For what was once a beautiful and luxurious mansion was now becoming a burning building filled with lost memories and the bodies of those it once harbored. The fire quickly burned down any and all family portraits that hung on the walls. The family reminded the assailant of the family he himself once had. It consisted of two parents, a five-year-old daughter, and a seven-year-old son. He walked through the halls of the burning mansion, dawned in crimson armor that matched the blood scattered around him.
While searching through the halls looking for the final surviving member, memories began to resurface as he saw the devastation he had brought upon this family. Memories that had haunted him since his childhood. The memories were so vivid that he could even hear the cries for help his own mother once yelled.
The pain of the memories brought him to his knees. The trauma had been too much for him that even when a decade had passed he still was unable to overcome him.
'Dammit not now. I can't afford freaking out now.'
For all his efforts he couldn't reestablish himself to get his mission over with. The memories were overpowering his will and wouldn't allow him to regain control. What made his condition much worse was that he laid his eyes upon the bodies of the two children. Even if they were only unconscious, just looking at them made some memories resurface. Especially when he looked at the girl.
'Daddy please... don't kill me. PLEASE DA-'
The memory of his father slicing his sisters neck was imprinted in his mind. Never was forgotten and never will be. The moments when his father dropped her body on the floor felt like an eternity for him. It was where his old self-died and where his new, ruthless self-was born. He was able to regain control of himself as he stood back up.
His head quickly jerked toward the stairwell as he heard a faint noise coming from what he assumed to be the master bedroom on the floor above him. He quickly ran toward the source and when he made it to the doorway of the master bedroom he found the last remaining member of the family. It was the head of the household, and in his arms rested his now deceased wife. When the assassin began to slowly walk toward the man more memories began to resurface. Only this time, they were his favored memories.
The boys' father laid in a pool of his own blood. His own son, now with a crimson gauntlet on his left arm, walked toward him with a knife in hand. Even as he was slowly bleeding to death he was proud knowing that he raised the boy as a killer. Willing to kill anyone without remorse nor hesitation. But still.
'I made you who you are now. Yet you still turned against me. Have you no loyalty.'
The assassin summoned a blade on each gauntlet to prepare the man's execution. Once more he will have completed another assignment with no one but him to tell the tale.
"Tell me Red Dragon. Who hired you to destroy my family?" The man asked. "Was it Lord Michael? Or was it the Great Devil Kings who gave you this mission."
The Red Dragon Emperor held some pride knowing that the man knew who he was. It would be a surprise that anyone in the supernatural world didn't know who he was. He had been hired by every faction at one point or another to deal with what he called the "less fortunate" members of their society. He didn't exactly have to answer this question but seeing that the man wasn't going to survive much longer, he was willing to give him the knowledge of who had damned both him and his family.
"You'd be surprised that it wasn't either of them. No, it was your wife's family that hired me." The Red Dragon Emperor informed. "You didn't think that they would allow her to have children with an exorcist now did you, Masaomi Yaegaki. The House of Belial never would've allowed one of their own to both marry a member of the Protestant Church and have children with said exorcist and make it out alive."
"And what of my children. What is their fate?" Masaomi asked. He knew the Red Dragons reputation of leaving no survivors. All he cared about was if his two children were safe.
This had struck a chord with the Red Dragon. He felt disgusted that Masaomi would even slightly think that he would kill children. As a child survivor he himself knew that the path may not be easy, but they could gain strength to protect themselves and one another.
"I promise you that they will survive this. If you don't trust me then trust in the Dragon sealed within my sacred gear." The Red Dragon promised.
Masaomi was pleased that the children would live to see another day. His only regret would be that he would not be able to see them grow and make their own families.
The Red Dragon rested each blade on the opposite side of Masaomi's throat. He knew that the Masaomi wasn't completely satisfied with the vague answer he just gave and decided to allow him one more question before he would be reunited with his family. Masaomi took full advantage of the opportunity. He was about to ask the single most asked question in all of the supernatural world.
"Just who are you really Red Dragon?"
The Red Dragon Emperor momentarily hesitated. It was suspicious to him why Masaomi wanted to know the answer. He had no use for it in the afterlife and so couldn't spread the information. He surmised that it was for self-knowledge and to remember his name in the afterlife. Nevertheless, he promised him this final request. He deactivated the faceplate of his armor to reveal what he hid from all. He was a young, handsome man with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head. His eyes matched the emerald green jewel at the center of the gauntlet.
"I am no god Masaomi Yaegaki. I come from no special line nor have I been trained by great warriors. I'm only a human who had everything stripped away from him." He didn't allow Masaomi to say anything else and quickly ended his life. But he made sure to give Masaomi something to remember. "Remember my name in the afterlife. Remember Issei Hyoudou." With that, Issei sliced his throat open which led to even more blood to paint the room crimson.
Issei retracted his two blades and reactivated the faceplate of his armor. He made his way out of the building and updated the Belial clan of the success of his mission. He checked his list of employers and the next one up was from the House of Naberius.
"Devils. They seem to always want someone dead."
(And they always pay more to keep it off your records.)
"Let's see what these bastards want."
He summoned a magic circle to teleport the two Belial children to a orphanage that he himself helped create. He then created another teleporting circle to arrive to the coordinates provided by the employers. Apparently, it was too important for them to meet in a private setting and not their estate like he did with any other employer. At the end of the day, it didn't matter to him. He was likely killing someone and getting a higher pay than usual.
That's what he thought at least.