Yeah, this is awkward.

She was sitting on his sofa, staring at her palms.

Oh, I've never noticed that line.

She could hear Nagisa rummaging through his fridge.

That pudding must have buried deep inside.

"Do you want help?"

"No, I'm good. Just give me a minute. can watch some TV or read a book or something in the meantime."

"Alright then…"

She picked up a book on the table. Out fell a picture of Yumi. Well, at least it was Yumi's face. The rest of her body was photoshopped into a naked body that even Bitch sensei would be envious of.

"I finally found the pudding, I hope you like pomegranate juice, it's the only thing I have," said Nagisa as he walked in with a tray.

He looks so innocent, who would have thought?

"So you're that kind of guy…"

"What do you mean?" He asked, frowning. His eyes widen when he realizes what she was holding.

"Tha-that's not mine. It was something I confiscated from one of my students when he was staring at it during class. I just forgot to return it. I'm not into th-things like that, I swear!"

"You really are becoming a lot like Korosensei…"

"No! It's not like that. It's-it's…"

She laughs as he becomes more flustered by the minute.

"I'm joking, relax. I can see now why Karma and Nakamura love to tease you. You get flustered so easily, it's fun."

To her surprise, he actually pouted.

" All of you are so mean. Why do I put up with this?"

"Now, don't be upset. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I'll give you half my pudding if you forgive me."

"Really? You? You'll give me half your pudding."

"Can't believe it, right? It's not for everyone I make such sacrifices. So, am I forgiven?"

"Alright, you're forgiven."

"Yes. Oh and…"


"Do I really have to give you half my pudding?"

He chuckled as he sat down next to her.

"No, help yourself."

She smiled as she picked up her pudding.

We're talking, normally.

"I love you."

He dropped his spoon.

"Wait, please listen to me. I know that I told you that I'll be happy with us being just friends. But I can't do that, at least not without trying. You don't have to do anything. If I get hurt, it's going to be my fault. Just give me a chance to prove myself."

Nagisa absentmindedly brought his empty glass to his lips as he considered her words. With a sigh, he put it down.

"Alright, alright. But I want you to do me a favour."

"What will that be?"

"You have time till my students graduate. If I don't change mind by graduation...then, I want you to give up on me, move on and find someone who could make you happy. Can you do that?"

"That's really demanding of you, Nagisa."

"I know it is, but I don't want you to hung up on someone who'll may never return your feelings. You deserve more than that."

That was so like him. Even at a time like this, he cared more for her feelings, her future more than his own convenience or comfort.

"Graduation is my deadline, huh? That sounds great. Get ready Nagisa, I'm going to blow you away."

"Should I be worried?"

She grinned.

"You can't back out now, we made a deal. By the way, Nagisa?


"Thank you."




"That was a really good movie. Thank you for taking me out, Karma."

"You can thank me by taking me out for dinner tomorrow."

"It'll be my treat. Speaking of dinner, that particular poison the heroine used to spike the drink of the guest was interesting. I wonder if I can create it. I think it'll require…"

He stared at her as she talked about the ingredients required to make the said potion. He had acted nonchalant the whole evening, but he was really happy they were talking again.

Looks like breaking in her lab at the middle of the night wasn't a complete waste after all.

"...what do you think, Karma?"

"I thought it was really predictable. Honestly, the apparently dead best friend being the final boss was really cliché. And the actress's acting was cringey. "

"You're really harsh, you won't enjoy life that way."

"I'm not harsh to you, am I?"

She didn't see the implication of his words. She smiled.

"No, you're not. It was surprising really, how nice you were. People call you scary, but I never thought you were. I like talking to you, more than anyone else," she said. He smirked.

"Is that a confession, are you finally returning my feelings?"

There was silence. And it was then he realized that his joke might have ruined his just mended relationship with Okuda.

"Ah, that wasn't a good joke. I'm sorry-"

"I want to kiss you," she interrupted, her face incredibly red.


"Can I?"

"Umm… Sure? But-"

He was tugged forward by the collar. He felt soft lips on his own.

Oh God, is this really happening?


A/N : It's been awhile. Sorry for the late and rushed chapter. I've been traveling the past few days, so there wasn't time for this story. Also updates won't be as frequent as it used to be, my classes have begun. But I'll try updating at least once a week.

i thank Guest and darkprincess238 for reviewing every chapter. Your words motivate me to write.

Thanks to all those who read, review, favorite or follow my story.

Until next time