Disclaimer – Own nothing.

To Hawk2010 – Thank you so much for your review! Right now, I have no plans for a sequel but I am planning to write a Teen Wolf story where Allison did survive because Scott bit her and turned her as well as one that takes place like, five years in the future after the series finale where Scott and his pack take down Monroe once and for all. Hope you like this chapter!

To andrewjameswilliams – Thank you so much for your review! Yeah, I doubt the pack would be in danger of breaking up again, at least, not like that. So far, no plans for a sequel. I am planning to write a Teen Wolf story where Allison did survive because Scott bit her and turned her as well as one that takes place like, five years in the future after the series finale where Scott and his pack take down Monroe once and for all, but I haven't started any of them yet. Hope you like this chapter!

To Kila09 – Thank you so much for your review! I totally agree, the writers totally put more attention on Stiles. My sister is a major Stiles and Stydia fan and I constantly tell her that the show is called Teen Wolf, not Teen Wolf's Human Best Friend, and that the attention should be on Scott. That's why I'm glad in the series finale, they put more attention on Scott instead of Stydia. Hope you like this chapter!

To Scotty – Thank you so much for your review! Wow, went from being a bloody *beep* to being wonderful in a week. Not bad. I am planning on writing two more Teen Wolf fics, one where Allison lives because Scott bit and turned her and how that would change season 4, and another that takes place around five years in the future where the pack takes down Monroe. Not sure when they'll be up though. Hope you like this chapter!

To Guest – Thank you so much for your review! So far, no sequel plans, but I am planning on writing two more stories, one where Allison lives because Scott bit and turned her, and another that takes place around five years in the future after the season six finale where the pack takes down Monroe. Hope you like this chapter!

AN – Here is the last chapter in this story. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, followed, and favourited! You guys are all amazing! Hope you all like the last chapter.


A week later, Scott walked through the woods once again, the full moon shining down on him through the branches and leaves. After they had successfully defeated the Dread Doctors and Theo, things slowly started to go back to normal. Scott had fully healed from all of his injuries within two days, but was still being smothered a bit from his pack, but he didn't mind it. He knew he had worried his friends, a lot, so he was willing to put up with it for a little while longer. If they didn't stop soon though, then he would tell them to.

This was actually one of the few times he was alone since he woke up in the animal clinic. Stiles was with Lydia at the police station. The banshee was still trying to help Parrish understand his powers, and Stiles had to talk to his Dad about something. Malia was hanging out with Cora. The female werewolf and the werecoyote quickly bonded once they met, which didn't surprise Scott at all, as they both had similar personalities. Isaac was with Argent, making arrangements to head back to France.

Though the Alpha was a little upset that the first beta to join his pack was leaving again, he understood. It was still too much for Isaac to be in Beacon Hills, the place where both his parents and Allison died.

"You're packing." Scott stated with surprise when he came into the guest room that used to be Isaac's when he lived with them to see the blonde packing a bag. Isaac looked up at Scott for a moment before lowering his head back down as he nodded.

"Yeah, got to get back to school after all." Isaac said as he zipped up the bag.

"I just, kind of hoped that maybe you'd stick around longer, or maybe even, move back." Scott revealed. Though he hadn't had a chance to spend that much time with his very first beta due to all the craziness, the time he had spent with him made him realize how much he actually missed the fellow teenager.

"I thought about it but, Beacon Hills," Isaac paused as he moved to sit down on the bed. After moment, he finished his sentence, "this town, was never really good to me. Hasn't been good to any of us. I can't help but feel like if I stay, I'm going to end up dead or something, you know?"

Scott instinctively nodded, somewhat understanding what Isaac was talking about. He couldn't deny that there had been times he wanted to leave Beacon Hills, especially with this being his last year in high school, but he didn't want to leave permanently, at least not yet. This was still his home after all. He really wished he could have a break from constantly looking over his shoulder and having to worry about there being any threats in his town and having to protect the entire town from the supernatural.

"Why don't you come with me?" Isaac suddenly asked, causing Scott's eyes to widen in surprise. After a moment of thought, Scott walked over to his friend and sat down on the bed beside him.

"Not going to lie, it's a tempting offer, but I got to stay here. I need to finish school too and someone's got to keep this town safe." Scott answered, but Isaac wasn't really satisfied with that answer.

"Why does it have to be you? This town hasn't be good to you either. Why do you have to stay and protect it?" Isaac questioned, his voice a little harsh though it was unintentional.

Taking a deep breath, Scott started to explain, "Because it's kinda my fault all of this is happening in Beacon Hills. When Stiles, Allison, and I went under the water to find the Nemeton, we made Beacon Hills a beacon to the supernatural. Someone has to protect the town from them, and since I was one of the people who caused it, I should be doing my part in keeping the town safe.

"Plus, my friends, my Mom, is here. If I left, or if I stopped trying to keep this town safe and something happens to them, something that I could've stopped, then, that's on me. Or at least, I'd feel like that's on me, and I don't think I could live with that."

"I can understand that, but don't forget, that you have the right to do what you want to do, you have the right to be happy too." Isaac then told him. Scott nodded, promising he would, along with promising that he'd at least think of going to visit him in Paris sometime, if and when he got a chance that it.

Isaac wasn't the only one planning on heading back to France. Jackson and Ethan were with Tracy at the moment, as the kanima turned werewolf had decided to help the kanima chimera learn how to control her powers. Apparently, Jackson could still turn into a kanima if he wanted too, which both Scott and Stiles thought was awesome, yet kind of gross at the same time. Once they were sure that Tracy had a handle on her powers though, Jackson and Ethan would be heading back to France as well.

Kira however, had already left Beacon Hills yesterday to head back down to Mexico. About two days after the fight with Theo and the Dread Doctors, she came over to his house, and told him about her decision to go back to Shiprock, to the skinwalkers. She explained how she still wasn't in control of the fox inside of her and that they could help. The werewolf wasn't happy about it, but he understood her need to get control over her powers. He had the same need when he was first bitten. So, he drove her down to Shiprock himself, and dropped her off.

"Are you sure about this?" Scott asked once they had reached the place where the skinwalkers were and had gotten out of the car.

"Yes. I need to learn Scott, and they can help." Kira replied, looking down at the sand in an effort to escape her boyfriend's eyes. Scott though crossed the small distance between them, put a hand under her chin, and gently lifted her head up so he could look at her.

"How long is it going to take?" Scott then questioned, hoping that her answer was only a week, or at most a month. From the fallen and apologetic expression on her face though, he knew he wasn't going to get the answer he wanted.

"However long it takes." Kira answered sadly. Scott nodded, then lowered his head so his forehead was leaning against hers.

"I love you." The werewolf whispered.

"I love you too." The kitsune replied back. Scott moved the hand that was still under his girlfriend's chin and brushed her black hair away from her face before moving it to cradle the back of her head and pulled her closer, kissing her passionately. Kira quickly kissed him back, both knowing that this might be their final kiss.

Pulling apart due to the need for air, Scott said, "I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but know, you will always have a place in my pack."

"I know." Kira responded. She then leaned forward and kissed him again. This kiss didn't last as long as the last one did as Kira knew that if she didn't start walking towards the skinwalkers now, she never would. Without looking at Scott, she turned away from him and started making her way towards the three woman. The werewolf though, stayed and watched her walk away until a small sand storm rose up and covered Kira and the skinwalkers. Within seconds, the sand was gone, and so were Kira and the skinwalkers.

Kira, Jackson, Ethan, and Isaac weren't the only ones who were leaving Beacon Hills, unfortunately. Derek would be leaving soon with Cora and Braeden. Even though they had taken up their old residence in the loft, they weren't staying in town for long. Scott knew that that was most likely the case, after all, Beacons Hills hasn't been kind to Derek either, but that didn't stop him from feeling disappointed and upset when he went to the older werewolf's home to find that he had already packed his belongings.

"So, you're heading out too, huh?" Scott wondered as he entered the loft to see at least three large duffle bags by the door.

"Yeah. Cora needs to get back to South America, and Braeden and I are going to stay with her for a while. At least, until we figure out what we are going to do next. Braeden's already got some calls about jobs people want to hire us for." Derek replied, coming down the stairs towards the teenager.

"'Us'. So you and Braeden are a mercenary team now?" Scott questioned, coming further into the loft, though he stayed a few feet away from his former Alpha.

"Pays the bills." Derek responded with a nonchalant tone, but he did give the teenager a small grin which caused Scott to smile as well. He was glad that Derek had Braeden and Cora, and that he was happy. If anyone deserved that, it was Derek.

"Listen," Scott started, the smile falling from his face as a more serious expression took its place, "I wanna say thank you, for coming when I called, for going so far as to go get Isaac, Jackson, and Ethan from France, for having my back, for everything really."

Derek immediately crossed the distance between him and the teenager, coming to stand in front of him. He then asked, "Do you remember what I told you, the night of your first full moon?"

Scott looked a little confused at first before understanding dawned in his eyes and he said, "That we were brothers now."

"That's right, and that hasn't changed. It never will." Derek told him. Scott nodded, starting to feel more than a little emotional by what his werewolf mentor said. The Alpha then suddenly wrapped his arms around Derek, hugging him tightly, without even thinking about how the beta wasn't much of a hugger. To Scott's surprise though, Derek immediately returned the embrace, holding him just as tight, if not, tighter.

"I'm going to miss you." Scott said when they finally broke the hug.

"I'm going to miss you too." Derek revealed, again giving Scott a small smile.

As Scott continued walking through the woods, the memories of the events that had happened in the last few weeks ran through his mind. It had hurt, a lot, having his pack nearly ripped apart by Theo, and they still had some stuff to work through, but at the end of the day, the Alpha couldn't help but feel that it made them stronger. They had survived and powered through, and that caused a sense of pride in the leader.

And even though the pack members that had returned to help would be leaving again soon, he knew that they would always be a part of his back and would return if he needed them too. Pack was basically family after all. It would be a lot quieter and maybe even lonelier with them gone though, maybe even more so since Kira was also gone, but they might be having some new members in the pack soon too.

Corey had become quite close to Mason since he had come back from the dead and left Theo with Hayden and Tracy. Mason was doing his best on filling the chimera in on everything he had learned about the supernatural. Scott wouldn't be surprised if Mason would soon start bringing him to their 'pack meetings'. The younger teenager had already asked the Alpha, who immediately gave him permission to do so.

Tracy, Scott still didn't know about. He had gone to see her twice with Jackson and Ethan, and saw that she was fast learner when Jackson started teaching her how to control her abilities. There were times she was a little hesitant to use her powers, having flashbacks from when she was out of control before the Doctors killed her, back when she attacked the prison transport, as well as remembering all the people she killed, including her own father. Scott knew that it would take time for her to get through all that trauma and was willing to help her, but she might not be staying in Beacon Hills.

Since her father was dead, she had been placed with a foster family in town, but she had an Aunt in New York and was most likely going to live with her. Either way, Scott hoped that she would be alright. And Hayden, well, Hayden was currently making out with Liam on the cliff beyond the treeline that overlooked the town.

"Ahem." Scott faked a cough in order to get the teenagers' attention as he broke through the trees, grinning at the sight. Liam and Hayden immediately pulled away from each other and looked over at him, looking both embarrassed and stunned at his sudden appearance.

"Hi Scott." Liam said sheepishly. Scott, still grinning, slowly started walking over to them.

"Hi. You know, I don't want to sound too much like a buzzkill, but it is almost midnight, and a school night. Your parents, and your sister," Scott directed the last part at Hayden as he knew that her parents were gone, "are going to be worried if you two don't get home soon."

Scott paused when he came to stand in front of the two, and as he looked up at the full moon shining down on the three of them, he continued, "And it's kind of dangerous of be out in the woods this late on a full moon."

Liam and Hayden chuckled a little when he said that, but nodded, knowing he was right. Hayden started to move, planning on making her way back to her car that she and Liam had taken to get to the edge of the forest, but Liam, who was still holding her hand stayed still, pulling her to a stop.

"You know, I could say the same thing to you." Liam responded. Though his tone was light-hearted, his eyes revealed his worry, especially when he glanced down at Scott's chest where the injuries Theo had given him used to be.

"But I'm older than you two, and stronger." Scott reminded him, keeping his voice light as well. When the worry didn't leave Liam's eyes though, he added, "I'm heading home soon too. Don't worry."

"Do you want us to wait for you?" Liam then asked, finally looking back up at his Alpha's face.

"No, I'm fine. You guys head home. I'll see you both tomorrow." Scott answered. Though Liam looked a little concerned, he nodded and slowly started heading towards the trees with Hayden. Scott waited until they were out of sight before he turned back to face the town below him.

He most definitely wasn't expecting to find Liam and Hayden here when he decided to come, but it was almost, poetic in a way, to see his beta with the girl he loved at his and Allison's old meeting place. Scott highly doubted that Liam knew the importance of this place to the high school senior. Even though he had told the younger teenager about Allison, he hadn't said anything about their former rendezvous point, and he doubted anyone else did either. Sometimes, fate does strange things.

Scott looked away from the view after a few moments, and started to look around for something else. His eyes quickly found a large rock, and he made his way over it. It was nearly covered with old and dead leaves, broken branches and dirt, but when the werewolf pushed it all away, he could somewhat make out the words he had written on it two years ago, back when he and Allison were still dating. Most of the message, which originally was 'couldn't wait, missed you', was completely gone. The only thing that remained was 'miss you'.

The Alpha brought a hand up to his neck, grabbed the chain he was wearing and pulled on it until he found the medallion, the one that had a wolf and other designs on it, the necklace that belonged to Allison. He hadn't planned on wearing it, but when he saw it on his bedside table this morning, he all most felt compelled to put it on, so he did. He wasn't sure if he was going to keep wearing it, or what he was going to do with it, but for now, it felt right wearing it.

He looked down at the necklace for a moment before he looked back up at the message on the rock and whispered, "I miss you too Allison."

With that being said, Scott stood up and started making the trek back to through the forest to his bike. As much as her death still hurt, he could feel that pain slowly lessening, just like the pain of his pack being separated, and he knew that he would be okay, and so would his pack. They would be okay.

We're all broken and damaged, and we aren't quite fixed yet.

A lot of us have gone through h*ll, but you know what?

We came back. We came back stronger.

You know why? Because we are warriors, and warriors fight. - unknown


As the full moon continued to shine, its silver beams hit an old, abandoned building deep in the woods, long forgotten by the world. The light shone through the cracks of the old, rotting walls made of wood and directly hit a large, cylinder like tube, filled with a green liquid which held a person. It was one of the few pieces of evidence anyone had been there recently.

If there was anyone there to witness it, they would've seen that when a large moonbeam hit the person who was floating in the glass right in the face, and his eyes opened. Seconds later, they would've seen him raise his arm and punch through the glass, shattering it into millions of pieces and the person to fall down to the ground while the water soaked the floor as it was released from its prison. But, no one was there to see it, and no one was there to watch the person stand up and start walking out of the building, and no one was able to warn anyone of the latest threat in Beacon Hills.

AN – And this chapter concludes Heart of a Warrior. Regarding the quote, I have no idea who said it. I saw and thought it fit this chapter perfectly. I claim no ownership whatsoever. Again, thank you to everyone who reviewed, followed, and favourited! You guys are all amazing! I hope you all enjoyed this story!