The alarm clock set off at exactly 7:00 AM, making you grown, wanting to sleep a lot longer. Since being the only Master that could maintain Servants and handle the Singularities, including Mash, it became hectic, you not recieving much of your own time or sleep. Even when it was your birthday.

Yet, you got up and changed, putting on your usual attire on doing your hair. When seeing that you were done, you made your way to the door, only to stop when the door slide open, not for you, but for the Servant with blonde hair and blue-ish color eyes, holding something in his hands.

A cake.

"Ha, good morning Master" Arthur greeted, smiling at you.

Your face heated up, always whenever he said 'hi' to you, or complemented you. He was so handsome, his, eyes, lips, bod-. You stopped yourself from going in deeper of your thoughts, and focused on the man before you.

"Same to you" you replied back.

"I made this for you" he said, lifting the cake he had in his hands. "Dr. Romani told me it was your birthday, so I made you this".

You knew of Arthur's incredible cooking skills, but you never thought that he was also great at doing cakes, especially when he was a king during his time.

You raised your own hands to grab the delicious looking cake. You took a few moments to marble it; different flavor layers, cookies all around the rim, small edible decorations, and the 'Happy Birthday' written on it.

"Thank you, Arthur" you happily thank him, placing the cake on one of your tables.

While you did that, you failed to notice that the King of Knights was right behind you, that when you turned around, you gasp when feeling something on your lips.

Arthur's lips.

He was kissing you.

Your entire face lit up, your body in full shock from what was happening.

Seconds later, his lips parted from your own, his eyes looking at yours, and a small teasing smile on his lips.

"That's your gift" he said, his voice full mischief. "Happy birthday, Master"

He left, leaving you still in shock, placing your finger on your lips, remembering his lips upon your own.