Is it just me who sometimes calls Magnus Malec by accident? Yes? This chapter was a struggle to write because I wasn't very happy with number 4. Feeling a lot better about this one though, hope you enjoy!

Jace's pov:

It was twelve thirty and the crew were crouched outside the Dumort. Clary had received a text from Isobel around ten minutes prior, informing them that the mission had gone bust. Jace was tempted to call the whole thing off but Alec was within a hundred meters of their position, only just out of reach. They were too close to give up, so Jace ordered them inside. Springweather crawled in first, followed by Clary then Ashstone. Jace went in last, not before scanning the block for watchful eyes. He slid into the dark cellar, landing on the mould-covered cement. Clary and Ashstone were at the door already and Springweather was only slightly behind. It creaked as it opened but no vampire horde came screaming. They crept up the small flight of stairs and into the lobby which seemed just as empty as their first visit there. Although they knew Raphael would be in the building, he still hadn't made his presence known. About half way across the rug that lay in the middle of the hall they heard movement coming from the main stairway. The group shot over to one of the great pillars by the main door just before two vampires came down the stairs, talking between themselves. One had a deep and silky voice that seemed to demand reverence and the other's sounded high and brittle.

"I just have to stand there? All night?" The higher voice said in disbelief. "And I'm getting paid?"

"Yes. Anything else?" The second speaker sounded bored. "No? Don't worry, he's practically drained so you won't be attacked. And don't look suspicious or Raphael will kill you like the last one." A loud gulp was heard followed by a door slamming.

They listened to the sound of the receding footsteps. As they sneaked forwards, sticking to the shadows, there was an almighty CRASH as Ashstone tripped over a fallen umbrella stand and landed with a CRACK. She let out a quiet moan. Like a flash flood they were instantly surrounded by screaming corpses who had tumbled down the central staircase, fighting and scratching to be first to kill the intruders. The girl, who was a few steps behind them, was soon pulled away from the rest of the group. From a distance she could still be seen screaming and fighting against the hoard.

"Come on!" Jace cried before drawing his seraph blade and began slicing his way toward the door. The air was thick with the smell of blood and all three of them were covered in it. An older vampire came charging towards Clary but was cut down by Harper who had cleared a circle using the feather staff. He looked to be in frenzy, his hair matted, and his clothes soaked in sweat and a wild grin on his face. "Harper this way!" The boy looked over then charged head first into the crowd, Clary and Jace moments behind. The door came closer, and inch by inch they cleared a passage to get there. Clary reached first and hauled it open before they all piled in. The door slammed, and they were left in the dark. Springweather was the first to stand. He stared at the door.

"Georgia" He murmured. Jace huffed a sigh, they had barely gotten out with three people, never mind four.

"Harper, we need to move." Harper shook his head. "Listen, there could be alternative routes down here. More are probably on their way, now let's go."

"No. Let me stay. You need to find your parabati and I need to find my friend."

"This is non-negotiable, come on," Clary touched Jace's arm gently.

"Let him stay Jace. If it were Simon out there I would do the same. We can find each other when we have Alec back." Jace sighed inwardly. How could he argue with Clary? He took her hand and without looking back, set off into the gloomy corridor.

They picked up the pace after the first few cells after finding a good rhythm. Clary would draw an open rune and Jace would search the cell while she stood guard. After a while they began to lose count of the cells they had checked, and the hall became even more dark. It seemed to be slightly sloped with many twists and turns leaving them disorientated. The walls became a new shade as well, glistening amber into a deep red. They caught the sound of movement, just before turning the latest bend. Peering around the corner, Jace spotted a lone vampire pacing along a section of the wall. He darted forwards and neatly slit its throat and nodded at the nearest door. Clary stepped forwards, stele in hand and drew the rune.

This cell was like all the others, dark and damp containing a metal table and a bed, except this one was occupied. Alec's features had taken on a faint blue hue from either the cold or blood loss. His right leg below the knee was black, at least the portion of it not coated in dried blood was. Someone had covered the bite wound on his neck with gauze but hadn't cleared the blood or dirt from his torso, which was barely moving with each rattling breath.

"Clary… Clary he's here," Jace managed to call her through before collapsing next to his parabati and taking hold of his hand. "Alec wake up. Please oh God wake up." Clary began to trace the healing rune on his stomach before drawing a new one slightly higher up. His face almost immediately gained more colour and his breath became less laboured.

"Jace get up and call Magnus. We need a portal now." He didn't move. "Jace! We need to get him to the institute!" Jace held up his phone for Clary to take, not looking away from Alec's face. He could hear Clary very vaguely in the background but didn't understand a word of what she was saying. There was a flash of purple light then he felt himself being dragged back into the portal and soon found himself in the familiar embrace of Izzy whispering thanks and love. The image of his parabati like that was bound to never leave him but all that mattered was he was safe at last.

Magnus pov:

Alec's face looked pale in the moonlit infirmary. Of course, it would have looked pale anywhere right now, but the cold, blue light made him look like an apparition. When Clary had called earlier that night, Magnus had immediately shouted on Izzy and Sherwin to find a stretcher. They had run through the portal only to reappear moments later, Clary and Sherwin carrying Alec and Izzy dragging a sobbing Jace. Magnus had banished everyone from the room and had worked on mending his boyfriend for hours. Now as he sat by the bed, he wondered whether they had been too late. There was a chance he had lost too much blood and had gone into hypovolemic shock and the only thing keeping him alive was the strength of the angel blood all shadowhunters possessed. If that was the case, all they could do is keep a warlock with him all the time until the comatose broke. Jace was in a state of shock so was also in the infirmary, in another room thankfully. Magnus didn't think he would be able to deal with more than one – his – shadowhunter for the time being. He sighed quietly, although the sound echoed around the empty room and lay his head on the edge of Alec's bed before allowing himself to cry for the first time since his return.

Nice and short one for you, sorry for it being so long between uploads. Let me know what you like/dislike cause it will really help me in future chapters!