A/N: Not going to bore you with a long winded author's note. I just hope you all enjoy the story. I also want to send out a shout out to my friend, Yazzy Dollface who introduced me to the wonderful world of Voltron. I had no idea what I was missing. Anyway, enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Simply borrowing for the fun of it.

He had never heard silence so loud before. It was a weird feeling, being crammed in a space pod with a former teammate and have absolutely nothing to say. Not that he could blame Lance for being quiet, for once. Even after all the battles they'd been through, all the heart-felt conversations, heck even after Lance almost died in his arms, Keith still felt his skin crawl every time he was left alone in the same room with him.

Lance sat back in his seat, elbow propped on the side of the pod with his chin in his palm. He gazed out the window, tapping his fingers against his cheek. He heard Keith shift in the seat next to him. His blood boiled, heart hammering angrily in his chest.

"Why me?" he muttered, not realizing he had said it out loud.

"So, he does talk," Keith commented.

Lance looked over at him. "What?"

"I thought the pod might explode with all this tension you're giving off," Keith said.

Lance huffed, lowering his hand. "Why did Shiro have to stick me on this mission? He was better off choosing Pidge or Hunk."

Keith growled low in his throat. He closed his eyes briefly. "This isn't exactly a picnic for me either, Lance," he said hotly. "There's a million other people I'd rather be stuck in this pod with than you."

"Well, at least you're honest," Lance commented, folding his arms across his chest.

Keith sighed. "I've tried to forget what your problem is."

"I don't have a problem."

"You clearly do. You've always had a problem."

Lance continued to stare out the window, slumping in his seat and pouting. "Why couldn't we have taken Red?" he grumbled. "He's roomier, less cramped."

"Because this is a recon mission. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves," Keith replied.

"But, we would have been there by now."

Keith growled again, remembering his Blades training. Taking several deep breaths he managed to calm himself down. "We're in Galra infested space. The Red Lion would have drawn in too much attention. And we can't risk having one of the lions captured again."

Lance's pout deepened at Keith's logic. He couldn't argue, which ticked him off even more. The pod suddenly lit up with a blaring alarm. Lance shot up and covered his ears on instinct.

"What is that?" he asked.

Keith tapped a couple of buttons. "Galra ship. Coming in-argh!"

The pod jolted to a stop and began moving backwards. "Get us out of here, Keith!" Lance cried.

"I'm trying. The pod won't respond," Keith said.

The friends looked at each other as the pod continued on its course towards the Galra cruiser. Their fear and anxiety was mirrored in the other's eyes.

"I got your back, Keith," Lance said, holding up his bayard.

Keith put his hand on his blade's hilt. "And I've got yours."

The pod came to a stop inside the ship. Keith lowered the front shield and they jumped down, gun and blade blazing. They ducked and weaved through the sentries, taking the robots out one by one. Keith looked around, trying to locate Lance.

He cried out in pain as electricity coursed through his body. He collapsed to his knees, sword falling from his limp fingers. He heard another scream and the sound of a body falling. Keith tipped forward, hands bracing against the cold metal floor. With vision swimming, he looked to see two sentries dragging an unconscious Lance away.

Keith fumbled to find his sword. A guard walked up and kicked the blade away. Keith weakly looked up to see the hunched figure of Zarkon's witch walk up.

"Bring him to my chamber."

The witch's voice sounded fuzzy and distant. Keith vaguely registered being picked up and dragged off before everything was finally consumed in a thick, inky darkness.