This is a crossover between My Hero Academia and Dragon Ball Super. It takes place roughly a week after the Tournament of Power.The day began like any other. Goku began to call Whis to train him, and Vegeta was in the gravity chamber. Everyone was having a normal day.
Expect, suddenly, everyone was given a call from Bulma. Everyone rushed to see what the problem was. Bulma had created a new machine, a portal that allowed not just time travel, but universal travel and dimesional travel.
"Whoa! This allows us to travel to other Universes?" Goku asked excitely.
"That's right! I just need to-" Bulma tried to explain, but he was cut off by Goku.
"Let's turn it on!" Goku said as he pressed the button.
"GOKU! WAI-" Bulma could not finish her sentence before she, and everyone there (excluding Beerus and Whis) were engulfed in a light, and sent to a unknown dimesion.
On Beerus' Planet..
"My lord, have you felt the ki of Goku and Vegeta.. leave?" Whis asked Beerus.
"I felt it, Whis. What's going on?" Beerus asked in return.
"I'll check. Hm.. Oh! I see. Goku and the others have dimesion traveled." Whis told Beerus.
"When will they be back?" Beerus asked Whis.
"In about 4 days our time, which will be about 4 months in where they currently are." Whis answered.
"Then I guess we'll wait." Beerus said.