Blinding light filled his vision, for a single moment, he was blind and death.

He tried to sort his thoughts so that the sensory organs he possessed could start working again.

He noticed, he was standing up, his body rigged.

But something was wrong it, felt like he was wearing something that covered his entire body, clinging to his skin. But it was like with a single thought it could be removed or changed.

His vision started to clear. Sound could be picked up by his ears once again.

He could hear a voice speaking, it sounded young filled with enthusiasm and excitement like he had just accomplished a great feat.

Where was he didn't know?

He wanted to stay still until his vision was clear and could probably see.

He could hear the sound of static, a television that hadn't been connected to its antenna. He hadn't heard that sound in a long time.

Where the hell was he?

He heard a second voice, but it was muffled like somebody trying to talk through a covered mouth.

He could see now see where he was.

It was a barely lit room that looked like somebody's living room.

And in front of him, was… In front of him was…

Raged flared through his body, like surging fire as he recognized who was standing in front of him.


Serial Killer, child murderer. Lunatic and psychopath, so many words could be used to describe the filth of a human being in front him.

Most all Master of Caster, Bluebeard.

He realized where he was and fear entered his heart, but it only lasted for a moment as he took notice of what was in front of Ryuunosuke.

A child.

A scared child, frightened out his mind tears streaming down his face, as he tried to scream through his gagged mouth.

"Hey, Mister Demon I got a meal for you right here, afterward let's go out and kill some more."

Rage overtook the fear he felt as he heard what the serial killer had said.

He had killed this boy's family, and now Ryuunosuke wanted him to kill the boy believing him to be a Demon.

His appearance must have changed by the summoning for how else would he think that HE was a Demon.

At that thought, a single word rang throughout his head.


Ah, he understood now, he had become a Servant through the summoning, Pseudo or Demi he didn't care right now.

Now he just wanted Ryuunosuke to die.

He was Avenger now, and he had to fulfill his duty as one.

He wasn't the Cavern King that much was obvious, but still, he would do the job of the one that was true vengeance at this moment.

Knowledge rushed through his head and like a well-used muscle he always had, for many years he pulled on the string and sword appeared in his hand.

He swung the blade, and Ryuunosuke's head fell to the floor, blood sputtering out his neck as his body to fell to the floor a second later.

Avenger moved to the boy quickly and pulled him into a hug.

The boy was almost catatonic as he was stiff in Avenger's grip.

Avenger lifted the boy up and was now carrying him as he cried.

They needed to get out of here.

As Avenger held the crying boy he was able to see his reflection in the window, it was unclear, but the form he saw easily recognizable as the one that had been shown in the latest story portion of Grand Order.

Antonio Salieri.

The rival of Mozart, accused of killing the man himself. And so he had become an Innocent Monster twisted by rumors.

New knowledge entered his mind, the knowledge of music.

Avenger moved his left fingers up and down, and the sound of a playing piano could be temporarily heard.

The magic was cast, and the child fell asleep in his hands. But it was still a tragedy that had occurred here. Avenger could see the dead bodies of the boy's parents, laying on the floor. Their blood had been used in the ritual meant to summon Gilles de Rais.

And speaking of Servants.

Avenger looked down at Ryuunosuke's body and at his hand.

He could not see the Command Seals on either of his hands, were they perhaps on Avengers perhaps he was his own Master.

He would have to check that later, now he had to call the police and let them know what had happened here.

He moved through the house and found the room that was the boy's room. He removed the sleeping buy's binding and placed him down his bed, pulling the quilt over his body letting sleep for a little time before the police arrived.

Avenger called the police using the houses phoneline and left the house behind, quickly heading into the center of Fuyuki city using the supernatural speed the Wailing Armor gave him.

He came to a stop at was a for sale house, it would make for a quick place to sleep for the night. So, in the morning he could plan for the events of the fourth Holy Grail that starts tomorrow night with the fight at the docks.

Avenger removed the red armor that covered his body from head to and got a lock at hit more human appearance. One that had been significantly changed. He was very fir now compared to before, and his eyes were a deep shade of red that glinted in the bedroom mirror he was currently looking at. But he was not naked under the armor but wore the sleek suit and scarf that Salieri did in his second Ascension art. Command Seals were upon his right hand when he removed the glove that covered it.

"Glad to see that you're befitting from this union my Master/host." Avenger heard a voice speak, not from around him but inside his head. And now in the mirror, he could see a second person looking directly at him.

"Salieri," Avenger said in response to the man.

"Yes, I have to be him now since, with our union Master, you're the Man in Grey now. Servant Avenger." Salieri stated his mouth moved with words. "A truly unique situation we're in don't you think. Human and Servant fused together as one to participate in a Holy Grail War, and from the knowledge running around inside your head, a now defective Grail. THAT CANNOT GRANT THIS ONE'S WISH. Sorry, my emotions got the better of me." Salieri apologized.

"It's fine," Avenger said that was truly his existence now. He had to be Servant Avenger he had to win the war, a war where the most powerful heroes participated in, one where Tokiomi had summoned Gilgamesh.

"Yes, the King of Heroes, a troublesome opponent we have, but do not worry Master, all have a weakness we just need to exploit," Salieri said, and Avenger agreed. Gilgamesh was powerful, stronger than all heroes, he wielded the very ideas and wisdom of mankind via his Gate of Babylon. But he was prideful, and that pride could be used against him. "Yes, and he is also one few in this war that can eliminate our fellow Avenger stuck inside the Grail."

"Yes, Angra Mainyu is a problem one that was difficult to deal with but, Gilgamesh has tools needed to deal with it. Though the option of having Saber, destroy is still an option if it comedowns to that." Avenger suggested.

"It is, but let's save further planning for the 'morrow. You need to sleep Master, your body is not used to handling the power of the Man in Grey, even in it's improved state." Salieri said.

Yes, Avenger felt o' so tired right now. He took off his clothes and made use of the bed, he fell asleep almost immediately.


"Did, you have to use my talents for something like begging." The astral form of Salieri said in front of Avenger said as he ate his breakfast with the money he had made using the man's borrowed music talents as a Servant. The People had thought it also a magic tragic as he had played the piano without using a piano.

They had certainly been impressed, and he had made about twenty dollars worth of yen before the police had arrived.

Illegal street performance and all that, he could survive through the Grail War if he kept doing that to get money and use the on sale house to sleep in, and shower as the thing had running water.

"Hey, I'm not a full Servant, so I still need to eat," Avenger told him in a low voice, as nobody heard him. He was in the corner of the Japanese Breakfast restaurant. But there was no need to be shouting.

"True, but it feels like begging, and its something I'm uncomfortable with."

Right, rich guy. "It's really not, more like selling a service, and people decide to give their own price for the product." He told the pianist.

"Hmm, an acceptable. So, Master what is the plan for the War, what do you wish to use my powers for?" Salieri asked Avenger.

And he did Avenger had several things he wanted to accomplish in this War. One had already been averted with the massacre done by Ryuunosuke and Bluebeard, due to not having been summoned with Avenger taking his place.

The second thing was the salvation of Sakura, Avenger wanted to save the innocent girl from that disgusting pit. The Zouken formerly Zolgen, it would be mercy he would deliver on the old man from Russia. If Avenger had been sent to this universe as a normal human, he would have tried for Paracelsus as a Caster.

But he was the Man in Grey now, he had to deal with the powers he had been given, by whatever entity had made this happen. For it couldn't have been Zelretch he would have asked first. And Avenger also needed to make sure that nothing would go so wrong that the Counterforce would prune it.

First, though there was the fight between Diarmuid and Saber at the docks tonight, where everyone else would show up to.

There Avenger would make his first performance.

The rest he could plan for later, and he needed a plan for Zouken. He couldn't do a Crow and just start kidnapping people, he didn't want to be a copycat. Well, maybe he should try and steal Kiritsugu's Contender and Origin rounds.

"If that is what you wish to my Master, my power is yours to freely use, though if we do manage to survive this insanity, I shall try to get you a better taste of music." He said as he vanished.

Avenger was going to find a way to get back at Salieri for that comment he had good taste in music. That being almost no taste at all as that allowed him to enjoy as much music as possible.

He really wished he had his phone, why did he have to be stuck in 1994, the only music player on the go was a bloody Walkman.


There were several things Avenger liked about his new status as a Demi- Pseudo Servant. His enhanced body, senses and the fact that he could feel calm and not frit like he normally would. And it allowed him to kill Ryuunosuke without breaking down into a sopping mess. If there were any mental changes Avenger approved of it was that kind. And speaking of the Serial Killer, the police had found the scene he had been summoned to, and boy was okay but heavily traumatized due to what had happened. But the boy whose name had turned out to be Kaneki.

Avenger had snickered a bit at that.

He had said, that he had been saved by Devilman.

Avenger had actually shed a tear at that. He had never expected that to have happened.

Which with that name had caused him to realize a side of effect of his fusion with Salieri. He could perfectly remember the tune of every single song he had heard and played it perfectly using his magic.

The man was just that good.

To the annoyance of the composers, Avenger had chosen a particular tune to reveal himself with.

He was currently hiding in the shadows between the containers looking at Lancer who had just sent out his challenge to all the other Servants.

Which Arturia would respond to in few minutes, Avenger was preparing himself.

Oh, poor Kayneth if you had to summon an Irish spearman, you shouldn't have summoned the one known best for NTR his king's wife. If you should summon an Irish spearman, you summon Cu or Fionn, not freaking Diarmuid. If you couldn't do that go for Aife, or at least try for Scathach. Well, he was going to learn that he had summoned a Servant that was not very compatible with him soon enough.

It didn't take long for Saber to show up with Irisviel, the woman who was a walking tragic due to her nature as the Lesser Grail. Her life was limited and the next few days would be some of her last ones on this earth. There was nothing Avenger could do to stop that from happening. If he had been a Caster Servant of the highest grade, he could have done something to stop it. But he wasn't so that particular fate would play out like normal. But he would make sure that Illya would be happy, by making sure Kiritsugu survived the war and saved. Or if not Avenger would do it by his own means.

Avenger watched as Arturia and Diarmuid commenced their duel, to the eyes of human the five-minute-long battle would be fast to a humans eyes. But to Avenger they moving in real time as he was able to see each and every one of their moves as they swung their weapons about.

But so it came to an end as Arturia was cut by Gae Buidhe the golden spear that dealt wounds that could not heal.

And that was when Iskander made his debut to the other Servants. "Hear me Heroic Spirits I have seen your glorious battle and so invite you to join my side in conquest, for I am Iskander King of Conquerors!" The giant of a man hollered.

Sorry, but I like your younger form better, as you can be a fucking asshole when you're summoned like this. Avenger thought as he heard the Rider Class Servants declaration.

"Sorry Rider I have already sworn my allegiance to my Master," Lancer answered.

"And I could not possibly follow a fellow King." Responded Saber.

"Damn, that's too bad. Well, then how about our fellow Servants that watched your glorious battle from the shadows, show yourself before a King?" Rider challenged us.

"Two mongrels calling themselves kings in my presence." And there was the glorious golden man himself as he appeared on top of light post.

Well, it was time for Avenger to do his thing.

He summoned his blade and began moving it up and down his armor-clad hand like he was playing a violin.

Blood red shadow creeping. Who is that? Who is he? Can it be the devil? The Devilman. The Devilman!