Blood. Bodies everywhere. The smell of death and decay. Children screaming as they fled the old castle. His schoolmate's lying dead on the ground. Hector Granger jumped up, panting as he relieved that day for the hundredth time in the last two months. Harri slept beside him, her own eyes knitted in a frown. He didn't dare try and wake her. While his own nightmares weren't something he enjoyed, he couldn't fathom what went through her head when she slept.
Being careful not to wake her, he gently moved out of the bed, heading to the bathroom to wipe the sweat from his body. His parents had quickly gotten used to having Harri in their home. He couldn't help but smile whenever he thought about his mother and girlfriend discussing their coming baby. He stared at himself in the mirror, sighing to himself as he took in his appearance. He had thinned a little since the war ended. His eyes were almost constantly bagged and his complexion had taken a hit. His parents had recommended that he and Harri speak to a therapist, but unfortunately for the young couple, there were no magical therapists that they could find.
He walked down to the kitchen, hitting the switch on the kettle as he went to grab the milk. A quick glance at the clock told him that he at least managed to sleep five and a half hours, more than he slept for in the last few days. Granted, that meant that he was now awake at four in the bloody morning, but thankfully Harri was still asleep. Hopefully one of them got a full night's sleep.
He made himself a cup of tea, opening the back door as he sat in the garden. It had taken him and his dad a few days to clear it after they returned from Australia. But now they had an open area to relax in and one day where their child could play when visiting their grandparents. A small chuckle left his lips as he thought about his and Harri's baby. It was the biggest shining light that stopped the young couple from falling too deep into the darkness of what had happened. Harri had perked up so much since their first scan. He couldn't remember when she had last smiled in that fashion. Honestly, he had probably never seen her smile like that before. It was so full of hope. So, unlike the Harri he grew up with.
He glanced up at the sky. Sunrise would begin soon, thanks to the summer weather. He hadn't watched as many sunrises as he had in years, not since his dad had taken him for a week of camping in Wales as a child. He couldn't wait to do the same with his own son or daughter. Harri didn't want to know, and he couldn't blame her. The anticipation of what gender their child would be had him as giddy as a schoolchild.
"Still can't sleep?" A soft voice broke through his musings.
"No." He replied softly, helping her sit down beside him. "You should still be in bed, love."
"Can't sleep." Harri replied softly, resting her head on his arm. "It's nice out today." She sighed as she glanced out at the garden. "It'll get easier."
"I hope so." Hector whispered, wrapping his arm around her. "I still see Colin's face…every night."
Harri closed her eyes. "Me too. He shouldn't have been there…"
"He was a Gryffindor, Har…we couldn't stop him from fighting." Hector let out a watery chuckle. "Come on. I'll make you some breakfast."
Harri took his hand, sitting in the kitchen as he began his usual routine of cooking for them at ungodly hours. She couldn't help but admire the way Hector tried to keep their minds off of the war. "Hector, I've been thinking…"
"Yeah?" Hector turned to her, watching as her expression seemed to be conflicted. He knew this face a lot. She was worried about offending him. "What's up babe?"
"I want you to finish school." Harri said softly, playing with her hair. "One of us should have at least get our NEWTs."
Hector sighed. "Harri…I don't care about the test. I don't care about school." He knelt down to her, taking her hands into his. "If that damned war taught me one thing…it's that I have no life without you." He kissed her hands. "Kneeling down at the end of the battle, holding you in my arms and thinking you were dead…I felt empty." He whispered, blinking back the tears. "Finding out that we were going to be parents, that you and I could find some form of happiness in that war, it made all of it worth it." He captured her lips in a quick kiss. "It made every bit of pain we endured worth it, because now we're here, and there's no more enemies to worry about."
Harri wiped the tears from his eyes, kissing his forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." Hector smiled, holding her close to him. "And I'm going nowhere, missy."
Unbeknown to the two of them, the Grangers were standing at the doorway, smiling at the young couple in front of them. If they were honest, the two of them did have their worries when it came to the idea of their eighteen-year-old son becoming a father. That was until the two of them watched the interactions between Harri and Hector. The two of them worked together as a team. There was no fighting about trivial things. The two of them had their heads on right, though both were also old souls.
"You two keep up with that sappy shite and I'll have to start recording it. Might make a decent romcom." Samuel chuckled, walking into the kitchen. "What's with you two cooking breakfast at four in the bloody morning?"
"Can't sleep." The couple replied together.
Portia slapped her husband's arm, heading to the stove to check on the food. "I still can't believe that your society doesn't have any form of therapy." She shook her head, flipping the pancakes. "What about Mind Healers? What are they for?"
"Not for therapy." Harri replied softly. "From what we could find, they just remove the memories from your head and hope that works." She grabbed some plates and cutlery for them to use. "Sorry for waking you."
"It's no problem." Portia assured the young woman. "Besides, we're not reopening the practice for a good few months, so getting used to early mornings is a good thing."
Harri smiled at the woman. "Hector and I were wondering if we could borrow the car for the day? I can't use magical travel now that I'm close to the six-month mark."
"Of course! Don't worry about it, sweetheart." Portia smiled at her, sitting beside her daughter in-law in all but name. "What's on the agenda for today?"
"Gringotts sent word that they've decided my punishment." Harri explained, playing with her hair. "Hopefully it's just a large fine."
"What happened in Gringotts?" Samuel asked curiously.
"Well," Hector chuckled nervously. "We may have broken into the bank, stolen something from one of the vaults and then escaped on a dragon that we stole on them…" He rubbed the back of his head, observing his mother's features carefully. "It was only like one…maybe two little things…possibly three infractions of the Statute of Secrecy and a couple of treaty breaks. The usual when it comes to us."
"It was war." Portia held her hands up, taking a calming breath. "But you will never try something like that again. Understood?"
"Yes, Mum." Hector replied quietly, watching his dad. "No. No jokes."
"Was the dragon's name Smokey?" Samuel smirked.
Hector groaned. "I had the chance to remove the dad jokes! Why didn't I take it?"
Harri smiled at him. "Oh please, like you aren't practicing your own ones?" She laughed softly.
Portia smirked. "I'm sure he is." She gestured to her husband. "He was working on them while I was in labour."
"I didn't know you were in politics, Mum." Hector cheekily replied.
Harri groaned. "No! Bad Hector!" She shook her head, glancing at Portia. "I think I'll bring you with me. I just may kill him if he comes in."
Portia smiled at the her. "I understand completely."
The drive towards London allowed Harri to get a quick nap in the car before they dealt with the Goblins and whatever awaited them there. Hector played with the radio as they final got towards the right area, parking the car near the Leaky Cauldron. Once Harri was awake the two of them went through the pub, entering Diagon Alley to a large burst of applause from the people around. Hector watched in amazement as they swarmed around him and Harri for autographs and interview requests. Seeing his girlfriend becoming flustered he let out the loudest whistle he could.
"Folks, at the moment Harri and I would like to ask for privacy as we deal with some personal matters. I cannot speak for her, but I will accept written invitations for interviews for the right reporters at the right times." He spoke more confidently than he ever thought he could, but no one was going to upset Harri. Not today. "As for the invites for a pint. I'm driving a muggle car, so I'm afraid I must decline for now."
Harri held his hand. "And I'm currently not drinking, so I'm afraid I'll be a rather dull drinking partner." She walked along with him, watching as the adrenaline burst ended. "You ok?"
"Remind me never to get into politics." Hector chuckled softly, holding her hand in his own as they made their way towards the bank. "Ollivander is open again. After this we need to get someone a new wand."
"No, we don't." Harri whispered softly. "I still have my new wand hidden safely." She winked, dragging him into the bank. "I'm here to see Director Ragnok, Head Builder Bloodfang and Head Dragon Wrangler Deathclaw."
"Ah, Miss Potter and Mister Granger." One Goblin grinned toothily. "Of course, please follow me."
Hector walked alongside her, heading towards what had to be the main conference room for all of Gringotts. The room was beautifully crafted from the finest white marble, while the table and chairs seemed to be hand carved from black granite. He took a seat beside Harri, keeping her hand in his own the whole time.
Harri cleared her throat. "On behalf of myself and Hector, I would like to apologise for the damage we caused to your bank. If we had known what we do know, we would have sent word to you, Director, to inform you of such an abomination within your walls."
Ragnok stared at the young woman. "The Goblin Nation has proudly proclaimed ourselves a bastion that could not be breached easily. Between Voldemort's lackey breaking in seven years ago and your own break in months ago, our reputation has taken a hit." He frowned. "More so, we have been fools if we have not noticed such evil within our walls." He tossed a dossier towards Harri.
Harri opened it, scanning through the numbers. "I-I don't understand…"
Hector took a glance for her, scanning through everything. "Is this real?"
"Yes." Ragnok replied coolly.
Hector took out a notepad and pen, scribbling down the numbers and doing some maths in his head. "Harri, they're only taking 4% of your vault for the repairs. If these numbers are right though, you're about to inherit six or seven other vaults."
Harri watched him carefully. "H-How much money…?"
"35,000 Galleons left in the Potter Vault." Ragnok explained. "We'll be taking 1,400 for the repairs to our ceiling and a new dragon. It's been proven that you are an heir of the Peverell family, which had 5,000 Galleons in their vault. With interest and other investments made in their names over the years, it stands at 24,000 Galleons."
"A-And the others?" Harri didn't know why she was stuttering so much. She knew her own family had a small fortune, but this was starting to look like she was leaving a lot richer than she thought.
"Five other Families who also went extinct in the First Wizarding War and Second Wizarding War have been linked to your own." Ragnok explained. "10,000 Galleons that once belonged to the McKinnon Family is now yours. 1,200 belonging to the Dumont from France. 11,000 from a vault that was registered to a Thomas Riddle."
"What!?" Harri fumed, her knuckles turning white.
"If I may," Ragnok could understand the young witch's anger. "Take the money, and start some form of a charity. Use that blood money for the betterment of your people." He checked the other names. "I won't bore you with names, but you've now got 104,800 Galleons to your name." He noticed both humans pale. "You've been assigned a new Account Manager to help you understand the wealth. However, as part of your punishment, you are required to keep your money in Gringotts for a minimum of one hundred years."
Harri nodded, keeping hold of Hector's hand. "Thank you, Director Ragnok." She let out the breath she had been holding. "I was extremely worried coming in here today."
Ragnok let out a small smirk. "Miss Potter. This country and this bank owe you a debt of gratitude. I cannot lie and say I am not upset with you for what happened, but the two of you were not aware of this bank's rules on Horcruxes. We're allowing this one infraction against us to be forgotten."
Harri nodded again. "Again, we thank you, Director."
Ragnok nodded. "And, if either of you are interested in Curse Breaking, this bank would be happy to have you."
"I'm afraid Curse Breaking is a dangerous profession, Director." Hector chuckled weakly. "We've a child on the way. Neither of us wants to jeopardise our lives, sir."
"I understand." Ragnok moved from his chair. "Enjoy your lives, Potter and Granger." He bowed his head slightly. "Oh, and you collect a muggle style debit card at the lobby. We're happy to try this new banking method out!"
Harri left the conference room with him, trying not to hyperventilate as she sat down near the entrance. "Hector, how much do we have in pounds…?"
"Let's see…" Hector counted off in his head. "£25.65 to a Galleon…just over £2.5 mil…about £2.6 million altogether I think, love." He blinked. "Fuck!"
Harri snorted. Hector truly only swore when the situation called for it. She could understand his disbelief though. "We're bloody loaded!" She squealed. "We could buy a house!" She hugged him tightly. "We can repay your parents for their hospitality!"
Hector held onto her. "Harri, you can do whatever you want with that money. It's yours!"
"Ours!" Harri corrected him, staring into his eyes. "When I was locked out of my account, your family took care of me. I plan to do the same to you lot." She wiped her eyes. "Y-You're my family now, Hector."
Hector kissed her softly. "And I'm never going to leave you alone." He whispered, thinking for a moment. "A charity…Ragnok mentioned charity."
Harri nodded. "Yeah." She grinned. "And that means we can help others!"
Hector held her hand as they walked down Diagon Alley. "We should probably pick up some books on magical babies though." He pointed out, scratching his head. "My parents had a rough time with me, since I was muggleborn."
Harri walked into Flourish and Blotts with him, heading over to the 'pregnancy and babies' section. She scanned through some of the books, biting her lip. "Which ones would we need?"
Hector took a glance at the titles. "Go for 'Magical Babies: All You Need to Know' and 'Babyproofing your home'. They should do us for now." He picked the books up, heading to the counter. He passed his loyalty card, walking out with her.
"How much did they cost?" Harri asked curiously.
"Nothing. I had loads of spare points on my card." Hector chuckled. "I've been buying books there since I was eleven. They're really happy to help repeat customers. Ol' Blotts once joked about adding my name to the shop."
Harri shook her head at him. "We've still time. Want to grab lunch at the Cauldron?"
"Sure." Hector shrugged, walking into the pub. He sighed a little as everyone starting staring at the two of them.
"Tom!" Harri called out, walking ahead of him. "Private booth for two, emphasis on private. We'll also take two pumpkin juices and two menus please."
"Sure thing, Miss Potter." Tom smiled, clicking his fingers towards a small booth to their left. "It's silenced and designed to ensure your privacy." He chuckled at the young woman. "And please, no stunning my patrons this time."
"No promises." Harri smiled at the man, taking a seat at the booth. "I had a huge burst of accidental magic when I spent that summer here. It was kind of funny actually. Blasted a few blokes off their seats and one of them actually blew past the wall barrier and landed in Diagon Alley."
Hector let out a small laugh, shaking his head at the image. "Dare I ask what brought this accidental magic on?"
"I do believe a young man had pinched her on the bottom." Tom cut in, placing their pumpkin juice down. "Miss Potter wasn't happy, nor was the gentlemen involved if memory serves me right." He chuckled, handing them the menus. "Special of the day is—"
"Fish and chips." Harri rolled her eyes. "Tom, it's not a special if it's every day!"
"Suppose it's not." Tom chuckled. "Let me know when ye are ready to order."
Harri stared at Hector. "Tom and I struck up a friendship during my stay here." She said softly. "His father worked for my great-grandfather, Henry. So, he felt it was his duty to ensure that the young Potter heiress didn't come under any harm." She chuckled. "He taught me some of his recipes and I thought him some new ones that I knew. He was good to me."
Hector smiled. "He's a good guy. Told me how to get to the Alley my first visit here. Even went joke for joke with Dad." He shook his head. "Two of them kept that up every bloody year they could…even during that rough patch I had with my parents."
"Rough patch?"
"After the tournament." Hector whispered. "They wanted to pull me out of Hogwarts. Apparently, a school that hosted a tournament with such a bloody history wasn't a good place for their only son. I disagreed. We fought, and I spent that summer with the Order and the Weasleys." He sighed. "I had no friends in the muggle world. You and Ronnie were all I had, I didn't want to lose you guys."
Harri smiled at him. "You never will." She sighed. "We have to go and visit her, you know."
"I know." He smiled weakly. "Bagsy not going in first."
"Not happening." Harri laughed. "You get to take her ire."
Hector shook his head. "Tom, give us the special of the day, mate!"
"I'll have the usual, extra pickles!" Harri called out.
"There's no ruddy pickles in a chicken tikka masala!" Tom shouted to her.
"There are in mine!" Harri corrected him with a small laugh.
Three Months Later – One month until labour
"This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea." Hector chanted softly, running his hands through his hair. His father was beside him, chuckling to himself at the sight of his son. "Keep laughing and I'll tell Mum I want us to go visit Nana Carter."
"You wouldn't!" Samuel frowned. "Don't be cruel to your old man."
"Don't laugh at my current predicament!" Hector sighed. "I haven't spoken to Veronica since she walked out on us in the bloody tent. Her and Harri have made up and cooed about the baby, but Veronica Weasley has a temper, and I'm about to get it full blast."
"You'll be fine." Samuel assured his son. "It's best to get this over with now. Gerard is still a good friend of yours, so it's only right that you try with Harri's best friend."
"I know." Hector let out another sigh, fixing his shirt. "They'll be arriving by floo." He pointed at the fireplace. "We've added it to a secure floo network, so only people with the password can use it." He cracked his knuckles. "Remind me why we're here for this? Baby showers are usually a 'no boys allowed' thing."
"Your mother's idea." Samuel replied, cracking open two beers. He passed one to Hector, chuckling softly. "I had the same problem with your Mum's baby shower. Your grandmother all but demanded your grandfather and I to attend, so we spent most the night in his office playing darts."
Hector chuckled. "First chance we get, we run towards my room. My VHS player's in the room. We can re-watch Xena." He took a sip of the beer, hearing the fireplace bellow to life. "Harri, the Weasleys are here!" He called out, seeing Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. "Welcome."
"Oh, Hector!" Mrs. Weasley engulfed him into a tight hug. "You're looking ghastly! Not sleeping…?" She asked softly, noticing the bags under his eyes.
"N-Not the best." Hector rubbed the back of his head. "Bits and pieces, you know." He whispered.
Mrs. Weasley smiled at him. "I know some good potions, they can help once in a while." She promised, heading towards Harri. "Oh, my dear, you're positively glowing!" She hugged the young woman.
Samuel watched as the gang of redheads and one blonde girl who he had to pinch himself not to ogle too much came through his fireplace. "So, that's how the clowns do it. There's a small fireplace in the car."
Harri groaned. "Excuse my father in-law's jokes, they tend to be groan worthy."
Hector chuckled, answering the door to Andromeda and Teddy. "Hey, here's our little buddy." He took Harri's godson in his arms, cooing at the boy. "Andi, come on in."
Andromeda walked in, chuckling at the sight of Harri as she waddled to sit down. "I see she's hit the penguin stage."
Hector sniggered a little. "Don't say that to her. Merlin help me she's gotten a little cranky since she hit the eighth month."
Andromeda walked into the main room, kissing Harri's cheek. "How are you getting on, chicken?"
"Not too bad." Harri admitted, smiling once Hector placed Teddy in her arms. If there was one good thing in their lives added in, it was Teddy. "He's getting so big. Merlin, he must be nearly half a year."
Hector smiled. "He'll be walking and talking before we know it." He babbled at the baby, sitting down near the men. "Hey Ronnie, how've you been?"
"Not too bad." Ronnie shrugged. "Ger and I decided against going back, and so have a lot of others…" She sighed. "They're talking about closing Hogwarts."
"I heard." Hector shrugged. "You can't expect a battlefield to be a school again. Too many fell in the halls." He took a sip of his beer. "I've heard they're looking at options first though. Hopefully it'll stay open. Hogwarts has always been a home for its students." He didn't believe those words, but he knew that most the people in the room still loved the old school.
"It would be nice." Harri smiled softly. "Though, a new school could be done the right way if the Ministry knows what it's doing for a change."
"Kingsley's doing a decent job." Mr. Weasley replied. "We've purged the last of the Death Eaters from the government. Trials are running smoothly and Veritaserum is being used so the 'Imperius' defence can't be used anymore."
Harri smiled. "Good." She grinned. "Now, no more political talk. This is a bunch of old friends just enjoying themselves and celebrating." She lifted her orange juice, taking a small sip. "And the evil that is non-alcohol beer."
Hector laughed. "Amen!"
Harri tossed an orange peel at him. "Says the man enjoying my second favourite ale!" She chuckled.
"She didn't swear!" Ronnie fake gasped. "Someone's been working on the ol' language!"
"She's saving it all for the labour room." Portia chuckled, sipping on an iced tea. "Poor Hector has been preparing himself for it."
Hector laughed, standing up to grab the food from the kitchen. He shook his head as his dad continued with some of his silliest jokes. He checked the finger foods in the oven, grabbing a couple of drinks for the people. "You always were terrible at sneaking up on people." He chuckled softly, turning to see Ronnie.
"You've just good hearing." She shrugged. "Harri asked me to talk to you."
Hector nodded, leaning against the counter. "I'm sorry." He whispered softly, trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check. "I should have told you immediately. I was angry. You walked out again." He sighed. "Harri was a mess, I was a mess."
"I know." Ronnie sighed. "I wasn't strong enough, Hector. I wasn't strong enough to admit that I couldn't do it. I couldn't be the person you two needed me to be. I was a pampered brat and I didn't think about my best friends." She wiped her eyes. "Freddie's dead. George barely talks nowadays. Ger's going to play for the Appleby Arrows. I'm helping out in the Joke Shop." She leaned against the Granger's kitchen table. "You and Harri are happy, and I'm happy for you." She smiled. "I'm just sorry I didn't have the guts to end things with you properly."
"So am I." Hector gave her a small hug. "We're still here for you though. You're still our friend."
"I know." She walked back in with him, helping him pass out drinks and food. "So, Harri said you guys found a place."
"Yeah." Harri nodded. "We discussed things for a while, and we decided to repair my parent's home in Godric's Hollow and Grimmauld Place. We'll live in London for most the year, and spend summers between Godric's Hollow and holidays abroad."
"What about careers? Any thoughts?" Mrs. Weasley asked curiously.
"Well," Hector rubbed the back of his head. "I'm going to the Ministry. Kingsley's offering me a decent position and it'll let me work and continue my studies. Harri and I discussed it, and we both know that we can't sit still."
"I'm starting a charity for muggleborns." Harri announced softly. "It'll be used to find muggleborns as children and inform their parents. Help them to understand our world and help their children with things like magical law and history. We're hoping to do this so no more muggleborns can be bullied for their lack of knowledge."
Mr. Weasley grinned. "A brilliant idea. May I ask how you'll fund it?"
"Harri inherited Riddle's blood money." Hector sighed.
"I'm not going to let that money go to waste." Harri took his hand. "We're going to use it to fund this whole charity. To ensure that no one like Riddle will ever get a chance to gain any support."
Hector kissed her hand. "All of this will be started once we've had the baby and got him or her settled."
"Yeah." Harri kissed his cheek, hearing Teddy babble on her chest. "Aw, I love you too, Teddy-bear." She cuddled the baby into her, peppering his head with kisses.
One month later – Labour
Hector winced as Harri clamped down on his hand again. He took deep breaths with her, talking her through the exercises they had learned from the books. "You're doing great, love." He kissed her forehead, using his free hand to gently stroke her sweat soaked hair. "Deep breaths."
"Stick your deep breaths up your ass!" Harri snapped at him, groaning in pain. "How is there not any magical pain relief for pregnancy!?"
"You wanted to go to St. Mungo's, I recommended a muggle hospital." Hector quickly realised his mistake as his hand soon became trapped in a vice. "Ow!"
"Don't you ow me!" Harri took deep breaths. "I want a divorce!"
"We're not married!"
"I still want a divorce!" Harri chuckled weakly. "Oh, sweet Jesus, it hurts!"
"I can imagine, babe." Hector grabbed some ice chips. "Here, sucking these will help."
Harri snorted. "Could have said that months ago, I wouldn't be sitting here, jackass!"
Hector chuckled. "Don't be such a baby! We survived a war!"
Harri laughed softly, crying out as a contraction hit her. "This baby had better get its arse out here soon!" She took another deep breath, whimpering as the pain subsided.
Hector kissed her forehead again. "You're doing great."
The magical midwife checked her. "You're doing amazing, Harri. It's nearly time to push, sweetheart."
"C-Can I push him out a window?" Harri panted, pointing at Hector.
"We can cushion the ground, so yeah." The midwife chuckled. "Second most popular request."
"What's the first?" Hector reluctantly asked.
"Castration." The midwife smirked, watching the young witch. "Ok, time to push."
Harri cried out, gripping Hector's hand with all her strength. "I'm going to fucking kill you. You'll be fucking sleeping on the sofa for the rest of your life!"
Hector repressed a wince. "You're doing great, love." He bit his lip. "You can do this. You're Harriet Lily Potter. You can do anything!"
"Harri!" Harri corrected him. "Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" She groaned, falling back onto the bed. "I can't do this…Hector I can't…"
Hector kissed her gently. "You can. I know you can." He placed his free hand to her other hand, moving behind the bed. "Together. Break my hands if you need to, but we're in this together."
Harri smiled, waiting for the next instructions to push. When it came time to push once more, she put all the strength she could into it, panting once the midwife asked her to stop. "Well…?"
The midwife smiled at them. "Well, you're both parents to a beautiful baby boy."
Hector grinned at Harri, kissing her gently. "I love you! I fucking love you!"
Harri laughed, watching as they placed the baby boy in her arms. "Hello," She sniffled. "Our own baby boy."
Hector grinned, gently stroking the baby's cheek with his finger. "Hey buddy, we've been expecting you."
"Do you have a name ready?" The midwife asked curiously.
"James." Harri sniffled. "James Sirius Potter-Granger. Or is it Granger-Potter?"
"Whatever you want, love." Hector grinned.
"James Sirius Potter-Granger." Harri grinned.