The Calm Before the Storm

Sakura awoke the next morning well rested, even after the events of the previous night. Syaoran had shown her to his guest room after they had both decided Sakura, in fact, did not have a concussion. Once she had taken a shower, gotten some food in her, and relaxed she had felt much better. She was half convinced the tea that the man had made for her was a magic potion after she had drunk two glasses she felt much calmer and healthier than she had in months. Perhaps he was a magician working magic into the food and drinks he created. A soft smile tugged at Sakura's lips at the thought.

It was still early, Sakura rolled on to her stomach as the light of her phone distracted her. She grimaced seeing that she had another missed call from her boss at the Spike Calderon. He had left her a voicemail. She fumbled for the smartphone, wrapping her fingers around it tightly as she pulled it to her ear. Sakura played the message, tears threating to fall as she listened to the words. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath to control the fear and anger.

Her manager's words echoed in her head. Even though the incident that had occurred was unfortunate, The Spiked Caldron would not tolerate an employee who could not complete they're full shift due to inebriated customers. At the end of the message, her ex-manager had added that perhaps bartending just wasn't the job for her. After listening to the message no less than three times she dropped the phone onto the ground as emotion got the better of her. A thud from the dropped object radiated out from the hardwood floor.

"Kinomoto-san, are you awake?" A voice called down the hall. "I can make us some breakfast."

Sakura inhaled, tears leaked down her face. She made an attempt to hide the sobs with the back of her hand. There was no way she wanted to bother Syaoran with this. Sakura hadn't thought her boss would be happy with her leaving in the middle of the shift, but surely she thought he would have been a bit more understanding.

"Sure, just give me a minute," Sakura answered as brightly as she was able, but another loose sob escaped her. What was she going to do? Without her second job, there was no way she'd be able to pay her rent.

A knock sounded at her door. Syaoran's smooth voice vibrated in her ears. "Are you okay?"

Sakura made an attempt to quell the tears to no avail. When she didn't answer him the door creaked open an inch and the man peered inside. Sakura could only imagine how much of a mess she must have looked when he glanced her way. Tears streaked down her face as she desperately tried to wipe them away.

His face filled with concern as he pushed himself into the room. Immediately Sakura sat up straighter on the bed as she covered as much of her face as she was able. She felt the bed shift as he sat down beside her. His hand grazed her shoulder as he squeezed it gently.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, worry lacing his voice.

Sakura trembled and he let go over her shoulder as if afraid he had done something to cause it.

"I…." Sakura began but she couldn't force any more words out.

"I'm sorry." Syaoran glanced at Sakura's reddened face, as she removed her hands from over her eyes. "You don't have to tell me. How about you come to the kitchen and eat breakfast with me. Then you can tell me all about it if you feel like it."

Syaoran smiled and for a moment Sakura nearly forgot why she was so upset. A deep breath escaped her lips. "That sounds nice."

Sakura ran her fingers under her puffy eyes removing the excess tears from her face. Maybe she could call her boss back and if she only explained better he'd offer her job back. If not then surely she could find something….anything to get her bills paid.

"I'll be in the kitchen." Syaoran stood, crossing the room quickly, but his amber gaze continued to follow her. "Just come find me when you're ready...and if you need anything just ask."

"Thank you," Sakura whispered after his retreating form.

He left just as quickly as he had entered. It felt empty without him sitting next to her somehow. Was it this could in the room before? She couldn't be sure. Sakura's emotions were in a frenzy she didn't need to add her feelings for this man to the list of her problems, so she pushed them to the back of her mind.

"I told you. I"m sorry about last night Eriol. It was an emergency….No it wasn't a lie so I could leave. She needed help last night."

Sakura could hear Syaoran's voice rise over the quiet apartment. She stepped lightly, finally feeling like she had enough self-control to leave the guest room without crying anymore. Syaoran's back was turned to her standing in front of the kitchen counter. With one hand he held his phone to his ear and with the other, he poured himself a generous amount of coffee in an oversized mug.

Sakura hadn't thought much of it that night, but what was he doing in that bar anyway? Had she interrupted something important when she became a burden? Of course, she didn't know this man very well, but to her, he didn't seem like that type that would just go to a bar on his own. He had probably been there with friends or even a date. What kind of trouble had she managed to cause him?

"Fine...I'll text you back in a bit. I'll have to talk to Kinomoto-san about it." Syaoran sighed deeply. "Yes, she's still here. I wasn't about to leave her alone after what happened last night. If she agrees, I'll bring her too"

Syaoran gripped the coffee cup tightly. "I'll see you later, probably….bye."

He turned around quickly to see her standing in his borrowed clothes. The t-shirt and shorts he had given her from the night before were much too big on her, swallowing up her small frame. She wondered if she looked better than early or if her face was still the same shade of ugly crimson it had been around thirty minutes ago.

Syaoran paused, mouth slightly open in surprise. He must have thought she looked like a complete mess."Would you like something to drink?"

Despite her haggard appearance, he was ever the gentleman. Sakura nodded and watched as Syaoran turned abruptly to make a second cup of coffee, this time adding her standard vanilla creamer and extra sugar. "You keep vanilla creamer from the coffee shop her?"

He smiled and handed her the green porcelain cup, the matching one to his own. "Well, I never know when I'll need it."

"But you don't drink it."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you know that?"

"Well…" Sakura stammered, unsure of what to say. She had noticed what he drank at work and unless his coffee habits at home were completely different she knew he liked his coffee black. "It's not what you normally drink at the Cafe anyway."

"You're right it's not. I brought it here for guests. I don't use creamer or sugar."

"You were on the phone with someone...before I got here."

He nodded and motioned for her to sit down at his kitchen table. "It was my friend Eriol."

Sakura sat and went to take a sip of the cup he sat down in front of her. Steam rose from the warm cup. The welcoming scent of vanilla filled her nostrils and instantly calmed her nerves. Food and drinks he made always seemed to have a way of doing that to her.

Syaoran took the seat across from her as her lips brushed the lip of the cup. Her eyes met his as she waited for him to tell her about the conversation. She had heard her name pop up, which made her curious.

"He's trying to guilt me into going out to lunch with him and his girlfriend," The man sighed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I was supposed to meet his new girlfriend at the bar last night…"

"But I happened?" Sakura finished his sentence, twisting her finger around one of her long strands of honey hair.

He sighed. "I wouldn't put it like that, but yes. He wants me to ask you to come along. You had a rough night though. You should probably rest instead of going out to lunch with a couple of strangers. I'd completely understand if you'd rather not go."

Sakura knew she should say no. Everything was screaming for her not to accept, but she owed this man. He had saved her yet again and Sakura Kinimoto hated owing anyone anything. Something in his eyes told her he wanted her there with him, even if his words had said otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to let him face his friend's wrath on his own.

"I'll go." Sakura sputtered before she could change her mind. It wasn't like she had anything else to do. She wasn't emotionally prepared to look for a new job yet and as much as her mind told her it was a bad idea she knew she wanted to spend more time with this man.

Syaoran raised a furrowed brow. "Are you sure? You seem a little shaken up this morning. If you don't want to be alone. I can call Eriol back and tell him…"

"No," Sakura cut him off. "I don't want your friend to be more upset with you. I'll be fine I promise."

"Well, since you're up now. I'll go get you some breakfast."

Syaoran got up and went back into the kitchen, only to bring her a hot bowl of fresh blueberry oatmeal with honey drizzled on top. It looked so good Sakura almost felt like she would start to cry again. She couldn't remember the last time she had anything this good for breakfast, more often then not she would just skip the meal altogether.

"Thank you," Sakura told him as he slid the bowl down in front of her. Her heart beat a little bit faster when she looked into his eyes, so she shifted her gaze away.

"You're welcome." He took up his place across from her again and snapped open a sleek laptop.

Syaoran searched the web while she shoveled mouthfuls of oats and honey into her mouth. This all felt weirdly natural like this was something the two of them had done many times before. But of course, this had never happened, until now. Sakura couldn't help but like it, even though her brain screamed at her to get a grip. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring but she decided, even if it was just for today, she'd let herself enjoy the company of this strange man that made her heart race.

Syaoran had driven them expertly to the restaurant they were meeting his friend at. They were now waiting for the couple to arrive since the pair were running a few minutes late. Sakura began to fidget in her seat as her nerves set in. The place was much nicer than anywhere she'd been in a while, and it made her uncomfortable. She was also struggling with the thought that, all of a sudden, she felt like she was being thrown into a double date. The idea hadn't crossed her mind when she accepted the invitation, but now it was nearly all she could think about. She was sure Syaoran didn't view it that way. He looked calm and collected, though now and then his eyes would flicker to her and then back out the window as he watched for the arrival of his friend.

Sakura refolded the napkin in her lap for the tenth time underneath the table, keeping her nervous habits out of view from the other customers and staff. Why had she agreed to this again? She should be out looking for a way to create some new income, not sitting in an expensive restaurant that looked like it cost at least $50 dollars a plate.

She was surprised they hadn't been turned away at the door, seeing as how they both weren't dressed to be in a place like this. Syaoran had dropped her off at her apartment to get dressed. He had insisted, even though, she could have walked. She only lived just across the street.

Sakura has picked out a clean pair of black jeans, a blousy green top that tied in a ribbon at the back, and a pair of dark plain flats. She had opted to braid her hair into one single fishtail down her back. Sure, Sakura looked presentable, but not nice enough to be dining in a place like this.

Syaoran wore a long black sleeved button up shirt and had paired it with plain blue jeans and black and white converse. He edged closer to the window as he seemed to finally glance his friend outside.

Sakura's stomach knotted, what if they didn't like her? Then she reminded herself not for the first time that day that it really didn't matter if they did or not.

"He's finally here," Syaoran told her, breaking the silence that had stretched over them.

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief that she didn't know she had been holding in. When had they stopped talking? Was it just because she was nervous? Was he nervous too? If he was it didn't really show, but he was meeting his friend's new girlfriend for the first time. Perhaps, she wasn't alone in her anxiety.

A couple glided through the front door as effortlessly. They looked like they belonged in an elegant advertisement for the restaurant.

The man was nearly as tall as Syaoran. He wore an immaculately tailored black suit jacket over a pair of grey plaid pants. A white dress shirt was tucked in and buttoned all the way to the collar. One his pale face he wore a pair of thinly rimmed glasses that set off his dark eyes.

The woman wore an elegant purple sundress, made from silk, and tied in the back with a huge bow. Her dark hair was braided into two long braids and pinned up to either side of her head. From her vantage point and the dim lighting, she couldn't get a good look at her face.

As the couple, we're led closer to their table by a waiter Sakura was finally able to catch a glimpse of her striking features. Her heart caught in her throat. She hadn't been sure when they had first entered the building, but she was sure now. Syaoran's friend was dating her cousin and best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji.

Authors Note:

Sorry, I know it's been awhile. I've gotten busy and my creativity hasn't been flowing as much as I've wanted it to, but it's back for now. I usually get much more into my writing when the weather gets colder. I've started the next chapter already so hopefully the next one won't take so long to get out. :)

I did go back and update the first four chapters. I did some light grammar revisions. Nothing storywise has changed.