Fitz: "She said that she'd be right back."
Keefe: "Guys, no need to complain! We haven't been waiting for long!"
Biana: "Keefe, darling, we've been waiting for approximately a year now."
Keefe: *eyeballs pop out of head* "A YEAR?! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS GIRL FOR A YEAR?!"
Tam: "Yes, you moron. How did you not notice?" *turns to Linh* "See? You can't have faith in him. He's even dumber than I thought he was."
Keefe: "Well, I guess time passes fast when you're having fun, especially with your favorite person in the world!" *winks at Sophie*
Sophie: *rolls eyes* "Whatever boy. You guys wanna just… leave?
Keefe, Fitz, Dex, Tam, and Biana: "Yeah, she's right. Let's go."
Linh: "Stop! It's not right! She's our friend! We have to wait for her. Everyone needs time. Even though she may have left us waiting for a year, and even though she may have already forgotten about us, and even though she may already be an old lady and died, and even though she's probably planning to destroy our planet… we have to fulfill our duty as friends!"
Dex: *blinks*. "Oh. Uh, I guess Linh's right. A few more months of waiting can't hurt, can it?"
Sophie: "Are you crazy? So much chaos has already happened in the Lost Cities! (SPOILER ALERT) Tam, you friggin betrayed us! We already fought another war! (SPOILER ALERT) I'm unmatchable! People, I am DONE with waiting for this stupid girl!"
Angel: "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" *pops out of closet in spectacular new outfit* "People, listen to your beloved friend Linh. I was just you know, chillaxing…"
Sophie: "Yeah, well thanks for that. You left us waiting for a year."
Angel: "Technically, you did escape through the window and went to fight your own battle… so no I didn't keep you waiting for a year. I just didn't come back for a year."
Dex: "Yeah, Angel does have a point. Now, are we actually going to do something fun this time that doesn't involve running for our lives?"
Fitz: "Learn from the past, Dex. Of course not."
Angel: "Ooooh, yes you are! Today, we will be reacting to!" *clears throat at band in the background* "To… drumroll, idiots! To Miraculous Ladybug!"
Fitz: "What?"
Keefe: "Huh?"
Dex: "Wut."
Angel: "Miraculous Ladybug is a TV show about a high school student called Marinette, who's best friend is called Alya, and who's boyfriend is called Nino, and the three of them hate a girl called Chloe, who has a sidekick called Sabrina. Marinette has a crush on another high school student called Adrien, and they both receive miraculouses, and then they transform into superheroes! Marinette's superhero name is Ladybug, and Adrien's is Chat Noir, which means Black Cat in French. Are you ready?"
Tam: "Now hold on just a sec, girl. Are we going to get miracles when we enter?"
Angel: "It's MIRACULOUS! And maybe. Only destiny can decide now!" *logs on to computer* "Are you all ready?"
Sophie: *rolls eyes* "Oh please. We have work to do in the Lost Cities. Let's go." *starts dragging Fitz out the door*
Angel: "Yoo hoo! You're not leaving yet!" *computer sucks them in*
Angel: "Well, here we are! Paris!"
Marinette: "Bonjour! Je m'appelle Marinette! Como t'appelle tu?
Angel: *facepalms* "I forgot to make it English. Hang on just a sec, people. *teleports out and comes back in*
Marinette: "Hi! My name is Marinette! What's yours?"
*Everyone introduces themselves*
Keefe: "Well, are you a book? Because I want to check you out!"
Marinette: "Hehe…"
Angel: "You know what? Let's fast-forward."
*Marinette's in her room, just received her miraculous*
Marinette: "Tikki, spots on!" *does transformation thingamabobber*
Marinette: *looks at them* "How the heck did you get in my room?"
Everyone: "Uh, erm, hehe… so… yeah, uh, idk, blame her, not my fault!"
Marinette (now Ladybug): "Get out of my room, you stalkers!"
Marinette's mom: "Marinette? Is everything alright?"
Marinette: "Uh, yeah!" *climbs up stairs and darts out of the room*
Everyone else: *hides*
Sophie: "We got to follow her! Tam, cover us!"
*They make their way up the stairs and follow Ladybug*
Later on…
Villain: *lashes out on Ladybug*
Linh: "LOOK OUT!" *lifts a giant wave and defeats monster easily*
Chat Noir: "Whoa… gotta say, you don't have much of a suit. Are you sure that you're a superheroine?"
Linh: "Uh…"
Chat Noir: "Even if you're not a superheroine, man are you pretty…"
Biana: "Why does everyone seem to fall in love with Linh? First there's Percy, now there's -"
Chat Noir: "Whoa whoa, I'm not in love with Linh, girl. Milady and I are still a developing couple. I would hang around, but there's always a damsel in distress to be saved." *winks at Linh* "Better get going."
Ladybug: *rolls eyes* "I didn't know my partner would be so over the top. You're the guys I met on my way to school, right? Why are you stalking me?"
Keefe: "Well, we're not really stalking you, we're just… following you around."
Dex: "He's an idiot, let me explain. So basically we're from a different world called the Lost Cities, and we're elves, and we have powers, but we're not superheroes. We teleported here thanks to our every-so-NOT-bossy friend Angel, and now we're discovering what Paris is like."
Angel: "Yeah, I guess that wraps it up in a nutshell."
Ladybug: "uh… okay…"
Alya: "Hey! Superheroes! What are your names? Can I get an exclusive interview with every single one of you individually? What's this thing about elves? Do unicorns exist as well? What powers do you all have? Are you secretly related? Are you in love with one another? Who is the blond guy-"
Angel: "Uh, I think our work here is done." *teleports them back*
Dex: "Well that was excruciating."
Ladybug: "Whatdya mean?"
*everyone stares at Ladybug*
Angel: "How the heck did you get here?"
Ladybug: "Well, since you were stalking me in my room, I decided to come and avenge myself by stalking you in your room!" *sits down and sips on lemonade* "Good luck getting rid of me."
Angel: "Well, maybe you can help me teach these brats gratefulness and patience. Welp, I'm out!"
Sophie: "Don't make us wait another year, please!"
Angel: "That, my dear, is up to me. ;)"