The rest of the day would just go by without a trace. Izuku would walk towards the school gates, feeling very tired. One of his classmates, Tenya Iida would go up to him and ask a question.

"How's your finger?"

"Wha-! Iida! It's fine, thanks to Recovery Girl."

"Aizawa-sensei fooled us. He made me think, "This is how it is to be at the top!" Our teacher decieved us like that."

Izuku would admire how serious Iida was and he would smile from the admiration.

"Hey!" A distant voice would be heard. The voice belonged to Ochako Uraraka. She was running towards Izuku and Tenya. "You two! Headed to the station? Wait up!"

"Infinity Girl!" Tenya would say once he saw Ochako.

"My name's Ochako Uraraka! Um... you're Tenya Iida and Midoriya... Deku, right?"

"Deku?!" Izuku was completely confused by the fact that Ochako called him by the nickname used by Katsuki.

"Hm? But during the test, that Bakugou guy said "damn you Deku!" right?"

"Izuku is my first name. "Deku" is just Kacchan bullying me."

"Oh, Gotcha! But "Deku" well... It screams "Do your best!" I kinda like it!"

"Deku's fine!"

"Midoriya!" Tenya would just be shocked by how fast Izuku accepted the name once Ochako told him that he liked it. As this was going on, Tsuna and Enma would walk out of the school building and see the trio talking. Interested in talking to them, the No-Good pair would walk to the trio.

"Hey. Is your finger alright? It looked broken back there." Tsuna would say to Izuku with a voice of concern.

"Yeah. Recovery Girl healed it after the test."

"That's good to hear. Um... do you mind of we introduce ourselves?"

"Not at all. Go ahead!" Ochako would say in response to the question.

"My name's Tsunayoshi Sawada and my friend here is Enma Kozato."

"Nice to meet you three..." Enma would say in a soft voice. Izuku, Tenya, and Ochako would stare at Tsuna and Enma and eventually, Tenya spoke up.

"You two were impressive during the ball throw! The top scoring students besides Uraraka!"

"Eh?! Were you that impressed?!"

"Of course! Sawada-kun, Kozato-kun, would you like to join us in walking to the station?"

"Um... Sure." Tsuna would say in a softer voice, Enma would just nod in response. The group of five would now begin to walk to the station.

The next day...

The day would go by like normal, with classes passing by and the classes having lunch. But during one of Izuku's classes, he would soon hear a familiar voice, once belonging to the hero he admired the most, All Might, which would get him very excited.

"I HAVE... COME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!" All Might would say as he walked into the door. The class would also be excited to see the greatest hero, knowing that he will teach them. "Hero basic training! The class that will put you through special training to mold you into heroes! No time for stalling! Today's activity is... Battle Training! And for that, you'll need these!" The wall would click without warning and a bunch of slots would come out. In the slots were a bunch of boxes with names on them. "Along with the "quirk registry" and the special request forms you filled out before being admitted, COSTUMES!" Just him mentioning the costumes would be enough to get the students very excited. They would recieve their respective boxes woth their costumes in them. "One you get changed, come out in your ranking order to Ground Beta! Looking good is very important ladies and gentleman! Look alive now, from today onwards, you're all heroes!"

After being given the instructions, the students would get changed into their hero comstumes and go out to where they're supposed to go in their ranking order, with Tsuna and Enma being in the bottom half of the ranks and Izuku being dead last. The classmates would look at each other's costumes.

"I like your costume Deku! So practical!" Ochako would say that to Izuku once she looked at it. Izuku would look at her's and he covered his nose to prevent a nosebleed. He wore a green full-body unitard with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves and red boots. He had a mask with ear-like protruisions that were like All Might's haircut, and a respirator that had a smile on it. Meanwhile, Ochako has a skin-tight suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, a belt, a helmet, a collar, and thick, round bracers with handles on them. "I wish I was more specific on the request form. The costume's too puffy and curvy."

But the student with the costume that stood out the most was Tsuna's. He had a black suit with a black cape to match it. He had an annoyed look on his face. "What... is this? Why is my hero costume a suit?! Enma-kun has a jumpsuit that matches his Simon uniform! Why is mine very different from the others?!"

"Looking good!" All Might would say as he got a good look at the costumes. He notices Izuku's costume and its similarities to him. "Way to make it obvious..."

"Sensei! This appears to be the same field that was used in the entrance exam! Will we be performing city maneuvers once again?!" Tenya would ask All Might that. His hero costume had silver colored armor and decorative mufflers extending back from his midriff. The costume also had specialized boots for his quirk.

"Nope! You're moving onto step two! Indoor anti-personnel battle training! Villain battles are mostly seen outdoors but the most heinous villains are likely seen indoors! In this hero-filled society, the smartest villains are indoors. You'll now be split into villain and hero teams and face off in two-on-two battles indoor battles!"

One of the students, Tsuyu Asui, would then speak up. "So no basic training?"

"Practical experience teaches you the basics! This time, you won't be fighting disposable robots!" The students would then begin to ask many questions at a time. "One at a time! I don't have super hearing! Here's the deal, the villains will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout and the heroes will have to retrieve it! The heroes will have a limited amount of time to capture the villains or secure the weapon. The villains must either capture the heroes or protect the weapon until time is up. We will determine your partners using drawing lots."

The drawing lots would determine who gets teamed up with who, of course. Team A was Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka, Team B was Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji, Team C was Momk Yaoyorozu and Minoru Mineta, Team D was Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugo, Team E was Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama, Team F was Koji Koda and Rikido Sato, Team G was Kyoka Jiro and Denki Kaminari, Team H was Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami, Team I was Toru Hagakura and Mashirao Ojiro, Team J was Ejiro Kirishima Hanta Sero and Team K was Tsunayoshi Sawada and Enma Kozato.

"We are in the same team! How convenient!" Tsuna would say to Enma, commenting on the fact that he's in the same team as Enma, to which a nod and a smile was given in response to that remark.

"We will now be choosing which teams will go against each other!" There were two boxes, one labeled "Villain" and another labeled "Hero." All Might would stick his hands in the boxes and pull out two balls. One had "A" on it and the other had "D" on it. It would surprise both Katsuki and Izuku. "The villain team goes in first and in 5 minutes, the heroes will go in. The rest of the class will watch via CCTV. Bakugo and Iida, you must adopt a villain mindset. This is practical experience so don't hold back. Although I will stop if things go too far..."