Title: Friend of Books

Author: Evil Little Dog

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: So very, very not mine.

Notes: Written for the LJ community, Comment_Fic.

"Yours is purring," Harry said, in a most accusing way.

"Hmm?" Hermione glanced at her Book of Monsters. Its eyes half-closed, it made a low rumbling sound as she stroked its spine. "Yours doesn't?"

"Mine attacked me! It ate my slippers!" Harry said. Still accusing.

She barely kept from rolling her eyes. "All you have to do is speak quietly and be gentle." Reaching over, she stroked Harry's Book of Monsters. It let out a happy little gargle and flopped open, like a dog wanting its stomach rubbed. "See?" Her own book nudged her insistently and Hermione told it to not be jealous. Glancing up at Harry, she took note of his gobsmacked expression. Boys.

"If you can't handle a book, Harry, I fear for whatever girl you set your wand on."

~ end ~