Summary: Dana Potter was reborn in another universe. For the most part life in Jasper Nevada was boring for her and Miko- the Japanese girl Dana's parents were hosting as part of an exchange student program. Neither expected that to change. Then Miko's classmates Jack and Raf are approached by a pair of driverless vehicles. When the two girls follow, they discover robotic aliens and more excitement than they ever expected to experience in their lives. And Dana and Miko couldn't be happier about it.
Chapter One
Dana grinned as she watched Miko sketch a blue and silver motorcycle. To others it was just a drawing on the same level as an elementary student, but that was because Miko liked colored pencils and preferred to capture the scene or idea and its colors before her memory faded so that if she wanted she could draw a better version later. Dana's parents wrote it off as a silly hobby she should improve on or outgrow but in Dana's opinion it really worked for the younger girl. Especially when they collaborated to make use of Dana's skill with digital art programs to make comics. Neither were actual artists but it was fun.
Just as Miko was ignoring a call from Dana's parents- probably about some boring adult hangout that would be referred to as a party despite having nothing festive about it- the pair vaguely noticed Miko's classmate Jack exit the building and approach a younger classmate named Raf. Before Jack could get out more than a few words out a yellow car with black racing stripes drove up to them.
Dana whistled. "That is one cool car."
"Yeah, it's sweet! Looks like a racecar." Miko agreed.
When the front passenger door opened to let Raf in and shortly closed behind him Dana swore there wasn't anybody in the driver's seat but it still drove away. Jack stared at the motorcycle for a moment- Raf had pointed out to him- but quickly turned and walked away as if trying to escape. Then the two girls watched as a driver materialized on the motorcycle out of nowhere and said motorcycle proceeded to follow him. Nobody else noticed if anyone else was even around but Dana and Miko exchanged a glance, both grinning and seeing that the other had the same notion.
"Ready for an adventure?" Miko asked.
"You know it. Now hurry, they'll get away!" Dana pointed out.
As they chased after the promise of something interesting it occurred to Dana that her parents would be both furious and beside themselves with worry if they knew their daughter and foreign charge were rushing into potential danger. Dana and Miko caught up just in time to see the motorcycle transform into a robot. It was mainly blue and silver but it had pink accents, and its eyes were a glowing blue.
"-trying to get me killed!" Jack was raving.
The robot- its voice made it seem like it was a girl- seemed both adamant and exasperated. "Look- Jack, is it? Your personal safety is exactly why Optimus Prime has requested your presence."
Her explanation just confused Jack. "Optimus who?"
She elaborated. "You may be in danger because you are one of the few, one of the only humans who have ever seen us."
"Dude! What are you waiting for?!" Miko exclaimed, giving away their presence and hiding place, "Go with!"
Dana sighed. "Miko, couldn't you wait?"
"Oh well, too late now." Miko said unrepentantly.
"Scrap." the robot groaned, "Not more humans. You two may as well come with to get it over with."
Miko pumped her fist in the air. "Yes!"
Dana shrugged, trying to hide how she was equally unrepentant but still grinning. "Beats the quiet and boring life we've been stuck with. Will we even all fit on your bike mode?"
"It might be awkward but you'll need to make it work." the robot said as she transformed, "Now let's go. We've wasted enough time as it is."
A short ride through the desert- Dana rode with Raf in the driver seat of the black and yellow car once they met back up- brought them to an old secret military base hidden partly in a cliff and partly underground. They were greeted by a white and red robot and a green robot.
"I thought there were only two of them." the white and red one said.
"Haven't you heard? Humans multiply." the motorcycle robot quipped.
Dana snorted. "If you think that about us you clearly don't know about rabbits or some of the other animals. I'm Dana by the way."
Raf and Miko also introduced themselves. Then Miko proceeded to ask the green one- Bulkhead- a dozen rapid fire questions without giving him time to answer. Dana didn't get to see how he would've responded because Raf being both smart and sensible asked a more relevant question.
"If you guys are robots who made you?" Raf said.
The white and red one scoffed. "Puh-lease!"
"Rude much?" Dana muttered, "Given what little we know it's a reasonable question."
Just then the biggest one yet- a red, blue, and silver one- entered the room and actually answered Raf. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as Autobots."
"So you're aliens who just so happen to be living robots? I don't think this can get much cooler." Dana said.
"Why are you here?" Jack asked.
"To protect your planet from Decepticons." Optimus said.
"The jokers who tried to bump us off last night." The only girl elaborated.
"Okay. Why are they here?" Jack said.
"A fair question, Jack." Optimus said, kneeling to be able to look the humans in the eyes, "In part they are here because our planet is uninhabitable, ravaged by centuries of civil war."
"And the human equivalent of things like that is why my parents tend to end up scolding me for saying humans are stupid." Dana commented quietly to Miko as the conversation continued.
"Why were you fighting a war?" Raf asked.
"Foremost, over control of our world's supply of energon, the fuel and lifeblood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike." Optimus answered, proceeding to tell them briefly about the leader of the Decepticons Megatron, who had been Optimus' friend before he became corrupt.
"Sounds like resources isn't the original reason for conflict but stuff like that is usually the reason for our wars." Dana said.
Miko just yawned. "Is there gonna be a quiz?"
"So what does Megatron or any of this have to do with us?" Jack asked.
"I can guess." Dana said dryly.
"Megatron hasn't been seen or heard from in some time." Optimus said, "But if his return is imminent as I fear it could be catastrophic. And now that you know of our existence I fear that as of last night the Decepticons know of yours."
"Got it. Spot any strange vehicles we call 911." Jack said, "Can we go now?"
"Are you insane?" Miko retorted, "I'm living the dream here in Botswana. And I won't allow you or anyone else to shatter it."
"It is best that you three remain under our watch." Optimus cut in, "At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions."
"Hm, I get it. Best case scenario considering you guys aren't common knowledge I'd say for whatever reason the Decepticons don't want attention any more than you do." Dana mused, "And when we caught up to Jack we heard her tell him that you wanted to see him and Raf because of their safety. So whether they see us as your allies or just a threat to their cover we could be in danger."
"That makes sense." Raf agreed.
"Optimus. With all due respect the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere." the white and red one protested.
"Children?!" Jack complained.
"You're not an adult so you're technically still a kid. Heck I'm almost 20 and some people see me as a kid. Now shush." Dana intervened.
"They have no protective shell." he continued without acknowledging Jack or Dana spoke, "If they go underfoot they will go squish."
He lightly stomped his foot to emphasize his point.
"Then for the time being Ratchet we must watch where we step." Optimus countered.
A green alarm started blaring.
"What's that?" Jack asked in alarm.
The yellow and black Autobot answered but he only spoke in beeps.
"The proximity sensor. Someone's on top." Raf translated.
"It's Agent Fowler." Ratchet said.
"I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys." Jack commented.
"This is clearly an abandoned then repurposed military base. Of course someone else knows." Dana pointed out.
"Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world." Optimus explained, "As he tends to visit only when there are issues it may be best that you do not meet him at this time."
Right as the humans got out of sight a man in a gray suit came out of an elevator in a foul mood.
"Seven wrecks, thirty four fender benders, a three hour traffic jam and a particular note numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make and a black and yellow custom muscle car." Fowler listed, "So. Anything you care to get off your tin chest, Prime?"
"We have the situation under control Agent Fowler." Optimus reassured.
"They're back aren't they?" Fowler guessed.
"If you are referring to the Decepticons I have doubts that they ever left. Your planet is much too valuable." Optimus answered.
"Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon." Fowler said.
"Hear me Agent Fowler. We are your best possibly your only defense against the Decepticon threat." Optimus warned.
"Says you." Fowler retorted.
"Hey Fleshy. Did anyone get splattered on that freeway? Team Prime knows when to use force and how much to use." the green one interjected, breaking off and crushing part of a machine to demonstrate his point.
"Bulkhead I needed that!" Ratchet protested.
"Enough." Optimus interjected before addressing Fowler again, "Military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties Agent Fowler. I however cannot."
Dana had to hold back from whistling in appreciation at the burn Optimus used to shut down Fowler's idea. She was already gaining a lot of respect for the Autobots' leader.
Then do us both a favor and handle this Prime." Fowler demanded, "Under the radar. Or I will."
"Pretty big bearings. For a human." Bulkhead commented.
"Agent Fowler is concerned for his world Bulkhead. As he should be." Optimus said.
"Well something crawled up his rear." Dana commented, "I wonder if he's looking for a fight or if his boss gives him a tough time because of dumb assumptions?"
"If he's dealing with someone worse than he's been acting then I don't want to meet them." Bulkhead responded.
"Blasted Earth tech. Cliffjumper's signal popped back online." Ratchet said.
"Who's Cliffjumper?" Miko asked.
"A friend they thought they lost, I guess." Dana said.
"How is this possible?" Optimus asked.
"It isn't. Another bug. The system's chalk full of them." Ratchet wrote off.
"If there's any chance Cliff's alive…" Arcee trailed off, seeming to silently request they look into it.
"Ratchet, prepare sickbay. We may need it." Optimus ordered, faceplates covering his mouth.
"Hey! What can we do?" Miko asked.
"Remain with Ratchet." Optimus said.
Miko and Ratchet both 'awed' in disappointment. Optimus called for the departure then he, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee transformed into vehicles and drove into a green portal. All the humans were in awe.
"What just happened?" Jack asked.
"I transported them to the designated coordinates via the ground bridge." Ratchet explained.
"What's a ground bridge?" Raf asked.
"Ugh. A scaled down version of space bridge technology." Ratchet elaborated as if it should have been obvious, "Since we do not currently possess the means or energon required for intergalactic travel…"
"You're stuck here on Earth." Jack realized.
"With the likes of you, yes." Ratchet confirmed, "But I constructed the ground bridge to enable travel from here to anywhere on your planet."
"That is so cool! It's just like in Stargate!" Dana gushed.
"Whoa. Does it work for humans?" Raf asked.
"Naturally." Ratchet said.
"You mean I could just pop on over and visit my parents in Tokyo?" Miko asked.
"Within moments. In fact allow me to send you there immediately all four of you." Ratchet said.
"Watch it Ratchet." Miko said.
"You built that?! You're… so cool! You've got to teach me some things or give me some tips; I'll be the envy of the other engineering majors with the improvements to my skill set!" Dana exclaimed.
Ratchet blinked. "You think… I'm cool?"
"Duh! Anyone who can build something so cool and keep an old, run down place like this running is worth knowing in my book." Dana answered.
Miko started exploring the room, poking at a piece of complicated technology. "What is this anyway?"
"Broken don't touch." Ratchet said, then when Miko went to touch something else added "Don't touch that either."
"Is there anything we can touch?" Jack asked.
Ratchet didn't answer Jack. At the same moment an error message popped on the screen. From the looks of the box, Ratchet was stuck trying to do complex work on an outdated system. If that was the case Dana was pretty sure that it was like trying to run something made to work on Windows 7 or later on Windows XP or maybe even Windows 98.
"How come you're using human computers?" Raf asked.
"It certainly wasn't by choice. It was handed down by the previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit." Ratchet answered, groaning as more error messages popped up.
"I think I can fix that." Raf offered.
"Really?" Ratchet replied sarcastically, "You know this is complex technology don't you? I mean it isn't a child's toy."
Ratchet started laughing at the last part. Raf had already gotten out his laptop and was typing away.
"Now try." Raf said, looking up at Ratchet.
The red error messages were replaced with green and check marks before the boxes cleared away to show the normal screen. Ratchet looked at Raf in surprise. Dana whistled in appreciation.
"I know who I'm bringing my phone and laptop to if either of them stop working." Dana said, "Ratchet this place seems pretty old. Are the operating system and programs it had when you got it even up to date? Does that thing even have the programs needed to keep everything running smoothly and prevent and get rid of viruses and malware?"
Ratchet blinked. "I've had to modify a lot because a number of the functions I require involve technology humans are decades if not centuries away from developing, so I'm not positive it would do much good. What do you even know about computers in the first place?"
"Hardware wise I know more than most. I might be a university student but I'm engineering major." Dana said, "Software wise? I don't know anything about programming but most humans who have their own computer know about keeping the software up to date and the necessity of antivirus programs."
Not much later the other Autobots came back. They seemed to be running from an explosion. Ratchet barely closed the ground bridge in time.
"Cutting it a bit close." Ratchet commented, "How about Cliffjumper?"
Miko cut in before anyone could answer. "What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come with next time?"
Miko's questions seemed to make Arcee mad. Jack pulled her away with a weak excuse in an attempt to distract her and diffuse the situation. Optimus asked Arcee about the results of the failed rescue. Her answer made it clear that he was dead or basically dead. Then she fell to her knees. Bumblebee beeped was clearly an inquiry about her health.
"I'm fine." Arcee reassured, "Just dizzy."
Miko was surprised. "Robots who get dizzy?"
"Robots with emotions." Raf pointed out.
"Robots who can die." Jack realized.
Everyone watched as Ratchet scanned and tended to Arcee. The problem seemed to be something purple on her hand.
"What is this?" Ratchet asked.
"Don't know. Cliff was covered in it. Leaking it." Arcee answered.
Ratchet scraped some off onto a scalpel. "Go take a decontamination bath. Now."
Bumblebee helped Arcee up and led her away. Meanwhile Jack tried checking his phone only to notice that there was no signal.
"Optimus I hate to bug but no bars." Jack pointed out.
"A security precaution. The silo walls isolate all radio waves." Optimus explained.
"Makes sense. It's not like much signal would come through all that rock and concrete anyway." Dana said.
"Well if I don't call my mom like now I'm pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me." Jack admitted.
"Have you broken a law?" Optimus asked.
"Curfew. It's after 10 PM." Jack said.
"I better get home too or I'll be grounded for a year." Raf chimed in.
"The fact that they know Miko's probably with me is the only reason my parents will only be fretting instead of panicking." Dana agreed, "Adults' rules and way of doing things usually has as much sway as actual laws for minors under their care and young adults who still live with them."
"Earth customs. I hadn't considered." Optimus realized, "But the issue of your safety remains. Bulkhead accompany Miko home."
"Awesome. My host parents will freak." Miko cheered.
"It's true. Anything vehicle that can handle sand, snow, grass, mud or dirt more easily than the average car is viewed with suspicion by them. Even ATVs." Dana agreed.
"And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form." Optimus continued.
"Curbside duty. Got it." Bulkhead said.
"Awe." Miko was disappointed that he was basically a babysitter.
"Cheer up, Miko. It just means we have more opportunity to befriend him." Dana said, "Besides this probably means we usually won't have to walk or take the bus to get around anymore."
"Bumblebee. You'll watch over Raf." Optimus said, "Ratchet-"
"Busy." Ratchet interrupted.
Just then Arcee returned.
"Arcee you'll accompany Jack." Optimus informed her.
Arcee tried to pretend to still be dizzy but Ratchet didn't let her get out of it.
"That just leaves Dana…" Optimus said, clearly thinking.
"I should just go with Miko and Bulkhead, considering my parents are the ones hosting her during her stay in the US." Dana reassured, "And I'll probably have my own vehicle eventually."
"If needed I would have offered to accompany you myself, but that is more efficient." Optimus agreed.
Once Dana was ready for bed and holed up in her room for what little was left of the night she opened up her laptop and accessed her diary she wrote in using the note feature of her email account. She was aware that this might be a bad idea. But it wasn't like she was sharing the information, or posting it on a private blog that wasn't supposed to have followers but might still be found. Besides, it was her diary. It was protected by two passwords and an obscure trivia question.
So today was one of the best days of my life. Apparently aliens are real. Miko and I met beings that could be described as organic sentient robots called Autobots. Apparently their home planet was lost or at least made a wreck due to war with some opposing group called the Decepticons. Miko was lost in how cool everything is. And it's easy to be dazzled by how awesome robotic beings that can transform into vehicles are and the advanced tech they have. But towards the end things took a somber turn. They lost someone. And I have a feeling whatever happened was only the beginning.
A little later far away on the Decepticon warship, the communications officer Soundwave came across a written reference to the humans who got caught up when the drones chased Arcee.
End of Chapter