This is a based on a prompt from Skyeze.10, who wanted a Bellas Zombie Apocalypse. Here's where my brain went; I hope you like it.

Please review and let me know what you think. Thank you.

"We have no choice, we need supplies," Beca says to the others sitting at the small dining table. "We can go into town and get everything we need and be back here in a couple of hours."

"You're right," agrees Jesse. Seeing Stacie's hesitance he adds, "We all need to go to protect each other."

"I still can't get the sight of them attacking Donald out of my head," tears are forming in Stacie's eyes. She would have thought there were no more left, but it seemed the apocalypse hadn't fully drained her yet.

"Come on, Stacie," Beca argues. "It's been months since the last time we saw any of them." She swallows the lump in her throat, knowing this will hurt. "Since we lost Donald."

"I know," Stacie nods. "I'm just so scared."

"Donald sacrificed himself for us," Jesse assures her. "We can't just sit up here and wait to die. We have to do everything we can to make sure his death was not in vain."

"We're all scared, Stace," Beca says, placing her hand on top of the taller brunette's. "But I'd rather take my chances of running into those things again than sitting up here starving to death. I really don't know how much more fish I can eat without going a little crazy."

"You're both right," Stacie says wiping her face. "I'm sorry. I'll be fine once we start moving."

"Let's get ready," Jesse stands abruptly. He's nervous, the women can tell, but he feels he needs to always have the brave face. "I want to get back here before it gets dark."

Beca nods and goes to her room to change and gather her things. She sits on the side of the bed thinking back over the last nine months.

"It hasn't even been a year," Beca thinks to herself and shakes her head. This gets her thinking back to when it all began for them. It had been a typical day like any other, well maybe not like any other. The world was going crazy, but they were trying to continue as if everything was normal. The authorities were continuing to assure the public that every safeguard was being taken to ensure the public's safety.

They had decided to maintain their usual schedule, just to keep a sense of normalcy. So the Bellas were all in the auditorium rehearsing for the Regionals, even though it was doubtful they would happen this year. Aubrey had come to visit Stacie for the weekend and was watching their rehearsal from the front row. They had just been finishing up when Bumper came tearing into the Auditorium, paler than normal.

Flashback to Nine Months Ago

"Amy," Bumper screamed as he ran in. "You have to come with me. Now!"

"Bumper," Amy said as he grabbed her arm. "What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Jesse, Donald, and another Treble came running into the auditorium. They all looked scared; scared shitless.

"Jesse, what's going on?," Beca asked; dreading the answer. In the pit of her stomach she knew the truth.

"It's here," Jesse said grabbing Beca to him. "The Government was lying, or trying to be optimistic, or I don't know, but the virus that's been wiping out most of Europe and Asia is here. In the United States. People are becoming infected and it's bad, Beca. It's really bad."

"You mean it's here at Barden?," Aubrey asked as all the girls gasp.

"Come on, Amy," Bumper screamed. "We have to go. Now!"

Bumper started dragging Amy towards the door. Jesse and Donald ran to intercept him.

"Wait!," Donald yelled. "We need to stick together. We can protect each other."

"No," a younger Treble who Beca really never met yelled. "I have to find my girlfriend." Before anyone could stop him, he had run out the door.

"We can't stay here," Bumper was now crying and flailing his arms, unable to get control of himself.

"Bumper," Amy had said putting her hands on his face to get him to look at her. "Calm down. Donald is right. We need to stick together. Work out a plan or something." Bumper had seemed to calm down and Amy looked at Jesse. "What have you heard?"

"It's all along the East Coast," Jesse said. "And, it's spreading fast. There are some reports that it will hit the West Coast within two weeks."

Beca looked at Jesse with dread, as she asked, "What about Atlanta?" A chill filled the room as Jesse silently nodded.

"We need to get the supplies we've been gathering, and get them loaded on the bus," Chloe said as she stepped forward. "Jesse, can you guys get to the Trebles bus?"

"I think so," Jesse said. "I'll take Donald and we'll bring it out front."

"No," Beca said holding onto Jesse. "Why does it have to be you?"

"Beca," Jesse answered as he pulled Beca away from the group. "I love you, Beca, and I want to make sure you're safe. So, you you need to stay here with Chloe and the rest of the girls. Keep them calm and help protect them. If we're not back in 30 minutes, then you guys need to come up with a Plan B. Okay?"

Beca just nodded, then glanced over her shoulder at Chloe. The redhead was looking back at her with a face laced with fear and concern.

"Okay," Beca said and gave Jesse a quick hug. "You guys hurry and be careful."

"Donald and I are the fastest ones here," Jesse said with his boyish grin. "We'll be back in no time."

"Wait! We should have someone get the Bellas bus," Aubrey said. "We can carry more supplies if we use both of them."

"She's right," Donald agreed.

"I'll go," Amy volunteered.

"No, Amy," Bumper whined, his voice filled with fear. "Stay here with me."

"You can go with me," Amy replied. "We can protect each other."

"Come on, Amy," Jesse said. "We'll get you to your bus and then you can drive us to the Trebles bus."

"Good idea," Donald said. "Let's go." The three made their way to the door. "Wait!," Bumper yelled just before they reached it, and ran to catch up with them. Jesse stopped at the door to allow the former Treble Captain to catch up, then opened it slowly before he led the small group out.

"Come on, guys," Chloe said. "Let's look around and see if we can find something to use as weapons."

"Let's also pair up and keep an eye out," Aubrey had suggested. "We don't know if any of them have managed to find their way onto campus. Emily, you come with me." Emily had nodded and went with Aubrey to the area behind the stage. The other girls paired up and began searching as well.

Of course Chloe and Beca were together and found themselves in a small office off the side of the stage. "I'm taking this," Beca volunteered as she pulled out a bottle of whiskey she discovered in a desk drawer.

"Beca?," Chloe said softly from beside the young brunette.

"What's wrong, Chlo?," Beca asked. Chloe looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Chlo?"

Chloe doesn't say anything. She had turned towards the petite brunette and pulled the younger girl to her, smashing their lips together in an emotional kiss. Beca was shocked at first, but after a couple of heartbeats she returned the kiss. Of course those heartbeats had sped up dramatically.

When the two best friends had pulled back, they had just looked at each other.

"I just had to do that once," Chloe said breaking the silence. "I know you're with Jesse, but I'm afraid I won't get another chance to let you know how I feel about you."

"When we get somewhere safe," Beca said. "We need to-"

"Guys! Guys!," Aubrey had yelled, interrupting them. "Come on. Amy's back with the bus."

Whatever Beca had started to say was forgotten as they grabbed up what they had gathered and joined the others. They all rushed to the bus and drove off to the Bellas house. There was an eerie calm about the campus. In the distance they could hear the sounds of chaos; sirens from police cars and emergency response vehicles, car horns, emergency warning sirens, and even faint screams. Each woman felt the tension rise.

They had arrived at the Bella's house without incident, and the girls had rushed in to gather all the non-perishable food they had been hoarding. As they continue to carry boxes outside to the bus, the sounds of chaos can be heard ever closer. Just as they finished loading everything into the bus, the tornado warning sirens began to blair all around. Each woman stood frozen, just knowing something bad was coming

Amy had shouted for the Bellas to get in, and then drove them all to the Treble house; and to chaos.

As they arrived they could see some of the Trebles were on the front lawn fighting with some things that could only be described as zombie-like humans.

"What's wrong with them?," Beca asked.

This was the girls first sighting of them and they were all shocked at how sickly they looked. Their complexions were an ashy-gray, like someone who has been sick for a long time. But the thing that really shocked Beca was their eyes. They were all milky white and made them look less than human.

After staring for a moment, the girls start to run off the bus but Lily blocked their way.

"Move, Lily!," Beca yelled. Suddenly the zombies stop attacking the Trebles and lean their heads as if listening for something. Lily puts her finger to her lips to get them all to be quiet.

"I've been watching them," Lily whispered. "They can't see. But they can hear."

"Then why aren't they attacking the bus?," Cynthia Rose asked quietly. "The engine is running."

"I don't know," Lily said. "I think it has something to do with frequencies. The engine is a low hum so it doesn't seem to affect them."

They hear groans coming from some of the Trebles. The zombies hear them as well and suddenly are attacking them again. Beca sees Donald and Jesse coming out of the Treble house. She quickly pulls out her phone and sends a text to Jesse. He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and reads Beca's text. He looks up at the bus and sees Beca looking at him He nods his head to let her know he understood. He slowly starts moving away from the attack and gets Donald's attention, putting his finger to his lips and showing him Beca's text.

They manage to get past the zombies and get to their bus. They wave at the girls to let them know they're okay.

"Where's Bumper?," Amy asked and jumped up and is out the door before anyone can stop her. "Bumper!," Amy yelled. "Where are you?"

"Amy," Stacie yelled and goes after the Aussie.

"No, Stacie," Aubrey yelled attempting to push past Chloe and Beca.

"Brey, you can't," Chloe said holding Aubrey back.

"I'll get them," Beca said and runs off the bus.

"Beca, get back here," Chloe yelled, reaching for her.

"We're all going to die," Ashley yelled and jumps into the driver's seat. She throws the bus into drive and hits the gas. The bus takes off knocking the rest of the girls to the ground. They all get up yelling at Ashley to stop but she is too scared and keeps her foot on the gas.

Jesse and Donald see Beca and Stacie moving quietly trying to get to Amy. The zombies stop their attack on the Trebles to listen. Amy yells for Bumper again causing the horde to turn toward her. Beca is set to run after the Aussie but is suddenly grabbed from behind and a hand is clamped over her mouth. She is being pulled backwards and realizes that Jesse has her. She looks over and Donald has Stacie. The two Trebles get the girls on to their bus and Donald gets behind the wheel and takes off.

Beca and Stacie are both crying after seeing Amy attacked by the zombies. They calm down after about ten minutes and Beca starts to panic.

"Where are the Bellas?," Beca asked.

"We don't know," Jesse told her. "They took off right after you and Stacie got off the bus."

"Chloe," Beca said softly.

"Aubrey," Stacie said softly.

The small group searched for their friends but never did find them. They presumed they were all dead now or had become one of the zombies. The first week after that day, Jesse held Beca as she cried almost every night for the friends she had lost. The group stayed together and Donald brought them to his uncle's cabin. He had hoped to find some of his family there but it was empty. The cabin was stocked with canned goods and dried foods to last them a few months. After three months in the cabin they decided to go into town to get more supplies.

The bus broke down and Donald was able to steer it into a gas station. They had been lucky to find a pickup truck with a full tank of gas and the keys on the floorboards. They loaded as much stuff from the gas station they could, including some gas cans filled with gas. They had found a grocery store and had just finished loading the last bit they could fit on the truck when the zombies found them. There was a group of about 10 of the things and Jesse jumped into the driver's seat of the truck. Beca and Stacie ran to get into the passenger side. Beca and Stacie were yelling at Donald to hurry up. Beca got in and just as Stacie reached the door one of the zombies grabbed her. It was Beca and Stacie screaming that seemed to set them off. Donald grabbed the zombie and Stacie made it into the truck.

"Get out of here!," Donald yelled to Jesse as the zombies attacked. Donald continued screaming to keep the zombies focused on him.

Jesse took one look at his friend and he knew it was too late for him. He hit the gas and sped away. They all made the ride to the cabin in somber silence. After that, Jesse would go into town on his own to get a few supplies when they needed it. It had been a while since his last trip and now they were desperately low on food.

"You ready, Becs?" Jesse asks causing Beca to jerk back to the present.

"Yeah," Beca says. "Let's go."

Jesse gets behind the wheel of the pickup truck and starts it up. They sit and look around to see if the noise attracts any of the zombies. After five minutes and no zombies, Jesse starts driving and they make their way to the small town that's about twenty minutes from the cabin. All three occupants of the truck are constantly looking around to ensure there are no unwanted visitors. Jesse heads to the grocery store and pulls into the parking lot. He parks up next to the doors so they can load the truck and make a quick escape if necessary.

The truck is loaded with more canned foods and dry goods like flour and sugar. They opt to stop at a mall to find some shoes and protective clothing since the weather tends to get a little cooler now. They are on their way to the mall when Stacie sits up.

"Oh, my God," Stacie says. "It's almost Thanksgiving. We need to do something to celebrate."

"Like what?," Beca asks. "Not like there's a lot to be thankful for."

"We're still alive," Jesse says. "That's something."

"Is it?," Beca asks leaving her two companions silent.

They get to the mall and go in taking extra precautions to make as little noise as possible, just in case. They have determined that most of the higher pitched sounds attract the zombies, while mundane constant noises, like the hum of an engine or whirring of a fan don't seem to affect them.

Jesse has taken a stack of clothing and shoes and loaded them in the truck when he hears a loud noise like some kind of alarm. He rushes back into the mall to find Beca and Stacie. They heard the noise and are scanning all directions trying to determine where it was coming from and what it is going to bring down on them.

"We need to get to the truck," Jesse whispers.

"Shit," Beca says and points to the door leading to where the truck is parked. They all look down and see four of the zombies coming into the mall.

"Come with me," Jesse said and quietly leads the girls to a sporting goods store. They go in and he heads towards the guns. "This is our only hope."

The guns are in cases but not locked up. He grabs a couple of rifles and finds the ammo. He loads the rifles and hands one to each of the girls. The alarm had stopped and they knew that meant the zombies would still be around the entrance, waiting for noise to set them off again.

"Just point at their heads and pull the trigger," Jesse tells them. "We need to all hit at least one and then I'll take care of the last one. Hopefully, that's all we'll have to deal with. Once the last one is down, run like hell to the truck. The gunshots will probably attract more."

The girls hold the rifles at the ready and head back to where they saw the zombies. They are standing a few feet inside the door, listening.

"I'll take the one on the left," Jesse says. "Stacie you take the one on the right. Beca just take out one of the ones in the middle. As soon as I fire my shot I'm going to run down so I can get the fourth one. Okay?"

Both girls nod and Jesse raises his rifle. He fires and almost simultaneously Beca and Stacie fire. Jesse runs down the escalator and raises his rifle at the fourth zombie. He goes pulls the trigger and is attacked by another zombie that comes from somewhere behind him.

"Jesse!," Beca yells. She sees Jesse fighting with the zombie and it looks like he gets bitten. "No, no, no," Beca is screaming as she runs down the stairs to help Jesse.

Before she can reach him she sees the zombie suddenly fall over. There is an arrow in his head and he topples on top of Jesse. Beca runs to Jesse.

"Get Stacie and get out of here, Becs," Jesse tells her holding his shoulder. He shoves the zombie off himself and Beca sees that he has several bites on his shoulder and upper arm. "GO! Now!"

Beca has tears in her eyes and Stacie is grabbing her and pulling her toward the exit to the truck. Beca struggles to get away from Stacie.

"No, Stacie," Beca cries. "We can't leave him."

"Get her out of here," Jesse growled to Stacie.

The alarm goes off again but stops after a few seconds. It was enough to get Stacie moving again. She picks Beca up by the waist and starts carrying her out of the mall. Suddenly, another zombie is charging at them, attracted by Beca's screaming. Stacie and Beca both stop when the creature is felled by an arrow through the head. They both look to see where the arrow came from.

"Chloe?," Beca whispers.

A growling noise causes Beca and Stacie to look toward the sound. Jesse is changing and Beca lets out a sob. The bites must be deep for him to be changing already. Chloe runs down the stairs to the two girls. Close behind her is Cynthia Rose.

"Beca!," Chloe cries and grabs her into a hug. Tears are streaming down her face. "I thought you were dead."

Stacie grabs Cynthia Rose and hugs her. They hold on to each other and neither seems to want to let go.

Beca hugs Chloe back as tears stream down her face. They hear another growl come from Jesse and Chloe pushes Beca behind her. She looks at Jesse.

"I'm sorry, Beca," Chloe says sadly. "He's turning. We have to-"

"I'll do it," Beca says interrupting her. "I made a promise."

"Beca you don't have to," Cynthia Rose says. "I'll do it."

"No," Beca says choking back another sob. "We promised each other that we wouldn't let the other become one of them." Beca wipes her eyes and puts her hand out toward Stacie. "Give me your gun, Stacie."

"No, Beca," Chloe says stopping her. "Use this." She puts her hand out for CR's crossbow and passes it over to Beca. "It doesn't make noise to attract the creatures. Just aim at his head."

Beca nods her head and takes the crossbow and arrow. She inserts the arrow and pulls back the bow string until it is notched. She then looks at Jesse. He looks back at her with tears in his eyes and growls, "Do it, Beca. You promised."

Beca can barely see through the tears as she lifts the crossbow. She looks Jesse in the eye and says, "I'm sorry" as she pulls the trigger and the arrow flies the short distance to him. Beca drops the crossbow as she starts to fall to the floor. Chloe catches her and eases her down. She holds her while she cries.

The alarm goes off again and the girls all look around.

"Becs," Chloe says quietly. "We need to get out of here. There will be more coming shortly and we need to go."

"We have a truck with supplies outside," Stacie tells them. "Let's go."

Chloe pulls Beca up and Cynthia Rose picks up the crossbow. The all hurry out to the truck.

"Stacie, I'll drive," Cynthia Rose says. "The other girls will be waiting for us. You'll be safe, I promise."

"Other girls?," Stacie asks.

"Yeah," Cynthia Rose replies. "Aubrey and Emily. We lost Jessica and Ashley after only a month. Lily was with us for about seven months and we're not sure what happened to her. She just was gone one day."

"Aubrey?," Stacie whispers.

"Let's get out of here," Chloe answers solemnly. Stacie helps Chloe get Beca into the truck and squeezes in by the door. Cynthia Rose gets behind the wheel and takes off. Beca has gone quiet and just sits there, staring at nothing through the windshield.

I want to give a shout out and thanks to RJRMovieFan for looking at my story and bouncing ideas back and forth with me. Thanks for having my back!