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"Will you say something Bekah love,we are not telepaths" Klaus Mikaelson questioned his little sister, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"..."rebekah mikaelson, Mikaelson's only sister still stood there rooted to the spot,not saying anything.

"I think Bekah has finally lost her mind Nik."Kol mikaelson ,the youngest brother of all said amused,coming towards them.

"Where is Kate Rebekah?" Isabella Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson's wife,and other Mikaelson sisblings sister-in-law asked concerned.

"Sh-e..." Rebekah said stuttering,

An amusing sight for kol and troubling sight for klaus was that.

"I am telling you Nik get bekah darling checked from a witch"Kol said taunting,now standing with the three people.

"She's not inside" Rebekah finally spoke,her voice showing her disbelief.

"What do you mean she's not inside?"isabella asked her voice echoing Rebekah's.

"She ran away"rebekah said still in shock.

"See Nik the Petrova ran again" kol taunted enjoying the drama, it's been some time since something amusing has happened in the house.

While Klaus and Isabella stood there struck dumb.

"Elijah is missing too" Marcel dropped the bombshell running to them at vampire speed.

"Why is everyone missing!"isabella finally questioned looking at the rest four.

"But he left a note"Marcel said, showing them the paper, whick klaus recognised as the textured paper that only elijah used in the house.

All of them looked at the paper to read what message elijah had written.

My dear Mikaelson's,

If you all are reading this, that means you all are surprisingly smart enough to find my letter. You must have already guessed that this is not your brother, but the S3-smart,stunning,sexy Katherine Pierce.

And yes,i have kidnapped your brother from our own wedding,and will be taking him with me to vegas to marry.

Yes,we, meaning I,Katherine pierce and my sexy hostage,are Eloping.

He without his consent.

And even though i know your days will be dull without me, so don't miss me too much.

Kisses for Isa and Bekah,

Rest of you don't deserve it *winks,

Your soon-to-be Sister-in-law,

Kathrine Pierce

"So...i am going to eat the cake,is anyone joining me ?" Kol asked looking at all the gaping faces, and noticing their shocked expressions, shrugged and left to eat

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So what do you think princesses?

I wrote it without any plan so... Yeah it's spontaneous.

Tell me your opinions.

And you can tell me if you want me to write another scene. I'll surely take it into consideration.

