Okay, I can't get the tildes to work, so the part with Lucifer and Gabriel conversing comes off a bit strange, but it won't let me do my tildes, boo.

The first prayer at the top is not a reference to the Coronavirus pandemic going on and was written before that was even a thing.

Also, I am still figuring out if this should be the last chapter or if I shoudl write one more, which would be prayers to only one person (not a major character.)


Please help me get through this.



You're praying to the wrong angel. Try Raphael, but don't get too upset if he doesn't answer. Naomi is another bet, but you would probably do better to have her not answer.


They won't let me see Jack without getting rid of the whole wanting him for power thing...

You're shocked by this?

No. But it sucks.

Then maybe you should work on getting rid of the whole wanting him for power thing.

I don't know how. Being stuck in a cage for millennia kind of doesn't do much for knowing what to do when you have a kid.

Not take their power/soul would be a good start, Luci.

Eh, true.

I could ask Paul, if you want?

Your counsellor priest?


I'm sure he'd be thrilled to tell me what to do, hah!

He wouldn't tell you what to do. He'd give you advice, that's it. You choose if you follow it or not.

Do I get his number?

...I'm just going to ask him if he has any advice to give you right now, not set up counselling times or anything.

But it could be fun.

Trust me, it isn't. It will bring up some really uncomfortable subjects and make you feel worse for a bit, until you deal with it and feel better.

Apparently that's normal too.

That sounds pretty much like something I never want to do.

Yeah, I figured that.

Shit. They're going to make me aren't they?

If they make you do it, they better try it themselves, I swear.

Hahahaha! Yes.

Did you meet him?



Oh, no. I went and berated Cassie for being a forgetful ass, but Jack went with the Winchesters, so he wasn't there when I went visiting the once.

Damn it...

I don't even know what he looks like...

Apparently, he looks a bit like Castiel's vessel. Which is weird.

Asshole got to Kelly before I did. Talked to the unborn baby Jack. He probably imprinted on our little bro or some stupid thing like that.

Like a duck. Except I doubt he looks much like one.

Pretty sure he is human shaped, thank Dad for that...

It would make sense with him hunting with the Winchesters.

I should teach him to hunt. And make things. And do fun things.

Killing humanity when brought up by humanity isn't considered fun.

I meant flying, Gabriel.

Oh! Yeah, teaching the young ones all the tips and tricks of flying is fun.

I taught you.

Yeah, yeah you did... I miss that you.


I miss my Lucifer.

Shut up!

What even happened?

Fuck you is what.

...Well, there was no reason to go radio silent, bro.

Fine, sulk. See what I care.

Do you have any advice for Lucifer?


Advice about the whole locked in Hell for all eternity thing.

Umm, I don't know?

Okay. Would you and your bro be willing to go to therapy?

What? Why? And who the hell would we even talk to about this?

Okay, good point...

What's this about?

Lucifer going even more crazy over not being able to see or talk to Jack.

He's not seeing Jack until we are sure he won't hurt him.

Yeah, I get that. I agree with it.

Doesn't stop him going any more crazy from it though.

Gabe, I really don't see how we can help him.

Yeah, well, sucks to be him then. And me. I'm the one he bitches to.

Heh, good luck with that. I know how bitchy he can get.

Gee, thanks, Sam.

I'll go ask Paul.

He might know.


Hey Paul, got a request for you.

Hello Gabriel. What is it that you want to talk to me about?

Lucifer and his crazy is what.


The Winchesters won't let Lucifer see Jack until he has learned whether he can be around him without stealing his Grace and/or soul.

Naturally, Lucifer isn't very happy with this. Advice?

I believe I need more context.

Damn it...

You know most of it already, don't you?

I know a bit about it, I don't know if I have the whole story.

I don't think anyone has the full story.

Does Lucifer have the whole story?

I have no idea, you'd have to ask him. He probably thinks he does.

Do you think he does?

Nope, I think he makes up shit so he is always the victim of everything.

Is he the victim of anything, or is it all fabricated?

Oh, Dad did chuck him out into his cage in Hell. That was a thing that happened. And the Mark, that was Dad too and what corrupted Lucifer in the first place...


Eh...hard to explain.


I think you might be better off asking Lucifer this stuff. Maybe I could get the Winchesters to get him a phone...

Do you think it would help?

Well, it certainly can't do anything worse, can it?

Okay. if you can get him to actually agree, I may do this.


Yes, no promises.



I pray to the Archangel Gabriel

While I do not believe Robert deserved death, thank you for coming to protect the children.


Ooh, Henry! Hello once again. He never would have stopped, you know? He would have stayed a danger to children wherever he went, no matter what profession he was in.

Whether or not that means a death sentence is irrelevant, he hurt children and I heard about it. Children are one of my great loves. I always respond to children's prayers. One of the children hurt by him prayed to me to stop him, so I stopped him.

For what it's worth though I am sorry for your confusion and your pain. You didn't deserve that. And for that I apologise. I know it hurt Paul too. Comfort each other over the loss of your friend and a person you mentored.

I know what it feels like, being betrayed. Whether you feel that for Robert or Paul or me. I know what it feels like and I am sorry.

Keep on the good work.

The Archangel Gabriel.