Title: Walk the Dog

Author: Evil Little Dog

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: So very, very not mine.

Notes: Written for the LJ community, Comment_Fic.

A cold kept Martin Crane bundled up in bed but Eddie still needed walking. He trundled along in front of Niles, tail quivering, nose down. Niles admitted, at least to himself, Eddie was a smart-looking dog with his mostly-white body. People took second looks at him and Niles felt an inordinate pride in how well his father took care of his dog.

"That's a gorgeous dog," a woman said.

Surprised, Niles nearly fell over his feet. Eddie darted sideways to stay out of his way. "Oh!"

"Are you all right?" The woman reached out and Niles started to say he was fine but the woman scooped Eddie up in her arms. "Such a good boy, dealing with such a clumsy man."

Niles scowled as Eddie stared at him over the woman's shoulder. He knew he was anthromorphizing, but that dog seemed to be smiling at him.

"You just wait," he muttered. "See if I ever take you for another walk."

~ end ~