this child a reflection of her own fate? A tear ran down her cheek, and she sat there just watching Penny and waiting for The Governor to return.

By some miracle, Kenny actually got a car running. The crew then continued their trek across Georgia in search of their missing girl. Clem could be anywhere by now. And there'd be war if anyone hurt that girl. Negan tried not to care, he tried so hard. But after all these months, he grew fond of his little darling. She had become a prized possession to him. A daughter, even. They experienced so much shit together. He'd die before letting anyone take her away from him now. Like that bitch Jolene already did. Negan silently swore if anything happened to Clementine because of that psycho bitch... he'd kill her.

The car stopped. Negan demanded to know why they were stopping when Clem was still out there. Kenny pointed at what appeared to be an already cleared out prison. Inside the gates, you could see people farming, talking, keeping watch, and just generally living life. It looked as though they had things figured out. Maybe they saw Jolene and Clementine. Maybe they could help get her back. Though not everyone was keen on trusting strangers after the St. John incident, Negan could only think about his one priority. One singular goal.




He got out of the car and headed toward the prison on foot. Reluctantly, the rest of the group followed him. As Negan neared the fence he noted the amount of security. The gates were securely locked, They had a few guards on the perimeter, and a few walkers roaming outside the gate. Negan and Kenny easily dispatched the few walkers that were in their path. Once they reached the gates, however, they were greeted by guns and distrust. The first question asked was who they were and what they wanted. Ok, so that's technically two questions.

"I'm Negan. This is my crew. Not much to look at, I know. We lost a lot of good people." Negan explained, gesturing toward Carley, Ben, Kenny, and his family. "We're looking for someone. A little girl that was taken from us. Have you seen her?"

"We ain't seen no little girl." An older man with a long thick white beard confessed to Negan's dismay. "You're the first visitors we had since that other woman showed up."

"What woman?" Negan asked. He was wondering if it was Jolene.

"Some black chick named Michonne."

"Damn it..."

"This is good, though, right?" Carley asked. "I mean, if it was Jolene... that'd mean she lost Clementine. But it wasn't, so..."

"So... She's still out there. Somewhere. Alone and scared with that crazy psychopath bitch!" Negan punched the gate.

"Calm down, Negan." Carley gently placed a hand on his arm. "We'll find her."

"I do not suppose you could let us rest here a while? We are tired and quite hungry. We have been on the road a few days now." Katjaa offered, hopeful of their kindness.

"I ain't sure if I'm the right one to make that call, ma'am." The man replied, warily.

"Well, who is then?" Kenny asked sternly.

"Rick Grimes, Tyreese Williams, Dale Horvath, and Hershel Greene. I'm Axel, I was a prisoner here when they showed up and took over the place."

"Take over?" Katjaa asked, concern in her voice.

"Yes, ma'am. There was a big disagreement between the prisoners and this other group, you follow me? But I ain't no fool. I know a losing fight, and I picked my side."

"So where are these leaders of yours?" Negan asked.

"One of them left with a Korean Kid and that Michonne Chick. They ain't come back yet."

"Hey, Axel! What's going on?" Another older man appeared.

"Oh, hey there, Dale. These here folks are lookin' for someone, ain't that right?"

"Yeah. A little girl and a crazy woman." Kenny said bluntly.

"Well, why are you standing around here for? Come in, get some food, rest, and we'll help you find your little girl." Dale opened the gate letting Negan's group inside. He knew Rick and some of the others wouldn't be too happy, but it worked out with Michonne. How bad could a group with kids be?

Meanwhile, back in Woodbury, Clementine was terrified and Jolene was dead. With no way out, the child sat and cried as the zombie child growled and reached for her. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever get out, ever see Negan or Duck or anyone else again. If she'd never find out what happened to her parents. If she'd live to see another day. She honestly didn't know why The Governor locked her here. What did he want with her, anyway? She heard the door to the apartment open and someone shuffling around, making noises looking for something, maybe. She wanted to scream for help but was afraid to. What if it was him again? Or someone worse?

"What the hell are you doing here?"

The door opened again and an angry male voice was heard. Then she heard fighting, stuff breaking, a man and woman screaming. Clem covered her ears, eyes shut crying until it became silent. After a while, she heard voices but couldn't make out the words. Then she heard screaming, hammers, drills. Blood ran under the closet door and she backed up and screamed. Suddenly she heard someone hitting the closet door. Clementine screams and backs up, and the zombie girl grabs her causing her to scream again falling down and getting pinned by the walker.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a machete goes through the walker's head. A black woman with long dreds grabs Clementine and pulls her to ger feet.

"It's okay. You're safe. My name's Michonne, and we're getting out of here together."