"No... stop... leave me alone... stop laughing... stop... stop... STOP!"
Mechanica stood upright in her crib, her onesie soaked in sweat. Lola entered the nursery, letting some light from outside into the room that so far had only been illuminated by a night light.
"Did you have the bad dream again, gummy bear? With the big kids who make fun of you?"
Mechanica nodded as Lola approached her crib and gave her a hug.
"It's okay, sweetie. It was just a dream. Now, let's check your diaper, shall we?"
Lola let go of the embrace and leaned down to open the flap on Mechanica's onesie to check her diaper. She pressed a finger against her crotch and both felt and heard a clear "squish."
"Oh dear. Looks like someone needs a change, hm?"
"Y-yeah... b-but... just a... second... hrngh..."
Mechanica made a strained face, and soon, the back of her diaper was filled out as well. Lola smiled.
"You done, bon bon?"
Mechanica nodded again, and Lola lifted her out of her crib and carried her to her changing table.
It had been a week since Lola took Mechanica in and started treating her like the baby she - according to Lola - really was. At first, Mechanica was quite apprehensive about it, and she still looked forward to the end of the two months she had to spend with Lola. But at the same time, she seemed to mind the treatment less and less. To her own shock, a part of her might actually start enjoying this. She found herself acting more and more childish, even in this very short time.
It started the very first night she spent in that crib. She woke up and her diaper was totally soaked, without her ever noticing that she had to go during the night. And quickly after that, she started wetting during the day without notice. And while she still had control over her bowels for the most part, she also quickly adapted to just filling her diapers wherever she currently was. When she felt a sting in her stomach, she would just squat down and push.
She was really no quite sure why she adapted so quickly to this treatment, or why she did not seem to think about it most of the time. Maybe it was just because she knew there was no use fighting it. Lola would not let her use the bathroom, and spank her if she would start protesting that. So, she basically had no choice but to use her diapers anyway. Then again, maybe it was just Lola's treatment of her. She had already changed two diapers on the first day without protest, so it was not really that big of a deal to get changed by her. On top of that, she constantly stressed that - at least in her eyes - Mechanica was just a baby, and babies use their diapers. You cannot really be embarrassed by something if the other person encourages, even expects you to do it, now can you?
The diaper change went off without much of a problem. Mechanica was not fighting against it as she did the first few days, and really, why would she? She wanted to get out of that dirty diaper as soon as possible.
"There, all clean and dry," Lola said as she closed the tabs on the Ribbon Girl themed, extra thick diaper. She had bought a couple of packs of the extra thick ones after she realized how much Mechanica wets herself.
Mechanica blushed a little as Lola took her back into her arms.
"Now, let's get you breakfast, hm?"
With that, Lola carried the younger girl into the kitchen, where her high chair was already waiting. She put her into the chair and prepared a quick breakfast. It was a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cut into bite-sized pieces. Mechanica was glad that Lola also gave her solid foods from time to time, but at the same, she found it ridiculous that this was something she could actually be exceptionally happy about.
Lola slowly put the tiny bites into Mechanica's mouth, one after the other. Mechanica took them in, not really thinking about how she was a fifteen year old teenage girl in a thick diaper and a pink onesie, sitting in a high chair and being fed tiny pieces of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She had become accustomed to this so quickly.
"So, sweetie," Lola said as she was feeding her the last bits of her meal, "are you excited for today?"
Mechanica swallowed her food and responded:
"Hm? Why? Is today something special?"
Lola looked a little surprised, but then she giggled and shook her head a little.
"Oh! Silly me! I forgot to tell you, didn't I?"
Mechanica looked at her confused. What did she mean?
"Well, we're going to the gym, for training!"
"...you want me to train in my diapers?"
Mechanica blushed. The thought of sitting in her mech while wearing these thick diapers felt uncomfortable to her.
"What? Oh no, silly! Of course not!"
Now, Mechanica's face lit up. Would she be allowed out of her diapers for once?
"Babies don't fight, my little thin mint! That's a grown up thing! No, Auntie Lola will fight, and you will watch. But I'm sure some of our friends will be there and they'll surely be amazed just by how cute you are!"
Mechanica's excitement quickly turned into shock, as quickly as her face turned from a healthy color to a pale shade of dawning, horrific realization.
"Th-the others will... will see me in my... d-diapers..."
"Yes! And I'm sure they will love how adorable you are!"
"D-do you think... R-Ribbon Girl will b-be there?"
"She might be. We'll see. But now, let's give you your bottle and dress you up afterwards. Then, we'll get on our way. I'm sure this will be fun!"
Mechanica, on the other hand, was not so sure about that.
The two entered the door to the main room of the gym. Lola had already put on her training gear at home, just a loose-fitting t-shirt and some comfortable sweatpants. And of course, she brought Mechanica's diaper bag along. Mechanica - who was sitting in the stroller Lola was pushing along - was wearing nothing but a diaper and light pink shirt. Light pink was also about the color of Mechanica's face as they entered the gym hall, and almost immediately saw two familiar blonde fighters approach both of them.
"Hey there, Lola and..."
The young woman with the coiled up pink ARMS took a look at Mechanica, her eyes lighting up. She then turned back towards Lola.
"I wasn't sure when you told me on the phone, but you were so right, she does look positively precious in those diapers! Don't you think so too, Min Min?"
The noodle-armed fighter rarely showed much enthusiasm, except maybe when it came to ramen, but she could not hide a smile on her face.
"You're right, she is pretty cute."
"Right? And those diapers..."
Ribbon Girl leaned in closer to get a better look at Mechanica's wearable toilet substitute.
"I totally forgot they made these! Aww, that's so cute!"
Mechanica was frozen in shock and embarrassment. It was bad enough that her crush was intently looking and commenting on her crotch, but that both her and Min Min seemed so accepting of the situation, as if there was nothing wrong or strange, and as if this was like things were supposed to be, that disturbed her even more.
"I know, right? She's such an adorable little thing. Honestly, seeing how cute she is totally makes up for all the stinky diapers I have to change."
All three girls giggled at that, while Mechanica blushed and lowered her head, preferring to look at the floor instead of any of their faces. Again, they seemed so on board with all of this, and in turn, this made Mechanica only feel even more like the little baby she was treated as.
"Anyway," Lola said, "are you ready, Min Min? You wanted to spar with me today and show me that new technique you thought up, remember? Also, I can't wait to try out my new ARMS."
She took out a Sparky and a Gusher from her sportsbag.
"Oh yeah, sure. We can start right away, just... what about the baby?"
Min Min pointed at Mechanica, who felt incredibly humiliated by being referred to as just "the baby." Lola looked at her.
"Oh, her? Well, I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me, but I hoped that you could maybe watch her for a while, Ribbon?"
Ribbon Girl smiled.
"Oh sure, no problem, Lola. I'd love to look after her for a bit. You just go and train. You need it."
"Thanks, I... hey!"
Ribbon Girl laughed, and Lola did the same.
"I'm just joking. But yeah, of course I can watch her while you two are busy."
"Good! Now..."
Lola pulled Ribbon Girl over and whispered something to her. Mechanica could not hear what she said.
"Alright, so her changing supplies are in my bag. If she tells you she has to go, tell her to use her diaper. Don't let her use the potty, don't let her do anything big kids would do. This is for her own good, and she has been very responsive so far. I don't want her progress - or maybe rather 'regress' - go to waste. Maybe even remind her verbally that she's a baby. Oh, and check her diapers. She's already good at wetting without noticing it."
Ribbon Girl nodded.
"Of course. No worries. I know she's just a baby, I won't let her get away with pretending otherwise."
Lola smiled and went into the ring, while Ribbon Girl walked over to Mechanica's stroller and put it next to a chair, where she took a seat to watch the sparring match.
Mechanica was nervous. The last time she was here with Ribbon Girl, the two had a sparring match that she won. She was very proud of that. And now, she was sitting here next to her idol, her role-model, the girl she was crushing on... and said girl treated her like a baby.
"Yes, sweetie?"
Mechanica swallowed, feeling a little bit scared about what Ribbon Girl might say to the question she was about to ask.
"W-why... why are you and Min Min... and I guess Lola, for that matter... treating me like a baby?"
"Well, because you are one, little stinker!"
Ribbon Girl smiled as Mechanica blushed at the pet name she chose for her.
"B-but I'm not! I'm fifteen years old, and you didn't treat me like this when we first met!"
Ribbon Girl sighed.
"Oh, hun... I... I always felt kind of weird fighting against you, or even just watching you fight."
Mechanica's eyes widened in surprise.
"Yes. Something about it always felt kind of... wrong. But I never knew what it was. Until Lola showed up and talked to me about it. And what she said... it made sense! Okay, when she first talked about you being a baby, I looked at her funny, too. But then I thought about it, and... I imagined you lying in a crib, sucking on a pacifier, wearing a onesie, making a big stinky in your thick, crinkly diaper... and that image just felt... right. Way more right than seeing you up there fighting with the grown ups."
Mechanica looked shocked. Was that really how her idol thought of her? Was that... how everyone thought of her?
"B-b-but I... I'm... I'm... not... a... hrngh..."
The face Mechanica made confused Ribbon Girl for a moment, but once the smell hit her nose, she realized what had just happened. She smiled at Mechanica, looking a little smug while doing so.
"Not a what? A girl with clean diapers? Yeah, I can smell that."
She giggled as Mechanica averted her eyes. It was incredibly humiliating to her that she filled her diaper just as she was trying to convince Ribbon Girl that she was not actually a baby.
"Alright, smellybutt. Let's get you changed, hm?"
Ribbon Girl put the diaper bag over her shoulder and took the stroller, pushing it towards the women's locker room. When Lola looked over to her from the ring, she pointed at Mechanica and pinched her nose, making an exaggerated disgusted face and smiling afterwards. Lola understood what she meant and nodded in approval, smiling as well.
As the two entered the locker room, Mechanica was relieved that nobody else was in there at the moment. Ribbon Girl put the changing mat down on the floor and placed Mechanica on it, taking out the diapers and the rest of changing supplies.
"Please, Ribbon. I only pooped myself because I've gotten used to it, since Lola doesn't let me use the toilet!"
"Well, of course she doesn't let you use the potty. That's for big girls, and not for babies, after all."
"No, Ribbon! I'm not a baby! If you would just allow me to use the bathroom, I..."
Ribbon Girl looked at her somewhat angry, which managed to actually scare Mechanica a little.
"Listen. How long have you been with Lola now? Maybe a week? And you're already pooping yourself without thinking? Do you really think a big girl would do that?"
Mechanica paused for a second.
"I... I..."
"Honey, even if your head is still going against it, your body knows! It knows that you grew up too fast, and that you're actually still a baby! All that Lola did was remind your body of that! All you needed was someone to treat you your age. Your real age."
Mechanica blushed as she contemplated what Ribbon Girl had just said. Was she right? Was Lola right? Was that why she had seemingly adapted to this whole thing so easily? Because she actually was a baby, trapped in the body of a teenage girl?
Ribbon Girl opened up Mechanica's diaper.
"Phew! That's a big stinker, hm? Lola really seems to feed you well. And...oh?"
To her own shock, Mechanica started to uncontrollably pee, a steady stream shooting upwards and falling down in an arc. It took a few seconds before it died down again.
"My, you're a regular little fountain, hm? Now, do you think that would happen to big girls?"
Ribbon Girl's tone was less mocking, and more trying to convince Mechanica that she was wrong about her assessment of her own maturity. And even though a large part of her still denied it, there was a part that slowly accepted it. And it was growing.
Ribbon Girl threw away the used diaper and cleaned and powdered Mechanica. The younger girl hated to admit that she somewhat enjoyed this. After putting the diaper back on, Ribbon Girl patted her crotch, smiled, and put her back in the stroller, pushing her back out, where Lola was already waiting for her, smiling.
"Did you have fun with Auntie Ribbon?"
Mechanica said nothing, but she did not think Lola really expected an answer.
"Well, I'm sure you did. And therefore, you'll probably be happy to hear that she agreed to babysit you tomorrow night!"
Ribbon Girl smiled.
"Surprise! I'm sure we'll have so much fun!"
Mechanica, on the other hand, was not so sure about that.