
Her head rested peacefully in the crook of his shoulder, her breathing falling into a gentle pace alongside his own. And for a moment, they simply existed next to each other. With each other. For each other.

The night was comfortably cool, with a sweet breeze that ran across their skin teasingly. In the depths of his imagination, some part of him that was still a child could hear wind fairies laughing. He turned his attention to the space above. The sky was clear, speckled with glittering stars that winked at them playfully, almost as though daring the two of them to join them. They sat, legs hanging over the castle's edge, nestled against one another, gazing at the sky above.

He didn't speak until she did.

"Sometimes," Her voice, though breaking the silence, did not surprise him. It was melodic, as though it belonged here in this scenery. "I wish we had never met."

His hearts nearly seized in his chest. He turned his head to see her face, and immediately had his breath stolen away from him once more.

Gelda's upper lip pinched her mouth closed, quivering in a way he hadn't seen from her before. Her platinum hair was tucked away behind her head as usual, but a few strands had fallen over her face gently. Crystal tears slipped down her porcelain cheeks, now stained pink. Her lashes seemed even fuller, darker, whilst holding her tears. Her brows, usually smooth and calm, were scrunched together, signaling her distress. And her eyes… had captured the stars themselves within them.

"I never wanted to know a love this strong."